Top 21 Apps Similar to Solfege Fast Method

Rhythm Teacher: Music beats 1.30
Do you want to play your instrument with perfect timing? Doyouplayguitar, piano, drums or any kind of music instrument?Tiredofboring practice? Learn to play any instrument and how toreadmusicis a difficult task that requires lots of practice.Butthepractice don't have to be boring. Rhythm teacher it'stheperfecttool for your music education. This rhythm game teachesyouhow toread music in a fun and easy way. It's perfect foryourrhythmtraining! With a bit of practice on every level you'lllearnthatsight reading is easier than you thought. It's like havingamusicschool on your device. In this application you'll learnfromhowmany beats are contained in each bar and which note valueisgivento one beat, to advanced concepts in reading music.Improveyourmusic sight reading with the exercises ranging from easy4/4simplerhythms to complex compasses of two rhythmic lines atthesametime. This app includes the definition for everymusicconceptintroduced in increasing difficulty, from beginner topro.Also,you can log into your Google play account to measureyourprogresswith other players. Features: • Simpleandunderstandableexplanation for every new music rhythmconceptintroduced. • Funrhythm game experience for practicingtheexercises that will teachyou how to read music. •Polyrhythmexercises with two lines at thesame time. • Gradualprogression onthe difficulty of the musictheory conceptsintroduced. •Leader-board with the scores acquiredto watch yourprogress. • Canbe used by any number of differentusers. • Googleplay support topost your scores online. • A newway to practice foryourinstrument: Piano, violin, guitar... Evenif you areadrummer/percussionist. Lessons include: ★ Note andrestduration:whole (semibreve), half (minim), quarter (crotchet),eighth(quaver), sixteenth (semiquaver). ★ Dotted notes. ★Tiednotes. ★Triplets. ★ Off-beat notes. ★ Syncopation. ★ Anacrusis.★Simpletime signatures: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4... ★ Compound timesignatures:6/8,9/8... Translated to: * Inglés: Rhythm Teacher *Español: Ritmoysolfeo.
Musink 1.4
Texel One
Musink offers several activities to learnhowtoread music and improve your sight reading.Improve your sense of rhythm:- Over 200 rhythms exercises accompanied by explanations.- A brand new graphics system to view your actions witharealaccuracy.- You will never be short of exercises with aconfigurablerandomgenerator.- Rhythmic dictation to test your memory and rhythms knowledge.Improve your music reading:- Learning the order of notes, thirds, fourths and fifths.- Train over 160 sight reading exercises in clefs G, F, C4,C3andG+F.- Write the notes on the staff to become familiarwiththeirpositions.- Has 2 different learning methods, a relative methodusingmarkersnotes and an improved absolute method.If you want to make progress to read music and improveyoursightreading. Musink is perfect to accompany youthroughoutyourlearning.
Ultimate Solfege 1.10
The purpose of this app is to learn musicsheetreading.You will learn note reading (value thenduration)progressively.You will also learn accidental alterations andpermanentalterations.The exercises are broken down in several rythms.
Music Tutor Sight Read
Learn to read and write music (+flats, sharps, keys) withMusicTutorSightRead
Easy Note Trainer Lite 1.3.1
E&L Lab
There is always a better, more efficient,wayoflearning."Easy Note Trainer Lite" helps you read music notes."Easy Note Trainer" helps you read music notes much faster.When a better way of learning is found, we enhance"EasyNoteTrainer" and "Easy Note Trainer Lite".How to use "Easy Note Trainer"?1. Swipe the card left or right to move from onecardtoanother2. Touch the treble or bass clef to switch it to the other3. Touch the letter name or syllable to switch it totheother(depending on the convention of your language, you mayseeeitherletter names or solmization syllables)4. In card #2 and #3, you can drag the music note to anewlocationor touch on a new location on the music staff directly.Arandommusic note can also be shown for you by touching ontheblankarea.5. In card #2 and #3, you can use two fingers to re-sizethemusicstaff to show more (up to 5) or less ledger lines likewhatyou doto re-size a photo.6. In card #3, touch the "?" to show the letternameorsyllable.7. A visual demo is available for each card by touchingthe"options"key and then touch on "Demo". Please note thelocationand appearanceof the "options" key may vary from phone tophoneand from theAndroid version to version. It may be a touchableareawith threedots or three short horizontal bars on it, etc.You may also check the advanced version of "Easy NoteTrainer"at on localization:- Localization on letter names and solmizationsyllablesaresupported. They are shown in the convention of yourlanguageandyou see exactly what you need to see - either lettersorsyllables.No more extra switching is required. (thanks to aGermanuser'ssuggestion)- Language conventions currently supported: English,French,German,Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian,Russian,SpanishHave fun using "Easy Note Trainer Lite".
Сольфеджио 1.1
Приложение содержит полный наборданных,необходимых для того, чтобы вы могли повторять теорию иготовитьсяк экзаменам.Благодаря систематизации материала и удобному поиску вылегконайдете нужную информацию.В приложении вы найдете:- более 100 схем- 60 определений- 30 основных музыкальных терминов- дизайн, адаптированный под iOS 7- удобный поиск по темамВсе материалы доступны без подключения к интернету.Также разработчики будут благодарны, если Вы:- сообщите о своих пожеланиях для улучшения приложения- сообщите о грамматических ошибках и неточностях визложенииматериала.The application containsafull set of data required in order for you to repeat the theoryandprepare for exams.Thanks to organize the material and convenient search youcaneasily find the information you need.Attached you will find:- Over 100 diagrams- 60 definitions- 30 basic musical terms- Design adapted for iOS 7- Easy search by subjectAll materials are available without an internet connection.Also, developers will be grateful if you:- Announce your wishes to improve the application- Report an editorial errors or omissions in thepresentationmaterial.
Easy Note Trainer 1.3.1
E&L Lab
There is always a better, more efficient,wayof learning."Easy Note Trainer" helps you read music notes much faster.Itworks for kids, too.When a better way of learning is found, we enhance "EasyNoteTrainer".Quick start guide:1. Touch treble clef or bass clef to switch it to theotherone2. Swipe a card left or right to show another card3. When a virtual keyboard is there, play it.More details:"Easy Note Trainer" is composed of 7 interactive flashcardsforpeople to learn to recognize the letter names or syllables ofmusicnotes as well as to play the right corresponding pianokeysquickly. They are briefly introduced as follows:- Card #1: Music notes overviewThis is for the beginners to know the most commonly used musicnotesunder both treble and bass clefs.- Card #2: Note and its letter/syllableMusic notes in up to five ledger lines can be shown withtheirletter names or syllables under both treble and bassclefs.- Card #3: What is this music note?This card is similar to card #2 but the letter name or syllableishidden so you can test your learning results or your children's.Asingle touch on the question mark shows the answer.- Card #4: Read and play a music noteIn this card, a virtual piano keyboard is shown so you canpracticeplaying the corresponding key on it. One music note isshown at atime.- Card #5: Read and play music notesThis card can really boost your music note reading speed.Multiplemusic notes and chords are shown and the corresponding keyscan beplayed simultaneously (or note-by-note if you are not usingapad).- Card #6: Mixed bass and treble music notesThis card helps you get accustomed to switching between trebleandbass clefs. Multiple music notes and chords are shown under thetwoclefs. It is recommended to be used after getting morefluentreading music notes by using card #5.- Card #7: Play notes under a keyUp to 5 sharp or flat signs are available for you to get usedtothem quickly such as E major (4 sharp signs).How to use "Easy Note Trainer"?1. Swipe the card left or right to move from one cardtoanother2. Touch the treble or bass clef to switch it to the other3. Touch the letter name or syllable to switch it to theother(depending on the convention of your language, you may seeeitherletter names or solmization syllables)4. In card #2 and #3, you can drag the music note to a newlocationor just touch on a new location on the music staffdirectly. Arandom music note can also be shown for you by touchingon theblank area.5. In card #2 and #3, you can use two fingers to re-size themusicstaff to show more (up to 5) or less ledger lines like whatyou doto re-size a photo.6. In card #3, touch the "?" to show the letter nameorsyllable.7. A visual demo is available for each card by touchingthe"options" key and then touch on "Demo". Please note thelocationand appearance of the "options" key may vary from phone tophoneand from the Android version to version. It may be a touchableareawith three dots or three short horizontal bars on it, etc.Notes on localization:- Localization on letter names and solmization syllablesaresupported. They are shown in the convention of your languageandyou see exactly what you need to see - either letters orsyllables.No extra switching between them is required. (thanks to aGermanuser's suggestion)- Language conventions currently supported: English, French,German,Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,Spanish- For languages without specific conventions on alphabeticorsolmization system, the flexibility is provided to users toswitchbetween them.Have fun using "Easy Note Trainer".
MyEarTrainer Pro
myrApps s.r.o.
Exercise types:• Intervals - melodic or harmonic, ascending or descending• Chords - extended chords including 9ths, 11ths and13ths,inversions, open and close harmony. Create custom extendedchords(e.g. Cmaj13(#11))• Scales - major, harmonic major, natural minor, melodicminor,harmonic minor, neapolitan scales, pentatonics... Allscalesincluding their modes (e.g. Lydian #5 or Locrian bb7)• Melodies - random melodies up to 10 notes, configurablegreateststep• Chord Inversions - identify inversion of a known chord• Chord Progressions• Tonal/functional Exercises - solfege (do, re, mi...) ingiventonal centerYou can create and parametrize your own custom exercises.Challenge yourself with exercises of the day.Use the statistics reports and charts to see yourstrengths,weaknesses and progress.
Note Trainer (Sight Reading) 2.0.6
Big Box Labs
A fun musical game for learning how to read sheet music
Music School:Interval & chords 1.31
Do you play guitar, piano or any kind ofmusicinstrument? Tired of boring practice?Learn to play any instrument and how to read music is adifficulttask that requires lots of practice. But the practicedon't have tobe boring. Music school it's the perfect toolfor your musiceducation. This music game teaches you musictheory in a funand easy way. It's like having a music school onyour device.In this app, you'll learn and master all the music intervalsandchords. If you practice enough, you'll know all the notescontainedin a chord instantly, a must for every musician! This appincludesthe definition for every music concept introduced inincreasingdifficulty, from beginner to pro.Features:• Simple and understandable explanation for every newmusicrhythm concept introduced.• Fun game experience for practicing the exercises that willteachyou basic skills every musician should know.• Gradual progression on the difficulty of the music theoryconceptsintroduced.• Leader-board with the scores acquired to watchyourprogress.• Can be used by any number of different users.• A new and fun way to practice for your instrument: Piano,violin,guitar.Lessons include:★ Perfect 5th intervals.★ Major 3rd intervals.★ Minor 3rd intervals.★ Major 7th intervals.★ Minor 7th intervals.★ Major triads.★ Minor triads.★ Major 7th chords.★ Minor 7th chords.★ Dominant 7th chords.★ And more levels coming soon...Translated to:* English: Music school* Español: Acordes y solfeo.
Learn Notes 1.14
How to read music notes by yourself, as a fun game!
Note Teacher
Improve your skills in sight-reading and naming musical notesongrand staff.
Entrenamiento auditivo Demo v1.1.2
Aplicación para la educación del oídomusicalcon multitud de ejercicios que nos ayudarán a reconocereidentificar intervalos, acordes, grados de unaprogresión,dominantes secundarias, escalas y a desarrollar nuestrooídoabsoluto. Esta es la versión demo, con menos opciones yfuncionesque la versión completa.Esta aplicación está dirigida a estudiantes y profesoresdemúsica, así como a músicos, tanto aficionados comoprofesionales,sea cual sea el instrumento que toquen, ya que suamplio abanico deopciones y su gran capacidad de personalización lahacerecomendable para cualquier nivel musical que se posea.Incluye los siguientes módulos:1) Reconocimiento e identificación de intervalos armónicosymelódicos, ascendentes y descendentes, con opción deelegirindividualmente cada intervalo (desde la segunda menor hastalaoctava justa en esta versión demo; la versión completaincluyetambién novenas y décimas menores y mayores), y así novernosobligados a realizar ejercicios "predefinidos". Podemosajustar latesitura (de dos a cuatro octavas), la velocidad deejecución delintervalo melódico (lenta, normal o rápida), el númerodeintervalos por tanda (entre 5 y 25) y el tiempo de respuesta(desde5 hasta 60 segundos, o incluso sin límite). Casi todasestasfunciones están disponibles en esta versión demo.2) Reconocimiento e identificación de acordes yarpegios,ascendentes y descendentes. La elección de acordes apracticar, lavelocidad de ejecución, si la fundamental va a serfija o variable,el número de acordes y el tiempo de respuesta sonajustables. Enesta versión demo casi todas estas opcionesestándesactivadas.Los acordes disponibles son los siguientes:- Tríada mayor- Tríada menor- Tríada aumentada- Tríada disminuida- 7ª dominante- 7ª mayor*- 7ª menor*- 7ª menor-mayor (acorde menor con 7ª mayor)*- mayor 6ª*- menor 6ª** Sólo disponibles en la versión completa.3) Reconocimiento e identificación de grados enprogresionesarmónicas con tonalidad mayor. Incluye una tecla con laque siempretenemos la posibilidad de volver a escuchar el acorde detónica.Podremos seleccionar entre todos los grados, del I al VII, ylasdominantes secundarias de los grados II, III, IV, V y VI.También,como es costumbre, tendremos la oportunidad de ajustar elnúmero degrados de cada ejercicio, el tiempo de respuesta y laresolución delas dominantes secundarias (normal o aleatoria). Enesta versióndemo sólo están disponibles los grados I, IV y V, y ladominantedel V.4) Reconocimiento e identificación de escalas, tantoascendentescomo descendentes. Incluye las opciones habitualesdepersonalización de ejercicios (tipos de escala, velocidaddeejecución, tesitura, número de escalas, tiempo de respuesta).Laversión completa incluye 21 escalas diferentes. Este módulosóloestá disponible en la versión completa de la aplicación.5) Entrenamiento de oído absoluto. Opciones ajustables:tesitura,número de notas por tanda, tiempo de respuesta. Estemódulo sóloestá disponible en la versión completa.En esta actualización hemos añadido el registro de resultadosdelos ejercicios, con opción de borrarlos individualmente oenbloque. En esta versión demo sólo está disponible en el módulodeintervalos, con un límite máximo de 5 registros, sin posibilidaddeborrado.Esta aplicación está en desarrollo. Si tienes algunaconsulta,pregunta, sugerencia o encuentras algún error, fallo odefecto dela aplicación, por favor, ponte en contacto con [email protected] yestaremosencantados de atenderte.- - - - - - - - - -Etiquetas: entrenamiento auditivo, educación auditiva,dictadomusical, oído musical, reconocimiento intervalos,identificaciónacordes, arpegios, ascendente, descendente, grados,progresionesarmónicas, melódicos, armónicos, escalas, oídoabsoluto, dominantesecundaria, resolución, solfeo, lenguajemusical, conservatorio,jazz, oído relativo, armonía.Application foreducationmusical ear with a multitude of exercises that help us torecognizeand identify intervals, chords, degrees of progression,secondarydominants, scales and develop our absolute pitch. This isthe demoversion with less features and functions as the fullversion.This application is aimed at students and music teachersandmusicians, both amateur and professional, whatever theinstrumentto touch, as its wide range of options andextensivecustomizability makes it suitable for any musical levelitpossesses.It includes the following modules:1) Recognition and identification of melodic andharmonicintervals descending, ascending and, with option toindividuallychoose each interval (second child until just eighth inthis demoversion, the full version also includes minor ninths andtenths andolder), and and not be forced to make "predefined"exercises. Wecan adjust the pitch range (two to four octaves), theexecutionspeed of melodic interval (slow, normal or fast), thenumber ofintervals per batch (5 to 25) and response time (from 5 to60seconds or even unlimited). Most of these features are availableinthis demo version.2) Recognition and identification of chords and arpeggios,upwardand downward. The choice of chords to practice, executionspeed, ifthe key will be fixed or variable, the number of chordsand responsetime are adjustable. In this demo version almost allof theseoptions are disabled.The chords available are:- Greater Triad- Minor Triad- Augmented Triad- Triad decreased- 7th dominant- 7th largest *- Minor 7 *- 7th minor-major (minor chord with 7th largest) *- Senior 6th *- Minor 6th ** Only available in the full version.3) Recognition and identification of harmonicprogressionsdegrees in more shade. Includes key you always have thepossibilityto hear the tonic chord. We select between all grades IthroughVII, and the dominant secondary grades II, III, IV, V andVI. Also,as usual, we will have the opportunity to adjust thenumber ofdegrees of each year, the response time and resolution ofsecondarydominant (normal or random). In this demo version areavailableonly grades I, IV and V, and the ruling of V.4) Recognition and identification of scales, both uplinkanddownlink. It includes the usual customization optionsexercise(scale types, execution speed, tessitura, number of calls,responsetime). The full version includes 21 different scales. Thismoduleis only available in the full version of the application.5) Training of absolute pitch. Adjustable options:tessitura,number of notes per load, response time. This module isonlyavailable in the full version.In this update we added the log results of the exercises, withanoption to delete them individually or in bulk. This demo versionisonly available in the module intervals, to a maximum of 5recordswithout the possibility of erasure.This application is under development. If you have anyqueries,questions, suggestions or find any errors, failure ordefaultapplication, please contact [email protected] and wewillbe happy to assist.- - - - - - - - - -Tags: ear training, auditory education, dictated musical,musicalear, interval recognition, identification chords,arpeggios,ascending, descending, degrees, harmonic, melodic,harmonicprogressions, scales, perfect pitch, dominant high,resolution,music theory, music theory, conservatory, jazz,relative pitch,harmony.
Earz Online music education 5.5.3
Learn everything about music in a playful manner; hear, readandunderstand!
Theta Music Trainer 3.0.8
Sharpen your musical ear with fun games for ear training andmusictheory.
TINY TWIN BEARS' Wonderrhythm 1.2
The most popular Kids app "Touch andPlayWONDER RHYTHM" makes collaboration with "TINY TWIN BEARS"!!Children can enjoy many sounds by tapping Tiny Twin Bearsandfuniture to the rhythm of the theme songs of Tiny Twin Bearsandother children's songs.Tapping the icon on the upper right allows you to choose songsandscenes.This app contains no letters, no description. Children canusethis app intuitively and learn how to use this app naturallybydiscovering the game rules with its sound and picturebythemselves.[Who can enjoy this app?]Children aged between one to three and parents.[HOW TO PLAY]Choose your favorite scenes from 3 scenes; "Lulu and Lolo'shouse","the bridge over the water", and "the kitchen".Items in the scenes[Lulu and Lolo's house] Lulu and Lolo, tricycle, car,bird,door[the bridge over the water] Lulu and Lolo, 8 frogs (sol-fa)[the kitchen] Lulu and Lolo changing costumes, stew pot,faucet,toaster, cakesChildren can enjoy many real sounds and movements ofcharactersby touching screens or shaking phones.Tapping the icon on the upper right allows you to choose songsandscenes.Touching with the beat will develop children's senseofrhythm.Of course, it is one of good way to play only sounds, and also,thisapplication is suited for rhythmique.*This application contains many famous songs thateveryoneknows.These songs will develop children's sense of rhythm, andcharacterswill develop children's knowledge about the things aroundus.All songs are free of charge and we never press you to buyanothersongs.- Lulu and Lolo's theme- If You're Happy and You Know it, Clap Your Hands- J'ai perdu le do de ma clarinette- The Music Man- Heigh-Ho- Mary Had a Little Lamb- The Other Day I Met a Bear- Picnic- Frog song- I've Been Working on the Railroad10 songs in total.[Recommended use for this app]- as a tool for intellectual education- rhythmique on the rhythm- as an educational tool for kids interested in kitchenware- as a toy for children who like making sounds- as a present for children who loves songs and music- for helping kids stop crying- for helping parents when they are tired or don't have enoughtimeto play with kids- for helping parents fill kids' attention in the queue orintransport.[About TINY TWIN BEARS]LULU & LOLO -- TINY TWIN BEARS is a popular and famousTVanimation program based on the best-selling picture book thebears'school. The main characters are called Lulu and Lolo. Theyare twingirl bears; the orange bear is Lulu and the yellow oneisLolo.It is a heart-warming family story with Lulu and Lolo tryingnewtasks every day such as shopping and cleaning.(c) BANDAI / LuluLoloProject[About Kidzapplanet]Kidzapplanet is an application brand providingeducationalsmartphone applications for kids between the age of 0and 6 to helpthem develop their sensibility and intellectualability.
聞き流す!聴音 hiMudic 1.1.7
ハ長調単音の聴音です。回答は「ドに解決するメロディー」で示されます。ランダムな問題と解答が連続し、繰り返えされます。聞き流すだけで音感が身に付きます。[~問題/回答 自動繰り返し~]ボタンをonにすると問題/回答が繰り返されます。問題は下のソから上のファまでの2オクターブ-1の範囲からランダムに選ばれます。ボタン並びの・[問題/回答]を押す度に、問題と解答が出ます。・[回答(再)]を押すと同じ回答が出ます。・[問題(再)]を押すと同じ問題が出ます。・[音階]を押すとド~ドの音が出ます。チェックボックスはチェックすることにより次の動作をします・常に音符を表示する 出題時にも音符が表示されます。・解決音を出さない ドに解決するメロディーの代わりに問題の音だけを出します。・視唱モード 出題時に音符を表示し音を出しません。ボタン並びはフリックすると反転します。Ha is the majorsinglenote of listening.Answers are presented in "melody to solve the soil."Random problems and answer is continuous, it will berepeatedKaee.and pretend to listen attaches to only pitch is just.[~ Problem / answer automatic repeat ~] button When youonproblem / answer is repeated.The problem is chosen at random from a range of two octaves -1upfiles of the above from the source below.Button sequence of• The [problem / answer] every time you press, you get the answertothe problem.- [Answer (re)] I get press and the same answer the.- You get the [problem (re)] the same problem and press.· [Scale] the sound of the soil-soil comes out and press.Check box and then the next operation by checking• Always you want to display a noteIt appears note even at the time of questions.It is not issued to and resolve soundIt will issue only the sound of the problem instead of the melodytosolve the soil.· Mi唱 modeIt does not issue a Show to sound the note at the timeofquestions.Button sequence inverted to flick.
Music Theory Video Tutor 2.0
Upon completing this tutorial, you will beableto read and write music.You will have studied fifty-three enjoyable and ‘easy tofollow’music theory lessons with exercises that have a cursor insync withthe music as it is played, so you’ll always see while youhear,where you are in the music!The Language of Music Part 1:Learn the sharp key major and minor scales, key signaturesandthree part chords (triads)1. The notes on the Keyboard2. Scales – why we need to learn them3. What notes to make sharp (part 1)4. What notes to make sharp (part 2)5. Keyboard fingering sharp keys6. From Keyboard to Stave7. Name the Notes8. How to write the sharp key signatures9. Triads (3 part chords)10. ‘C’ triad voicings and questions11. Relative Minors12. Key Signatures and Triads questionsRhythm and pitch to 1/8thnotes(quavers)/stems/rests/accidentals/repeat signs andsightsinging13. Rhythm – 1/8th notes14. Stems, Rests, Accidentals and Repeat Signs15. Rhythm and Pitch16. Sight Singing17. Sight Singing exercise 118. Sight Singing exercise 2a19. Sight Singing exercise 2b20. Sight Singing exercise 3a21. Sight Singing exercise 3b22. Sight Reading 123. Sight Reading 224. Dotted Notes25. Sight Reading 326. Sight Reading 427. Sight Reading 528. Sight Reading 629. Swing Time30. Swing Time – Swing pecks exercise31. Straight and Swing Rhythm exercises32. Straight and Swing Sight ReadingThe Language of Music Part 2:Intervals/flat key major and minor scales/key signaturesandtriads1. Intervals2. The Flat Keys3. Relative Minors4. Flat Key Fingering5. Triads and Key Signatures QuestionsRead rhythm to 1/16ths (semi-quavers)6. Rhythm – 1/16th notes (1)7. Rhythm – 1/16th notes (2)8. Rhythm – 1/16th notes (3)9. Shuffle Time10. 1/16th exercise 111. 1/16th exercise 212. 1/16th exercise 313. 1/16th exercise 4Read rhythm and pitch to 1/16ths14. 1/16th sight reading exercise ‘C’ Major15. 1/16th sight reading exercises ‘Bb’ Major16. 1/16th sight reading exercises ‘D’ Minor17. Pickups18. 1/16th sight reading exercise ‘G’ MinorDynamics/articulation and transposition19. Dynamics and Articulation20. Dynamics and Articulation Sight Reading21. Transposition
Note Teacher Kids 1.0.4
This is a note and song teaching app Imadetohelp kids learn music. It has cute graphics and funplaymodes,while remaining true to actual musical education.Feedback from a music teacher: "It teaches thevisualassociationof staff notes-to-keyboard keys in a way thatissympathetic tochildren's motivation and need for reward. Thebuiltin teacher andfade-in answer are great for this kind ofblandmemory-work, as kidsabsorb and memorize the notes, they relylessand less on the help.With this app I can get kids whoseparentsdon't read music or playa musical instrument to learn thisvitalreading skill in a muchshorter time scale. It alsoencouragesparents or other siblings tolearn to read."Also check out the review at!From learning the basic single notes to scales, aflashcardandmusic game format teaches your child note names andpositionsusinga piano keyboard.Cute characters appear to guide and support learning.36 lessons and songs teach note basics, clefs,scales,arpeggios,sharps, and flats.-Treble and Bass clef-Note names pop up as hints if too much time passes-CDE or Do Re Mi (solfege) can be chosen.-Lessons and songs are graded to track progress-Free play piano mode for fun!
Play By Ear Trainer Lite 1.1
Do you play guitar, saxophone, violin,piano,trumpet or any other instrument? Do you want to developyourability to play what you hear in your mind right away? ThenVictorBaumwolle's Play By Ear Trainer is meant for you! Practicesolfegeon your own instrument. Play melodies after only listening,withoutany sheet music.This is the ultimate solfege trainer for saxophone,flute,violin, guitar or piano players, or whatever other instrumentyouplay. The app plays assignments that you repeat on yourowninstrument, and listens if you play the correct notes. The levelofthe exercises varies from very easy to extremely hard. Neverwassolfege training so much fun as with Victor Baumwolle's Play ByEarTrainer.This is the lite version of our trainer. You can upgrade tothefull edition via an In App Purchase, or buy the full editionrightaway. This is the very first release version, so your reviewsareappreciated, te positive as well as suggestions for improvement.Ifyou find bugs, it would be great if you could inform usbeforegiving this app a rating.♬ One note and two note exercises. (You can upgrade by inapppurchase to three and four note exercises)♬ 5 different algorithmic exercises, always new andchallenging(After upgrade 20 exercises available)♬ Elaborate Introduction manual♬ The app listens, and recognizes the notes you play♬ Start with playing one note diatonic exercises in C scale,worktowards chromatic assignments in wide range (fulleditiononly)♬ Suitable for all kinds of instruments as saxophone, flute,violin,trumpet, guitar, piano, oboe, clarinet, etc.
Truth Tables 3.43
truth-tables for classical logic and for a number ofnon-classicalsystems