Top 2 Apps Similar to The Rajdoot Indian

Rasoi Ghar 1.3.1
This is the official app for RasoiGhar,powered by Zomato!Rasoi Ghar is known for its heart melting hospitality,lipsmacking food and vibrant culture. Come, discover and enjoytheauthentic Indian flavors of Gujarat and Rajasthan withunlimitedpure vegetarian set menu, nourishing and balanced,prepared withflavorful spices and unique seasonings which are sureto tickleyour taste buds. Feel at home, with the perfect ambianceandastounding service for a fabulous dining experience as weservefood with love.**App features*** View menus, pictures, phone numbers, directions,usertestimonials, and all the other information abouttherestaurant.* Locate the restaurant on Maps and book an Uber to reachtherestaurant.* Get push notifications to stay alerted about the restauranteventsand promotions.* Integrated experience with Zomato app allows adding photos,andsharing/ reviewing your foodie experience.* Place orders for delivery/ order-in or reserve table to planyournext visit.
Best of India 2.0.2
« Best Of India », avant de qualifierunrestaurant indien situant en plein cœur de Paris, symboliselesmeilleures plats indien.Notre restaurant, « Best Of India »,, vous convie à un voyagedegoût inoubliable.Pour les gourmands et les gourmets, curieux des formesd'altéritégustative, nous rapportons, le meilleur de la saveur.Vousdégusterez, le goût indien extraite de cesexplorationsgastronomiques.L'équipe de notre restaurant indien, cultive le sens del'accueilet la civilité de la courtoisie afin de transformer vosinstantséphémères en inoubliable …Le restaurant « Best Of India » met un point d'honneur surlaqualité et la fraicheur de ses produits, en faisant le marchétousles jours, pour satisfaire ses clients et leur apporterlesmeilleures saveurs qu'il soit.Notre ambition: devenir, dans un proche avenir, uneréférenceparmi les restaurants indiens de qualité ! Alors, netardez plus,venez goûter le magique mix des épices envoutants etdes saveurs dumeilleur de l'Inde …"Best Of India ',beforequalifying an Indian restaurant located in the heart ofParis,symbolizes the best Indian dishes.Our restaurant, "Best Of India" ,, invites you to a journeyofunforgettable taste.For gourmands and gourmets, curious forms of otherness taste,wereport the best flavor. Enjoy the Indian taste extracted fromtheseculinary explorations.The team of our Indian restaurant, cultivated senseofhospitality and civility courtesy to turn your fleetingmomentsinto unforgettable ...The "Best of India" restaurant makes a point about thequalityand freshness of its products, making the market every daytosatisfy its customers and provide the best flavors it.Our ambition is to become, in the near future, a referenceamongIndian restaurant quality! So do not delay, come and enjoythemagic of captivating mix spices and flavors of the best inIndia...