Top 16 Apps Similar to Enjeux socio-pol. du numérique - Learn Online Toge 3.9.4
Learn online together. Anytime, anywhere.
무크랜드 1.2.2
● 무크랜드 소개 모바일 앱으로 무크랜드(MOOCLAND) 공인중개사 강의를 무료 수강하세요! 세계적인 교육트렌드인MOOC 서비스에 기초하여 무크랜드로 공인중개사 전 강좌를 무료로 시작합니다. 결제하지 않아도, 로그인만 하면공인중개사9단계의 커리큘럼을 무료 수강 할 수 있습니다! 무크랜드는 공인중개사 수석합격 3회를 배출한, 15년 교육경험을가지고있는 브랜드입니다. 믿고 시작하십시오! 합격은 무크랜드와 함께! ● 이용문의 전화문의 1600-7400(평일오전9시~18시) 간편상담 문의 ---- 개발자 연락처 : 1600-0052
OpenLearning 16.7
Get Engaged In Sharing Ideas, ThoughtsAndInsights With Diverse IndividualsOpenly collaborate and share with students from around theworldthrough social media like tools. Make friends by commentingandchatting. Express yourself through blog post and wikipages.Contribute ideas and share inspiring links, pictures, videosoreven a joke. And before you know it, you’ll be teaching othertoo!Online learning shouldn’t be an isolating experience, and ourtoolsare designed to keep it social, fun and engaging.Go Beyond Absorbing Content And Embrace An Active WayOfLearningOpenLearning has a range of ways to create interactive andsocialonline learning activities. Reflect, construct, anddiscussanything and everything while you’re on the go bringingyourreal-life experiences into an open online space.Be Empowered Through New Skills And KnowledgeLearn through real-life problem solving, visuallystimulatingmaterials and being placed at the centre rather thansidelines ofyour own learning.Available in English, Mandarin Chinese, Malay and Arabic.Choose from a range of unique courses in:Arts and DesignBusiness and EconomicsComputers and TechnologyEducationEngineeringHealth and MedicineHumanitiesLanguage and CommunicationLawLifestyleMath and ScienceSelf ImprovementSports and Fitness
MOOCChina-xuetangX 2.11.1
xuetangX is an application that allowsstudentsto take MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) using Androiddevices.After installed, the app allows students to browse,signup, and takethe MOOCs hosted on TheMOOCs include onesfrom top ranked Chinese universities such asTsinghua University andPeking University. They also include onesfrom MIT, Harvard,Berkeley and other world top ranked universitiesin edX consortium(
CourseGuru Free Online Courses 1.1.10
IKAMM apps
======= Free college courses by best universitiesandcolleges============== CourseGuru is the world's largestFreeonlinecourses with free video lectures, tutorials,lessonsprovider.Courses (video lectures) are provided by topuniversitieslike MIT,Stanford, Harvard, Yale, McGill, UC Berkeley,NJIT, UCLA,NPTEL(IISc Bangalore, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IITGuwahati, IITKanpur,IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras, IIT Roorkee) andKhan academy aswell.Subjects include Accounting, computerprogramming,digitalelectronics, computer networking, law,finance,literature,physics, medical sciences and many more. JustDOWNLOADthis app andstart non-stop learning anywhere, anytime.Features:------------ -Login with either Facebook or Google account- Youcan enroll to acourse and track your progress - You can writeyourown notes andread them offline - You can review courses,providefeedback andrate courses for helping co-learners -GetNotifications for yoursubject of interest only - Some coursesoffervideos to downloadand watch them offline - Add reminders toyourcalendar right fromthe app so you won't miss your schedule -Createfavorite lists;Multiple Playlists - Sync across multipledevices:Your subscribedcourses, favorite lists, playlists aresyncedautomatically whenyou log-in to a different device;UpcomingUpdates:-------------------------- MOOC course catalog,(Coursera,Udacity,eDX, NovoEd etc..)
Tutellus - Cursos Online 2.15.19
Tutellus es la plataforma de educación online más grande delmundohispano. Más de 3 millones de usuarios, más de 600milalumnosactivos en 160 países haciendo más de 70.000 videocursos,nospermite ofrecerte cualquier tipo de Curso online, Carrera oTituloUniversitario. APRENDE A TU RITMO. TÚ CONTROLAS * Aprende loquenecesitas, con cursos online creados por profesionales. * Accedeamiles de cursos gratis, de universidades, empresas y profesores.*Crea Rutas formativas para que saques el máximo partido acadatemática. * Apúntate a tantos cursos como quieras, nuncacaducan:adaptamos la formación a ti. * Haz algún MOOC de tusUniversidadesfavoritas, pero sin los problemas de fechas paraempezar o acabar.* Consigue Certificados de los cursos que acabes,únicos eintransferibles. * Certifícate con Universidades y contítulosoficiales, con créditos ECTS incluidos. APRENDE PARA SERMEJOR *Usar Tutellus es fácil y gratis: instálate la Aplicación yapúntatea tantos cursos como quieras. * Los tendrás siempredisponiblesdesde el móvil, tablet o PC. * Podrás contactar con losalumnos yprofesores dentro de cada curso y en definitiva conseguirunasexperiencias formativas extraordinarias. MILES DE CURSOS GRATISYTOP SOBRE: * Programación, Desarrollo Web, APPs, Videojuegos,Java,Ruby, NodeJS, AngularJS, Docker, HTML5, Responsive,Javascript,Swift, Phyton, Django, Ionic, C, C# y otros. *Emprendedores,Ventas, Negocio, Trading, Marketing, SEO, SocialMedia, Coaching,PNL y Habilidades. * Diseño, ilustración,infoarquitectura, Unity,Maya, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign,Fireworks, Realidadaumentada y 3D, 3DMax y otros. * Office, Excel,WordPress, SAP,Productividad, ERP y CRM. * Inglés, francés, alemán,italiano,ruso, chino, portugués, japonés y lengua de signos. *Bebés,puericultura, deportes, yoga, repostería, cocina,recetas,restauración y moda. * Ciencias sociales, cienciasnaturales yciencias aplicadas. * Biología, matemáticas, física,química,teología, mercadotecnia e ingeniería. * TítuloUniversitarios,Diplomas y Cursos universitarios. Con más serviciosque los cursosde pago, los Títulos te darán acceso a unreconocimiento oficialpor parte de la Universidad asociada y acréditos ECTS. Tienestanto Diplomas como Cursos universitarios,expedidos por laUniversidad Católica de Murcia UCAM y laUniversidad Rey JuanCarlos URJC, y con hasta 12 ECTS. Recuerda quetienes MOOC enabierto y videocursos de todas las temáticas:Desarrollo Web y APP,Videojuegos, Coaching, Ventas, Fitness,Repostería, Yoga... todo loque puedas imaginar.
MooCle 1.0
The application idea is to make searchenginenamed by "Moocle" like "Google" to help students (under orpostgraduate) to be opened to the Massive Open Online Courses,whereyou easily can satisfy your learning needs.The searching engine will help IEEE in the advertisingtheir"IEEE Academic" program and another Online Courses whichispresented by It provides you searching for OnlineCoursesfrom A to Z from a bunch of great universities around theworld andgreat websites which provide a large number of coursesthat helpyou be Erudite, If you're a Geek or want to be, then it'sthe rightplace for you.That gives you the ability to search individual courses,specificcategory, and also make you take a look at everythingprovided byour trusted resources.Let's widen our knowledge and have some independence fromourformal studies.Application was developed for the IEEEmadC 2015(MobileApplication Development Contest) and it won theHighestPopularity Application Award ($1000,00)!
Edraak 3.2.0
Free Online Education, In Arabic!
Abilways formation 2.1.5
Test a new way to train to learn without limits!
Online Courses, MOOCS Posters 0.1
Download free ready-to-print PDFpostersforyour favourite Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) tospreadtheword about them.
Mooc Big Data 1.0.0
In de gratis online cursus 'Aan de slagmetBigData. Denk groot start klein' (MOOC) leer je in 4korteafleveringenwat big data is, welke trends en technieken erzijn enhoe je alsondernemer de eerste stappen kunt zetten. MetdocentMark vanRijmenam en experts van de Kamer van Koophandel, TNO,hetBig DataValue Centre en ECP | Platform voordeInformatieSamenleving.De MOOC Big Data is een initiatief van de Doorbraak BigData,deKamer van Koophandel, TNO, het Big Data Value Centre,Surfsaraenhet Ministerie van Economische Zaken. De MOOC BigDataisgeproduceerd door Camera Works / Movietrader.In the freeonlinecourse"Getting Started with Big Data. Think big start small(MOOC)youlearn in four short episodes that big data is, whattrendsandtechniques are and how you as an entrepreneur can takethefirststeps. With Professor Mark van Rijmenam and expertsfromtheChamber of Commerce, TNO, the Big Data Value Centre andECP|Platform for the information society.The MOOC Big Data is an initiative of the BreakthroughBigData,the Chamber of Commerce, TNO, the Big Data Value Centre,SurfSaraand the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The MOOC BigDataproduced byCamera Works / Movie Trader.
IVMOOC Flashcards 1.1.4
Studio Cypher
Embrace the power of information visualization and render dataintoinsights.
DelftWageningenX AMS 1.0.6
Wageningen UR
In this MOOC-APP there are a numberofexercises that encourage you to upload a photo of somebuildings.The photos will be shared with other members of theMOOC
WageningenX Nutrition 1.0.15
Wageningen UR
In this MOOC-APP there are a number ofexercisethat encourage you to upload a photo of a meal or specificfoodsthat you consumed. The photos will be shared with othermembers ofthe MOOC
WageningenX Nutrition Q3 1.1.0
Wageningen UR
In this MOOC-APP there are a number ofexercisethat encourage you to upload a photo of a meal or specificfoodsthat you consumed. The photos will be shared with othermembers ofthe MOOC
Party Of Lincoln 1.3
The Party of Lincoln app is a non-partisan resource guide, aplacewhere you will be able to register to vote, change yourpartyaffiliation and get candidate information duringelectionseason—both nationally and locally. There is a fact-checkerfeatureso you can know which political claims are lies. POL appwill alsofeature call-to-action videos and civics lessons to remindyou ofwhat’s at stake. Over 20 ways to take political actiondirectlyfrom the app! Act: · The Karen Hunter Voting RightsPetition ·Check Voting Guide · View Election Map · Register To Vote· ChangeParty Affiliation · Research Your Local Politics · Run ForOffice ·Contact Members of Congress · Contact Local Election Office· TrackCongress Legislation · Automate Your Political Activism ·CheckFacts · Check Polls · Check Voter ID Laws · Check YourState’sRedistricting Guidelines · Check The Constitution · Take theCivicsPractice Test · Become a Poll Worker · Make A FreedomofInformation Act Request · Report Issues in Your Neighborhood·Grade Members of Congress Learn: Get powerful civics andhistorylessons from our own historians, legal experts andpoliticalactivist Share: Keep up to date on links, quotes, andstoriesrelating to the candidates and the political cycle throughourTwitter feed. Ballotpedia: Research your federal, state andlocalelected officials and stay abreast of major public policythroughthe No. 1 online political encyclopedia. You can alsocontact yourelected officials through Ballotpedia. The Party ofLincoln is amovement established to remind “we the people,” that weare stillin charge. Corporations are not people, people are peopleandthrough The Party of Lincoln we will show those running forofficewhat that means and how our vote matters. We will honor thememoryand courage of Abraham Lincoln as we will Reclaim, Restoreand thenRe-imagine the United States of America. We can no longersit onthe sidelines and complain about this nation. It’s time toroll upour sleeves and get busy building the America we wish it tobe.Knowledge is power.