Top 19 Apps Similar to Libretto Universitario

Libretto Universitario 2.3.33
Vincitrice del Concorso UpperApp (Festival nazionaledelleidee e delle applicazioni mobile per gli studenti delleUniversitàItaliane - I edizione)L'applicazione per lo studente universitario!Frequenti l'università? Sei stufo di dovere attenderetempibiblici prima che la tua università aggiunga i tuoi votisullibretto online? Vuoi sapere subito come i voti conseguitiandrannoa modificare la tua media? O magari solo vedere come ilvoto di unesame conseguito influenzerà sulla tua media, perdecidere seaccettarlo o meno?Prova subito LIBRETTO UNIVERSITARIO, l'applicazione cheognistudente universitario dovrebbe avere!Tutti i dati, i tuoi voti, le tue medie, gli orari deituoicorsi, gli avvisi...a portata di Touch!Con una semplice ed intuitiva grafica Holo,quest'applicazionerenderà la gestione universitaria una sempliceformalità!Inserisci i tuoi voti, visualizza grafici, statistiche, medieequant'altro, programma i tuoi esami futuri, gestisci al meglioletue tasse universitarie, inserisci note dei tuoi esami, invia achivuoi un riassunto della tua carriera universitaria, ipotizzailvoto del tuo prossimo esame per sapere come influenzerà latuamedia!Sei stufo di dover cercare ogni volta l'aula dove si svolgeràunalezione, girando inutilmente per tutta l'università?? Aggiungiilwidget ad una delle schermate del tuo telefono!E non è ancora finita! Tutti sanno quanto la privacysiaimportante. Per questo abbiamo introdotto una nuovafunzionechiamata PASSCODE che ti permetterà di tenere i tuoi votilontanida occhi indiscreti!Funzionalità:• Calcolo media ponderata ed aritmetica• Calcolo voto base di laurea• Ipotizza voto degli esami• Statistiche e grafici• Condivisione carriera• Pianificazione esami• Note esami• Orario dei corsi• Promemoria pagamento Tasse• Avvisi della tua Università• Privacy garantita grazie a Passcode• Backup• Personalizzazionekeywords: università libretto universitario media cfupesatacrediti esami statistiche universitaWinnerofthe Competition UpperApp (National Festival of ideas andmobileapplications for students of Italian Universities - Iedition)The application for the college student!Frequently the university? Are you sick of having towaitbiblical times before your university add your votes on thebookonline? Do you want to know right away how the marks obtainedwillmodify your media? Or maybe just to see how the vote willaffect anexam achieved on your media, to decide whether to acceptit ornot?Try now BOOKLET UNIVERSITY , the application that everycollegestudent should have!All data, your grades, your medium, the schedules ofyourcourses, notices ... at Touch!With a simple and intuitive graphical Holo, thisapplicationwill make the university management a mereformality!Enter your votes, displays graphs, statistics, averagesandwhatnot, program your future examinations, to better manageyourtuition fees, please enter your exam notes, send to those whowanta summary of your academic career, assumed the vote Your nextexamto know how it will affect your media!Are you sick of having to search each time the classroomwherethere will be a lesson for turning uselessly across theuniversity?Add the widget to a screen of your phone!And it is not over yet! Everyone knows how importantprivacyis. For this we have introduced a new feature calledPASSCODE thatwill allow you to keep your votes away from pryingeyes!Features:• Calculation of weighted average and arithmetic• Calculation based voting graduate• hypothesizes vote exams• Statistics and graphs• Sharing career• Scheduling exams• Notes examinations• Course Timetable• Tax Payment Reminder• Notification of your University• Privacy ensured with Passcode• Backup• PersonalizationKeywords: college university book cfu weighted averagecreditstatistics university exams
TimeTable++ Schedule 8.1.6
TimeTable++ - The schedule for school, university and free time!
Libretto Esami 10.1.5
Exams booklet is a virtual register for college students.
Libr: Portale Studenti SUN 2.0.2
All major functions of the portal unina2 students in the palmofyour hand!
Esami Universitari 1.0.5
E' arrivato finalmente il porting perAndroiddi MediaCalculator! nuovo nome, nuova veste grafica enuovefunzionalità! Con Esami Universitari puoi gestire la media deituoiesami in modo semplice ed accattivante.Tra le funzionalità troviamo- calcolo preciso della media ponderata- proiezione della media- rappresentazione grafica dell'andamento della tuamediaponderata- esportazione/importazione degli esami su scheda SD- visualizzazione del voto base per la laurea- possibilità di ordinare i tuoi esami per data, voto, crediti,nomee professore- supporto alle idoneità- supporto ai crediti decimali- possibilità di personalizzare il valore del 30 e lode- l'installazione, se possibile, viene eseguita su SD- altro ancora...keyword: università, media ponderata, media pesata, CFU,crediti,esami, libretto.It 's finally portedtoAndroid MediaCalculator! new name, new look and new features!WithExams University can handle the average of your exams in asimpleand appealing.Among the features are- Precise calculation of the weighted average- Projection of the average- Graphical representation of your weighted average- Export / Import of examinations on SD card- Display of the vote according to the degree- Possibility to order your exams by date, rating, credit, nameandprofessor- Support to the suitability- Support the claims decimal- Ability to customize the value of 30 and honors- Installation, if possible, is performed on SD- More ...keyword: universities, weighted average, weightedaverage,credits, credits, examinations, booklet.
Uniwhere | for University 13.3.3
Smart workspace for university
UniversitApp Libretto Univ. 1.0
UniversitApp improves your life as a college student! Try it now...
LibrettoDroid 1.2
Marco Mamone
LibrettoDroid serve allo studenteuniversitarioa tener traccia dei propri esami. L'applicazioneriesce a tracciarela media dei voti, sapere il voto di base dellalaurea e molte altrefunzionalità, come avere un graficodell'attuale carrierauniversitaria o creare dei post-it facilmenteconsultabili.Volete salvarvi i vostri esami appena inseriti? Nessunproblema!Con la funzione Esporta libretto, l'applicazione salveràsul vostrocellulare un file excel contente tutto il vostrooperato.Ovviamente sarete liberi anche di importare degli esamisalvati suun file dello stesso tipo.Infine, dalle impostazioni, è possibile cambiare i CFU massimieil valore dei 30 e lode, in modo da adattarsi allevostreesigenze.LibrettoDroid servesthestudent to keep track of its examinations. The applicationcantrack the average rating, know the basic voting graduation andmanyother features, like having a graphic of the university careerorcreate post-it easily accessible.Do you want to save your exams just entered? No problem! WiththeExport function booklet, the application will save to yourmobilephone an excel file containing all your efforts. Of courseyou arefree to import tests also saved to a file of the sametype.Finally, the settings, you can change the credits and themaximumvalue of 30 cum laude, in order to adapt to your needs.
Libretto UNIPA 1.6
Simone Napoli
Porta il tuo libretto sempre con te!Consultaloquando vuoi, dai un'occhiata alla tua media e faiprevisioni suituoi prossimi esami.L'app Libretto UNIPA si serve dei dati di login immessidallostudente, per accedere al portale studenti dell'UniversitàdegliStudi di Palermo e recuperare il piano di studi dello stesso.Ogniuso illecito è espressamente vietato. L'app non raccogliealcuntipo di dato riguardante lo studente, ad esclusione di tuttociòche viene chiaramente mostrato. Ma ciò viene fatto comunquesololocalmente, nel tuo dispositivo.L'app non è ufficiale e non è parte dell'Università degliStudidi Palermo.Passa dalla pagina Facebook ufficiale: your book withyou!Consult it whenever you want, take a look at your media andmakepredictions about your upcoming exams.The app Libretto UNIPA uses the login information entered bythestudent to access the portal Students of the University ofPalermoand retrieve the syllabus of the same. Any unauthorized useisexpressly prohibited. The app does not collect any dataconcerningthe student, to the exclusion of everything that isclearly shown.But this is done, however, only locally, in yourdevice.The app is unofficial and is not part of the UniversityofPalermo.Passes from the official Facebook page:
Libretto Voti 2.7
Luca Rullo
Libretto voti è un' app semplice edintuitivache memorizza i tuoi voti e calcola automaticamente lamedia perogni materia. Inoltre con la funzione obiettivo puoiimpostare lamedia che vuoi raggiungere; il libretto calcolerà ilprossimo votoche dovrai prendere per raggiungere tale obiettivo.Potraiscegliere tra due metodi di valutazione: da 1 a 10 (conlapossibilità di poter aggiungere due cifre decimali ), oppure da 1a100;Libretto votes isa'simple and intuitive app that stores your votes and calculatestheaverage for each subject. Also with the objective function youcanset the media that you want to achieve; the booklet willcalculatethe next vote that you will take to achieve that goal. Youcanchoose between two methods of evaluation: from 1 to 10 (withthepossibility of being able to add two decimal places), or from 1to100;
Student Agenda 2.5.17
Developed by students, with the goal ofbeingsimple and lightweight, the Student Agenda was made tohelpstudents organize themselves and have, consequently,betterperformance in studies.The objective of using this app is to perform tasks withinthecombined deadlines, divide better the time between academicandpersonal life, conduct the day-to-day with more calmnessandless stress.On Student Agenda, important information about tests,homeworks,appointments and timetable will always be available onyoursmartphone to checks and new schedulings, wherever you are. Averyuseful feature are the reminders, that will help youdon'tforget important activities.These features are adequate for school, for college, foryourday-to-day... The goal is to make student life moreorganized,managing appointments that can't be forgotten.The app was developed to be simple and easy to use. To start,youcan simply add your subjects and then your timetable.Main features:• Simplicity and lightweightness;• Timetable;• Scheduling of events (exams, homeworks/tasks, activitiesandreturning books to the library);• Add photo to increase the description of events;• Notification schedule (reminder) for events;• Check events as "completed";• Events ordered by day, week and month;• Timetable of the day;• Timetable of the week;• Calendar;• Management of marks;• Timetable and events widgets;• Share events with your friends.If you have any problem or suggestion, please send [email protected] Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helpsyouidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list.Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID atanytime in the settings menu.Thank you!
Class Buddy: Student planner 1.73
m-Surf Lab.
CLASS BUDDY PROSchedule management helper for busy school life.. Featured in Android market's staff picks.. Featured in T-mobile's Top picks.. Featured in AndroidGuys's 50+ Essential Android AppsforBack-to-SchoolPRO VERSIONDue to Play store policy, you have only 15-minutes refundwindow.Please try Demo version before purchase.KEY FEATURESOrganize your. Terms and semesters. Courses. Events such as class meetings, assignment, exam,quiz,etc.... Scores. Grade and GPAImport and Export. Import events from CSV file. Import events from Google Docs. Export events to SD card (TXT,CSV). Export events to email/text. Export events to Google Docs. Auto-Sync to Google calendarOthers. Customizable Home screen Widget. Simple task manager. Simple expense manager. Backup and restore. Reminder. Password protection. and many more...
LectureNotes 2.10.6
LectureNotes is an app for note-taking by handwriting on thescreen.
Coursera: Online courses 3.29.0
Learn on the go with the Coursera AppforAndroid. Access more than 1,000 courses andSpecializationsdeveloped by 140+ of the best colleges anduniversities in theworld, and advance your career or continue youreducation bymastering subjects from Python programming and datascience tophotography and music.Learn from top instructors in an engaging learningexperience:• Browse 1000+ courses in a variety of subject areas, from math,tomusic, to medicine• Stream lecture videos online any time, or download forofflineviewing• Transition seamlessly between web and app learning,withcoursework, quizzes and projects saved across bothplatforms• Learn in dozens of languages, including Chinese,Spanish,Portuguese, French, and Russian• Earn Course and Specialization Certificates and share yoursuccesswith employers, colleagues, and friendsAdvance your career or continue your education insubjectslike:• Computer Science: Programming, Mobile and Web Development• Data Science: Machine Learning, Statistics, ProbabilityandData• Business: Accounting, Marketing and Entrepreneurship• Sciences: Robotics, Chemistry, Nutrition, and Medicine• Art, including Design, Photography, Music, andCreativeWriting...and hundreds more!Earn a Certificate:Joining Coursera is free. To qualify to earn a certificate,enrollin a range of Specializations by paying per courseorSpecialization.Get to Know Us: http://www.coursera.orgLike Us on Facebook: Policy: of Service:
University Lite 1.5.0
University digital booklet. There isaneditablelist with all subjects, the weighted average,startingwith the finalvote and the sum of accumulated CFU.This software is intended for italian's students.
UnibApp - Bologna University
UnibApp is an unofficial app of UniversityofBologna, to facilitate the student with the use of onlineresourcesfrom your smartphone. This application stems from the needofUniversity students to have quick access to theUniversity'swebsites and those dedicated to their Course of Study.The app connects you directly to the universitywebsite(, to the personal page Studenti Online, andclassschedules; allows you to upgrade your Career by entering theExamMarks, the calculation of the Weighted Average and the BasisofDegree.With a simple and accurate graphics in the new styleMaterialDesign, you no longer have to search through countlesswebsites,but you can just TAP the screen.UnibApp is the ideal application for the University studentsofBologna.
Université de Sherbrooke 1.2
LabWorks ing
Accès en un click au liens principauxdel'université de Sherbrooke.One click access tothemain links of the University of Sherbrooke.
Google Sheets
Google Inc.
Create, edit and collaborate with othersonspreadsheets from your Android phone or tablet with theGoogleSheets app. With Sheets, you can:- Create new spreadsheets or edit existing files- Share spreadsheets and collaborate in the same spreadsheet atthesame time.- Work anywhere, anytime - even offline- Add and respond to comments.- Format cells, enter or sort data, view charts, insertformulas,use find/replace and more.- Never worry about losing your work – everything issavedautomatically as you type.- Get insights, instantly, quickly insert charts andapplyformatting in one tap - with Explore.- Open, edit and save Excel files.Permissions NoticeContacts: This is used to give suggestions of people to add tofilesand share with.Storage: This is used to save and open files on USB orSDstorage.
Can be managed evaluating installed apps and viewing otherusers'ratings