Top 13 Apps Similar to Мир рукоделия

World needlework 1.0
Crafts - handmade art created thingsoutoffabric, thread, wool and other materials.In this application, you will learn how to do thefollowingthingswith their hands:- Great idea for gifts packing- How to make your shoes waterproof- Pictures of flowers- Funny Toys- Amazing Cakes- Stencils for mural- Crochet- Learn about the combination of colors- The original packaging for gift with their own hands- Crafts from leaves- Peacock from plastic bottles- Simple and cute cushions- Prints for creativity- Flowers made of cloth- The idea for the cake decorating- Scourge bracelets- Butterfly origami fabric- Organizer of packaging for tea- Decoupage chairs- Stained glass paints with his hands- The technique of quilling- Patterns of old clothes- Simple by a bunch of candy- Tulip flower paper- Weave Bracelet- How to weave Baubles- Miniature bouquet. Quilling- Decoupage- Homemade Soap- Weaving tubes
Рукоделие и хобби 2.0.2
Интересные идеи для тех, кто любитсоздаватьуют в своём доме своими руками в наглядных рисункахифотографияхInteresting ideasforthose who like to create comfort in their home with their handsinthe illustrative drawings and photographs
Embroidery Designs 5.0
The craft of creating stitches with the helpofa stitching needle and colorful threads is known as needleworkorneedlecraft. Embroidery is a type of needlecraft that is usedtocreate stitched decorations on a variety of fabricsincludingsatin, tissue, leather, paper, etc. Its smallest componentis astitch. A single type of stitch or more than one type ofstitchescan be used to make a pattern. A pattern is recreated byfollowinga counting chart, or ironed on the fabric, or even bydrawingfreehand. The more elaborate it is, more the number ofstitches.Recording of stitches and patterns using samplers wasfirst done inthe 17th century.Though the handcraft was practiced much before, thetermembroidery came into usage, for the first time, in themedievalera. All the designs were painstakingly created by artisansandcraftsmen who made sure that each piece was an exampleofperfection. Over the years, countries developed their stylesandthese styles were exported. For example, blackwork(needlepointusing backstitch or outline stitch and double stitch)was firstbrought to England by Catherine of Aragon, the Spanishwife ofHenry VIII. Gradually, the list of this monochromaticstyleexpanded to include whitework, bluework, scarlet work,andgoldwork. Nowadays, metal and other colors are added to lenddepthto a single pattern.In the 19th century, new designs came to the picture.Transitionfrom folk to custom embroidery was seen. With thefabrication ofthe embroidery machine, mass production ofembroideries gainedmomentum. Berlin work added new vigor to thebusiness. Biblical orhistorical themes, pictures of flowers, andeven exotic Orientalpaintings were now sought after. As theillustrations were paintedor printed in Berlin and bought byneedlework artisans all overEurope and United States, the stylecame to be known as Berlinwork.Custom Embroidery PatternsNowadays, not all designs are high-end, handmade ornatepatterns,employed by fashion designers to decorate garments.Monograms andmotif designs are the popular ones. Embroidery cancreate differenteffects. For instance, some appear flat, someresemble reliefs, someproduce simple lines, while some have fancystitches. Mostly, apattern is known by the stitch it uses. Thestitch could be a chainstitch or smock stitch (smocking).Custom styles are made as per the customer's requirements. Itcanbe either handmade or machine-made. Jewelry, footwear,linen,curtains, patches, emblems, and sequined apparel canbepersonalized to your choice of style and colors. The latter canbeall over embroidery designs, laser cut, or 3D.Non-decorative or functional styles have made way for awiderange of objects that are imaginatively sown ontodifferentapparels. You can choose any style as per your preferenceofcolors, fonts, and even stitches. Logos and clip arts usetackletwill. This type of work is a mixture of letters, numbers,orpatterns taken from a portion of fabric sewn with a zigzag,doublerunning, or satin stitch. The fonts are used to embroidertext.Logo is generally done on left side or on the front section oftheapparels. Appliqué is another form which is used for sportsteamapparel that has name and number of players, along with logos.Thiswork has less stitch count.Many apparel manufacturers offer services, right fromlogocreation to logo stitching, on a wide range of garments likecaps,hats, polo shirts, t-shirts, shirts, etc. Other productsincludeone-color and multi-color photo stitch. Personalized giftslikegolf and sports towels, pet dog accessories, aprons,bandanas,tablecloth, gift ribbons, etc., are also on the catalogsof mostcommercial services. Along with a mind-bogglingcatalog,competitive pricing has made it a worthwhile option notonly forthe manufacturer, but also for the consumer.
Embroidery beads schemes 1.0
Embroidery beads - a veryinterestingfemalehandcraft.Beads and all crafts beads generally cause admiration.Aftersomepatience and perseverance necessary to invest inneedlework, inhishobby, to receive these beautiful products frombeads.Beadwork vyshiki different from the usual crossandbeadweaving.Also you can see the scheme for embroidery of beads,andfinishedhandicraft beadwork.embroidery schemes also exist in the application.nettingschemes,beads lessons and other activities to help youinthis.Flowers from beads, bead tree, beaded bracelets, it's allthereinthis or other similar applications.
Поделки своими руками 1.0
Установите данное приложение ивыузнаетеинтересные схемы и научитесь следующему:Поделки из бумажных тарелок Поделки из подручных материалов Поделки из бумаги Поделки из картонаПоделки из шишек Поделки из салфеток Поделки из ткани Поделки аппликации Поделки открытки с детьми Поделки из пластилина с детьми Поделки из ваты Картины из природных материалов Поделки из природных материаловПоделки из бутылок Поделки из крышек и многое другое.Installthisapplicationand you will find interesting patterns andlearnthefollowing:Crafts from paper platesCrafts from scrap materialsOrigamiArticles made of cardboardCrafts of conesCrafts from napkinsCrafts fabricCrafts applicationsCrafts Cards with childrenCrafts from clay with childrenCrafts from woolPictures from natural materialsCrafts made of natural materialsCrafts from bottlesCrafts from capsand much more.
Homemade 1.0
Aqui é a aplicação "caseiro" ou,emoutraspalavras "Artesanato próprias mãos."O programa é para aqueles que gostam de criar e dominarsuasprópriasmãos. Você vai encontrar um artesanato paracrianças,artesanato paracasa e jardim, artesanato, papel emuitomais.Nosso "caseiro" adequado tanto para adultos e crianças.Os adultos vão encontrar por si mesmo: como fazer a cama comasmãos,artesanato para o jardim, tecelagem jornais, tecelagemtubos,comofazer um vaso de jornais, romântico feitos à mãoartesanato depneus,artesanato talão, e muito mais.Artesanato para Crianças: bumagoplastika, artesanatofeitodepapelão, artigos feitos de papel colorido, artigosfeitosdepérolas, quilling, bonsai, patchwork emuitosartefatosinteressantes.Baixe o app "caseiro" e Crescer si e para seus filhos.
Идеи 3.0.2
Каждый день мы публикуем интереснуюинформацию,затрагивающую все аспекты жизни людей, в виде идей,советов иподсказок. Наш мир идей поможет расширить свой кругозор,выглянутьза рамки привычного образа мышления и заниматьсяинтереснымипознавательными вещами: читать книги, смотреть фильмы,планироватьпутешествия, придумывать варианты свиданий и идеизнакомств,познавать новые рецепты приготовления блюд и возможностиорганизациипространства, делать подарки своими руками, заниматьсяфизическимиупражнениями, ухаживать за собой, познавать секретыуспеха известныхлюдей, выбирать интереснейшие уникальные подаркидля друзей.Яркий дизайн интерьеров и экстерьеров, необычные элементыдекора,креативные подарки, поделки своими руками, переделки старыхвещей,интересные аксессуары, всякие милые штучки handmadе имногое-многоедругое.Всем любителям оригинального, а также тем, кто любит делатьчто-тосвоими руками, добро пожаловать в наше приложение!В нашем приложение вы найдете не только интересные идеи, нотакжеподробную инструкцию для почти каждой поделки проекта,который выможете следовать с легкостью.Это приложение очень легко в использовании: простопросматриватьширокого спектра проектных идей.Все материалы используемые в приложении взяты из группыВКонтактеВы можете помочь развитию приложения, оставив оценку ирассказаво нем друзьям.Every day wepublishinformation that affects all aspects of people's lives, inthe formof ideas, hints and tips. Our world of ideas will helpbroadentheir horizons, to look out beyond the traditional way ofthinkingand to engage in interesting informative things: to readbooks,watch movies, plan travel, invent options for meetings andideasMe, learn new recipes for dishes and the possibility oftheorganization of space, make presents with their own hands,exercise, take care of themselves, to learn the secrets ofsuccessof famous people, interesting to choose unique gifts forfriends.Bright interior and exterior design, the unusualdecorations,creative gifts, crafts with their hands, alterations ofold things,interesting accessories, all sorts of cute thingshandmade and muchmore.All fans of the original, as well as those who like to dosomethingwith your hands, you are welcome in our app!In our app you will find not only good ideas, but alsodetailedinstructions for almost every crafts project, which you canfollowwith ease.This application is very easy to use: just browse a wide rangeofproject ideas.All materials used in the application are taken from thegroupVKontakte can help the development of an application, leavingtheassessment and tell their friends.
Kanzashi - Ribbon Flower 1.1
Handsomely? Or seen it the first time?Wewillteach you to make such a beauty! Here you will findthemostcomplete and clear lessons on technique kanzashi(Kanzashi),masterclasses for all types of petals in a convenientway. Theflowers ofsatin ribbons have become a popular element ofthe decor.They areused as elements of jewelry pieces of clothingandaccessories.Meanwhile, to make their own hands this beauty isasnap.
DIY rope art handmade 1.9
bluewater dev
DIY rope art handmade Tutorial IdeasFree Download DIY tutorial of ropeart handmade ideasIf you are looking for some inspiration how to make a braceletorother by yourself. Here I am providing it for you free.Nowadays people mostly prefer to customize their own charmsandstring bracelets as handmade bracelet ideas. By doing thistheycreate a unique piece that is really appreciated. Observingthisfact, manufacturers have produced bracelet-crafting kits andmadethem available in markets. These craft kits normally have allbasicthings that are required to make charms and bracelets fordifferentpurposes. This kit is really a very meaningful gift foryounggirls. The girls can craft bracelets according to their needsandalso makes friendship bracelets with heart charms, whitebirdscharm, small flowers of numerous colors or two small handsshaking,leather bracelets for women, leather bracelets for men.and in this app contain lot of Tutorial how to makefriendshipbracelets from rope handmade creative with various colorsofcourse. DIY rope handmade Craft and Project Braceletswithdifferent ideas and unique designs you can make easily,especiallywhen downloading this application.Creating a custom men's bracelet is a wonderful way to giveapersonalized gift. It is a fabulous craft that will show offyourcreative side. When creating a bracelet for a man, keep in mindtheguy's personality, and what meaning the bracelet willportray.Beads can be purchased in a wide array of colors and stonetypesthat have a variety of meanings to fit almost any typeofrelationship.Yes this application serves a tutorial with pictures to learntomake crafts bracelets, earrings, fashion, mostly made of ropewitha structured step by step which then produces a uniqueandattractive bracelet course.and in the end of description is this app contain qualityhdimage
Crochet Flower Pattern 1.1
Crochet flower pattern is a simple, yetusefulapp for the people who are interested in crochet andknitting. Theapp is totally free and is allowed for download in allcountries.By using our crochet flower pattern app, you can getinspired aboutknitting. Thus, you can knit your own artificialflowers. Thesecrochet flowers can be tulips, roses, daisies orelse.Features of the App————————-1- It contains lots of images about crochet and knitting2- You can view patterns by simply tapping on them3- The app shows ads related to crochet flower pattern
Cross Stitch Ideas 3.0
There are no hard and fast rules astowhetheran embroidery hoop is used whilst cross stitching. Itisdown topersonal preference and what the stitcher iscomfortablewith. Thepurpose of any hobby is to enjoy theexperience.The purpose of an embroidery hoop is to keep eventensionofstitches whilst working a design. The majority are madeofwoodfrom bamboo to beech and dependent on wood type the pricewillbedictated by that. an embroidery hoop will last many yearsifnotlifetime.A wooden hoop will always have a tension screw attached.Itisimportant that the fabric is kept taut whilst stitchingadesign,this keeps the stitches neat and uniform. The tensionscrewallowsfor different thicknesses of fabric to be used. Forexample a14count aida fabric is thicker than a 28 count evenweavefabric.Thetwo different fabrics require a different tension.Hoops are available in a range of sizes from as small as3inchesto 12 inches in diameter. The design should fit withinthediameterof the hoop this prevents having to move the hooparoundthe fabric.If the hoop is moved it may flatten the stitchesthathave alreadybeen completed.It is good practice if a project is going to be left formorethana few days to take the hoop off the fabric this is toavoidmarkingthe project.Wooden hoops can mark the fabric so it helps to bind thehoopwithfabric or masking tape.It is possible to purchase hoops that are attached tostandsorseat hoops. With such a variety of hoops on the marketastitchercan always find one to suit them.If your design is oval and is too large to fit in acircularhoopthere are oval hoops available also.Plastic hoops are also available in similar sizes asthewoodenhoops. There are also flexi hoops and these can be usedtostitchand display the project once it has been completed. Theseareidealfor giving a cross stitched gift for a new baby or aweddingor anyother special celebration. Plastic hoops are availableinvariouscolours as well as woodgrain.For designs over 12 inches there are a multitude of framesonthemarket and it is best to research before purchasing. Ifyouprefer aframe rather than a hoop these are available in smallaswell aslarge sizes.
Скрапбукинг 1.0
Скрапбукинг своими руками мастеркласс.УрокирукоделияСрапбукинг - это рукоделие, которымувлекаетсябольшинствоженщин.Ведь можно создать красивый фотоальбом, открытки, блокнот,детскиеидругие скрапбукинг изделия.Помимо скрапбукинга можно заняться рисованием идругимивидамирукоделия. Например кройка и шитье.В основном скрпабукинг - это работа с бумагой.Выможетепосмотреть уроки и мастер-класс по скрапбукингу.Также фото скрапбукинг.Используйте разные бумаги, цвета, шаблоны и обложки.А также надписи для скапбукинга.- скрапбукинг конверт- скрапбукинг пасха- скрапбукинг коробочкаScrapbooking withhishandsthe master class. needlework lessonsSrapbuking - it's handicrafts, which enjoys themajorityofwomen.After all, you can create a beautiful photo album,cards,notebook,children and other scrapbooking items.Apart from scrapbooking to do painting and othertypesofneedlework. For example dressmaking.Basically skrpabuking - is work with paper. You canviewlessonsand master-class on scrapbooking.Also photo scrapbooking.Use a different paper, colors, patterns and covers.As well as writing for skapbukinga.- Scrapbooking envelope- Easter scrapbooking- Scrapbooking box
Craft ideas for Love 1.0
Diy Salon
Crafts for Valentine's Day with their own hands - this isthebest thing you can give your lover and not just to give, andtodemonstrate their hot feelings. Purchased gifts are deprivedofwhat things have made their own, they do not have the warmththatradiate gifts from the heart. By making a gift for Valentine'sDay,you think of the person to whom it is intended and only wanttogive him a good feeling. It strengthens your relationship andmakesthem more romantic.Give gifts to your loved ones!- Become a happy man- Pay attention to your little half- Show your love.