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Magnus Turismo 4.0.11
A Magnus Turismo, empresa fundadaem1992,oferece aos seus clientes todo o apoio em suas viagensdenegóciosou lazer. Contando com uma equipe bem treinada, aMagnusTurismooferta todos os produtos inerentes à atuação de umaagênciadeviagens (passagens aéreas nacionais einternacionais,pacotesturísticos, reservas de hotéis, locação deveículos,segurosviagem, etc), sempre com cordialidade e rapidez.Comodiferencialde sua atuação está a operação depacotesturístico-culturais paraestudantes, enfocando destinos comoasCidades Históricas de MinasGerais e eventos culturaisdiversos(Bienais de São Paulo,Exposições de Renoir, Monet,Guerreiros deXi'an...), sendo aempresa pioneira no enquadramento deroteirosculturais no âmbitoda Lei de Incentivo a Cultura (LeiRouanet).Centenas de estudantesda região e de outros Estados jáparticiparamdo "Projeto TurismoCultural - Patrimônio Cultural:Conhecer,Valorizar , Preservar"operado pela Magnus Turismo desdel994.Acompanhando a evolução dosegmento de turismo em nossa região,aMagnus Turismo se capacitoupara o atendimento da demanda doturismoreceptivo em Uberlândia,tornando-se uma opção de qualidadepara arealização de city tours(Cultural, Panorâmico, Empresarial eByNight) e serviços detraslados para nossos visitantes.Magnus Tourism,foundedin1992, offers its customers all the support in theirbusinessorleisure. With a well trained staff, Magnus Tourismsupplyallproducts related to the operation of a travel agency(domesticandinternational airline tickets, tour packages,hotelreservations,car rental, travel insurance, etc.), alwayswithwarmth andquickly. How is its performance differentialoperation ofculturaltourism packages for students, focusing ondestinationslikeHistoric Cities of Minas Gerais and variouscultural events(SãoPaulo Biennials, Exhibitions Renoir, Monet,Warriors of Xi'an...), being the pioneer in the framework ofcultural tours withintheCultural Incentive Law (Law Rouanet)company. Hundreds ofstudentsfrom the region and other states haveparticipated in the"CulturalTourism Project - Cultural Heritage:Knowledge, Value,Preserve"operated by Magnus Tourism since l994.Tracking theevolution ofthe tourism industry in our region, MagnusTourism aretrained tomeet the demand of the incoming tourism inUberlândia,making it aquality option for conducting city tours(Cultural,Widescreen,Corporate and By Night) and transfer serviceto ourusers.
China Travel Guide
China Travel Guidebook & Phrasebook(WorksOffline)- 10 Cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Sanya, Guangzhou,Shenzhen,Hangzhou, Xian, Chengdu, Guilin, & Xiamen.- Guidebooks Feature: Restaurants, Attractions, Shopping,&Nightlife.- Local Guide Include Maps, Phone Numbers, Directions,&Addresses in Chinese.- Phrase Book for English to Chinese (Mandarin) + Pinyin (Hello=nihao)Created by China Travel (Hotels & Tours)--------Things to Do Includes:- Top Attractions- Less Seen- Interactive--------Shopping Includes:- Arts, Crafts & Souvenirs- Antiques- Electronics- Clothing / Fashion--------Restaurants Includes:- Local Favorites- Street Food- Western- Chinese / Asian- Vegetarian--------Nightlife Includes:- Bars- Clubs--------City Guidebooks Also Have:- Weather with High/Low Temperatures- Subway / Trains & Train Station Information- Taxis Fare & Bus Route Details- Listings of Festivals & Events--------Learn Using the Phrasebook/Dictionary/Translator,Examples:- 你好 = ni hao = Hello- 中国 = zhongguo = China- 北京 = peking = Beijing- 西安 = xi an = Xi’an- 航班 = hangban = Flights- 酒店 = jiudian = Hotel- 旅游 = lvyou = Tours- 去哪儿 = qunar = Where- 火车 = huoche = Train- 票 = piao = Tickets- 度假 = dujia = Vacation- 出行 = ctrip = Trip- 旅行 = luxing = Travel- 导游 = daoyou = Tour Guide- 旅行指南 = luxing zhinan = Guidebook- 帮助 = bangzhu = Help
Taxi-Book China 1.3.1
Taxi-Book is your travel and city guideto*30*Chinese cities, a way to speak and talk in Chinesewithlocalswithout internet connection, with free versionsforBeijing,Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It provides a bigtalkingEnglishChinese dictionary and helps English Chinesetranslationswithtalking phrasebooks in its full versions.It is made to help you travel in Chinese cities and makeyourtripin China comfortable. Taxi-Book talks to Chinesetaxi-driverswho canbring you to your destinations.The available cities are: (all full versions providespeakingandtalking function for Chinese)Beijing 北京 (free Lite version)Beijing 北京Changsha 长沙Chengdu 成都Chongqing 重庆Dalian 大连Dongguan东莞Foshan佛山Hangzhou 杭州Harbin 哈尔滨Hong Kong 香港Guangzhou 广州 (free lite version)Guangzhou 广州Guilin 桂林Lijiang 丽江Kunming 昆明Nanjing 南京Ningbo宁波Qingdao 青岛Sanya 三亚Shanghai 上海 (free lite version)Shanghai 上海Shenyang 沈阳Shenzhen 深圳 (free lite version)Shenzhen 深圳Suzhou 苏州Taiyuan 太原Tianjin 天津Wuhan 武汉Wuxi 无锡Xi`an 西安Xiamen 厦门Yantai 烟台More cities are coming soon!The app also features dialogue options for talking withlocalsinChinese. Note that you may fill gaps in the phrasesusingourEnglish-Chinese dictionary containing more than 12,000wordstocreate your own phrases. For example, in a restaurant youmaysay"I'm allergic to ... (select/dictionary). Could you makethisdishwithout it?" in perfect Chinese. Some phrases alsofeaturelikelyanswer options that the dialogue partners may chooseasareply.This free app comes with free versions of four cities. Inthefreeversion, e.g., the Beijing city guide contains morethan500locations in China's capital. And if that's not enoughforyou,just upgrade through buying the full content of Beijingtounlockmore than 1,500 locations and speaking functionforalldialogues.Taxi-Book also offers more city guides for all keyChinesecitiesfor hotels, restaurants, banks, sightseeings,hospitalsandadministrations etc. And if you don't feel likebrowsingthroughthe lists, just use the fast search option on eachcity'shome pageto find the locations you are looking for.Note: Buying another city means you pay just one time andcanuseit forever. There are NO HIDDEN COSTS.Features:- Locations: Hundreds of locations divided into 10categoriesarefeatured.- Locations come with detailed information likeEnglishandChinese name, address, phone number, and GPScoordinates.- View locations on Maps and find nearby placeseasily(requiresonline connectivity).- Once you've chosen a location, press the Taxi-Cardbuttontobring up a simple yet effective page that allows you totell ataxidriver clearly where you want to go. Show the page tothedriverand shake the phone to make it pronounce the phrasewithyourdesired destination.- Taxi-Card: Choose between different color stylestocustomizethe page to your liking.- Dialogues: Special dialogues for use in a taxisituationlike"Turn on the meter, please" or "How long will theridetakeapproximately?"- Basic Phrases: For everyday situations to saythingslike"Hello", "Thank you", tell others your name or askwheretherestrooms are.- Favourites: Pick your favourite locations out ofallthelocations and add them to your favourites list for quickandeasyaccess.*Please note that while the app is designed to work inofflinemode,using Map view and buying in-app purchasablecontentrequireinternet access.