Top 19 Apps Similar to Бисероплетение от А до Я

Схемы плетения 1.0
Из приложения Вы научитесь плестиизразныхматериалов.- Нитки.- Бисер.- и т.п.Вы сможете плести своими рукамифенечки,бисероплетение,одежды.You will learnfromtheapplication weave of different materials.- Threads.- Beads.- Etc.You will be able to weave their own handsBaubles,beadwork,clothing.
Бисероплетение 1.1
Ещё в далёком детстве мы училисьплестиизбисера украшения, чтобы быть ярче, и чтобывремяпрепровождениедомаили с подружками было интересней. Вспомниэто довольно простое,нокрасивое ремесло вместе с приложением"Бисероплетение", итыудивишься, как много красоты можно сделатьсвоими руками!- Схемы для новичков и "продвинутых" умельцев;- Маленькие и большие хитрости;- Возможность развития в бисероплетении;- Большая база схем, которая постоянно пополняется новымиюEven inthedistantchildhood we learned to weave beaded jewelry to bebrighter,andthat pastime at home or with her friends wasinteresting.Rememberit's pretty simple, but beautiful handicraftswith theapplication"Beading" and you will be surprised how muchbeauty youcan makeyour own hands!- Plans for beginners and "advanced" craftsmen;- Small and big tricks;- Possibility of in beading;- Large database schema, which is constantly updated with new
Бисероплетение 1.04
В нашем приложении всё о плетениибисеромдляновичков и профессионалов - схемы для работыифотографиирезультатовIn ourapplication,allabout weaving beads for beginners and professionals- theschemefor results and photos
DIY Bracelets Tutorial 1.0
DIY Bracelets Tutorial gives you thereferenceabout how to make bracelet step by step. This app containsgalleryof pictures of Easy Bracelet Tutorial.Have you ever thought of making your own charm bracelet?Charmbracelets can look artsy or elegant, depending on thejewelrydesign. There are so many ways to make bracelets, fromforming yourown cuff bracelets out of metal to knitting wire inelaboratepatterns, from making a wire-wrapped bracelet to knottinga simpleleather rope around your wrist. Here you'll learn how tomaketraditional artisan bead bracelets with toggle clasps. This isathick, sturdy beading wire ideal for bracelets, as braceletstakethe most wear and tear of any kind of jewelry.These attractive pieces of jewelry have recently become verypopularagain with the introduction of Pandora and Trollbeads thatallow youto easily add and remove charms, beads and spacers tomake a charmbracelet that is totally unique to you.There is a vast selection of charms bracelets, beads and spacersforyou to choose from both in jewelry stores and online. Choosefromanimal, love, heart, handbag, car, bee, slogan, flower, andgemstonecharms. Why not have a look on Amazon today, as they haveone of thebiggest selections of beads, charms and spacers.Creating a custom men's bracelet is a wonderful way to giveapersonalized gift. It is a fabulous craft that will show offyourcreative side. When creating a bracelet for a man, keep in mindtheguy's personality, and what meaning the bracelet willportray.Beads can be purchased in a wide array of colors and stonetypesthat have a variety of meanings to fit almost any typeofrelationship.Friendship bracelets come in many patterns, ranging from theverysimple to extremely complicated. Make your own varieties thatyoucan complete in minutes or even in a few seconds. Youneedembroidery floss, baby- or sport-weight yarn or plastic lacingforthese patterns.Download and Enjoy!!!!
Schemes beads 1.0
Schemes beads. Beads embroidery,craftsandjewelry made of beadsBeading - a very exciting female hobby crafts.Sometimes you do not have enough knowledge or imaginationtomakeinteresting crafts from beads and beaded jewelry.Come to the aid scheme for beads of differentkindsofproducts:- Beaded Bracelets- Trees from beads- Bead embroidery- Icons of beads- Pictures of beads- JewelryAll this can be done fairly quickly, with theappropriatebeadsschemes.Install the app and watch lessons on beading!
Три Руки - вязание и рукоделие 1.0.3
В этом приложении вы найдете описаниеподелоксвоими руками и разнообразные идеи, поражающие воображение.Вязаниеспицами и крючком, выкройки для шитья и схемы для вышиваниянеоставят вас без дела. Вы узнаете, как легко и очень простопридатьодежде новый вид самостоятельно и какие хитростиприменяютизвестные дизайнеры. Мы поможем сделать гардероб иокружающий мирпо-настоящему оригинальным!Для любителей рукоделия характерны доступность и компактность.Нокак часто мы понимаем, что на все “не хватает рук” и гдевзятьвдохновение? Эту проблему поможет решить приложение “Три Руки–HandMade”.Сегодня многие с успехом находят себя в творчестве:вязании,бисероплетении, декупаже, рисовании, вышивании, лепке ипрочихвидах рукоделия. Такой вид занятия не требует особыхфинансовыхзатрат и больших физических усилий, зато удовлетворениеотhand-made - колоссальное.- Новая информация каждый день.- Сохранение фотографий на устройство.- Доступ к избранному без доступа к интернету.- Удобная сортировка избранного по категориям.- Обсуждайте интересные новости и делитесь с друзьями всоциальныхсетях.-Официальное приложение сайта три рукиIn this app you willfinda description craft their own hands and a variety of ideasisamazing. Knit and crochet patterns for sewing andembroideryschemes will not leave you without cause. You will learnhow easyand very simple to make a new kind of dress yourself andwhattricks are used by famous designers. We can help make the worldawardrobe and a truly original!For lovers of crafts characterized by affordabilityandcompactness. But how often do we realize that all the "do nothaveenough hands" and where to get inspiration? This problem willhelpsolve the application "Three Hands - HandMade". Today, many find themselves with success in the work:knitting,beading, decoupage, painting, sewing, modeling, and othertypes ofneedlework. This type of employment does not require anyfinancialcosts and great physical effort, but the satisfaction ofhand-made- huge.- New information every day.- Save the photos to the device.- Access to the favorites without access to the Internet.- Easy sorting chosen categories.- Talk about interesting news and share with friends onsocialnetworks.-The Official application site three hands
Embroidery beads schemes 1.0
Embroidery beads - a veryinterestingfemalehandcraft.Beads and all crafts beads generally cause admiration.Aftersomepatience and perseverance necessary to invest inneedlework, inhishobby, to receive these beautiful products frombeads.Beadwork vyshiki different from the usual crossandbeadweaving.Also you can see the scheme for embroidery of beads,andfinishedhandicraft beadwork.embroidery schemes also exist in the application.nettingschemes,beads lessons and other activities to help youinthis.Flowers from beads, bead tree, beaded bracelets, it's allthereinthis or other similar applications.
Фенечки 1.0
Фенечки – это плетенные вручную браслетыизразнообразных ниток, кожи, бисера, лент и другой, порой дажесамойнеожиданной фурнитуры. Название изделия предположительно взятоизанглийского словаря – «thing», что означает «вещь» или «штучка».Внаше время фенечки используются в качестве одной изсоставляющихстиля или просто как украшения. На самом же делепервоначально унеё был свой символический смысл, старинная историяи значение.Так, впервые фенечки появились у племён индейцев иявлялисьсимволом дружбы, единства и доверия. Любвеобильнаясубкультурахиппи, всесторонне поддерживающая этнические корни икультуру,переняла этот символ. Теперь уже нельзя было встретить ниодного«дитя цветов», у которого бы не было этого символа братства.- Плетение фенечек из мулине;- Прямое;- Косое плетение;- Из ленточек;Baubles - a handwovenbracelets of various threads, leather, beads, ribbons, andother,sometimes even the most unexpected accessories. Productnamesupposedly comes from the English vocabulary - «thing», whichmeans"thing" or "stuff". Nowadays Baubles used as a component ofthestyle or simply as decoration. In fact, she initially hadasymbolic meaning, ancient history and significance. For thefirsttime Baubles appeared in Indian tribes and is a symboloffriendship, unity and trust. Loving hippie subculture, tofullysupport the ethnic roots and culture, has adopted this symbol.Nowit was impossible to find a single "baby colors", which wouldnothave this symbol of brotherhood.- Weaving baubles of floss;- Direct;- Oblique weaving;- From ribbons;
Схемы фенечек 1.0
Фенечка – вещь полезная иуниверсальная,аглавное – простая в изготовлении. Для того чтобы еесплести,ненужно обладать особенным даром или сверхспособностями.Вампонадобится всего лишь немного свободного времении желание. Авостальном поможет наш сайт, на котором вы сможетеузнать офенечкахвсе от А до Я.Fenichka - athingusefuland versatile, and most importantly - easy tomanufacture. Inorderto weave it, do not need to have a special giftor superabilities.You will need just a little bit of free time anddesire.And therest will help our website where you can learn aboutallthebaubles from A to Z.
DIY Necklace Design Ideas 2.2
Most Amazing & Creative beaded necklace ideas from all overtheworld!
Earring Design Ideas 2.2
Find a hundred beautiful earring design ideas here!
Easy Bracelet Tutorials 4.0
Did you know that the history offriendshipbracelets can be traced back to Central and South Americawherenative Indian tribes tied bracelets to friends who in turncouldwish for something when the bracelet was tied to them? Thebraceletwas not supposed to be removed but was supposed to fall offon itsown at which time the wish was supposed to come true.Today, friendship bracelets are more a symbol of friendshipthana wish making accessory. These bracelets come in severalpatternsand designs, and some of the patterns that you can use tomake coolfriendship bracelets at home are given below.Traditional friendship bracelets are made using embroideryflossand while today you can use a variety of different materialstomake these bracelets, friendship bracelets made fromembroideryfloss remain extremely popular.Given below are instructions that you can use to makefriendshipbracelets using embroidery floss for what is popularlyknown as thecandy pattern, which is one of the coolest friendshipbraceletpatterns that you can use.The first step that you need to take while making anembroideryfloss bracelet is to measure the three different coloredflossthreads that you have and cut 3 strands of each color to alengthof three feet each.Now hold all nine strands together and knot them togetheratdistance of three inches from the edge that you are holdingthestrands at. Now using a tape, attach the floss threads to atableso that you can easily thread the bracelet.Next spread out the nine strands of floss so they do notgettangled. Take the floss at the left side and overlap it overthesecond strand and then behind it. Now bring it to the front ofthefirst floss thread. While doing this, ensure that you holdthethreads tightly, as otherwise the knot will not be proper andthebracelet may open up.Now repeat this step with the third strand and continue tillyouhave finished using strand number one to knot each ofthestrands.Once you have done this, you would have created anintricatelypatterned row and the strand that you had started outwith wouldhave ended up at the right hand side.Now start the process again with the strand at the left handside.Keep repeating the steps till an intricate design isvisiblethrough the bracelet.Once you have achieved a desired length with the bracelet, youcanknot it again and finish making the bracelet by braiding theendsof the same.Some of the most popular friendship bracelets are based onthisdesign. It is very easy to learn and with a little practice,youwill easily master this bracelet design pattern.If you have been on the lookout for friendship braceletdesignsthat are easy to make without the headache of embroideryflossthreads and following detailed instructions forfriendshipbracelets, then making bracelets with beads should beeasy for you.These patterns using beads are easy to follow and makeand can bemodified or adapted to suit your fashion and designsensibilitywithout any difficulty.The first step while following instructions for thisbraceletpattern is to apply glue to the end of the string. Thenthread thewhite pony beads to the center of the cord.Next loop the thread around and slip the cord through the firstbeadagain. Hold it tightly to ensure that it does not open up.
Alpha-Pattern Lite 0.3.15
We would like to please lovers of handiwork with newapplicationbySponte! Perhaps you have tried to weave baublesorfriendshipbracelets schemes and already know how interesting itis.Ourapplication will help you to create any scheme of Alphapatternonyour tablet or phone. Program features: - change knotcountofhorizontal and of vertical - Create your own color pallete-Setcolor for each knot of your bracelet, trinket and anythingyouwantto string - When the pattern is ready, you will be abletochangecolor pallete of your strings, and bracelet wouldrecoloranothercolors P.s. The program allows to delete only unusedcolorsfrompallete. If you change color that is in use, the wholeschemewillrecolor :). Use this feature to recolor the scheme. Ifyou wanttodelete color, make it unused. Regards, Sponte team.
Бижутерия из бисера 1.1
Kyle Bedwards
У какой девушки ни спроси - каждаязнает,чтотакое бисер. Ещё в детстве нам так нравилисьэтимкрошечныестеклянные бусинки, из которых можносоздаватьвсевозможнуюбижутерию и даже объёмные поделки!И сейчас многие ассоциируют бисер с “фенечками”, которыеплеливдетстве, разных цветов, типов, размеров и толщины.Сейчасмногиезнают, что из бисера можно плести уникальныеукрашенияспособныезавершить любой образ. Однако далеко не всеспособны стольумелоорудовать бусинами. Но если вы хотите научитьсяплестишедевры,если вы хотите поражать и восхищать, то этоприложениесозданоспециально для вас.Схемы, советы, подборка цветов, маленькие хитрости -всёдлявас!In some women mayask-each knows what the beads. Even as a child we like thesetinyglassbeads, from which you can create all sorts of jewelry,andeventhree-dimensional crafts!And now many associate beads with "Baubles," which woveinchildhood,different colors, types, sizes and thicknesses. Nowmanypeople knowthat you can weave beaded jewelry unique abilitytocomplete anylook. However, not all are able to so skillfullywieldbeads. But ifyou want to learn how to weave masterpieces, ifyouwant to amaze anddelight, then this app is createdspecificallyfor you.Schemes, advice, selection of colors, little tricks -allforyou!
Рукоделие для тебя 1.1
Интересные и необычные вещи изсамых"обыденных"материалов и средств! Порой творчество может бытькудаболее простыми доступным, чем кажется.В приложении креативные, молодежные и достаточнооригинальныеидеи!Рукоделие, творчество, хэндмейд, бисероплетение имногоедругое.Разнообразь свою жизнь.Interestingandunusualthings of the "ordinary" materials and resources!Sometimesworkcan be much easier and more affordable than youthink.The creative application, youth and enough originalideas!Crafts,Creative, Handmaiden, beading and more. Diversifyyourlife.
Easy DIY Bracelet Tutorials 1.0
Ghaztee Apps
It is both fun and relaxing to tryandmakefriendship bracelet patterns during your free time.Inthiscreative DIY bracelet tutorials, you can learn, step bystep,howto make for yourself a new handmade bracelet. Manypeoplehavetaken this as leisure activity especially young people.This isapleasant approach to demonstrate your companions theamountyouvalue them by showing them a bracelet that you havemadepersonallyspecial. There are some people who take this asanindividual hobbywhile others appreciate the company of peersorfamily whilefinishing this art.There are various friendship bracelet patterns that youcanbrowse.The candy stripe is said to be the easiest of all. Thesearemadeout of two or more colors that make a diagonal patternalongthebracelet. The Chevron is the one that presents apatternthatcreates what appears to be arrows or a "V" that point totheright.The opposite chevron on the other hand shows a patternthatpointtowards the left. The double chevron is the one thatmakessort ofa "W" effect. There are also heart and zigzagpatterns,which areamong others that you can look over. There aresimplepatterns andthere are more complicated ones. However, as soonasyou actuallylearn the ropes as to how to make thesedesignspossible, you canmost likely create your own versions.The key to these friendship bracelet patterns is theactualcolorsof the weaving floss that you will utilize.Complementingorcontrasting colors make a decent decision overkeeping thebraceletin a single hue. If you will be presenting thisas a tokento acompanion, you would in all likelihood use thecolors thatappealto them the most. It won't just be made withadorationanddevotion, but it will also be presented in a way thatyouweretaking their personal preferences in to consideration.Your bracelets can represent your entire attire, andeverypersonhas their own personal style, this is why some peoplesimplyhave adifficult time finding a bracelet that meets theirneeds andtastes.This application contains various ideas aboutcreativehandmadebracelet that will certainly benefit you suchas:- macrame bracelet- friendship bracelet- bracelet chain- rubber band- and many moreSo, just download this application and get readytobeinspired!
DIY Tutorial Rainbow Bracelets 1.0
Tutorial how to make friendshipbraceletscreative with various colors of course. DIY Craft andProjectBracelets with different ideas and unique designs you canmakeeasily, especially when downloading this application.Yes this application serves a tutorial with pictures to learntomake crafts bracelets, earrings, fashion, mostly made of ropewitha structured step by step which then produces a uniqueandattractive bracelet course.
DIY 串珠首饰制作杂志 1.0.1
Jane Chew
DIY串珠首饰制作杂志涵盖首饰制作教程、贴士、消息及潮流。用户还可随时免费下载特刊。由于这是电子杂志,我们预计能更频密发行刊号。根据读者们的反馈,我们将每月发行4次,因此,读者们每星期能够获得一、两篇首饰制作教程,而不再需要等待长达一个月来收集所有教程。希望你喜欢这个特色,并踊跃向我们反应你的宝贵意见。每月的订阅费是 $2.99.订阅三个月,价格6.99美元订阅六个月,价格11.99美元订阅1年, 价格15.99美元您的订阅将会自动的更新,除非您在本次订阅结束前24小时关闭自动更新您可以在iPad上从您的iTunes账号设置处关闭订阅自动更新确认购买后,所有费用将透过您的iTunes帐号来付费。您不能取消已支付的有效订阅时段当用户购买了该刊物订阅, 任何未使用部分的免费试用期 如果提供的话,将被没收.请浏览以获取更多详情。DIY beadedjewelrymakingmagazine covers jewelery-making tutorials, tips, newsandtrends.Users can also feel free to download special.Since this is an electronic magazine, we can expectmorefrequentissue Issues. According to feedback from readers, wewillbe issuedfour times a month, so readers can get one every week,twojewelrymaking tutorial, and no longer need to wait up to amonthtocollect all the tutorials. I hope you enjoy thisfeatureandenthusiastically to our response to your comments.The monthly subscription fee is $ 2.99.Subscribe three months, the price of $ 6.99Subscribe to six months, the price of $ 11.991 year subscription price $ 15.99Your subscription will be automatically updated unless youturnoff24 hours before the end of this subscriptionisautomaticallyupdatedYou can turn off the automatic update subscription fromyouriTunesaccount settings at the iPadAfter confirming the purchase, all fees will be throughyouriTunesaccount to pay.You can not cancel an active subscription period already paidWhen you buy a subscription to the publication, any unusedportionofa free trial period if provided, will be forfeited.Please visit
DIY Craft For Adult 1.0
Take Your Time to Do DIY Craft for AdultsFor some people, skills and hobbies canalized are ways thatcanbedone at leisure and even a few people willing to set asidetimeinthe midst of other activities and jobs that drain much timetogrindthe skills. Not only children, adults can also sharpentheirskillsby doing things they love especially for parents whoare notworkinganymore and do not have a lot of activities that canbedone at home.The following are DIY craft for adults youmayprefer.Easy DIY Adults Craft Ideas to Make at HomeDo not need to have artistic talent to paint eventhoughyoucannot paint as beautiful as a painter did. Everyonecanpaint.Just keep painting and do as you want. You can paintanythingandpour your feelings into canvas graffiti. No matter it isafeelingof happy, sad, angry, and even disappointed. This DIYcraftfor menwill be beneficial and does not need a big expense. Thenextismaking paper bag. Any items you can use as ornaments forDIYpaperbag are like a duster feather, colorful paper, and soon.Other easy diy men craft are decorating pencils andpen.Adults,especially those who belong as elderly do not needtocreatecomplicated craft. The important thing is they canstillcanalizethe hobby by making things to be more beautiful andcominginuseful. For adults who love gardening can also makeahangingplant. In addition to beautify the home environmentwillalso makethe air become cool and fresh. The fresh air willmakepeoplecalmer and stand at home.The next is to decorate the walls of the house with thephoto.Ifyou have some interesting photos, you can put it on thewallsinevery room. It will be better if the frame you use isalsoDIYprojects frame by using unused or second-hand goodsthenyoudecorate as you like. Make the candle holder can also beDIYcraftfor adults. If you already have a lot of unused glasses,youcanmake it as a candle holder. You can decorate by paint itoraddsome beautiful beads.Make book cover is another diy home craft for adults.Youcanovercome your tiredness of reading books with usualcoverbydecorating the cover of your favorite book. We assume youwillbeeagerly more to read it. Create a calendar is also no lessfun.Trymaking your own calendar decorated with stickersandcolorfulimage. If it is less and want more challenging crafts,youcan getinspired by searching for DIY craft for adults onthisandroidapplication.