Top 21 Apps Similar to Guide My Cafe:Recipes Stories

Café 1.0
O aplicativo Café foi desenvolvidoparaosamantes do café. Afinal, quem é que não gosta detomaraquelecafezinho no meio da tarde? Mergulhe nesseaplicativorecheado deinformações e ilustrações. Aprenda sobre ahistória docafé, vejacuriosidades, tipos de grãos, formas que ele épreparado,receitase muito mais. Você ficará surpreendido cominformações quevocêjamais imaginava sobre essa bebida tãopopular.- História do café.- Curiosidades sobre o café.- Os tipos de grãos de café.- Os maiores produtores mundiais de café.- Tipos de café: formas das quais ele é servido.- Receitas que utilizam café.- Conheça a coffee art: arte feita em café.- Aplicativo leve.Caféapplicationwasdeveloped for the coffee lovers. After all, who doesnot liketotake that coffee in the afternoon? Immersion instuffedapplicationinformation and illustrations. Learn about thehistoryof coffee,see curiosities, grain types, shapes that it isprepared,recipesand more. You will be surprised by information thanyoueverimagined about this so popular drink.- History of Coffee.- Facts about coffee.- The types of coffee beans.- The producers of coffee.- Types of coffee: forms of which it is served.- Recipes using coffee.- Know the coffee art: art made coffee.- Application light.
guide for my cafe 1.0
we will show you how to earn unlimitedcoinstoplay my cafe recipes and storieswe will teach you some cheatsguide for my cafe recipes gamebunn coffee maker
Кафе Николь (Пенза) 4.1.3
Kingo Soft
Официальное мобильное приложениересторана«Кафе Николь» создано для того, чтобы посещение нашегозаведениястало еще более удобным и выгодным для Вас! В нем Вывсегда найдетесамую актуальную информацию о нас.С помощью мобильного приложения «Кафе Николь» Вы сможете:– забронировать столик в нашем ресторане;– узнать обо всех акциях нашего ресторана;– получать дополнительные преимущества за посещениякафеНиколь;– посмотреть меню;– посмотреть галерею и фотоотчеты со всех событий;– оставить отзыв директору заведения;– позвонить нам или проложить до нас маршрут занесколькосекунд.Спасибо, что выбираете кафе Николь!The official mobile appofthe restaurant "Café Nicole" was created in order to visitourrestaurant has become even more convenient and profitable foryou!In it you will always find the latest information about us.     With the help of "CafeNicole"mobile app, you can:     - Book a table inourrestaurant;     - Learn about all the actions ofourrestaurant;     - Receive added benefits forvisitingCafe Nicole;     - See the menu;     - View the gallery and photoreportsfrom all events;     - Give feedback director oftheinstitution;     - Give us a call or to make a routetous for a few seconds.     Thank you for choosingcafeNicole!
My Restaurant 1.0.1
This application allows you to Save andsharein a quick and simple information about restaurants / bars /placesto meet.* You can view them quickly, adding details such aslocation(automatically through georeferencing), telephone, email,photos,review, and suggestions.* You can make calls directly to the site by clicking onyourphone, show your location by clicking on the map, sendingmail,etc..* You can share your data with your friends easily throughemail,bluetooth, dropbox, or anything that allows managing files.Justselect 'Send', and mode of shipment, and your friends byselectingthe file to be automatically sent to your program'MyRestaurants'.* You .... good, better read the 'Help' that has the program,andlook what you can do :)The program does not need you're connected to the Internet,evenif you own connection you will see the exactlocationautomatically, for example.
Cafe "Coals" 1.0.2
A chain of the cafes "Coals" iscurrentlyrepresented by two large cafes in Vladimir.Warm and cozy atmosphere, low prices, stunningly deliciousdishes- all this will please you. Aromatic pizza and juicybarbecue,delicious hot dishes and exquisite pasta, salads, snacks,desserts -our menu is extensive so that everyone can find "theirown"dish.Our cafes have delivery in Vladimir and in thevillageBogolyubovo.
Кафе Усадьба, г.Пермь 4.5.4
Кафе «Усадьба» находится в экологическичистомрайоне г. Перми (Верхняя Курья) в 15-20 минутах езды отцентрагорода.- Уютный банкетный зал на 80-90 человек;- Отменная русская и европейская кухня;- Банкетное меню в нескольких ценовых категориях;- Кафе находится в нежилом здании, что дает возможностьвеселитьсядо самого утра.- В любую погоду Вам будет уютно, в зале имеютсякондиционеры.- Наши профессиональные ведущие, DJ, видеографы, декораторыоформятваше торжество ярко и стильно.- По Вашему желанию мы организуем выездную регистрацию и фуршеткакна пирсе реки Кама, так и в кафе.- От нашего кафе приятные подарки молодоженам.Демократичные цены и вежливый персонал готовы оказатьтеплыйприем и безупречное обслуживание. Кафе «Усадьба» - это томесто,куда хочется возвращаться, снова и снова!!!Приходите! Вы достойны лучшего в своей жизни!!!В приложении Вы сможете ознакомиться с услугами нашегокафе,посмотреть меню. Реализована возможность подачи заявкинабронирование банкета.Вы сможете прочитать отзывы наших клиентов, а также посмотретьфотои видео с банкетов, проведенных в нашем кафе.Cafe "Manor" is locatedinan ecologically clean area of ​​the city of Perm (Upper Kuria)a15-20 minute drive from the city center.- A cozy banquet hall for 80-90 people;- Excellent Russian and European cuisine;- Banquet menu in several price categories;- The cafe is located in the non-residential building, whichmakesit possible to have fun until the morning.- In any weather, you will be comfortable in the hallareair-conditioned.- Our professional lead, DJ, videographer, decorators will drawyourcelebration bright and stylish.- At your request we organize visiting registration and receptionatthe pier as the Kama River, and in the cafe.- From our cafe nice gifts to newlyweds.Affordable prices and polite staff are ready to provide awarmwelcome and impeccable service. Cafe "Manor" - this is theplacewhere you want to return again and again !!!Come! You deserve the best in my life !!!Attached you will find the services of the cafe, look atthemenu. The possibility of applying for a reservationbanquet.You can read feedback from our customers, as well as view photosandvideos of banquets held in our cafe.
Fal Cafe
Send pictures of coffee, our fortune tellers looking for you free.
New Craft city. Minecraft map 1.0.12
More than for two years authors havebeencreated this city. And now you get a very interesting andexcitingtask to pass this level. Only a few people could completethe task.A unique specialty is an amazing system of underwatertunnels,though you should try to find the entrance into them.This city was created based on the New York city. Immerseyourselfin a stunning journey through the skyscrapers of America,theEmpire State Building, a courthouse, the City Hall, anambulancestation, a Central Park, office spaces, an indoormulti-levelparking, residential buildings with comfortableapartments, theMarriott hotel with a cool lobby, the Capital Hotelwith a hugechandelier and other well-recognizable and knownbuildings.There are advertising banners along the road . Also, you can gotothe cafe. There are two giant mills on the map that have neverbeencreated in the other maps for minecraft before.Skyscrapers connected between each other with aerial ladders andyoucan move directly to the roof from one building to another! Getinthe cab and ride between buildings like on a roller-coaster! Youcaneven fly to the top of Golden Gate.You spent many hours to explore this modern city in map! Youcanwalk inside of buildings on floors! A swimming pool in one ofthehotels will lead you to a complete delight!There is a booth at the parking for a manager who opens thebarrier!From the covered parking on an air corridor on this map,you can goto neighboring residential building. There is a chest ofusefulitems.At night the city just changed! It looks really cool: lights ofametropolis, buildings and multi-colored lights everywhere.And here's a puzzle for mcpe masters: go for the wind turbines,justbehind the Golden Gate, stand face to the city and find theleftmostblue flower behind the right mill. Dig under a flower 17blocks tothe left mill and you find a secret cache full ofincrediblethings!Take a break from the chase you can in the lounge zone undercloudsdirectly on the roof of the largest skyscraper!You'll lose your mind when you go into the blue skyscraperwithempty space to the ceiling and a glass elevator! It'sjustincredible!Another tip: go to the one of the hotel`s room «Stuff only» andyouwill find an underground hatch, which will lead you toanextraordinary confidence!Another secret tunnel under the road from door to McDonald'swilllead you to an unexpected location, there is no such inotherMinecraft maps.After the capture of the main villain, don`t forget to followthetrial. In the courthouse is even a meeting room with seating forajury and the retiring room for jurors.Go behind the ladder in the courtroom of the City Court,descendinto the dungeon and make direct access under the jurytable! Soyou can be first who hears and knows the criminalssentenced,remaining invisible!Your job is to defeat the main boss and save the city!Download the map free incredibly simple as mcpemapsdownloader!Attention! This MCPE map is not developed by Mojang. Minecraft isatrademark of Mojang AB. Please note that we are not affiliatedwithMojang AB, but we adhere to the terms set out by Mojang ABat
Toscana Cafe Radio
Tuscany Cafe Radio Activate your day!
Cyprien 2.3.3
Cyprien Iov
Access to my videos, my soundbox, and enjoy the Cyprigram!
Хочу Есть: Рестораны в Воркуте 4.6.13
Menu of restaurants Cafe Roll, Sushi Ears, Helios Pizzeria,PancakeBurger, Cook
SWORD! 2.1.1
Android's original and most popularswordsimulator uses sounds, motion detection, and your imaginationtotransform your phone into a virtual sword!Features our exclusive RapidSlash™ technology for realisticswingdetection, plus user-activated sounds and a selection ofswords fromdistant realms.● Unleash your pent-up rage, without the risk of messylawsuitsor incarceration!● Enjoy some much-needed stress relief and the benefits ofhighquality medieval exercise!● Practice swordplay indoors without destroying your home!● Great tool for fans of fantasy games like D&D, EverQuestandWorld of Warcraft!● Annoy your friends, co-workers, or the guy ahead of youinline!● Train for the Zombie Apocalypse… because swords don't run outofbullets!Arm yourself and start practicing today!
Derya Abla - Kahve Falı 13.9.4
Kahvenizi içtiniz ama Falınıza bakacakkimseyok mu?Tabiki de var. Fenomen Derya Abla'nın uygulamasındanfalınızıücretsiz gönderin falınıza doğru bir şekildehızlıcabakılsın.-----------İLKLERİN UYGULAMASI DERYA ABLA------------Vazgeçemeyeceğiniz Özel Kahve Falı ve Tarot FalıOdalarıEklendi-Falınızı Niyetinize Göre Gönderin Ona Göre Yorumlansın-Fal Gönderirken Derya Abla Bilgilerinizi Hep Hatırlasın-1 Tuşla Üye Olun-Kahve İçemiyorsanız Sorun Yok, Sizin İçin Size ÖzelHazırFincanlarımızdan Birisi İle Fal Baktırın-Bütün Fal Sonuçlarınız Bildirim Olarak Telefonunuza Gelsin.-Derya Abla'nın Sesiyle Falınızı Dinleyin-Arkadaş Ekleyin,Arkadaş Ortamı Edinin ,Dertlerinizi ÖzelOlarakyada Herkesle Paylaşın ve Destek AlınEfsane Derya Abla'nın Kahve Falı , Astroloji vePaylaşımUygulaması.Her Zaman Dediğimiz Gibi:Dikkat! Bağımlılık Yapar.Bununla birlikte bir çok özellik daha eklendi.Derya Abla'nın tamamen ücretsiz Kahve Falı, Tarot Falı,İskambilFalı, Yıldızname , Günlük Burç Yorumları ve Rüya TabirleriveSohbet uygulaması.İnternet aleminin en güzel fal mekanı. Herşeyücretsiz. Bayanlar için her şey burada.LÜTFEN TAKLİTLERİMİZDEN SAKININIZ!*********************************SORULAR VE ÖNERİLER İÇİNFacebook: fb/FalciDeryaAblaSkype: [email protected]*********************************Is there anyone youdrinkyour coffee, but you will see Scopes?There are also, of course. Phenomenon sister Derya Sendyourhoroscope from the free applications are quickly viewedcorrectlyin your horoscope.FIRST APPLICATIONS DERYA ----------- ----------- ABLASpecialty Coffee Falu and Tarot can not -Vazgeç Room AddedAccording to the Post: Falun your intentions are interpretedbyhimSending your information: Falun sister Derya AlwaysRememberYou-1 Keys Register-Coffee ICEM No problem if you do not, you our Special Ready forYouSomeone Cups with the casting of horoscopes-All You come to the phone as a result Notifications Falun.Listen to the voice of your sister Scopes -DeryAdd -A friend, a friend Visit the Environment, or worry aboutyourprivate as everyone Share and Get SupportLegend sister Derya Coffee Falu, astrology andSharingApplication.As we said every time:                            Attention!Makean addiction.However, it added a lot more features.Derya sister is completely free coffee Falu, Tarot, CardFalu,Yıldızname, Daily Horoscope Comments fortunes and dreams ofthemost beautiful attractions of Phrase and chatuygulaması.internetworld. Everything is free. Everything for womenhere.PLEASE BEWARE OF OUR SIMULATED!*********************************QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FORFacebook: FB / falcideryaabl toSkype: My [email protected]*********************************
Gems Calculator for CoC 1.0
Calculate gems for Clash of Clans.
Tastemade is the home of award-winning food, travel &designshows.
McNally's Cafe & 6 Pack Shoppe 0.9
Download the App for McNally’s Cafe &6PackShoppe for exclusive offers, savings, Holiday drink anddinneroffersand even loyalty rewards. Whether you drop in for adrinkand a noshor bring the family for a full-on weekendbreakfast,their home-stylecomfort meals satisfy any App-etite.Seasonal,holiday and dailyspecials rotate through the regular menuand thebar is stocked with24 different beer choices, localwineselections and a staff that canadd a Mac twist to anycocktail!Scroll through and tap the App for agreat menu andsavings fromMcNally’s Cafe & 6 Pack Shoppe.The App from McNally’s Cafe provides:• Our menu for easy takeout ordering• Exclusive specials and offers• Updates and notifications• Digital punch card rewards• Our media galleryThe App is FREE and you will receive an exclusive offerafteritis downloaded.McNally’s Cafe & 6 Pack Shoppe in Rillton,Pennsylvaniaoffersit all – awesome breakfast, lunch and dinnerchoices, a fullbar, afriendly staff and a comfortable place togather. Just alittle southof Pittsburgh, this bar and sandwichshop is known fortaco soup andseafood, as well as wings,sandwiches, burgers andeven homemadepierogis. Add in the Appoffers and savings for yetanother reason tovisit McNally’s Cafe& 6 Pack Shoppe.
Quero Café 1.0
Se você é do tipo de pessoa que sempreperdeohorário do seu cafezinho, este aplicativo será de grandeajudaparanunca mais esquecê-lo.O Quero Café é um alarme divertido que não te deixará na mãoquandoosono estiver chegando. Além de conter informações sobrealgunsdostipos mais famosos de café, ele nos diverte com umalarmesonoroengraçado e um vídeo mostrando o porquê de você nãopoderesquecerdesse horário sagrado.Aproveite e chame os seus amigos para desfrutardessafiníssimaiguaria.Curta nossa página: you're thetypeofperson who always lose the time of your coffee,thisapplicationwill be of great help to never forget it.I The Café is a fun alarm that will not leave you in thehandwhensleep is coming. Besides containing information about someofthemost famous types of coffee, he entertains us withanaudiblealarm, and a funny video showing why you can not forgetthattimesacred.Enjoy and call your friends to enjoy this very fine delicacy.Like our page:
Cajun Daiquiris & Cafe 0.6
Download the App for Cajun Daiquiris&Cafeand enjoy the savings as much as the true taste of thebayou!Anexclusive download offer, loyalty rewards, their menu (forfoodanddaiquiris!) and more are right at your fingertips. Thecafefeaturesgreat Louisiana style cooking from alligator toPo-Boys,gumbo andbisque to seafood as well as a daiquiri barwithrefreshing, uniqueflavors. Locally sourced food, preparedfreshdaily makes thisfamily owned cafe a great place for dining inwithfamily andfriends, party food headquarters and even offersadrive-through onthose days you are in a hurry. Tap the App andseewhat’s up atCajun Daiquiris & Cafe.The App from Cajun Daiquiri & Cafe provides:• An exclusive download offer• Loyalty rewards• Notification center• Food and bar menus and media gallery• Food and drink specialsThe App is FREE and you will receive your first offersoonafterit is downloaded.Cajun Daiquiris & Cafe in Marrero, LouisianacelebratesCajuncuisine and bayou bounty with delicious, affordablefood in afamilyatmosphere. Everything is prepared fresh daily fromBBQ andgumbo toPo-Boys and Cajun-fried roast beef (with fries!).Takeyour meal outto the gazebo, start your evening with ahouse-recipedaiquiri andsome poker, carry home a meal or inquireaboutdelivery. Hosting abig game party? A reunion?Celebratingsomething special? Check outtheir party platters – greatfood,made from scratch that makes iteasier to enjoy your own party.Oldfashioned goodness with amodern, money-saving App – all foryoufrom Cajun Daiquiris &Cafe.
Coffee wallpaper Coffee photo 1.0.2
High-definition coffee photographicimagecollection applications that can feel the softness andmarginindirectly has been newly released!1) Coffee wallpaper settings!In the coffee that have been carefully selected with a photographofhigh-quality coffee image, in your favorite coffee photo, pleasetryto set the smartphone wallpaper.2) Coffee photos appreciation!Your coffee is like more than anyone else!Espresso, Americano, latte, cappuccino, mocha, iced coffee,caramelMakiya bets ice coffee, etc., it is possible to appreciateone ofthe coffee of various coffee image theme photos wereintroduced,indirectly drink coffee You can feel the margin.3) Coffee photo of you taken directly to users aroundtheworld!You are roasted directly, do you have coffee photo that you wanttoshow to other people?Or do you want to show your beautiful coffee and a nice coffeecupplaced in front?If you send a photo of the coffee to us now, every time youupdateregularly coffee wallpaper application, add a high-qualitycoffeephoto you sent, people around the world use it as wallpaperIt can,and has published for free so that you can also watch!-----------------------* A photo send e-mail address:[email protected]* Photo of when to send:- Coffee photograph of himself taken directly- Pretty well represented by the high-resolution photo ofthecoffee* After considering if it is possible to send a phototakendirectly in the high image quality, you can intervene at thetimeof the next update.
Арт-Кафе Агата 1.0.8
У нас в гостях были: "Крематорий",«АукцЫон«,«Калинов мост«, «Гражданская оборона», «Агата Кристи»(ех),«Чиж&Со», «Разные люди«, «Рада и Терновник«, «Выход«,«Торба-наКруче», «Оркестр Че», Им Рам, Илья Черт, АлександрЧернецкий,Сергей Бабкин, San Sаy, Черный Лукич, Олег Гаркуша, ОльгаАрефьева,Сергей Летов, «Инструкция по Выживанию,» Вадим Курылев,«ТролльГнет Ель», а также гости из дальнего зарубежья: RobertLighthouse(USA), Paul Krawl&the KingSnakes (USA), Lake of Teers(SW),Derrick Big Walker с концертами и пресс-конференциями. СейчасвАгате проходят отборы на международный фестиваль «Рок Ночью»вПольше. Также будет проводится фестиваль Ирландской музыки«МыЛюбим ИРЛАНДИЮ». За проведение мероприятий арт-кафе «Агата»имеетблагодарности от Британского консульства, организацииинвалидов«Искра», детского дома в п. Восточном и другихорганизаций.Our guestswere:"Crematorium", "Auction", "Kalinov Most", "civil defense","AgathaChristie" (ex) "Chizh & Co", "Different people", "RadaandBlackthorn", "Exit" "Torba-na Steeper", "Orchestra Che" HeRam,Ilya Hell, Alexander Chernetskiy, Sergei Babkin, San SayBlackLukich, Oleg Garkusha, Olga Aref'eva, Sergey Letov,"Instruction onsurvival," Vadim Kurylev " El Troll oppression ", aswell as guestsfrom abroad: Robert Lighthouse (USA), Paul Krawl& theKingSnakes (USA), Lake of Teers (SW), Derrick Big Walkerconcertsand press conferences. Now Agatha are selected in theinternationalfestival "Rock the night" in Poland. There will alsobe a festivalof Irish music "We love Ireland". During the event theart-cafe"Agata" has the gratitude of the British Council, anorganizationof persons with disabilities "Spark", the children'shome in Sec.East and other organizations.