Top 8 Apps Similar to Every Good Day Eng Free

每日正能量 0.1
正能量语录(中英文版) 1.1
Amy Pureair
收录上百句正能量话题以及励志警局,生活感悟名言,温馨短句。独特的随机读取风格,可以让每次阅读感悟到不同的惊喜。中英对照,适合英文、中文学习者。让我们一起传递正能量给自己和身边的人!Includedhundredsofpositive energy topic sentence and inspirationalpolice,sayingunderstanding of life, warm phrases.The unique style of random read, you can let each readcametorealize that a different surprise.Bilingual for English and Chinese learners.Let us pass along positive energy to themselves and thepeoplearoundyou!
Vibrational Energy Oracle Deck 2.1
The Vibrational Energy Oracle Deckpresentsdown to earth explanations and guidance. Its simplicityallowsanyone using them to get answers to daily issues on life.Because the definitions for each card are uncomplicated andeasyto read, these oracle cards make it accessible for the user totapinto the wisdom of their own intuition. The FiveVibrationalDimensions of the Soul is a very special spread whereyou can doyour own reading, taking you through the five levels ofyour soulassisting you to get answers to Universal Truths that youneed toacknowledge.These cards reflect the pervasive changes in our liveshelpingusers with guidance to get past blocks. The messages givetheminsights on what might be holding them back. The definitionsare‘grounded’ so will help guide the user towards the directiontheyneed to go at that moment. Sort of like clearing the fogthatsometimes surrounds us, helping us to get back in step with ourownvibrational energy.The heart and soul of self-development is being able todoreadings for yourself whenever you want. The synchronicitiesofyour higher self and connecting with the angels makes itsuperaccessible to be able to guide your soul to what it needs,wantsand desires. Oracle cards, unlike Tarot are simpler to use soyoucan get the same way to get insights and direction.You can use this app as a full-featured, ad-freeandtime-unlimited "Lite" version, or unlock the full deck for asmallfee.Key features:- A complete deck of 52 cards*, beautifully illustrated,coveringmany topics regarding daily issues- 3 types of readings (1, 3 or 11 cards)- You can save your readings to a journal forfurtherreference- Share your readings with your friends, by email oronFacebook!*the full deck is available in the unlocked versionAbout the author: Debbie A. Anderson was born in England. Sheisa natural healer who has worked in the magical sphereofspirituality all of her life, bringing forth many modalitiesthathave manifested and evolved along the way. She is a psychicmediumthat has been giving intuitive spiritual readings for over30years.About the illustrator: Heather Brewster is an intuitiveartist,whose intention is to create artwork that promotes apositive andhealing energy. She primarily works in acrylic,painting on canvasor birch panels and also works with digitalmedia.
Afirmacje na Dzien Dobry! 1.2
"Dobrze jest dobrze zaczynać dzień, botodobrze wpływa i na nas i na otaczający nas Świat...".W tej aplikacji nie wybierasz sobie afirmacji.Tutaj afirmacja jest wybierana dla Ciebie(!), ale zanim jąotrzymaszpomyśl:Co Świat ma mi do powiedzenia?...Afirmację możesz również wysłać swoim znajomym.Możesz również podzielić się swoją afirmacją z innymi....A wszystko zaczęło się od projektu "afirmacji na telefon" -zobaczopinie z projektu "Afirmacji na Dzień Dobry!" (sms):."Te afirmacje to niezwykla podróż w kierunku osiągnięciamojegocelu, który zbliża się wielkimi krokami, wiec ja poproszeonastępne, które do końca otworzą serce na to co sobienamalowalamna matrycy energetycznej. Pozdrawiam i dziękuję.Renata."."Dzieki afirmacjom jestem O:-) ale przyjme z wdziecznosciakazdanastepna. Jednak termin wyliczyliscie ciekawie:-DpozdrawiamJagoda"."Witaj, Pawle :) Twoje afirmacje trafiaja w sedno tego, cosiedzieje w moim zyciu: czasem sa wskazowka, czasem innympodejsciem.Sa jak promyk slonca. Lubie zaczynac z nimi dzien.Dziekuje!Promyczki, Halina"."Dziekuje za wspaniale afirmacje,pracuje za granica i Panaafirmacjedodaja mi sil i dowartosciowuja mnie.,dziekizawsparcie,pozdrawiam:-)"."Ogromnie dziękuję za rewelacyjny pomysł z afirmacjami! zawsparciekażdego dnia,za mądrość i serce.Zgłaszam swoją wielkąpotrzebę naotrzymywanie afirmacji w dalszym ciągu,równieżodpłatnie.Potrzebujęmyśli wzmacniających odwagę oraz odporność nastres w pracy zludźmi i wiarę w miłość,dobro.Proszę omniepamiętać.POZDRAWIAM-Małgosia"."Czesc Pawel. Przyznam, ze bardzo przyzwyczailam sie doTwoichAfirmacji na DD i czekam na nie z ciekawoscia iniecierpliwoscia.Sa dla mnie pozytywnym poczatkiem dnia. Dziekuje:)"."Moje odczucia są jak najbardziej pozytywne i dużo zmienily wmoimżyciu. Najważniejsze że uwierzyłam w swoje możliwości izdalamegzamin na prawo jazdy za drugim razem a moja droga dozdobyciatego celu nie była łatwa, 10 lat wcześniej próbowałam aleniewychodziło. Skończyło się tylko zniechęceniem. A teraz jestsuperzmieniłam sposób myślenia. Duzo dobrych rzeczy dzieje się wmoimżyciu, których wcale bym nie spodziewała. Szczerze powiem żebyłamsceptycznie nastawiona do tego typu motywacji ale zmieniłemzdaniei muszę stwierdzić że to działa."."Twoje afirmacje codziennie podnosza mnie na duchu, stawiajadopionu, przypominaja mi o tym, abym nie tracila z oczu swojegocelu.Sprawiaja, ze nie czuje sie tak bardzo samotna."."Witam! Od jakiegos czasu usmiecham sie co rano na dzwieksms.Afirmacje sa tak skonstruowane ze kazdy moze z nich wziac comujapotrzebniejsze. Bardzo dziekuje Krzysztof ... MLEGOZYCIA!:-)"."Jak codziennie Dziękuję.Życzę udanych, zdrowych wakacji imamnadzieję na ponowny kontakt po urlopie. Pozdrawiam ciepło izuśmiechem!"."Dobrze ze nie mogles sie oprzec :-) POZDRAWIAM I ZYCZEMILEGODNIA"."Bardzo dziekuje! Jak najdzie Cie kiedys "pokusanieprzezwyciezona"to powiedz sobie ja Pawel wysle kolejna afirmacjedo Krzyska bo onna nie czeka. Pozdrawiam Krzysztof ..."."Witam, kazdego poranka czekalam na afirmacje :-) a tu przerwanawakacje. Udanego urlopu. Pozdrawiam Sylwia ..."./wybacz pisownię bez polskich znaków - takie sms-y/.źródło:"It is good to starttheday, because it's a good influence on us and on the world aroundus...".In this application, you are not yourself affirmations.Here affirmation is selected for you (!), But before you thinkyouwill get:What world has to say to me?...You can also send an affirmation of their friends.You can also share your affirmation with others....And it all started with the project "affirmation on the phone" -seeopinions from the "Affirmation Good Day!" (Sms):."These affirmations are extraordinary journey towards achievingmygoal, which is fast approaching, so I ask for any more, thattheend of the open heart of what each painted on the energymatrix.Best regards and thank you. Renata."."Thanks afirmacjom I O:-) but gratefully przyjme each next.However,the term computed it interesting: D greetingsJagoda"."Hello, Paul :) Your affirmations being taken at the heart ofwhatis going on in my life: the time is an indication, adifferentattitude that sometimes. They are like a ray of sun. Ilike tostart with them on. Thank you! Promyczki, Halina"."Thank you for a great affirmations, working abroad andLordaffirmations I ascribe my strength and extents., Thanks foryoursupport, I greet:-)".'We thank you for the terrific idea of ​​affirmations! Foryoursupport every day, for wisdom and serce.Zgłaszam their greatneedto receive affirmation continues also to strengthen thecourageodpłatnie.Potrzebuję thoughts and resistance to stress atwork withpeople and faith in love, dobro.Proszę aboutmepamiętać.POZDRAWIAM-Gretel "."Hi Paul. I admit that very accustomed to your Affirmation on DDandlook at them with curiosity and eagerly. They are for me apositivebeginning of the day. Thank you :)"."My feelings are very positive and many have changed in my life.Themost important me believe in your abilities and passed thedrivingtest for the second time, and my way to get this goal hasnot beeneasy, 10 years before I tried but it came out. I ended uponlydiscouragement. And now he's a super way of thinking changed.A lotof good things going on in my life that I did not expect atall. Tobe honest I was skeptical about this type of motivation butIchanged my mind and I have to say that it works. "."Your affirmations daily lifting me up, put to the vertical,remindme about it, I did not lose sight of your goal. Make it donot feelso alone."."Hello! For some time I smile every morning to the sound ofsms.Affirmations are designed so that each of them can take whathejapotrzebniejsze. We thank Christopher ... MLEGO LIFE!:-)"."As every Dziękuję.Życzę successful, healthy holiday and hope tobecontacted again after the holiday. I greet warmly and withasmile!"."Well with could not you not resist:-) POZDRAWIAM And have aniceday"."Thank you very much! How to bug Cie once" invincible temptation"totell myself I will send another affirmation Paul to Krzyskabecausehe is waiting for. Regards, Krzysztof ..."."Hello, everyone waited for affirmations morning:-) and heretheholiday break. Successful leave. Regards Sylvia ..."./ Forgive the spelling without Polish characters - such sms /.Source:
Morning Waffle Images 1.4
It doesn’t take a lot of effort to write morning wishes or sendamorning cards. Find heart warming and cute good morning cardsforeveryone. This Morning Waffle Images app has lots ofmorningwishes, morning quotes and morning messages to wish yourfamily,friends, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife or anyoneelse.Morning Waffle Images is a collection the best of goodmorningwishes and greetings. This app is free and has a specialfunctionlike puzzle games, camera and also varieties of morningquotes andcards. Morning Waffle Images is filled with 3D highresolutioncards as you can see for yourself and share it with yourfriendsvia email or other social media. Has been designed byprofessionaldesigners and we hope you can send this good morningwishes to yourbeloved and friends to express your best regards.Some of Morningquotes in Morning Waffle Images : -Every morningreminds me of allthe wrong dreams I had been chasing all my lifeuntil I found theright one – YOU. Good morning. -Alarms can go offas loudly as theywant, my day won’t start unless I hear your voice.Good morningbaby. -If you were right here, I would run my fingersthrough yourhair, gaze into your eyes and give you a kiss thatyou’d rememberfor a lifetime. Good morning. -Every morning I wakeup to realizethat I am dating the Princess from my Fairytale. Goodmorning. Mayyou start this new day with your beautiful smile andhappiness. -Ifu cannot get someone off ur mind, maybe he/she issupposed to bethere. Remember, the mind can recognize what theheart is trying todeny. Good Morning! -Eyes are not meant for tearsand heart is notmeant for fear, never get upset but always cheerbcoz u r the 1 whocan make people smile for years. Good Morning!-Life is a rope thatswings us through hope. Always believe thattoday is better thanyesterday & tomorrow will be much betterthan today... goodmorning babe. -Family, friends, health & timedon't come with aprice tag! It's only when we lose them that werealize their truevalue. Good Morning! -Good morning dear. I hope uhave a wonderfulday. -All mornings r like paintings:- u need alittle inspirationto get going, a little smile to brighten up &an SMS fromsomeone who cares to color ur day... (*) Good Morning(*) -God hasadded one more day in your life not necessarily bcozyou need itbut because someone else might need u. Good Morning! Themostbeautiful words & pictures of love on your phone to sendtoloved you love most,your friend, your partner, your boyfriend,yourgirlfriend, your brothers, your family, etc .... Tell him thatyoulove to say good morning to him, Tell them how much they wanttosend good morning Pictures. Its always free and if you want alotsmore morning quotes and cards you can download this freeecards. Wehave make this for android user and i hope you enjoy it!Legalnotice/Disclaimer: Images from public domain have been usedfor thephotomontages, as they are not identified in any way thatstatesthe reserved exploitation of such. Any natural or legalperson, whoappears to be the owner of any images contained therein,mayaccredit it via email to [email protected],committingourselves to the immediate withdrawal of the imageafterverification of the protected photo ownership.
Laws Of Power 2.2
For those who want to gain power,observethepower or arm themselves against the power ...48 Laws of Power summarizes the famous laws written byRobertGreeneto obtain and study of power in all areas of everydaylifeLaws which apply in the workplace, in relationships, inthestreetor watching the evening news: everything, everyone andtoachieve anypurpose.This version includes 48 laws and its short summary.Some of the greatest men and women throughout history haveknownthesecrets of using the power of thoughts. They use thepowerwithintheir minds to manifest their dreams, plucking them fromtheinnerdepth of the subconscious and bringing them to life intheirfullcolor glory using nothing more than the power of the mindsandtheenergy created by their thoughts and emotions usingLawofPower.This is an example mind power firmly rooted in scientificfact.Thelaws of physics applied to the metaphysical to createtheperfectblend of fact and idea. A universal law finallydiscoveredandbrought into play for the men and women of earth,applyingtoeveryone, regardless of their age, gender or race,andcarryingwith it guaranteed results!It's the law of Power, a law that has governed theworkingsofnature since the beginning of time and has beenspeculateduponnearly as long, but has not been studied and taughtto thegeneralpublic in enough depth for them to be able to put itto gooduse;that is, until now. You can now tapped intothesubconsciousmind.The law of Power is a law based upon the idea thattheenergygiven off by a person's mind, whether it be good or bad,willdrawlike energy to it. This means that by encouraging theirmindstogive off good energy waves an individual would be abletodrawpositive energy waves out of the universe to makegoodthingshappen for them.What can the law of Power do for you? Thepossibilitiesareendless; there really are no limitations on thepositivechangesthe law of Power can bring into your life. Use thepowerofthoughts.There is so much that can be done with the law of Power,andyetso many people do not realize the power they holdattheirfingertips! So much suffering could be averted ifthepeopleinvolved only knew the power they have hidden withintheirownminds!The law of Power is the best kept secret of some oftherichestmen and women in the world. Now you can learn to use ittoyouradvantage too.48 laws of powerat the time Greene was rereading his favorite biographyaboutJuliusCaesar and took inspiration from Caesar's decision tocrosstheRubicon River and fight Pompey, thus inciting the GreatRomanCivilWar. Greene would follow Caesar's example and writethetreatment,which later became The 48 Laws of Power. He wouldnotethis as theturning point of his life.
Every Good Day Free 2.3
Label Li
“Every Good Day Free” can fill youwithpositiveenergy every day!When you start “Every Good Day Free”, positive energy willfillinyour mind.Every day with positive energy, you can live happier andhavemorepower!Every day with positive energy, you can pay attention toallthething around you and can have a more beautiful day!Features:* “Every Good Day Free” will provide positive energycorrespondingtoyour birthday.* Please don’t worry. Your name and birthday will onlyuseinproviding positive energy. It will not transfer toanyothersystem.* Watch the beautiful sight and read the warmly positiveenergyeveryday, you can have a more beautiful day.* Positive Energy can be added as Widget.※NoticeThis is the free version. There is a paid version called“EveryGoodDay”.※Difference between “Every Good Day” and “EveryGoodDayFree”* The positive energy can be posted to facebook.* More positive energy will be provided.※Note“Every Good Day Free” is an application in TraditionalChinese.ForEnglish Version, please find “Every Good Day EngFree”.Thanks for your support!