Top 7 Apps Similar to Kütahya Hava Durumu

Weather & Clock Widget Plus
A fully fledged real-time weather and future forecast withelegantwidgets.
Hava Durumu 9
Hava Forum
Hava durumu uygulamamızda,Türkiye'dentümşehirlere ait isabet oranı yüksek 10 günlük havadurumuyeralmaktadır. 10 günlük hava durumunun yanında 24saatlikdetaylıhava durumu da yer almaktadır. Widget sayesinde degünlükhayattakiplanınızı daha iyi yapabileceksiniz. Havadurumuyanındameteorolojiye ilgi duyanlar için çeşitli verilerdemevcuttur. Buverilerin başında rüzgar tahminleri,radargörüntüleri, uydugörüntüleri, kar kalınlıkları,meteorolojikmodeller gibi birçokmeteorolojik veriler yeralmaktadır.Weather inourapplication,the hit rate of all cities in Turkey is located inahigh 10-dayweather forecast. Besides the 10 day weather24-hourdetailed weatherit is also included. With the widget youcanbetter plan your dailylife. For those interested in a varietyofmeteorological data it isalso available next to the weather.Windforecasts at the beginningof this data, radar images,satelliteimages, snow depths, there aremany meteorological datasuch asmeteorological models.
3D Real-time Weather in NYC
Prakiraan Cuaca Harian & Per JamWidgetmerupakan widget cuaca yang sederhana dan mudah digunakanuntukAnda! Dengan widget ini, Anda bisa mendapatkan info cuacaterkini.,Menyediakan ramalan cuaca lokal yang akurat seperti suhutertinggidan suhu terendah pada ramalan suhu cuaca hari ini. Inimerupakanpilihan terbaik bagi Anda untuk menjalankan aktivitassehari-harisambil tetap Update terhadap kondisi cuaca. Widget jugamemberikanramalan cuaca mingguan, kelembaban relatif, tekananatmosfer, jarakvisibilitas, curah hujan pada perkiraan hujan hariini di petacuaca di Indonesia, Indeks ultraviolet (UV index), titikembun,kecepatan dan arah angin, selain 15 hari ramalan masa depandancuaca per jam. Aplikasi ini juga menyediakan matahari terbitdanterbenam menurut zona waktu sesuai aplikasi suhucuacacuacadaerah.Suhu real-time, seperti suhu, jam / waktu, ramalan mingguan disuhucuaca hari iniwidget cuaca ini berdasarkan pada server cuaca.Iniadalah aplikasi prakiraan cuaca yang berguna untuk Anda.Tidakpeduli itu adalah laporan cuaca untuk cuaca hari ini, ramalancuacauntuk cuaca 3 hari setelah, laporan cuaca untuk lokasi saatini,atau ramalan cuaca untuk kota-kota serta ramalan cuaca dunia.Andatidak perlu mencari 'Cuaca hari ini' 'cuaca lokal' lagi.Fitur ramalan cuaca lokal dan widget cuaca· Cuaca Info terkini: rinci laporan cuaca real-time,termasukreal-time cuaca dan suhu, , prediksi curah hujan, potensibanjir,ramalan angin ,indeks UV, kelembaban, visibilitas, , kearahkecepatan angin, waktu matahari terbit / tenggelam, dll· Per Jam / Harian Prakiraan cuaca: termasuk prediksi cuaca,tinggi/ suhu rendah, curah hujan, angin, dll Anda dapat memeriksasemuadata ini yang rinci dalam setiap hari atau bahkan jam.· Cuaca Alerts: Menginformasikan alert real-time danperingatancuaca.· Kualitas Udara Index (AQI): Indeks kualitas udara Hadiruntuk20.000 lokasi di seluruh dunia, dengan mana Anda dapatlebihmerencanakan rutinitas mereka di luar.· Pengaturan satuan waktu: Anda dapat mengatur ulang unitsuhu(Fahrenheit / Celcius), format waktu (12h / 24h),memperbaruiinterval waktu, satuan kecepatan angin, satuan tekanan,dll·prakiraan hujan hari ini: Katakan membawa payung denganAndasebelum hujan.· Tindakan Cepat: Klik saat widget jam, maka Anda dapat pergikeramalan cuaca rinci atau toko kustomisasi.· Kustomisasi,Aplikasi ini mencakup banyak aplikasisuhucuaca:Tersedia banyak widget waktu yang elegan dengan ramalanjitu,di mana Anda dapat dengan mudah menemukan widget favorit Andadanmenerapkannya untuk menghiasi layar rumah Anda.· Wallpaper animasi yang menarik dengan kondisi cuaca untuklayarberanda Anda· Ringan dan baterai hemat: widget tidak akan mengurasbateraiponsel atau menyita banyak penyimpanan internal.· Cuaca Dunia: Kemampuan untuk mengubah lokasi untuk informasicuacauntuk setiap kota di duniaKarakteristik yang luar biasa dari prakiraan cuaca lokaldanWidget:· Akurat· NyamanSederhana, dan mudah digunakan pengguna. Didermudah untukmemeriksacuaca tanpa membuka aplikasi.· DisesuaikanMenawarkan toko widget dengan berbagai tema bagi Andauntukmenyesuaikan / personalisasi layar utama Anda. Selainitu,real-time cuaca mencerminkan laporan cuaca tersedia disinijuga.Jangan biarkan cuaca buruk mengagetkan Anda! Atur gambardindinganimasi yang indah dengan info cuacakondisi cuaca hidup padalayarberanda Anda dan sadar akan cuaca terkini. Apakah cuacanyaberawan,hujan, bersalju atau bahkan berbadai di luar, Animasi Cuacaakanmenyediakan bagi Anda keadaan dan ramalan cuaca saat ini dikotaAnda dan di berbagai tempat di seluruh dunia.Tetap berhubunganJika Anda memiliki kesulitan dalam menerapkan cuaca widgetperkiraanjam ke layar awal, silakan lihatvideo:, jika Anda ingin membantu dengan terjemahan danlokalisasi,silakan menulis ke: [email protected]
3D Battleship Weather Widget
One of the most popular weather apps andbestweather forecast apps is waiting for you!This best widget is a full featured, completely customizabledigitalclock and weather forecast widget. With it, you can getclock andweather information conveniently. It provides accuratelocal weatherinformation like highest/lowest temperature andcurrent weatherconditions. This clock and weather widget forandroid, definitelyyour best widget choice in daily life.Features:· A weather location app: displays current temperature: itprovidesweather alert notifications· Detailed weather reports that include location time, sunriseandsunset, temperature and humidity, pressure, chance of rain,dewpoint, visibility, UV index, wind speed and direction,weathercurrent condition·Live weather forecast for free: this weather and climate appoffersdaily weather, hourly weather forecasts and monthlyweatherforecasts. Meanwhile, it also provides interstate travelweatherforecasts and forecast weather and wind.·Weather notifications in status bar can help you better planyourday with weather warnings and alerts updates·Precipitation: precipitation forecasts andprecipitationamounts·A news weather app with news weather and updates daily:Newsweather and temperature with location display.· A weather alert app with sound with severe weather alerts foryourarea: weather warnings will be sent to you. You can also usethiswidget as temperature sensor, humidity sensor, storm tracker,windspeed and direction meter and even snow tracker.· Air Quality Index (AQI): presents air quality index for20,000locations worldwide, like aqi India.·Precipitation Forecast, tells you when will be anumbrellaweather.·It’s also a weather app with sunrise & sunset time. And youcanalso check sunrise and sunset time on the widget.· World Weather App& accurate weather checker for America:It’snot only a weather detector for your own location, but alsoaglobal weather tracker that you can search world weatherandtemperature. We support weather and temperature checking incitieslike Los Angeles temperature, New York weather, Chicago, LasVegas,Hawaii, San Francisco weather and Houston weather.4 The exceptional characteristics of this best clockweatherwidget:· Global weather tracker and forecasterLocal Weather Live App provides weather conditions of alllocations,world weather and temperature report. It can be you trueweathertracker and temperature checker in pocket.· Simple Weather Tracker and smart temperature trackerSimple weather outlook and weather skins. It shows currentlocationtemperature in status bar, which you can check currenttemperatureconveniently.· CustomizedOffer a widget creative collection with temperature display andliveweather themes for you to personalize home screen. Besides,sun andmoon live wallpaper with weather is available aswell.· Live weather background wallpaperIt has real weather day night live wallpapers which are usingasbackground wallpaper. You can understand the current weatherviathis beautiful weather pictures.Coming soon:· National weather radar;· Weather radar widget· True weather 3d live wallpapers with location wallpaper;· Moon phase clock widget and moon phase calendar widgetforcustomization.Stay in touchIf you would like to help with the translation andlocalization,please write to: [email protected]
3D Real-time Weather of Island
One of the most popular weather apps andbestweather forecast apps is waiting for you!This best widget is a full featured, completely customizabledigitalclock and weather forecast widget. With it, you can getclock andweather information conveniently. It provides accuratelocal weatherinformation like highest/lowest temperature andcurrent weatherconditions. This clock and weather widget forandroid, definitelyyour best widget choice in daily life.Features:· A weather location app: displays current temperature: itprovidesweather alert notifications· Detailed weather reports that include location time, sunriseandsunset, temperature and humidity, pressure, chance of rain,dewpoint, visibility, UV index, wind speed and direction,weathercurrent condition·Live weather forecast for free: this weather and climate appoffersdaily weather, hourly weather forecasts and monthlyweatherforecasts. Meanwhile, it also provides interstate travelweatherforecasts and forecast weather and wind.·Weather notifications in status bar can help you better planyourday with weather warnings and alerts updates·Precipitation: precipitation forecasts andprecipitationamounts·A news weather app with news weather and updates daily:Newsweather and temperature with location display.· A weather alert app with sound with severe weather alerts foryourarea: weather warnings will be sent to you. You can also usethiswidget as temperature sensor, humidity sensor, storm tracker,windspeed and direction meter and even snow tracker.· Air Quality Index (AQI): presents air quality index for20,000locations worldwide, like aqi India.·Precipitation Forecast, tells you when will be anumbrellaweather.·It’s also a weather app with sunrise & sunset time. And youcanalso check sunrise and sunset time on the widget.· World Weather App& accurate weather checker for America:It’snot only a weather detector for your own location, but alsoaglobal weather tracker that you can search world weatherandtemperature. We support weather and temperature checking incitieslike Los Angeles temperature, New York weather, Chicago, LasVegas,Hawaii, San Francisco weather and Houston weather.4 The exceptional characteristics of this best clockweatherwidget:· Global weather tracker and forecasterLocal Weather Live App provides weather conditions of alllocations,world weather and temperature report. It can be you trueweathertracker and temperature checker in pocket.· Simple Weather Tracker and smart temperature trackerSimple weather outlook and weather skins. It shows currentlocationtemperature in status bar, which you can check currenttemperatureconveniently.· CustomizedOffer a widget creative collection with temperature display andliveweather themes for you to personalize home screen. Besides,sun andmoon live wallpaper with weather is available aswell.· Live weather background wallpaperIt has real weather day night live wallpapers which are usingasbackground wallpaper. You can understand the current weatherviathis beautiful weather pictures.Coming soon:· National weather radar;· Weather radar widget· True weather 3d live wallpapers with location wallpaper;· Moon phase clock widget and moon phase calendar widgetforcustomization.Stay in touchIf you would like to help with the translation andlocalization,please write to: [email protected]
Hava Durumu Türkiye ve Kıbrıs 3.0
Fkn Mobile
İllerimizin hava durumunu, bakabileceğinizbiruygulamadır..İstanbul HavaDurumu,Ankara,İzmir,Kıbrıs,İngiltere,Kanada,AvustralyaNot:Kişisel Çalışmadır.Provincial our weatherisan application that you can see ..Weather Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Turkey, UK, Canada, AustraliaNote: Your Work.