Top 24 Apps Similar to Daftar Nama Penyakit

Diseases Dictionary Medical 2.3
Detailed Definition, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of Common&Major Diseases
Oxford Medical Dictionary 11.1.544
Over 12,000 clear and concise entries, covering all aspectsofmedical science.
Disorder & Diseases Dictionary 4.0.1
Provide all the information about diseases
Doa Pengobatan Orang Sakit 12.12
Paragraph healing of various diseases in the Qur'an
Medical terminology - Offline 4.1.0
Provide all the information about medical terminology
Kamus Alkitab 1.3
FULL set of Bible dictionary, each word / term in yourBible-FREE& Offline
Medical Dictionary : Diseases 1.6
Van Solutions
4000+ diseases and conditions with details (symptoms,diagnosis,treatment etc.)
Follow Us on twitter : @AndalasMD This application is madeintheIndonesian language, do not install if you donotunderstandIndonesian or Malay. Merupakan Aplikasi berbentukebookyang cocokuntuk dokter Indonesia, mudah digunakan kapan dandimanasaja,referensi medis lengkap dan praktis digunakanolehmahasiswakedokteran, mahasiswa klinik (koas), dokterinternship,dokterpuskesmas, dan dokter umum dalam prakteksehari-hari,disajikansesuai dengan kebutuhan dokter dan materi yangselaluupdate secaraberkala. WARNING : Terapi dalam Aplikasi initidakdianjurkan untukdigunakan oleh kalangan nonmedis, Informasiyangterdapat dalamaplikasi dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber dantidakdimaksudkansebagai pengganti nasihat, saran, konsultasiataupunkunjungankepada dokter anda. Bila anda memilikimasalahkesehatan,hubungilah dokter anda Referensi : PEDOMANPENGOBATANDASAR DIPUSKESMAS 2007, DEPKES RI BUKU SAKU PELAYANANKESEHATANANAK DIRUMAH SAKIT, DEPKES RI Danlain-lain
Penyakit Buku Obat 0.0.8
Contains information relating to diseases that are very helpful.
Medical Dictionary
Medicopedia gives you access to more than 150,000medicaldefinitions.
Offline Medical Wikipedia 2023-06
Kiwix Team
With 51,000+ medical articles, Wikimed isthelargest and most comprehensive collection ofhealth-relatedarticles available. It includes content on diseases,medications,anatomy, and sanitation.As an encyclopedic medical dictionary, Wikimed is perfectforpracticing physicians, as well as medicine and otherhealthcarestudents.If you are in the developing world without access to the Internetoron a boat in the middle of nowhere you can now access one oftheforemost and up-to-date medical dictionaries, for free.Beware: the app is 1.1 Gb, make sure you have enough space andasolid WiFi connection for download! If you have limitedstorage,then try Wikimed Mini, the light version of Wikimed!
Medical Dictionary
Medical Dictionary about all diseases like migraine, headache&diabetes.
Medical Drugs Guide Dictionary 1.7
Van Solutions
Complete Medical Drugs Guide - Reference for PrescriptionPills& Medicines.
All Blood Disease and Treatment A-Z 9.6.9p
Download All blood disease and treatment A-Z app and learn aboutthediseases and disorders which affect the blood. Get the widerviewabout all blood disorders,disease diagnosis,blood checkup,treatmentand prevention. This information app explains more onblood diseasesaffecting red blood cells,whitebloodcells,platelets,plasma,signs,symptoms and diagnosis,riskfactors,disease prediction,and disease treatment. Blooddisorder Ato Z is different from fungal infection inskin,stomachinfections,stomach disorders,stomach diseases orheartdiseases.This app is for blood disease information,diseaseandcauses,nursing care plan for all diseases,disease symptoms anditsmedicine. A medical app for sign symptoms diagnosis andtreatmentof all disease of the blood. Features of blood diseaseapp; WhiteBlood Cells:- *Aplastic Anaemia *HIV/AIDS(hiv test,cd4count,hivtreatment) *Hypersplenism *Tuberculosis(tb) *Leukemia*Lupus*Rheumatoid arthritis *Myelodysplastic syndromes *Lympoma RedBloodCells:- *Iron-deficiency anemia *Anemia of chronicdisease*Pernicious anemia *Aplastic anemia *Autoimmune hemolyticanemia*Thelassemia *Sickle cell anemia *Polycythemia vera*MalariaPlatelets:- *Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura *Vonwillebranddisease *Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura*Essentialthrombocytothemia *Hemophilia Plasma:- *Hemophilia *Vonwillebranddisease *Hypercoagulable state *Deep veinthrombosis(DVT)*Disseminated intravascular coagulation(DIC) Someblood diseasescan be transmitted through blood donation,sexualintercourse(HIV/aids),or through coughing(tuberculosis). Alwaysseek medicalhelp from a professional doctor for clinicalexamination(clinicallab test) since blood disease like deepveinthrombosis(DVT),thelassemia,sickle cellanemia,HIV/AIDS,Rheumatoidarthritis,hemophilia, aplasticanemia,tuberculosis and lupus canreally be troublesome if not welltreated. Blood test such as bloodpressure check,blood group,whiteblood cell counter(Wbc counter),CD4 count,HIV test,blood sugartest,biopsy,and other clinical skillscannot be conducted on mobiledevices. All Blood Disease andTreatment A-Z is about: *Informationabout blood disease/disordercauses, sign and symptoms *Diagnosis ,treatment and nursing careplan *Information on laboratory anddiagnostic test Pleaseunderstand that this app has been created forinformation purposesonly and does not intent to replace theservices of a professionalmedical practitioner.
Medical Disease Dictionary 1.2
Completely Free and Offline Medical Disease Dictionarycontainsdiseases / medical disorders with detailed information suchassigns & symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention andotherresources. This diseases dictionary can act as a pocket guideforself diagnosis and can also be used to search for varioussymptomsand treatment information of a plethora of dieseases. Itcan alsobe used by medical students for learning purposes. Everymedicaldisorder / disease is properly organized with followingdetails:Definition / Description / Overview Signs & SymptomsCauses& Risk Factors Diagnosis Complications Treatment&Medications Prevention Prognosis Epidemiology Other ResourcesThisApp has features like: All Diseases List - View All diseases inaalphabetical order. Search feature is added for ease ofnavigationSaved Diseases List - Quickly save any disease you wishto viewlater so that you don't have yo search for it in all thediseases(although thats pretty easy as well) Share Disease Info -Share allthe details with your contacts on any social mediaplatform likeWhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, GooglePlus etc. LatestNews & Info- Stay updated with the latest medical news &info shared bynews / medical & media companies. You can alsoshare theinformation with your contacts on social media. Saved News-Bookmark any news you wish to read later. Disclaimer - ThisAppcannot replace a pharmacist or a doctor and should be used onlyforreference and educational purposes. Consult a doctor beforeactualusage of any information from this App. Medication Guide 2.14.7
Look up drug information, identify pills and manageyourmedications.
Liixuos Medical Dictionary En 2.0
Free medical dictionary app can show definitions of medical termsinEnglish
Treatment for all diseases 68.02
I present to you this wonderful application Treatmentforalldiseases which contains a range of serious spreaddiseasesTheapplication Treatment for all diseases offers diseasesandcausesand how to avoid injury and maintain your health infullsafety andevery subject in this application presents adifferentdisease anddefinition of it and how to eliminate it ,similar to :medicamentof medicijn meaning of medicament history ofmedicamentmeaning ofmedicament in hindi medication for treatment ofnocturiaplural ofmedicament synonyms of medicament form ofmedication useofmedicament example of medicament medication of adhdmedicationofdiabetes medication ofev medication of kidneystonemedicationofficial website medication of choice for utimedicationofdepression ode on a distant prospect of eton collegeprospectofwhitby antiques college prospects of america prospectofwhitbyprospect of orlando prospect of solar energyinbangladeshmedicament oflocet the prospect of prospect oftourisminbangladesh prospect of whitby london england medicationofocdmedication off label use floxin medicationmedicamentofloxacinemédicament officinal medicament ofloxacinemylanmédicamentofficinal définition medicament officinauxmedicamentoflocet 200mg medicament ofev medicament ofloxacine200mgmedicamentosmedicament organizador de medicamentos fin norofsmedicament modeof action medicament bronchite medicamentbrulureestomacmedicament ballonnement médicament bipolairemedicamentbouton defievre medicament belgique medicament bopmedicamentbetasercmedicament beta bloquant medicamentbaclofenemedicamentconstipation medicament contre la diarrhéemedicamentcontre lestress medicament contre la constipationmedicamentcystitemedicament contre la grippe medicament contre lerhumemedicamentcholesterol medicament contre la gastromédicamentcystite sansordonnance médicament diarrhée medicamentdangereuxmedicamentdepression médicament définition medicamentdiabetemédicamentdexception medicament debridat medicamentdigestionmedicamentdouleur dentaire medicament domperidonemedicament enlignemedicament en anglais medicament et grossessemedicamentepilepsiemedicament estomac ixprim medicament medicamentetalcoolmedicament efficace pour maigrir medicamentetallaitementmedicament efficace rhume medicament femmeenceintemedicament fermedicament flagyl medicament francemedicament fievremedicamentforlax médicament flore intestinalemedicament fervexmedicamentflatulence medicament fausse couchemédicament génériquemedicamentgastro medicament grippe médicamentgénérique définitionmedicamentgrossesse speech and language therapyapps for kidstherapy loungetherapy las vegas therapy london therapylogo therapylyrics alltime low therapy lyrics khalid therapy lisstherapy lighttherapylondon bags speech and language therapy appstherapy meaninginhindi therapy meaning in urdu therapy massagetherapymanagementcorporation therapy memes therapy machine therapymusictherapymodalities therapy movie therapy nyc therapynetworktherapynightclub therapy nhs therapy notes softwaretherapynetworkseminars therapy notes reviews therapy nail salontherapyonlinetherapy one therapy online free therapy office therapyondemandtherapy outcome measures therapy of champions therapyoverthephone therapy on the rocks therapy oilsoccupationaltherapytherapy putty therapy pets therapy pool therapyplustherapypartner therapy playground therapy pets unlimitedtherapypigremedy for cough remedy for constipation remedy fordrycoughremedy for headache remedy for sunburn remedy forheartburnremedyfor pimples remedy for sore throat remedy for beestingremedy forhiccups remedy for acidity remedy for acid refluxremedyfor acneremedy for arthritis remedy for anxiety remedy forantsremedy forasthma remedy for ant bites remedy for a sore throat
Diccionario Medico (Espasa) 14.12.06
ERC Systems
18,000 medical terms with name, translation and definition
Medical & Drugs Dictionary 2.0
Our application comprises an extensive data library on drugsandillnesses
Kata-Kata Sabar 1.0
Words set Tolerance For Motivation in the Face of Life
Dictionnaire Des Maladies PRO 2.0
MR Smith
Pour tout savoir sur une maladie,sessymptômes, ses causes, ses examens,ses traitements, sa prévention... Consultez notre dictionnaire!Complet,validé médicalement et enrichi régulièrement,il vous propose des centaines de fichesd'informationsdétaillées.Option de recherche est également availabe pour votre app.Learn all aboutdisease,its symptoms, causes, tests,its treatment, prevention ... Visit our dictionary! Full,medically validated and enriched regularly,It offers hundreds of detailed information sheets. search option is also availabe for your app.
Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia 1.0.0
Official application of the Big Indonesian Dictionary, SixthEdition(KBBI VI)
Ada – your health companion 3.22.0
Ada Health
Ada helps you and your loved ones check symptoms and discoverwhatmight be causing them – day or night without anappointment.Whatever’s bothering you, from stomach problems toheadache, Ada’sfree symptom checker can help you find answers andlet you know ifyou should see a doctor. Created by doctors to thinklike a doctor,our app is trustworthy, fast, and available when andwhere you needit. Join the 10 million people who have alreadydownloaded theworld's most popular symptom check app and completed20 millionsymptom assessments.
 Doctors trained Ada for years, soyou can geta prediagnosis within minutes. How do free symptomchecks work? Youanswer simple questions about your own or someoneelse’s health andsymptoms. Ada’s AI assesses your answers againstits medicaldictionary of thousands of disorders and medicalconditions. Youreceive a personalized assessment report that tellsyou what couldbe wrong and what to do next. What can you expectfrom anassessment? - Data privacy and security – we apply thestrictestdata regulations to protect you and keep your informationprivate.- Smart results – our core system connects medicalknowledge withintelligent technology. - Personalized healthinformation – yourguidance is personal to your unique healthprofile. - Assessmentsfor loved ones – if you assess someone else,their informationstays separate from your own. - Health checks –your assessmentsinclude information that may be relevant andhelpful to yourdoctor. - 24/7 access – you can use the free symptomcheckeranytime, anywhere. What can you tell Ada? Ada answersmedicalquestions of every kind. Here are some of the most commonsearches:Symptoms - Fever - Allergic rhinitis - Loss of appetite -Headache- Abdominal pain and tenderness - Nausea - Fatigue -Vomiting -Dizziness Medical conditions: - Common cold - Influenzainfection(flu) - Viral sinusitis - Diabetes - Tension headache -Migraine -Chronic pain - Fibromyalgia - Arthritis - Allergy -Irritable bowelsyndrome (IBS) - Anxiety disorder - DepressionCategories: - Skinconditions such as rashes, acne, insect bites -Pregnancy -Children’s health - Sleeping problems - Indigestionissues, such asvomiting, diarrhea - Eye infections Disclaimer TheAda Health Appis a Class I medical device in the European Union.Registration inother markets is pending. We want to hear from you.If you have anyfeedback or just want to get in touch, reach us [email protected]