Top 3 Apps Similar to Coupling Centering Alignment

芯出し・直径,半径測定 (工作機械・タッチプローブ)
Workpiece centering, diameter, and radius measurement canbeperformed with a touch probe.
Fixturlaser Laser Kit
Acoem AB
This is a companion app for performingshaftalignment, using the Fixturlaser Laser Kit, on typicalapplicationssuch as a motor and a pump. The app guides the userthrough thecomplete measurement and alignment process when usingtheBluetooth® connected Fixturlaser Laser Kit measurementheads.Together this simplifies the otherwise cumbersome tasks suchascalculations and determination of directions and the amount tomovethe machine to achieve a perfect alignment. Shaft alignmenthasnever been easier.---- Note: This app works only with the Fixturlaser LaserKit----Key Features:- Connected using Bluetooth®- Intuitive user interface, all symbols and graphics – notext- Work with either metric or imperial dimensions (mm or inch)- Automatic pairing with the Fixturlaser Laser Kitmeasurementheads- VertiZontal™: adjust the machine both vertically andhorizontallywithout re-measuring- Saves the measurement result to your camera rollVisit the website for more informationonalignment in general, the Fixturlaser Laser Kit and support oftheapp.
Therm Align 1.02
The Therm Align app helps thoseperformingshaft alignments calculate the value of compensations forthermalgrowth (also known as dynamic movement) ofrotatingequipment.As the temperature of machinery changes, the components shrinkorgrow causing frames, casings and centerlines of the shafts tomove.In the most common situation, as machinery heats up, thecenterlinemoves up in the vertical plane. Accounting for thisthermal growthis important to the shaft alignment process.Alignment corrections made at ambient conditions should accountforany anticipated movement. During correction the equipment willbeintentionally offset so it will grow back intoproperalignment.Therm Align will calculate the thermal offsets needed tocompensatefor this thermal movement. Movement of both thestationary andmovable components is taken into account to determinethe propercompensating “target values” needed on the movable pieceofequipment.Keywords: Alignment tool,laser alignment,machinealignment,shaftalignment,pump alignment,coupling alignment