Top 9 Apps Similar to Frases de Rap Geniales

Frases de Rap 4.0
Bio Studios
Lee los mejores versos de los raperos yMC'smasconocidos del panorama español y latino, hemosseleccionadofrasesNach, Sharif, Canserbero, Kase.O y Violadoresdel verso, yun largoetceterá que te haran reflexionar sobre otravisión de lavida.También tendrás disponible la canción disponible paraveryescuchar, donde se rapea esa .Read the best versesoftherappers and MC's best-known Spanish and Latin panorama,weselectedphrases Nach, Sharif, canserbero, Kase.O and Violatingofthe verse,and a long list that will make you reflect onanothervision of life.You will also have available the song available to seeandhearwhere that is raps.
Frases de Rap de Amor 2.0.0
Si te gusta el rap, las frases delascanciones de raperos famosos, ¡ésta es tunuevaaplicación!Como en todos los ritmos musicales, el rap no iba a serunaexcepción y también hay frases de rap de amor ensuscanciones.No tienes que buscar imágenes de rap para añadirles las frasesdeamor, aquí te lo damos ya hecho para que sólo tengasquecompartirlas.La app Frases de rap de amor, no sólo tiene imágenes derapde temática amorosa, también de reflexiones, amor, la vidamisma,etc...Ya tienes otra opción más para compartir con tus amigos, no soloelarte urbano, graffiti, la música. Ahora puedes compartirtambiénéstas imágenes de rap con frases.La música es una de las mejores maneras de expresarlossentimientos. El amor y el desamor son uno de los temasmásfrecuentes en las canciones y algunas nos dejan frases de amorqueson auténticos poemas. Aquí te dejamos un recopilatorio delasmejores frases rap de amor. Incluso el rap tiene el amor comogranfuente de inspiración.Comparte momentos únicos con imágenes y frases únicas.Cualquiermomento y situación es propicia para enviar tu fraseraperafavorita.El rap es un tipo de música basado en las rimas, puede que asimplevista no parezca un estilo de canción demasiado romántico.Sinembargo, esto no es cierto ya que un gran número de piezas deraptienen letras basadas en el amor y en el deseo haciaotrapersona.Puede que tengas en tu vida a alguien especial a quien legustemucho el rap, si ese es tu caso, puede ser realmente útilencontrarfrasesde rap de amor. De esta manera disfrutarámucho más detodo aquello que tengas que confesarle.Incluso aunque no suela escuchar este estilo musical, las frasesrapde amor tienen una sonoridad especial, por eso si preparas bientuactuación seguro que consigues triunfar y enamorar a la personaquetanto te gusta.Actualizamos cada semana añadiendo nuevas imágenes para instagramywhatsapp para compartir.If you like rap, quotes from famous rappers songs, Thisisyour new application!As in all musical rhythms, rap would be no exception and therearealso love rap phrases in their songs.You do not have to look for images of rap to add phrases oflove,here what we already done so only you have to share.The app love rap phrases , has just images of rap theme oflove,also of reflections, love, life itself, etc ...You have no choice but to share with friends, not only urbanart,graffiti, music. Now you can also share these images withphrasesrap.Music is one of the best ways to express feelings. Loveandheartbreak are one of the most frequent themes in the songsandleave us some words of love poems that are authentic. Here weleavea compilation of the best quotes of love rap. Even rap haslove asgreat inspiration.Share unique moments with images and unique phrases. Any timeisright to send your favorite rapper phrase.Rap is a type of music based on rhymes, which at first glancemaynot seem like a style of song too romantic. However, this isnottrue because a large number of pieces of rap lyrics are basedonlove and desire for another person.You may have in your life to someone special who likes much rap,ifthat's the case, it can be really useful to find frasesde raplove. This way you will enjoy more of everything you havetoconfess.Even though not sole hear this musical style, rap love thephraseshave a special sound, so if you prepare well yourperformance sureyou get success and love the person that youlike.We update every week by adding new images to instagram andwhatsappto share.
Botonera Rap 1.0
Botonera Rap es una aplicación quejuntalasmejores rimas del habla hispana para poderdisfrutarlasenCUALQUIER MOMENTO, EN CUALQUIER LUGAR Y SIN NECESIDADDE CONEXIÓNAINTERNET!Si usted quiere que alguna rima esté en nuestraaplicaciónsolobasta con decirlo en los comentarios y vamos a estaragregandoymejorando la aplicación!Best rhymes on every moment and place of spanish speaking,youcanenjoy this app without internet conectionBotonera Rapisanapplication that gathers the best Spanish-language rhymestoenjoyANYTIME, ANYWHERE AND NO NEED FOR INTERNET CONNECTION!If you want some rhyme is in our application just simplysayinthe comments and we'll be adding and improvingtheapplication!Best rhymes on every moment and place of spanish speaking,youcanenjoy this app without internet conection
Apodos para amigos 1.0
Listado extenso de apodos ysobrenombresgraciosos y súper originales para compartir con todostusamistades.Podrás activar o desactivar la función Apodo del día (Todoslosdías se te recomendara un apodo nuevo).Podrás compartir con tus contactos & amigos todo elcontenidode esta APP por SMS, Whatsapp, Email etc.Extensive listofnicknames and super funny and original to share with yourfriendsnicknames.You can enable or disable the function Nickname day (Everydayyou recommend a new nickname).You can share with your contacts & friends all thecontentsof this APP by SMS, Whatsapp, Email etc.
Fernanfloo app 2.0.0
Coconut Apps
¡Ya esta aquí la aplicacióndelyoutuberFernanfloo!-Esta magnifica app te brindara sus frases mas celebres-Su magnifico rap-Sus videos-Info sobre su juego¡Y mas cosas! Descubrelas tu mismo.It's heretheapplicationof youtuber Fernanfloo!-This Magnificent app will offer you his most famous quotesHis magnificent rapHer video-Info About your gameAnd more things! Discover them yourself.
If you laugh you lose 1.1
If you laugh you lose the game challengeismore viralizado by youtubers. Download it for free on yourmobileAndroid and play as your favorite youtubers!As I'm sure you know, this challenge is a challenge that willhaveto go without seeing the selected GIF laugh funniest moment. Itisideal for recording on your YouTube channel and yoursubscriberssee how fun it is playing. The web version of the gameif you laughyou lose is now available on your Android.- More than 50 GIFs selected, the most fun and popularnetwork,themed entertainment, news, memes and viral stories.- How many you will be able to withstand without laughing? Behonestand calculate your actual score, compare it with yourfriends andsee who wins.- Available to record on your Youtube channel, the viralYoutubegame time, will help you become popular in theentertainmentworld.Youtubers famous as Fernanfloo or ElRubiusOMG already have, tryitin person and see what fun is. Do not wait and download thegameviral challenge. If you laug you lose challenge! If you laugh,youlose!- For this game you need a stable internet connection, the GIFsareautomatically loaded from the Internet, you must activate theWiFior data. -
Rap Ringtones 10.0
If you enjoy rap music, hip hop music and rap beats, you are intheright place! Download our newest app ✿Rap Ringtones✿ and enjoyyourfavorite kind of music. Listen to most popular rap and hiphopsongs and set them as your phone ringtones, contact ringtonesortext message ringtones. You can even set rap music ringtonesasyour alarm or alert notification sounds. Everything ispossiblewith this great sound app, full of popular ringtones. Stoplookingfor perfect ringtones because you have finally found them!Get ourringtone app for free and get best love and hip hopringtones.  Features:   ♪ Set these sounds as SMSringtones, alarmsounds, contact ringtones or notification sounds! ♪High qualityringtones and sounds! ♪ Large number of latestringtones! ♪Collection of free ringtones and loud ringtones foreveryone! ♪Browse our big compilation of cool ringtones! ♪ Amazingtunes andsounds can be your ringing melodies!   Rap music isconsideredto be one of the most sophisticated kinds of poetry. Itsrhymes areusually provocative, but for the rappers they representtheir lifestyle.  It is believed that rap developed itselffrom justmusic into whole new culture. Listen to rap beats and rapmusicwith “best ringtones” ever. Download ✿Rap Ringtones✿ and havetopringtones for free. Always popular “mp3 ringtones” andmusicringtones are now inspired with even more popular “rap music”.Itwill be fantastic to hear top rap songs every time your phoneringsor every morning if you set them as alarm clock sounds.  ♒Free rap ringtones and hip hop ringtones in just one app! ♒Funnyringtones and cool tunes for mobile phones!   ✿RapRingtones✿offers you a number of “latest ringtones” and hip hopmusic. Allyou need to do is visit the store, find our app and getit inseconds. Change your old ringtones and use some new andpopularones. Fantastic ringing melodies and wake me up tones arenowinspired with rap music. Do not wait to check out our collectionofloud ringtones and “free ringtones” which are suitable asSMSringtones and alert notification sounds. Top ringtones based onrapmusic are now available; have them as soon as possible with“RapRingtones” app.   *Music ringtones used in this freeringtoneapp are original. Latest Ringtones - Cool Sound Apps istheoriginal author of these ringtones.
Willyrex Videos 1.0
Cepillito xD
Guillermo Díaz, mejor conocido comoWillyrex,es un youtuber español que de nació el 09 de Mayo de 1993(21años). Abrió su canal el 9 de agosto del 2009 y su segundocanalfue abierto el 26 de enero del 2011. Se lleva bien conmuchosyoutubers conocidos como: VEGETTA777, Alexby11, BysTaXx,LuzuVlogs.Tiene un libro con su "compañero" Vegetta777 llamado"Wigetta" (Wide Willyrex y getta de Vegetta).Frases personales:Hey buenas a todos aquí Willyrex comentando y estamos devueltaen... [Juego que esté jugando]¡Me cago en todo lo cagable, en Notch y en las tortugas...!¡Me cago en todo chaval!Me cago en...Te la estás jugando eh...Ostras Julián... ostras, JuliánUna historia ilustrada e interactiva que se inspira en elmundode los videojuegos y en el universo de los autores. El libroseplantea como un relato salpicado por ilustraciones y al queseincorporarán también los iconos más representativos del universodeestos dos gamers con el que sus fans están tanfamiliarizados.Su princi­pal intención es buscar la participación dellector,animándole a intervenir en el desarrollo de unahistoriaapasionante. Ambos nos proponen un juego interactivo,buscan lacomplicidad del público y confían en obtener de susseguidores unarespuesta entusiasta a esta llamada a implicarse enun proyecto tanpeculiar.CanalesWillyrex-0WillyrexEs su canal principal. Cuenta con más de 5.600.500suscriptores.En este canal sube mucha variedad. Sube usualmente Garry'sMod,GTA V, ARK: Survival Evolved, y algunas veces, uno que otrojuegorandom. Como Goat Simulator, por ejemplo. En este canal,casisiempre juega con sus amigos, como Alexby11 y sTaXx.ThewillyrexFoto de perfil en este canal.Es su canal secundario. Cuenta con casi7.300.000suscriptores.En este canal, sube como contenido principal Minecraft yHappyWheels. En Minecraft, suele subir Reviews de mods,Mini-Juegos, suserie de mods Apocalipsis Minecraft con Vegetta777,tambiéncarreras de Wipeout y carreras de LuckyBlocks con sTaXx.Guillermo Diaz,betterknown as Willyrex, is a Spanish youtuber that was born on May9,1993 (21 years old). He opened his channel on August 9, 2009andits second channel was opened on 26 January 2011. This alongwithmany youtubers known as VEGETTA777, Alexby11, BysTaXx,LuzuVlogs.Has a book with his "partner" Vegetta777 called "Wigetta"(WiWillyrex and getta of Vegetta).Personal phrases:Hey everyone here Willyrex good commenting and we're back in...[Game is playing]I shit on everything cagable in Notch and turtles ...!I shit on all boy!I shit on ...You're playing the uh ...Oysters oysters Julian ... JulianAn illustrated and interactive story that is inspired bytheworld of video games and the universe of the authors. The bookispresented as a story dotted with illustrations and which willalsoincorporate the most representative icons of the universe ofthesetwo gamers with their fans are so familiar.Its main intention is to seek the participation of thereader,encouraging him to intervene in the development of anexcitingstory. Both propose an interactive game, seeking thecomplicity ofthe public and rely on their followers get anenthusiastic responseto this call to engage in such an unusualproject.ChannelsWillyrex-0WillyrexIt is their main channel. It has more than 5.6005millionsubscribers.In this channel goes much variety. Usually goes Garry's Mod,GTAV, ARK: Survival Evolved, and sometimes one or another randomgame.Goat Simulator as, for example. In this channel, often playswithhis friends, as Alexby11 and staxx.ThewillyrexProfile photo in this channel.It is the secondary channel. It has nearly 7.3millionsubscribers.In this channel, go up the main content Minecraft and HappyWheels.In Minecraft, usually up Reviews of mods, Mini-Games, thenumber ofmods Minecraft with Vegetta777 Revelation also Wipeoutracing andracing LuckyBlocks with staxx.
Rimas Cortas 1.08
Rimas cortas es una aplicación que contiene la selección delasmejores rimas para pasar ratos agradables leyéndolas desdetucelular. Descarga y prueba esta app. Si te gustó compártela contufamilia y amigos.