Top 15 Apps Similar to GAMELAN mp3

Lagu Instrumen Gamelan Lengkap 2.0
Lilla Music
apakah anda menyukai musik instrumenserulingcampur gamelan jawa? kami persembahkan sebuah aplikasistreamingmusic gamelan jawa dengan alunan seruling yang dapatmembawa andamerasakan suasanayang tenang dan damai. jika anda merasakan penat danmembutuhkanrelaksasi ,gak perlu jauh jauh karena musik instrumengamelan jawaini adalah jawabannya.jika anda mendengarkan music intrumen piano ,sexophone,atauseruling adalah hal yang biasa dan mudah ditemukan diinternet,tapilain dengan music gending jawa ini. Ada terdapat 12 musicyangdapat dijadikan penenang jiwa anda.anda dapatmendengarkannyalangsung streaming karena kami tidak menyediakanlinkdownloadnya.Tak ada yang lebih nyaman selain bersantai denganmusicgending ini.slamat menikmatido you like the Javanese gamelan musical instruments? We presentaJavanese gamelan music streaming application that can take youtofeel the atmospherequiet and peaceful. If you feel tired and need of relaxation, donotneed much further because Javanese gamelan musical instrumentsarethe answer.if you listen to music instruments, piano, sexophone, or flutesarecommon and easy to find on the internet, but others withmusicgending this java.there are 12 music that can be used as a sedative soul canlistenlive streaming . we do not provide the download link.nothing is more comfortable but relax with music gendingini.enjoyFITUR-mendengarkan langsung streaming gending dan seruling jawa-just klik and listen instrument songsif you love musicmixedJavanese gamelan instruments flute? We present a Javanesegamelanmusic streaming application with the sound of a flute thatcan takeyou to feel the atmospherequiet and peaceful. If you feel tired and in need of relaxation,donot need much further because Javanese gamelan musicalinstrumentsare the answer.if you listen to music instruments, piano, sexophone, or flutesarecommon and easy to find the internet, but others with musicgendingthis java. There are 12 music that can be used as a sedativesoulcan listen live streaming anda.anda because we do not providelinksdownloadnya.Tak is more comfortable but relax with musicgendingini.slamat enjoydo you like the Javanese gamelan musical instruments? We presentaJavanese gamelan music streaming application that can take youtofeel the atmospherequiet and peaceful. If you feel tired and need of relaxation, donotneed much further Because Javanese gamelan musical instrumentsarethe answer.if you listen to music instruments, piano, sexophone, or flutesarecommon and easy to find on the internet, but others withmusicgending this java.there are 12 music that can be used as a sedative soul canlistenlive streaming. we do not provide the download link.nothing is more comfortable but relax with music gendingthis.enjoyFEATURES-mendengarkan live streaming gending and flute Java-Just click and listen instrument songs
Demung Digital
Supriyadi Pro
IndonesiaDemung Digital merupakan aplikasi sebuah alat musik tradisionalJawaTengah Yang bernama Demung . Aplikasi ini memiliki dua laras,yaituSlendro dan Pelog. Anda dapat mencoba memainkan bergantianataubersama teman.- Demung Slendro memiliki 5 nada, tetapi ada dua nada yangmemilikirendah dan tinggi (6 & 1), yaitu : nada 6 rendah, 1rendah, 2,3, 5, 6 tinggi, dan 1 tinggi.- Demung Pelog memiliki 7 nada berurutan, yaitu : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7Diluncurkannya aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan budayaJawakhususnya gamelan. Ini merupakan langkah awal kami sebelummembuataplikasi alat musik gamelan digital lainnya. Kami berharap,denganaplikasi Demung digital generasi muda akan lebih mengenaldanbelajar memainkan musik tradisi gamelan.Kami ingin mendengar reaksi anda mengenai Demung Digital.Dengankritik dan saran kami mencoba untuk memperbaiki berbagaikekuranganuntuk menjadikan aplikasi ini lebih mudahdigunakan.EnglishDemung Digital is the application of a traditionalmusicalinstrument of Central Java named Demung . This applicationhas twoLaras, is Slendro and Pelog. You can try to play alternatelyortogether with friends.- Demung Slendro has 5 tones but there are two low and hightones,namely: six low tone, low 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 high, and 1high.- Demung Pelog has 7 consecutive tones, namely: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7The launch of this application aims to preserve Javaneseculture,especially musicians. This is our first step before makingtheapplication more digital gamelan musical instruments. We hopethat,with the application of digital Demung younger generation willgetto know and learn to play traditional gamelan music.We want to hear your reaction on Digital Demung . Withcriticismsand suggestions we are trying to improve the ease to maketheseapplications easier to use.IndonesiaDemung Digital is the application of a traditionalmusicalinstrument of Central Java Yang named Demung. Thisapplication hastwo barrel, ie Slendro and Pelog. You can try toplay alternatelyor together with friends.- Demung Slendro has five tones, but there are two tones thathavelow and high (6 & 1), namely: six low tone, low 1, 2, 3, 5,6high, and 1 high.- Demung Pelog has 7 consecutive tones, namely: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7The launch of this application aims to preserve Javaneseculture,especially musicians. This is our first step before makingtheapplication more digital gamelan musical instruments. We hopethat,with the application of digital Demung younger generation willgetto know and learn to play traditional gamelan music.We want to hear your reaction on Demung Digital. With criticismsandsuggestions we are trying to improve the ease to maketheseapplications easier to use.EnglishDemung Digital is the application of a traditionalmusicalinstrument of Central Java named Demung. This applicationhas twoLaras, is Slendro and Pelog. You can try to play alternatelyortogether with friends.- Demung Slendro has 5 tones but there are two low and hightonesitems, namely: six low tone, low 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 high, andonehigh.- Demung Pelog has 7 consecutive tones items, namely: 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6, 7The launch of this application aims to preserve Javaneseculture,especially musicians. This is our first step before makingtheapplication more digital gamelan musical instruments. We hopethat,with the application of digital Demung younger generation willgetto know and learn to play traditional gamelan music.We want to hear your reaction on Digital Demung. With criticismsandsuggestions we are trying to improve the ease to make-ReviewsTheseapplications Easier to use.
Musik Tradisional Jawa 2.0
Gamelan adalah ensembel musik yangbiasanyamenonjolkan metalofon, gambang, gendang, dan gong. Istilahgamelanmerujuk pada instrumennya / alatnya, yang mana merupakansatukesatuan utuh yang diwujudkan dan dibunyikan bersama. KataGamelansendiri berasal dari bahasa Jawa gamel yang berarti memukul/menabuh, diikuti akhiran an yang menjadikannya kata benda.Aplikasi ini dapat anda dengarkan dimana saja tanpaharusterkoneksi dengan internetGamelan is amusicalensemble that usually includes metallophone, xylophone,drums, andgongs. The term gamelan refers to the instrument / tool,which is aunified whole that is realized and pounded together.Gamelan worditself comes from the Javanese word meaning gamelhitting /beating, followed by an ending that makes a noun.This app you can listen to anywhere without having to connecttothe Internet
Saron 1.3
PTD Studio
It is great app for you if you like this traditionalIndonesiainstrument.
Gamelan Gender lite
Otmar Kramis
Balinese Gamelan Gendèr Wayang - Gamelan in a Box
AR-Gamelan 1.0
AmPu Studio
Pada AR-Gamelan penggunadapatberinteraksidengan menekan touch untuk mendapatkan bunyidarisetiap perangkatgamelan.Cara memainkan aplikasi ini adalah :1. Unduh Magic Book yang sudah kami sediakan di Unduh Aplikasi AR-Gamelan, Kemudian Instal di Device Anda3. Jalankan Aplikasi dan sorot kamera Device anda kegambaralatmusik gamelan4. Mainkan alat musik gamelan dengan menyentuh padalayardeviceanda.In AR-Gamelanuserscaninteract by pressing a touch to get the sound fromanysetgamelan.How to play this application are:1 Download Magic Book which we have provided in Download Application AR-Gamelan, then Install in yourDevice3 Run the application and highlight your device cameratoimagegamelan musical instruments4 Play gamelan instrument by touching the screenofyourdevice.
Balinese Gamelan 1.0
Kusuma Dev
Anda suka pulau BALI?? anda sukalagunyaterutama instrumen gamelan BALI??"This application is suitable for those of you who really liketheBalinese gamelan instruments”aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan gamelan BALIdiantaranya adalah : Bapang Slisir, Gong Kebyar, Kecak,PlayonBarong, Rindik etcyang dapat anda gunakan sebagai ringtones di HP anda atau andadapatmendengarkan secara langsung.Selain Ringtones, dapat anda gunakan juga sebagai alarm.nikmati sensasi seperti anda sedang berada di Pulau BaliDengan mendownload applikasi ini ,anda dapat menikmati gamelan Bali di setiap kegiatan andadimanasaja .For those true love BALINESE should try this application....
Gamelan Gender 2.6
Otmar Kramis
Balinese Gamelan Gendèr Wayang - Gamelan in a Box
Touchtones Saron Java Music
Supriyadi Pro
Touchtones Saron Java Musicdigitalapplicationto practical and easy. Consists of 2 types ofgamelan,Pelog andSlendro IE. Different gamelan with a tone ofmajor-minorcharacters,but it has its own unique sound danmenarik.To play the Touchtones Saron is very easy, justpressinggentlywith a finger to the screen phone, then tone willreadaccording todesire.Touchtones Saron you can use for learning, butnotforprofessionals. This application is very simple astheintroductionof gamelan from Indonesia especially CentralJava.
Gudang Lagu Dangdut Koplo 2017 2.0
Sejarahnya, dangdut dipengaruhi musikIndiamelalui film Bollywood oleh Ellya Khadam dengan lagu"BonekaIndia", dan terakhir lahir sebagai Dangdut tahun 1968 dengantokohutama Rhoma Irama. Dalam evolusi menuju bentukkontemporer,sekarang masuk pengaruh unsur-unsur musik India(terutama daripenggunaan tabla) dan Arab (pada cengkok danharmonisasi).Perubahan arus politik Indonesia pada akhir tahun1960-an membukamasuknya pengaruh musik barat yang kuat denganmasuknya penggunaangitar listrik dan juga bentuk pemasarannya.Sejak tahun 1970-andangdut boleh dikatakan telah matang dalambentuknya yangkontemporer. Sebagai musik populer, dangdut sangatterbuka terhadappengaruh bentuk musik lain, mulai dari keroncong,langgam, degung,gambus, rock, pop, bahkan house music.Aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk mengajak anda untuk bernyanyidenganlirik,Aplikasi ini menyediakn musik player lagu LaguDangdutKoplo.Aplikasi ini juga di lengkapi dengan Radio Koplokesayangananda.Adapun judul lagunya adalah sebagai berikut:- organ tunggal pesona- ost mohabaten- lonceng cinta- Shodiq Monata- Via vallen- Kendang Kempul- Gandrung Banyuwangi- Anjar Agustin- Elsa Safira- Ratna Antika Mohabbatein- Rere Amora- Rosita Dewi , Elly Angelina- Utami Dewi & Ratna Antika- SNP Saudara New Pallapa- Arlida Putri & Gerry Mahesa - Ojo Salah Tompo- Bams MC- Brodin & Ayu Arsitha- Devi Aldiva - Seujung Kuku- Dwi Ratna - Tere Liye- Gerry Mahesa - Nurlela- Wiwik Sagita - Sambalado- Riza Marcella - Karena Gengsi- Tasya Rosmala - Senandung Rembulan- Via Vallen Klakson Telolet- Suliyana - uut selly- lilin Herlina Klakson Telolet- Reza Lawang Sewu- Eni sagita- rena KDI xena xenita- Om sagita dangdut hot koplo- Om Pantura 2017- cupi cupita , desi tatha- Nia Jovanka bersama niken amora- shasa aneska ( NDX AKA 2017 )- Della santika , Sintya Riske- Eka Novia , Sintya Riske- Lia capucino, novi ananda - titis yolanda- ost sinetron Mermaid in Love Season 2- dangdut purbalingga goyang hot- ost pangeran 2Ini lah daftar Radio Dangdut Koplo terbaru:>> Radio Dangdut Media>> cosmo Radio Bandung>> Radio Most FM Medan>> Radio Frambors radio>> Radio Swaragama RadioCatatan :* Jika hanya untuk membaca lirik musik tidak diperlukankoneksiinternet.* Jika ingin membaca lirik lagu lengkap sambil memainkan laguharusmemiliki koneksi internet yang lumayan cepat (minimal 3G ,Wiffidisarankan)* Seluruh media/gambar/Lagu adalah hak cipta dari pemeganghakcipta.* Tidak ada fitur Download lagu mp3 dalam aplikasi inikarnabertentangan dengan kebijakan aturanHistorically,dangdutmusic influenced by India through Bollywood films Ellya wageearnerwith the song "Dolls of India", and the last born in 1968DangdutRhoma Irama with the main character. In the evolutiontocontemporary forms, now in effect elements of Indian music(mainlyfrom the use of tabla) and Arabic (the crooked andharmonization).Changes in the political currents Indonesia in thelate 1960sopened the entry of the strong influence of western musicwith theinclusion of the use of electric guitar and is also a formofmarketing. Since the 1970s dangdut be said to have been cooked inacontemporary form. As popular music, dangdut very open totheinfluence of other musical forms, ranging from kroncong,style,gamelan, harp, rock, pop, and even house music.This application aims to invite you to sing with the lyrics,themusic player application is menyediakn song Lagu Koplo.Aplikasiisalso equipped with Radio Koplo your favorite.The title of the song is as follows:- The sole organ of charm- Ost mohabaten- The bells of love- Shodiq Monata- Via Vallen- Kendang Kempul- Gandrung- Anjar Agustin- Elsa Safira- Ratna Antika Mohabbatein- Rere Amora- Waseem, Elly Angelina- Utami Dewi & Ratna Antika- SNP Brothers New Pallapa- Arlida Princess & Gerry Mahesa - Ojo One Tompo- Bams MC- Brodin & Ayu Arsitha- Devi Aldiva - tip of the nail- Dwi Ratna - Tere Liye- Gerry Mahesa - Nurlela- Mandy Sagita - Sambalado- Riza Marcella - Because Gengsi- Tasya Rosmala - Hum Rembulan- Via Vallen horn Telolet- Suliyana - uut selly- Wax Herlina horn Telolet- Reza Lawang Sewu- Eni sagita- Rena KDI xena xenita- Om sagita dangdut hot koplo- Om Pantura 2017- Cupi cupita, desi tatha- Nia Jovanka together niken amora- Shasa aneska (NDX AKA 2017)- Della santika, Sintya Riske- Eka Novia, Sintya Riske- Lia capucino, Novi ananda - bead yolanda- Ost sinetron Mermaid in Love Season 2- Dangdut hot rocking purbalingga- Ost prince 2It was the latest list of Radio Dangdut Koplo:>> Radio Dangdut Media>> Cosmo Radio Bandung>> Radio Most FM Medan>> Radio radio Frambors>> Radio Radio SwaragamaNote:* If only to read the lyrics of the music is not requiredinternetconnection.* If you want to read the full song lyrics while playing asongshould have a fairly fast Internet connection (at least 3G,Wiffirecommended)* All media / picture / song is copyright of thecopyrightholder.* No features Download mp3 in this application because theconflictwith the policy rules
Gender Bali 5
If you known and already install Rindik Bali from S2TEAM ,youmaybefamiliar soon with Gender Bali. It's more advance modefromour Teamto inform and share to you, about from the most ancientofGamelanBali (Balinese instrument). It's will give youmoreoptions, 4 in 1:That is: 1. Gender Wayang 2. Rindik Bali 3.GangsaBali 4. SelondingBali Keep 4 playing modes (normal(idle),Practice Mode, Game Modeand Display Mode). Record yourowncomposing in .s2mad file. Nextwill substitute withhardwarecapability.
Piano Chords and Scales 0.91beta
Point Blank
Learn Chords and Scales on thePianoeasy.All major and ethnic scales:MajorMinorLydianMixolydianLocrianPhrygianDorianPentatonic BluesAeolianAlgerianArabian (a)Arabian (b)AugmentedAugmentedAuxiliary AugmentedAuxiliary DiminishedAuxiliary Diminished BluesBalineseBluesByzantineChineseChinese MongolianChromaticDiatonicDim halfDim wholeDiminishedDiminished HalfDiminished WholeDiminished Whole ToneDominant 7thDouble HarmonicEgyptianEight Tone SpanishEight Tone SpanishEnigmaticEnigmaticEthiopian (A raray)Ethiopian (Geez & Ezel)Half Diminished (Locrian)Half Diminished #2 (Locrian #2)Harmonic MinorHawaiianHinduHindustanHirajoshiHungarian GypsyHungarian Gypsy PersianHungarian MajorHungarian MinorIonianJapanese (A)Japanese (B)Japanese (Ichikosucho)Japanese (Taishikicho)JavaneeseJewish (Adonai Malakh)Jewish (Ahaba Rabba)Jewish (Magen Abot)KumoiLeading Whole ToneLeading Whole ToneLydian AugmentedLydian AugmentedLydian DiminishedLydian DiminishedLydian MinorLydian MinorMajor LocrianMajor LocrianMelodic MinorMelodic Minor (Ascending)Melodic Minor (Descending)MohammedanNeoploitan MajorNeoploitan MajorNeopolitanNeopolitan MinorNeopolitan MinorNine Tone ScaleNine Tone ScaleOctatonic (H-W)Octatonic (W-H)Oriental (a)Oriental (b)OvertoneOvertone DominantPelogPelogPentatonic MajorPentatonic MinorPentatonic NeutralPentatonic NeutralPersianPrometheusPrometheusPrometheus NeopolitanPure MinorPurvi ThetaRoumanian MinorSix Tone SymmetricalSix Tone SymmetricalSpanish GypsySpanish GypsySuper LocrianSuper LocrianTodi ThetaWholeWhole Tone
Koleksi Degung Sunda 1.1
Koleksi Degung Sunda adalahgamelankhassundaSundanesegamelancollection is a Sundanese gamelan
Gending Tayub (Javanese Dance) 1.0
Javanese dance is the dances and artformsthatwere created and influenced by Javanese culture.Javanesedancemovement is controlled, deliberate and refined.Javanese artoftendisplays a finesse, and at the same time a serenecomposurewhich iselevated far above everything mundane.[1] Javanesedanceis usuallyassociated with courtly, refined andsophisticatedculture of theJavanese kratons, such as the bedhayaand srimpidance. However, ina wider sense, Javanese dance alsoincludes thedances of Javanesecommoners and villagers such asronggeng, tayub,reog, and KudaLumping.Javanese dance and its discipline has differentstylesandphilosophy compared to other Indonesian dancetraditions.Unlikevigorous and expressive Balinese dance or cheerfulandslightlysensual Sundanese dance, Javanese dance arecommonlyinvolving slowmovements and graceful poses. Javanese dancehavesomewhat ameditative quality and tends to bemoreself-reflective,introspective and more orientedtowardself-understanding.[2]Javanese dance is usually associatedwithWayang wong, and thepalaces of Yogyakarta and Surakarta due tothenature of dancebeing a pusaka or sacred heirloom from ancestorsofthe palacerulers. These expressive dances are more thanjustdances, they arealso used for moral education,emotionalexpression, and spreadingof the Javanese culture.
Kumpulan Lagu Keroncong 1.0
Kumpulan Lagu Keroncong adalah aplikasiyangberisi kumpulan lagu-lagu keroncong tempo dulu, berisilagukeroncong jawa, keroncong rohani, keroncong dangdut dankeroncongpop terkiniDiringi alat musik khas seperti ukulelel, flute dan alatmusiklainya khas Indonesia akan menjadikan aplikasi ini sebagaisalahsatu hiburan keluarga Anda di rumahDalam aplikasi ini juga terdapat lagu campursari khas musikdaridaerah Jawa yang akan dinyanyikan oleh artis-artis musikjawaseperti Didi Kempot, Manthous, Cak Dikin dkkDaftar Lagu:* Selendang Sutra* Dibawah Sinar Bulan Purnama* Seruling Bambu* Bung Dimana* Jembatan Merah* Pulau Bali* Setangkai Bunga Mawar* Stambul Terkenang* Irama Malam* Rangkaian Melati* Pamitan* Sepasang Mata Bola* Gemersik Batang Bambu* Kusumaning Ati* Didi Kempot Sewu Kuto* Didi kempot sekonyong konyong koder* Didi Kempot Terminal Tirtonadi* Digiler Cinta* Jaewono* JAMBU ALASAkar keroncong berasal dari sejenis musik Portugis yangdikenalsebagai fado yang diperkenalkan oleh para pelaut dan budakkapalniaga bangsa itu sejak abad ke-16 ke Nusantara. Dari daratanIndia(Goa) masuklah musik ini pertama kali di Malaka dankemudiandimainkan oleh para budak dari Maluku. Melemahnya pengaruhPortugispada abad ke-17 di Nusantara tidak dengan serta-mertaberartihilang pula musik ini. Bentuk awal musik ini disebutmoresco(sebuah tarian asal Spanyol, seperti polka agak lambanritmenya),di mana salah satu lagu oleh Kusbini disusun kembali kinidikenaldengan nama Kr. Muritsku, yang diiringi oleh alat musikdawai.Musik keroncong yang berasal dari Tugu disebut keroncongTugu.Dalam perkembangannya, masuk sejumlah unsur tradisionalNusantara,seperti penggunaan seruling serta beberapa komponengamelan. Padasekitar abad ke-19 bentuk musik campuran ini sudahpopuler dibanyak tempat di Nusantara, bahkan hingga ke SemenanjungMalaya.Masa keemasan ini berlanjut hingga sekitar tahun 1960-an,dankemudian meredup akibat masuknya gelombang musik populer(musikrock yang berkembang sejak 1950, dan berjayanya grup musikBeatlesdan sejenisnya sejak tahun 1961 hingga sekarang).Meskipundemikian, musik keroncong masih tetap dimainkan dandinikmati olehberbagai lapisan masyarakat di Indonesia dan MalaysiahinggasekarangKroncong collectionofsongs is an application that contains a collection ofsongskroncong past, contains songs kroncong Java, spiritualkroncong,kroncong latest pop dangdut and kroncongLacks the typical musical instruments like ukulelel, flute andothermusical instruments typical of Indonesia will make thisapplicationas one of your family in the home entertainmentIn this application there is also a typical campursari songmusicof Java that will be sung by musical artists such as DidiKempotJava, Manthous, Cak Dikin et alSong list:* Silk Scarves* Under the Full Moon Rays* Bamboo Flute* Dude Where* Red Bridge* Bali Island* A rose* Stambul relived* Rhythm Night* The series Melati* Farewell* A pair of eye balls* Rustling bamboo rod* Kusumaning Ati* Didi Kempot Sewu Kuto* Didi kempot suddenly the koder* Didi Kempot Terminal Tirtonadi* Digiler Love* Jaewono* JAMBU ALASKroncong root comes from a kind of Portuguese music known asfadointroduced by the sailors and the slave trade ship that nationsincethe 16th century to the archipelago. From mainland India(Goa) thismusic come first in Malacca and then played by theslaves of theMoluccas. Weakening the influence of the Portuguesein the 17thcentury in the archipelago with not necessarily meanlosing thismusic. This early form of music called Moresco (a dancefrom Spain,such as polka rather slow rhythm), where one of thesongs by Kusbinirearranged now known as Kr. Muritsku, accompaniedby stringedinstruments. Keroncong music emanating from themonument calledkroncong monument. In its development, it makes anumber oftraditional elements of the archipelago, such as the useof fluteand some components gamelan. At about the 19th centurymusical formthis mixture has been popular in many places in thearchipelago,even down to the Malay Peninsula. This golden eracontinued untilabout 1960, and then faded due to influx of popularmusic (rockmusic that developed since 1950, and berjayanya Beatlesmusic groupand the like since 1961 until now). Nonetheless,keroncong music isstill played and enjoyed by all walks of life inIndonesia andMalaysia until now