Top 8 Apps Similar to Pengemudi Kosti Semarang

New Atlas Taksi Semarang 1.0.15
Aplikasi New Atlas Taksi SemarangadalahAplikasi pesan taksi online yang dikhususkan untuk penumpangmaupuncalon penumpang Taksi dari armada New Atlas Taksi Semarang.Dengan sekali tekan Armada New Atlas Taksi Semarangakanmenjemput Anda !Kami membuat sarana layanan transportasi yang begitu mudah diKotaSemarang, serta dengan System yang transparan,1. Anda dapat menentukan dimana anda ingin dijemput denganfiturgoogle map yang mempermudah proses penjemputan.2.Anda juga dapat menerima pemberitahuan seperti driversedangmenjemput Anda,driver memulai perjalanan, driver sampaitempatpenjemputan, driver menuju tempat yang dituju.3.Anda juga dapat melacak driver yang sedang menuju andadanberapa lama dia sampai ditempat anda.4.Anda dapat juga melihat detail kontak sopir, sehingga andabisamenelpon sopir taksi secara langsung.5.Anda bisa melihat record perjalanan anda dengan Taksi NewAtlasSemarang..6.Anda juga bisa memberi penilaian kepada Driver danmemberikankoment mengenai layanan yang kami berikan.Kami telah ditampilkan di semua publikasi lokal. Sekarang kamisiapuntuk menjemput anda untuk jalan- jalan dikota Semarang.Applications NewAtlasTaxi cab Semarang is an application message online that isdevotedto passengers and potential passengers of the fleet NewAtlas TaxiTaxi Semarang.With a single tap New Atlas Taxi Fleet Semarang willpickyou!We made a means of transportation service that is so easy inthecity, as well as with the system that is transparent,1. You can specify where you want to be picked up by googlemapfeatures that simplify the process of pick-up.2. You can also receive notifications like being pickyourdriver, the driver started the journey, the driver untilthepick-up, the driver toward the destination.3. You can also track your driver is heading and how long shewasup at your place.4. You can also contact details for the driver, so you cancallthe taxi driver directly.5. You can see the records of your trip to New AtlasTaxiSemarang ..6. You can also give ratings to Driver and providekomentregarding the services we provide.We have been featured in all the local publications. Now weareready to invite you to the streets of the city of Semarang.
GLine aplikasi pemesanan taksi onlinedariGelora Taksi Solo. Anda bisa melihat taksi di sekitarAnda,melakukan pemesanan secara langsung, mengetahui posisikendaraanyang akan menjemput Anda dan mengetahui estimasi biayaperjalananAnda.10 Keunggulan yang diperoleh:1. Anda bisa melihat taksi di sekitar Anda,2. Melakukan pemesanan secara langsung,3. Dapat panggil langsung ke driver yang terlihat di mapotomatistersambung4. Dapat panggil langsung ke operator otomatis tersambung5. Dapat SMS secara langsung ke driver atau ke operator6. Dapat Chating secara langsung ke driver atau keoperatorotomatis7. Melaui Fast Service dapat pesan secara langsung dan cepat8. Melalui Reservasi dapat memesan taksi sesuia keinginananda9. Mengetahui posisi kendaraan yang akan menjemput Anda10. Mengetahui estimasi biaya perjalanan Anda.Dengan keunggulan tersebut ketepatan, kecepatan dan akurasiyangdiinginkan oleh customer akan dapat dipenuhi.----------------------------GLine online taxi booking application from Gelora Taxi Solo. Youcansee a taxi around you, place an order directly, knowing thepositionof the vehicle that will pick you up and find out theestimated costof your trip.10 Advantages obtained:1. You can see a taxi around you,2. Make a booking directly,3. Can the call directly to the driver looks at themapautomatically connect4. Can the call directly to the operator automaticallyconnect5. Can SMS directly to the driver or operator to6. Can Chating directly to the driver or operatortoautomatically7. Through Fast Service messages can directly and quickly8. Through Reservations can order a taxi in conformity toyourwishes9. Knowing the position of the vehicle that will pick you10. Knowing the estimated cost of your trip.With the advantages of accuracy, speed and accuracy desired bythecustomer will be met.GLine online taxibookingapplication from Gelora Taxi Solo. You can see a taxi aroundyou,place an order directly, knowing the position of the vehiclethatwill pick you up and find out the estimated cost ofyourtrip.10 Advantages obtained:1. You can see a taxi around you,2. Make a booking directly,3. Can the call directly to the driver looks at themapautomatically connect4. Can the call directly to the operator automaticallyconnect5. Can SMS directly to the driver or operator to6. Can Chating directly to the driver or operatortoautomatically7. Through Fast Service messages can directly and quickly8. Through Reservations can order a taxi in conformity toyourwishes9. Knowing the position of the vehicle that will pick you10. Knowing the estimated cost of your trip.With the advantages of accuracy, speed and accuracy desired bythecustomer will be met.----------------------------GLine online taxi booking application from Gelora Taxi Solo. Youcansee a taxi around you, place an order Directly, knowing thepositionof the vehicle that will pick you up and find out theestimated costof your trip.10 Advantages Obtained:1. You can see a taxi around you,2. Make a booking Directly,3. Can the call Directly to the driver looks at themapautomatically connect4. Can the call Directly to the operator automaticallyconnect5. Can SMS Directly to the driver or operator to6. Can Chating Directly to the driver or operatortoautomatically7. Through Fast Service messages can Directly andquicklyintervening8. Through Reservations can order a taxi in conformity toyourwishes9. Knowing the position of the vehicle that will pick you10. Knowing the estimated cost of your trip.With the advantages of accuracy, speed and accuracy desired bythecustomer will be met.
Driver New Atlas Taksi 1.0.15
Taksi-Atlas-Driver-v.1.0.8Aplikasi Driver New Atlas Taksi Semarang adalah AplikasiDriver(pengengemudi) armada New Atlas Taksi Semarang.Dengan Aplikasi Driver (pengemudi) ini mempermudahpemesanantaksi bagi para calon penumpang sehingga omset Driver(pengemudi)juga akan meningkat.Taxi-Driver-Atlas-v.1.0.8Applications New Atlas Taxi Driver Semarang is ApplicationDriver(pengengemudi) New Atlas Taxi fleet Semarang.By Application Driver (driver) is easier booking taxisforpassengers so the turnover Driver (driver) will alsoincrease.
OKEJEK - Ojek Online, Pesan Ma 6.3.1
Online motorcycle taxi applications, deliver goods, payments,orderfood and daily shopping
Cari Taksi Solo 7.0.0
Berkah Ria
Mendapatkan Taksi di mana sajalebihmudah,berkat Cari Taksi Solo, aplikasi pemesanan taksi dikotaSolo.Lupakan menelepon temen kamu untuk menjemput, ataumencobauntukmenyetop taksi di tengah hujan. Sekarang kamubisamendapatkantaksi hanya dengan sentuhan tombol dismartphoneanda.
Mahkota Ratu Taksi Driver 1.2.9
DandD Project
M R TaxiMahkota Ratu TaksiOnline Mobile Taxi Order in SurakartaMeet one of the best online taxi order service in Surakarta!Mahkota Ratu Taxi is one of trusted taxi service in Solo Raya(Whichcovered many cities such as Solo/Surakarta, Karanganyar,Klaten,Sragen, Boyolali, Sukoharjo, Sragen), and also may deliveryou toyour destination at any place in Central Java.Enjoy our best application features :.• Easy to use :As easy as order by tapping your smartphone gadget,• Reliable :The application is using Android OS, one of the best andreliableoperating system• Near :The service is location based order, so it can save yourordertime• Fast :We always assign the nearest taxi to pick you up.• Safe :we thoroughly train our taxi drivers to service you well*) Additional term :You can always expect from Mahkota Taxi driver to take theextrakilometer for you, as this is a negoitable additonalfairfare.How to Use :1. Open the Mahkota Ratu Taxi Application on your Smartphone2. Wait for the app to automatically locate your locationusingGPS3. Confirm your location4. Tap “Order Taksi” (Request Taxi) and watch how easy taxiassignsa nearby driver. Wait him in minutes and he will be at thelocationyou requested. Its easy all the way!
Taksi Rakyat 3.0
Taksi Rakyat hadir di tengah -tengahmasyarakat Indonesia atas dasar keprihatinan pro dankontramengenai taksi online yang berkembang beberapabulanterakhir.Taksi Rakyat adalah Aplikasi berbasis Android yangdikembangkanuntuk Sopir Taksi dan Penumpang. Mendukung Google Mapsdan GPSsehingga calon penumpang dengan mudah mendapatkan Taksiterdekatdengan cara memilih Taksi sendiri dari yang tersedia ataucukupdengan panggilan suara "Taksi... atau Taxi..."Tidak menampilkan biaya kalkulator karena semua biaya sesuaidenganargo meter masing-masing layanan perusahaan.4 Alasan kenapa harus memilih Aplikasi Taksi Rakyat :1. CINTA INDONESIASudah ada aplikasi sejenis sebelumnya,silahkan cek apakahmerekakarya anak Indonesia dengan investor asli Indonesia?2. TAKSI RESMIAplikasi Taksi Rakyat digunakan oleh Armada Taksi resmiyangmengantongi ijin Pemerintah, dan tentunya lebih aman&nyaman.3. KEBERSAMAANKebersamaan merupakan kunci sukses Taksi Rakyat, berawaldaripenumpang taksi hingga pada level pelanggan tetap, TaksiRakyatmemberikan peluang bisnis melalui Program Kemitraan denganpotensibonus jutaan rupiah/bulan. Silahkan bukawebsitewww.taksirakyat.com4. SEMUA UNTUNGTidak ada yang rugi! selain sebagai pelanggan, Mitra Taksiberhakatas bonus dan fee yang nilainya hingga jutaanrupiah/bulan.Aplikasi bisa didownload oleh Sopir & Penumpang. UntukLoginSopir Taksi gunakan tombol menu smartphone Anda. Bagimanagementperusahaan seperti Blue Bird Group, Cipaganti, Express,Kosti,Atlas, Bosowa, dll silahkan aplikasi ini diinformasikankepadasopir masing - masing agar dipergunakan semaksimal mungkinuntukkesejahteraan dan kemudahan layanan pengguna TaksiIndonesia.DISCLAIMER APLIKASI TAKSI RAKYAT1. Pengelola Taksi Rakyat adalah Indo Sarana Networking yangtidakberhubungan dengan Perusahaan Taksi manapun.2. Pengelola Taksi Rakyat tidak bertanggung jawab terhadaphubunganPenumpang & Sopir Taksi menyangkut biaya argo danlainsebagainya.Semoga Aplikasi ini bermanfaat buat kita semua.Catatan :Versi 3.0- Perubahan tampilan & penambahan speedVersi 2.0 19 Maret 20161. Perubahan tampilan2. Penambahan pendaftaran Sopir.3. Optimalisasi kecepatanTaxi People present inthemiddle - the middle of the people of Indonesia on the basisofconcerns about the pros and cons of online taxi developed inrecentmonths.Taxi People are Android based application developed for thetaxidriver and the passenger. Supports Google Maps and GPS sothatpassengers easily get to the nearest Taxi Taxi own by choosingfromthe available or simply a voice call "Taxi Taxi ... or..."Not displaying the cost calculator for all costs in accordancewiththe respective metered services companies.4 Reasons why should you choose Application Taxi People:1. LOVE INDONESIAThere are already similar applications before, please checkwhethertheir children's work with the original investorIndonesiaIndonesia?2. TAXI OFFICIALApplication used by the People's Taxi Taxi Fleet pocketedofficialgovernment permission, and certainly more secureandcomfortable.3. togethernessTogetherness is the key to success Taxis People, originated fromthepassenger cab to the level of the regulars, the People Taxisprovidebusiness opportunities through a partnership program withpotentialbonuses of millions of rupiah / month. Please go to thewebsitewww.taksirakyat.com4. ALL PROFITNo loss! other than as a customer, Taxi Partner is entitled toabonus and fee value to millions of rupiah / month.Applications can be downloaded by the driver and passengers.Taxidriver to login using your smartphone menu button. Formanagementcompanies such as Blue Bird Group, Cipaganti, Express,Kosti, Atlas,Bosowa, etc. This app please be informed to thedriver each - eachto be used as much as possible for the welfareand convenience ofthe service users Taxi Indonesia.DISCLAIMER APPLICATION OF THE TAXI1. The business is Taxis Rakyat Indo Sarana Networking isnotassociated with any taxi company.2. Taxi People's business is not responsible for relationsPassenger& Taxi concerning metered fees and so forth.Hopefully this application is useful for us all.Note:version 3.0- Changes to the look & Extra speedVersion 2.0 March 19, 20161. Changes in appearance2. The addition of driver registration.3. Optimizing speed
Transportasi Ke Kota Semarang
Direktori Transportasi UntukMenujuKotaSemarang oleh Pemerintah Kota SemarangTransport DirectoryToGoSemarang Semarang City Government