Top 18 Apps Similar to Space Simulation

Solar System Scope 3.2.4
INOVE, s.r.o.
Explore, Discover and Play with the Solar System and Outer Space
Space Orbit 3D Simulation Free 2.0
Free 3D simulation of the solar system, planets, Sun and moons
Time Machine simulator IT IS N 1.3
Time-journey simulator, Time Machine using Relativity TheoryofAlbert Einstein
Solar System Explorer 3D 2.7.8
Neil Burlock
Soar into space andexploredozensofplanets,moons and asteroids on an excitingjourneythroughoursolarsystem. High definition graphics andatmosphericmusicwillmakeyou feel like you are there!Features:★ HD graphics and awesome music and sound effects★ Easy to use and intuitive controls★ Detailed information about the places you visit★ Images based on real photos takenbytelescopesorNASAspacecraft★ Ideal educational introduction for kids★ An atmospheric experience in the vacuum of space!Easy to use controls make navigation a breeze.Asimpletapwillsend you soaring into the outer reaches ofdeepspace.Anothertapwill return you safely home to Earth.There’s lots to see and do. In additiontobeautifulgraphics,SolarSystem Explorer also includes a greatdealofinformationabout theplanetary systems you’ll visit.Learninghasnever beensoenjoyable!With the new free-flight option, you can takedirectcontrolandflythe spaceship yourself and become thepilot.Accompanied byarumblingengine, you’ll be swooping throughtheasteroidbelt,diving throughthe gas giant Saturn’s ringsandsurfing theupperatmosphere ofplanets. It’s the next best thingtoaspacewalk!The 3D models in this app are based onphotostakenbyNASAspacecraft and ground based telescopes. Becausesomeofthemoonsaround the gas giants have only been visited onceortwice,wemayhave partially complete images. Missingsurfacedetailfortheseobjects is estimated from what can beseen.In this solar system simulator youcanexplorethebrilliantblue-green Uranus, knocked onto its sidebyamassivecollision.Visit the proto-planet Ceres which makesuponethird ofthe massof the asteroid belt. Marvel atNeptune'smoonTriton whichorbitsin the opposite direction toProteus. Take inthesights oftheJupiter's heavily scarred moonCallisto, itssurfacepockmarkedbycountless impact craters.Places to visit in this solar system orrery:The Sun, otherwise known as SolPlanets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, MarsGas giant: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, NeptuneMoons: Luna, Deimos and Phobos, Callisto,Europa,Ganymede,Io,Mimas,Tethys, Enceladus, Dione, Rhea,Titan,Iapetus,Miranda,Umbriel,Ariel, Oberon, Titania,Triton,Proteus,CharonDwarf: Ceres, Vesta and PlutoAlso, catch up to NASA's Voyager spacecraft onitslonelyjourneyintothe cosmosThis is the 3D simulator for pocket astronomers!Download the old SolarExplorerLiteversionat
Planet Genesis FREE - solar sy 1.3.4
Raptor Claw
Gravity Simulator. Space sandbox in your pocket
SeaOrbiter, welcome on board 2
SeaOrbiter is the only vessel in the world designed to exploretheopen sea. This underwater mobile laboratory with accommodationfor22 crew members will observe, listen and study marine life 24/7onprolonged missions. Discover this unique internationaloceanicstation which serves as a mobile underwater base, a spacesimulatorand a multimedia communications educational platform.Prepareyourself to dive in the heart of the ocean and to liveanexceptional adventure alongside the Aquanauts of SeaOrbiter
Earth and Space - Free 12
This is a free version of our premiumapp,Earth& Space,The apps from Actual Concepts are designed toprovideeducationthrough fun. There are 2 versions of this App -Earth& Spacefree version , Earth & Space. The free versionofthe Appcontains 2 simulations for free for the users to get afeelfor thecontent.This App helps in interactively exploring Earth andSpaceusingreal time simulations. The simulations are highlytouchenabled andare designed game-like so that people would love toplayaroundwith the simulations and at the same time can gainadeeperunderstanding of Space science concepts.The simulations in this App are 3D like and aredesignedverycarefully to support multiple view points oftheEarth-Sun-Moonsystem (Top view, Side view, Orthogonal viewetc.,wherevernecessary). Suppose Earth is moved in top view, thenitspositionalso changes in side view correspondingly,therebyproviding a veryhelpful & visual clarity of motion oftheseheavenly bodiesfrom different views.Touch the Moon, Earth or Planets to control and maneuverthemtounderstand how the motions of these heavenly bodiescauseseasonson earth, Tide formations etc.,Unlike most of the apps on Space & Earth that arepresentoutthere, this App offers lot of simulations which are realtimeandhighly touch enabled to play around with. This App is amustforyour reference library if you are space enthusiast.The simulation name and the activity that can be doneonthesimulation are briefed below -1. Order of Planets in Solar System - You can place theplanetsinthe correct order from Sun. If they are placed in correctorder,theyrotate! Play and Learn!2. Earth-Sun and Moon System - You can manually set thedurationforthe Earth or Moon to rotate. See why it takes 28 daysfor theMoonto rotate around Earth,How many times Moon rotates around Earth in a Yearetc.,Veryinteresting activities.3. Causes of Seasons - See the Earth rotate in a 3dimensionalviewand practically understand how seasons are formedatdifferentpoles.4. Phases of the Moon - Step by Step you can touch andcontrolthePhases of the Moon by rotating the Moon around theEarth.5. Earth's rotation - Observe how Day and Night onEarthareformed6. Lunar Eclipse - Find out how it appears from differentpartsofEarth? How is this formed? - Touch the moon tosimulateLunarEclipse!7. Solar Eclipse - How it appears from different parts ofEarth?Howis this formed? - Simulate and learn!8. Do you know why a Lunar Eclipse cannot happen every fullmoon?-Understand it through this 3D simulation. Touch androtatetheMoon, Earth and find out yourself why it happens onlyonspecificfull moon days.9. Ocean tides - Full moon/New moon - Do you know whytherearespring tides and neap tides? You can touch and controlthemotionof moon and see how the ocean tides vary with the positionofMoon- Real time simulation!For Enthusiasts / Parents - Parents can use thisappeffectivelyto make your child practice and learn Scienceskillsfrom thesehighly interactive & touch enabledgame-likesimulations thatchildren would love to play with.For Students - Students can perform the activities onthesimulationspresented on several figures.For Teachers - This app can be used as a classroom tooltosupplementteaching that enhances productivity. This appboostsyour classroomproductivity & provides a fun filledlabexperience in yourclassroom
Planet Genesis - solar system 1.3.4
Raptor Claw
Gravity Simulator. Space sandbox in your pocket
Engine Simulation 2.0.1
Engine Simulation performs design point analysis ofgasturbineengines such as turbojet, turbofan and turboprop.Byreceivinginput values from the user, it calculatesimportantperformanceparameters of gas turbine engines such as: ★SpecificThrust, ★Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption, ★ Thermal,Propulsive&Overall Efficiencies. It also features options touseanAfterburner and Convergent or Convergent-Divergent NozzleintheGasTurbineEngines.----------------------------------------------------------------Thisappis made as part of a University Project. Developed By:SharazAli& Abdulrahman Amer Supervisor: Dr. Raed Kafafy
Antikythera Simulation 0.97
Fiv Asim
High quality interactive OpenGLES 3D Simulation of theAntikytheraMechanism!
Stellarium Mobile Sky Map
Stellarium Mobile Sky Map is afully-featuredplanetarium for your phone. It shows a realistic andaccurate nightsky map, just like what you see with the naked eye,binoculars or atelescope.The sensor control will also enable you to identify a star in justafew seconds, just by pointing the phone at the sky!This award-winning astronomy application is finally availableonAndroid featuring:* a catalog of over 600,000 stars displayed as a real timezoomablesky map* a catalog of many nebulae and galaxies, with pictures for someofthem* asterisms and illustrations of the constellations for severalskycultures* artificial satellites, including the InternationalSpaceStation* realistic Milky Way* realistic landscape and atmosphere with sunrise, sunset andlightpollution simulation* accurate simulation of stars extinction, andatmosphererefraction* 3D rendering of the major solar system planets andtheirsatellites* night mode (red)* GPS positioning, accelerometers control of the direction ofviewin the skyStellarium mobile Sky Map is created by two of theoriginaldevelopers of Stellarium, the Desktop version of thisfamousastronomy and planetarium stars chart app.
Calculator MLG 1.0.7
MLG Calculator - has science gone too far?
Hubble Space Center 2.3.8
Huble Space Center - your window to universe...
SkyView® Lite 3.7.2
SkyView®, an augmented reality space app, brings stargazingtoeveryone!
Play to Cure: Genes In Space 1.2
Genes in Space is complete!Thank you to everyone who played Genes in Space – we’ve nowanalysedall the data in the game.Our scientists are hard at work comparing your results withboththose generated by researchers to understand how you fareagainstcurrent analysis methods – and where you might potentiallybebetter.Genes In Space is still free to play, although it will no longerbehelping with analysis. If you want to continue fightingcancer,search for Reverse The Odds and play our latest mobilegame.Download Reverse The Oddsnow. Research UK---Beating cancer through a space game never seemed possible.Untilnow.Every day, scientists across the globe arepainstakinglyanalysing the genetic faults in thousands of cancersamples. Theyare looking for clues that will help develop newcancer treatments.This game let’s you help.Play to Cure™: Genes in Space is a pioneering way ofhelpingthese scientists in their mission to beat cancer sooner andall viathis world first mobile game.Instead of one lone scientist analysing a cancer data set byeyefor hours, a group of gamers can get through that data simplybyplaying this space themed game and collecting a valuableandtradable substance dubbed, Element Alpha.Having more eyes on the data means we could generatemoreaccurate results. And crucially it means moving us closer totheday when all cancers are cured.***This game can be used offline but will upload anddownloadlevel data using your 3G or wireless connection whenavailable.Each level we download is about 250kb – the size of a lowresimage***THE STORYA mysterious substance is discovered in the voids of deepspace.Dubbed Element Alpha, the substance is refined for use inmedicine,engineering and construction and soon the Element Alphaindustryexplodes galaxy wide.As an employee of Bifrost Industries, one of the biggesttradersof the substance, your job is to collect as much ElementAlpha asyou can and trade it for upgrades to your spacecraft tohelp youmanoeuvre the asteroid filled space course.Game features:•Arcade/action space gameplay•Rise through the ranks at Bifrost Industries from RecruittoGalactic Legend•Upgrade and customise your ship with unique items, weaponsandcolours•Plan your route to maximise your Element Alpha haul•Maximise your profits by trading your Element Alpha when themarketis high or sell immediately for a guaranteed returnHOW THIS HELPS TO BEAT CANCER SOONERElement Alpha represents genetic cancer data thatscientistsacross the world analyse on a daily basis. Genes in Spacehassuccessfully translated this data into aninteractive,asteroid-strewn intergalactic assault course.By collecting Element Alpha and navigating your spaceshipthroughthe cosmos you’re finding the significant genetic changeswhich helpscientists to discover cancer causing genes and developnew lifesaving treatments.So gamers take note. The Genes in Space story may not bereal,but the impact of what you’re doing is farfromscience-fiction.Play to Cure™. Beat cancer sooner.
MLG S700 1.2
Troubleshoot your moving lights with MLG S700.
MLG Vertretungsplan 1.4.1
Du bist auf dem Markgraf-Ludwig-GymnasiuminBaden-Baden?Du hast keine Lust mehr morgens aufzustehen und erst in derSchulezu erfahren, dass du eigentlich hättest ausschlafen können?Dann hole dir jetzt die App zu deiner Schule und schaue nachobsich dein Stundenplan geändert hat.Perfekt für den Schuljahresanfang - immer den Stundenplan unddieRäume im Überblick.Außerdem hast du immer die Ferien im Überblick.Teste die App 7 Tage kostenlos!Lizenz kostet 0,89 EuroFunktionen:- Alle Stundenplan Änderungen in der Übersicht(Vertretungen,Entfall, Raumänderungen)- Aktueller Stundenplan- Liste deiner Ferien und freien Tage- Benachrichtigungen über StundenplanänderungenYou're ontheMarkgraf-Ludwig-Gymnasium in Baden-Baden?You have no desire to get up in the morning and only to learninschool that you'd actually be able to sleep?Then get the app now to your school and look after yourselfifyour schedule has changed.Perfect for the school year beginning - always the timetableandrooms at a glance.Besides, you always have the holiday at a glance.Try the app free for 7 days!License costs 0.89 eurosFunctions:- All schedule changes in the overview (Representations,omission,room changes)- Current schedule- List your holidays and free days- Receive notifications about schedule changes
Shuttle Flights 1.0
Thomas Maher
NASA missions flown by space shuttles launched between 1981and2011.