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LINKINSTREETLinkinStreet helps you connect with local stores nearbyandhelpsyou discover deep discounts and ongoing crazy offers.Nomatterwhere you stay, you live in an ecosystem of buyers,storeowners,service providers, products, delivery personnel andcrazyofferscatering to you personal needs. LinkinStreet providesyoumultiplechannels (Chat/Call/App/Tweet/Facebook) totightlyintegrateyourself in this very ecosystem, to get almostanythingdone and getthe most of it in terms of saving time andmoney.TEN OUT OF A ZILLION THINGS IT CAN DO FOR YOU1. Share your grocery list on CHAT with your favoritelocalstoreand get items handpicked and delivered instantly.2. Take a snapshot of your medical prescription on CHATandgetmedicines delivered from your trusted pharmacyviaexpressdelivery.3. Choose your OFFER PREFERENCES and FREQUENCY togetcustomizedcrazy discount notifications from yourlocalstores.4. Connect with your neighboring restaurant, saloons,hairdressers,beauticians, any businesses and book appointmentviaCHAT.5. If you are a store owner - CLAIM your store,instantlyconnectwith your customers via immediate notifications andrundiscountcampaigns free of cost on our platform.5. Get absolutely anything and everything DELIVERED(nodeliverycharges) from your local markets - as long as itislegal.6. Get customized and preferential treatment from the comfortofyourhome sofa. Take a pic of your favorite item, share it onCHAT,and wewill run a search for you to get it delivered.7. Choose from a list of 4000 products via APP thatarecontinuouslybeing curated and updated based on yourlocationandpreferences.8. Get further discounts on top of store offers viaourpromotionalcampaigns (PROMOS) and keep a tap on yourmonthlysavings.9. Create a LIST of products you frequently order and useoneclickorder for hassle free repeat orders.10. Use instantly credited LSMONEY as a wallet system tomakethemost of money saved during discounts in futurepurchases.THIS IS AWESOME & CRAZY! WHERE DO I BEGIN?Download the app now and get multiple channels toplaceyourorders via -1. Chat and Order2. Call and Order3. Choose and Order4. Tweet and Order5. Facebook and OrderFEATURE LIST (VIA BRAGGING RIGHTS)1. CHAT and connect with your local stores for best deals.2. CALL and place an order. Quick and easy.3. Price comparision for same product across multiplestores.(Comingsoon ...)4. Choose different products against your location.5. Get instant notifications for ongoing crazy offers fromyourlocalmarkets.6. Save a list of items for repeat orders and useoneclickorder.7. Use discounts and savings as your LSMoney wallet.8. Track your order as it goes from assignment,procurementanddelivery.9. Save promotions and offers under notificationsforquickaccess.10. Set your preferences and frequency for the number ofoffersyouwish to receive per day.11. Create your order requests from twitter or facebook.12. Claim your store and manage inventory and offers from app.OK! SO WHAT ARE YOUR WORKING HOURS?We are here to help you round the clock. We work 24 hours aday,7days a week and 365 days a year. We will take orders fromyouviaCHAT throughout day and night. Just give us a try ... or dropaHi... We bet, you won't regret it!ARE YOU A STORE OWNER? WE HAVE SOMETHING AWESOME FOR YOUTOO!1. Check MY STORE and claim your store and get verified.2. Run discount campaigns free of cost to reach yourlocalcustomerbase.3. Manage ongoing products and offers of your store.4. Respond to your customer queries.5. Take orders and get them delivered ASAP.WE CONNECT YOU TO LOCAL STORES! CARE TO CONNECT WITH US?Facebook: +91-7738070123eMail: [email protected]: http://www.linkinstreet.comLINKIN STREET :-)