Top 14 Apps Similar to Браслеты из резинок

Cхемы плетения браслетов 1.0
Само плетение браслетов из резинок иихсхемыплетения браслетов зародилось в Америке и распространилосьужеповсему миру. Этот новый вид рукоделия покорил нашмирдоступностьюматериалов и простотой техники выполнения приналичиисхемыплетения браслетов. Увлечение плетением изрезиноксвойственнодевочкам и девушкам, которые таким образоммогутполучитьудовольствие не только от процесса, но и отполученногорезультатав виде новых ярких аксессуаров.Needlessweavingbraceletsout of rubber bands and bracelets weavingschemeoriginated inAmerica and has spread around the world. Thisnewtype of needleworkconquered our world is the availabilityofmaterials and ease ofimplementation of technology in thepresenceof bracelets weavingscheme. The hobby of weaving gums tendtogirls and young women, whothus can enjoy not only the processbutalso on the result obtainedin the form of a newbrightaccessories.
Baubles scheme 4.1
The application contains a schemeforweavebaubles. Will be a great friend to bothexperiencedenthusiastscrafts and beginners, thanks to the lessonsof weaving.Application required internet conection fordownloadingpictures.After first viewing schemes will stay atdevice, andconnection willnot needed.What you will get from the application now?- More than 4,000 patterns, divided by 26 categories.- Eye pleasing design- Scale of the desired segment of the procedure- Add favorite baubles to favoritesTags: Crafts, Baubles, Fenichka Schemes weaving,braidingoblique,Handmade, Friendship bracelet, hobbies
Как плести резиновые браслеты 1.0
Вы получили красивый набор резинокнаденьрождение Поздравляем! но как плести резиновые браслетывынезнаете, на помощь Вам придет инструкция какплестирезиновыебраслеты, вы будете удивлены насколько это можетбытьувлекательными интересным занятием, плетение резиновыхбраслетовможет впоследствии стать вашим основным хобби.You've got a nicesetofrubber bands on birthday Congratulations! but how toweaverubberbracelets you do not know the aid you willreceiveinstructions onhow to weave the rubber bracelets, you willbesurprised how it canbe fun and exciting pastime, weavingrubberbracelets can later beyour main hobby.
Baubles, direct wickerwork 3.1
The version is already quitepopularapplication for weaving baubles: Friendship bracelet online,whichdoes not require an internet connection to display schemes.Theapplication contains a scheme for weaving baubles. Will be agreatfriend to both experienced enthusiasts crafts and beginners,thanksto the lessons of weaving.Tags: Crafts, Baubles, Fenichka Schemes weaving
Плетение кос 1.0
Как плести косу? Хотите узнать,какплестикрасивые косы?В этом приложении вы найдете как простые косички, такисложныеэкзотические косы на любую длину волос:плетение на длинные волосыплетение на средние волосыплетение на короткие волосыКрасивая прическа с косой - теперь не проблема!Более 100 статей с фото кос и косичек. Греческаякоса,французскаякоса и много других!How to weave braid?Wanttolearn how to weave beautiful braids?In this application, you will find how simple plaitsandcomplexbraids exotic to any hair length:weaving on long hairweaving on medium hairbraiding short hairBeautiful hair with a scythe - no longer a problem!More than 100 articles with photos of braids anddreadlocks.GreekSpit, French braid, and much more!
Прически своими руками 1.2
Прически своими руками не толькоувлекательноеи творческое хобби,но и довольно практичное,так как позволяетэкономить время и деньги на походах к стилистам.Овладев разными техниками и способами создания причесоки плетения кос из волос разной длины,вы сможете создаватьсвои собственные образы для себя и других.В наше приложение вошли более 300 пошаговых уроковкаксоздаватьразные стильные и красивые прически,плетение кос,прически дляторжественных поводов,на каждый день,прически длядевочек,атакжеинтересные фишки и приёмы от профессионалов.В приложении собраны уроки по темам: косы,вечерниепрически,прическис плетением,детские прически,греческая прическа,свадебные прически,прическидлядевочек,прически на длинные волосы,прически на средние волосы,прическинавыпускной,легкие прически,прически с локонами,плетение слентами,плетениекос,быстрые прически,прически в школу и другие женскиеприческипошагово.Скачайте приложение Прически своими руками бесплатно,изучайтеиприменяйтеновые техники и идеи,создавайте оригинальные образы!Hairstyles with yourhandsis not only fascinating and creative hobby,but also quite practical, as it allowssave time and money on trips to the stylist.Having mastered the techniques and different ways ofcreatinghairstylesweaving and braid hair of different lengths, you can createtheir own images for yourself and others.In our application includes more than 300 step-how tocreatelessonsvarious stylish and beautiful hairstyles, weave braidhairstyleforfestive occasions, everyday hairstyles for girls, as well asInteresting chip and tricks from the pros.The annex contains lessons on the topic: Spit, eveninghairstyles,hairstyles with braided,children hairstyles, the Greek haircut, weddinghairstyles,hairstyles for girlshairstyles for long hair, hairstyles for medium hair, hairstylesforprom,easy hairstyles, hair with curls, weaving ribbons,braidingbraids,quick hairstyles, hairstyles for school and other women'shairstylesstep by step.Download it for free hairstyles with their hands, learnandapplynew techniques and ideas, create original images!
Kids hairstyles 1
Modern parents a lot of cases when itisnecessary to find a time that would make a hairstyle for thegirlto school or kindergarten. In our application forchildrenhairstyles, collected a lot of simple and fast schemes tocreatebeautiful braids.It contains a lot of step by step lessons, such as:- Braid around the head-rim- As beautiful and just stab hair- Unusual weave braids- In the Greek style- Hairstyle of twisted strands of hair- Spit-zigzag- fish tail- Greek Spit- Hair long, medium or short hair,Your daughter will be the most fashionable and beautiful, andyouwill save a lot of time!
Choose your personal style in the application.
How to French Braid Free App 1.0
Classic Books
Have you ever wanted to french braidyouhair?Follow these east steps and with a bit of practice, you'llbeabraiding hair like a professional. French Braided hairlooksprettyon everyone and you should know how to braid. If youdon'tknow,then in these easy steps you can learn and be a pro in afewshortminutes!Braiding Tips:-Never try to take out the braid from the top. It willmakedry,coarse and knotty tangles in your hair.-For a messy look don't do the braiding tightly.-Gentle tension on the braid, pulling down on the strands,willkeepit snug.-If you're having a hard time french braiding, put your hairintoahalf-ponytail and secure with an elastic. This isyourstablecenter section, and the elastic should eventually behiddenby thebraid.-Try your braids on a doll with long hair. This is greattopracticeon!-Always tighten for a neat look!-If you've never braided before, learn the pattern withthickyarn,ribbon or long-haired dolls before you start onsomebody'shair. Ittakes some practice to get the feel of it.-If you are having trouble braiding your own hair try practicingonafriend to get the hang of it.-Take the braid out by unbraiding it from the bottom.This app requires internet access, which opens yoursmartphonebrowser to a website that contains information on howtofrenchbraid to french braid freehow to french braid your hairhow to braid hairhow to braid your hairbraiding hairbraids hairstyles
How To Braid Hair - Hairstyles 1.0
Classic Books
This app teaches you how to braid hair. Abraidis an easy and quick solution to looking pretty. Braidingyour hairtakes only about two minutes of your time—and the onlystyling toolsyou need are your hands and a hair band.Hair Braiding Tips:1. Never try to take out the braid from the top. It will makedry,coarse and knotty tangles in your hair.2. Gentle tension on the braid, pulling down on the strands,willkeep it snug.3. If you're having a hard time french braiding, put your hairintoa half-ponytail and secure with an elastic. This is yourstablecenter section, and the elastic should eventually be hiddenby thebraid.4. Always tighten for a neat look!5. If you've never braided before, learn the pattern withthickyarn, ribbon or long-haired dolls before you start onsomebody'shair. It takes some practice to get the feel of it.6. Take the braid out by unbraiding it from the bottom.This app requires internet access, which opens your smartphonebrowser to a website that contains information on how to french braid freehow to french braid your hairhow to braid hairhow to braid your hairbraiding hairbraids hairstyles
Weave braid 1.0.4
Plait braids has never been so easy!Following the step by step instructions with illustrationsanddescriptions, you can braid plait any complexity.At this point in the application, you will find 85optionsweaving braids of varying complexity (database will beregularlyfilled with new versions of weaving ) from ordinarybraidsharnesses of two strands to weave braid original five strandsfromthe basics to weave braid master class to create complexhairstyleswith elements of weaving.App updated recommendations on how to grow long hair andproperlycare for them .
How to Braid Fishtails 1.0
Classic Books
Want to learn how to braid fishtail?You'renotalone. While braided hairstyles are usually one of thefirstgirlslearn to DIY (after pigtails, of course), the fishtailbraidis abit more complicated. But it's important to rememberthis:braidingis probably the simplest style to master. All youreallyneed is apair of hands and a hair tie. No hot tools orhairproductsnecessary.Yet anything outside the classic three-piece overlapcansometimesseem intimidating. Case in point: the fishtailbraid,otherwise knownas the standard braid's chicer, trendiercousin.Sure, it may lookelaborate and way too time-consuming --but trustus, you canlearn!This app requires internet access, which opens yoursmartphonebrowser to a website that contains information on howtobraidfishtail.braids hair stylesbraids hairstylesbraids for long hairbraids for girls
Журнал. Ярмарка Мастеров 1.8.2
Mobile application "magazine. Fair Masters "- your guide intheworld of creativity
DIY Bracelet Craft Design 1.0
DIY Bracelet Tutorial IdeasFree Download DIY tutorial of bracelet ideasIf you are looking for some inspiration how to make abraceletbyyourself. Here I am providing it for you free.Bracelet is the fashion accessory, which was only seen onthewristsof young girls, in the start. But now people of all agesarewearingit. These bracelets do have a history that startsfromNeolithic eraand Egyptian periods. In the past it was wornbecauseof differentreligious and spiritual concepts and beliefs.Buttoday it has trulybecome a fashion item. Now it is verypopularand has got numerousnames according to distinguishingqualities.For instance, photocharm bracelets, vintage charmbracelets,beaded charm braceletsetc. Many reputed jewellerydesigners andcompanies have given theirown specific names aftermodificationsand by adding some morefeatures. Pandora charmbracelets, Italiancharm bracelets andChinese charm bracelets are afew toname.Recently these bracelets are also being used asfriendshipbracelets.These bracelets are normally hand made and aregiven toothers formaking friendship. Making bracelets and theircharms areeasy.Materials like hemp, wool, and beads can be used.Then it isplacedon the wrist of friend. You must not remove ityourselfbecause ifyou do then it indicates the termination offriend shipand if it isremoved by itself that may not affect yourfriendship.Nowadays people mostly prefer to customize their owncharmsandstring bracelets as handmade bracelet ideas. By doingthistheycreate a unique piece that is really appreciated.Observingthisfact, manufacturers have produced bracelet-craftingkits andmadethem available in markets. These craft kits normallyhave allbasicthings that are required to make charms and braceletsfordifferentpurposes. This kit is really a very meaningful giftforyounggirls. The girls can craft bracelets according to theirneedsandalso makes friendship bracelets with heart charms,whitebirdscharm, small flowers of numerous colors or two smallhandsshaking,leather bracelets for women, leather bracelets formen.These charm bracelets can be crafted in differentcolors.Inprevailing fashion bracelets for friend ship are usuallymadewithhemp or rope. And their charms are adorned withbeads.Braceletsare considering as chromatic where beads reflectthepersonality.When you present a friendship bracelet to whom youwantto makefriend ship if she accepts then it means she isinterestedtoo.Making friendship charm bracelet is not very complex. Ifyoudon’tknow from where to start then visit a reputed bookshop,whichdealsin best books. Ask him about the booklets thatprovideinformationabout making own bracelets. These bookletscontainhundreds of ideasand thousand of instructions for makingbracelet.The most easy typeof bracelet have looping and cording ofropewith beads. Once you arefinished you can attach the bothends.Mostly the friendship bracelet tutorials are plainly tiedonthewrist. Once it is completed you must tie it by your selfonthewrist of your new friend. The length should be appropriate.Itmustnot be snugly tied on the wrist. There should be somespaceleftthat a finger can easily pass through.It is the necessary that before making friend you mustjudgeyourfriend properly. After you have decided to makethatfriendship longlasting, then you must present a bracelet thatmayrepresent fewqualities of your new friend. Paracordbracelettutorial anf loombracelet tutorial.