Top 21 Apps Similar to Mishary Alafasy - Audio Quran

Al Quran Mp3 - 50 Reciters & Translation Audio 7.2
Al Quran Mp3 App with 50+ Languages. A Complete Quran appwithAl-Quran Ayats in multiple languages with meaning, Mp3Quranrecitation by over 50 reciters or Qaris and Audio translationinover 50 world languages. Follow Holy month of Ramadan withrecitingQuran Audio. Now keep Holy Quran app wherever you go. ReadQuranwith Tajwid to understand and pronounce Quran Ayatperfectly,Listen Mp3 Quran online with multiple quran qaris andmultiplelanguages. Its very helpful app when Ramadan 2021 is justgoing tocome now. About Quran : The Quran is a holy book of Islam,which isalso meaning to “the recitation". According to Islamicbelief, Inthe month of Ramadan Quran was revealed as a guidance formankind.Quran Mp3 App Features: - Full Quran Kareem text with all114Surahs or verses in chronological order. - Arabic Quran Ayatforevery Surah and English pronunciation with Each Ayat meaning.-Read Quran Karim in different languages like French,German,Indonesian, Malay, Spanish, Turkish and Urdu. - CompleteOnlineQuran Surahs with downloading options for each Ayat or wholeKoran.- Create Playlist to add your favorite Qaris recitationsandtranslations. - Daily Notification each day to remind timeforQuran recitation. App includes Famous Hafiz or Reciters :AbdulRahman Alsudaes, Abdul Basit Abdul Samad, Abdur Rashid Sufi,AhmedAl Ajmi, Abdulaziz Al Ahmad, Abdul Wadood Haneef, AbdulbariAthThubaity, Abdulmohsin Al Obaikhan, Ali Alhuthaifi, AbdullahBasfer,Ahmad Al Hawashy, Ahmed Saber, Abdullah Khayyat, Al QariYassen,Aleyoon Alkoshi, Abu Baker Shatri, Ali Jaber, AbdulmohsenAlqasim,Emad Zuhair Hafth, Fares Abbaf, Hani Arrifai, IbrahimAlakhdar,Jamal Shaker Abdullah, Khalid Abdulkhafi, KhalidAlqahtani,Khalifah Al Tonaeijy, Mahmoud Khalil, Muhammed AlTablawi, MahmoodAl Sheimy, Mishary Al Afasy, Mustafa Ismail,Mustafa Al Lahoni,Mahmood Ali Albana, Mohammad Ayyub, Maher AlMuaiqly, Mohammed AlMinshawi, Mohammad jibreel, Mohammed AlMuhasny, Mohammed Siddiq AlMinshawl, Mohammad Al Abdullah, MustafaRaad Al Azawi, Nabil ArRifai, Saudd Al Shuraim, Shirazad Taher,Salah Alhashim, SalahBukatir, Salah Al Budair, Saad Al ghamdi, SaudAl Shuraim, SahlYaaseen, Awfeeq As Sayegh, Yasser Al Mazroyee,Yahya Hawa and ZakiDaghistani. Quran Audio Translation Languages :Arabic, Albanian,Azeri, Azerbaijan, Bangla, Brazilian, Burmese,Bosnian, Chichewa,Chinese, Dutch, English, Filipino, French,Gujarati, German, Greek,Hausa, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian,Kashmiri, Kanada, Korean,Kurdish, Maranao, Maranao Arabic, Mexico,Malyalam, Marathi,Punjabi, Pashto, Persian, Portuguese, Russian,Sindhi, Somali,Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamazight, Tamil, Thai,Turkish, Telugu,Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Yoruba and Zulu.Please, Give yourfeedback and rate our app so we can build moreislamic apps suchthis. we would love to listen your suggestions byE-mail, Facebook,Twitter or Google+. E-mail:[email protected]: GooglePlus: Appwith family and friends Jazak Allah.
Quran MP3 Offline 1.5
Download This app get Holy MP3 Al-Quran(القرآن )Arabic soundOfflinewith you .
بدون إنترنت - جزء عمّ 4.3
Quran Voice
في أثناء تحميل التطبيق إقرأ هذه السطورمن فضلك..جنات عرضها السماوات والأرض .. سقفها عرش الرحمن .. أرضها مسكوزعفران.. هي هبة من زيّن قلبه بالإيمان .. وأنصت إلى كلام اللهورتّلالقرآنجزء عمّ يحمل حسنات جمّة، وسوره تيسّر طريق الجنّة، وتضمك إلىالصفوةفي القمّة. فيروي الله عز وجل برد الشراب يوم القيامة من يقرأأولىسوره "النبأ"، وتستغفر الملائكة لمن يقرأ ثاني سوره "النازعات"طوالأيام حياته، ويكون وجه من يقرأ ثالث سوره "عبس" ضاحكاً مستبشراًيومالقيامة بإذن الله تعالى، ويعوذ الله من يقرأ رابع سوره "التكوير"منالفضيحة عند نشر صحيفته يوم العرض عليه سبحانه.يُجسّد جزء عمّ صورة من صور كرم الله عزّ وجل، ففضائله تغمرنا ونحنفيغفلةٍ من أمرنا! تخيّل أنّ الله عزّ وجل يغفر لك بكل قطرة تقطرمنالسماء إن قرأت خامس سور هذا الجزء العظيم " الإنفطار" عندهطولالغيث. فناهيك عن أنّ في الغيث إحياء للأرض والزرع والنباتوالإنسان،ها هو الله العظيم الجليل يزيدك نعيماً ويمحو ذنوبك مع قراءةإحدى سورجزء عمّ!ليست هذه سوى خمسة أمثلة على فضائل أولى سور هذا الجزء الذي يضمفيطياته 37 سورة. حمّل تطبيقنا وانعم بقنطار الحسنات والفضائلورتّلالسور مع أجمل أصوات قرّاء العالم أجمع دون الحاجة للإنترنت.هذاويتيح التطبيق فرصة الاستماع إلى تلاوة القرآن بينما تتصفّحالإنترنتأو تستخدم الهاتف لغرضٍ آخر. كما يمكنك التنقّل بين السوربسهولة تامةإما تبعاً لترتيب الكتاب المقدّس أو بترتيب عشوائي.أيوجد أكرم وأجود من رب الكون! فيكتب لك بــ "ألم" ثلاثين حسنة!هذاوأضع بين أيديكم هذه الأرقام عن عدد الحسنات منالآياتالقرآنية:الإخلاص = 66 حرف = 660 حسنةالفاتحة = 150 حرف = 1500 حسنةالصفحة = 15 سطر بمصحف المدينة المنورةالسطر = 40 حرف بالمتوسط ( تقريبا)15 * 40 = 600 حرف = 6000 حسنةالجزء = عشرون صفحة = 120000 حسنةالقرآن = ثلاثين جزء = 30 جزء * 120000 حسنة = 3600000 حسنةثلاثة ملايين وستمائة ألف حسنة تقريباً تحصل عليها عندقراءةالقرآن. . والله يضاعف لمن يشاءانقل نفسك من درب الشقاء إلى درب الهناء واستمع وأنصت إلى كلام اللهعزوجل أينما كنت ووقتما شئت مع هذا التطبيق الشامل السهل الذي يضمتلاواتبصوت أفضل قراء في العالم الإسلامي، لعلها تكون سببا في قطعرحلةالهجران وبدء رحلة الخشوع والإذعانمميزات تطبيق "جزء عمّ بدون نت- مشاري العفاسي----------------------------إمكانية الإنصات إلى السور دون حاجة إلى إنترنت- جزء عمّجودة صوت عالية وسرعة متناهيةخاصية الإيقاف الكلي والمؤقت للسورخاصية التحكم بمستوى الصوت من التطبيق نفسهإمكانية تخطي القراءة بشكل سريعسلاسة الانتقال من سورة لأخرى مع وجود مؤثرات حركيةإمكانية الانتقال من التطبيق دون الحاجة إلى إيقاف التلاوةسهولة قصوى في الاستخدام---------Jozoa Amma:Billions and millions are suffering from fatal diseases everyday,depressed people are here and there and problems are chasinguswherever we go... Have you wondered why this does happen tous"Muslims"!!!!What do you except while you are abandoning the Holy Quran! Wepaymillions to heal ourselves and beloved ones while the realpanaceacan be in our pockets right now with this valuableapplication.Allah' words can heal the worst diseases and replacethe depressionwith ultimate happiness. Use this App to listen toAl-Quran recitedby Mishary Al-Afasi.Sunlight will sneak into your heart and your life will bemoremeaningful once Al-Quran comes back to it.Application Unique Features:• Easy-to-use App• High-quality voice• High-speed browsing• Searching feature based on Suras' name• Chronological order of Suras• Stop voice ; temporarily and completely• Voice adjustment feature• Moving smoothly between Suras feature• Listening without need to internet coverage featureDuringloadthe application Alstormen Please Read This ..Gardens of the heavens and the earth .. roof throne Rahman ..landgrab and saffron .. is a gift from the heart Zain faith ..andlisten to the word of God and the Koran convoyAmma holds considerable advantages, and facilitate the ALParadiseRoad, and Tdmk to the elite at the top. Verwey God Almightycolddrink doomsday who reads the first AL "news", and prayforforgiveness for the angels to those who read the secondAL"Pluckers" throughout the days of his life, and be the faceofthose who read the third AL "Abs" laughing jubilantly declaredtheDay of Judgment, God willing, and We seek refuge God whoreadsfourth AL "pelleting" of the scandal when publishing hisnewspaperon the offer by the Almighty.Embodies uncle form of the generosity of God Almighty part,Vvdaúlhoverwhelms us and we are in the absence of ordered! Imaginethatthe Almighty God forgive you all drop dripping from the skythat Iread the fifth part of this great wall "Infitar" whenprecipitationGhaith. Vnahik that Ghaith in the revival of the landand planting,plant and human, here is the great God Galileeincrease you blissand erase your sins with the reading of one ofWall Amma!These are just five examples of the first wall of thissection,which includes in it the virtues of Surah 37 is not.Download ourapplication and softest Kuntar advantages and virtuesand convoyfence with the most beautiful voices of readers aroundthe worldwithout the need for Internet. This application providesanopportunity to listen to the recitation of the Koran whilebrowsingthe Internet or use the phone for another purpose. You canalsonavigate between the fence quite easily either depending ontheorder of the Bible or in random order.Is there Akram and finest of the Lord of the universe! He writesyoua "pain" thirty good! This put your hands between these figuresonthe number of advantages of the Quranic verses:Sincerity = 66 = 660 good characterFatiha = 150 = 1500 symbols goodPage 15, line = a Koran of MedinaLine = average of 40 characters (almost)15 * 40 = 600 = 6000 symbols goodTwenty-page section = = 120000 goodKoran = thirty part = 30 part * 120000 = 3600000 good goodThree million and six hundred thousand good about you getwhenyou read the Koran. . And Allah multiplies for whom HewillsMove yourself from the trail of misery to the path of happinessandlistened and listened to the words of Almighty God wherever youareand whenever you want with this comprehensive easyapplication,which includes recitations out the best readers in theIslamicworld, to perhaps be a reason to cut abandonment trip andstartreverence trip and complianceFeatures application "Amma without Nt- Mashary----------------------------The possibility to listen to the wall without the needforInternet- AmmaHigh quality sound and speed microchannel  Total paused for fencing propertyThe level of sound from the same application control featureThe possibility of skipping the reading quicklyA smooth transition from Surat to another with an AnimationThe possibility of moving from the application without the needtostop the recitationMaximum ease of use---------Jozoa Amma:Billions and millions are suffering from fatal diseases everyday,depressed people are here and there and problems are chasinguswherever we go ... Have you wondered why this does happen tous"Muslims" !!!!What do you except while you are abandoning the Holy Quran! Wepaymillions to heal ourselves and beloved ones while the realpanaceacan be in our pockets right now with this valuableapplication.Allah 'words can heal the worst diseases and replacethe depressionwith ultimate happiness. Use this App to listen toAl-Quran recitedby Mishary Al-Afasi.Sunlight will sneak into your heart and your life will bemoremeaningful once Al-Quran comes back to it.Application Unique Features:• Easy-to-use App• High-quality voice• High-speed browsing• Searching feature based on Suras' name• Chronological order of Suras• Stop voice; temporarily and completely• Voice adjustment feature• Moving smoothly between Suras feature• Listening without need to internet coverage feature
Audio Quran by Ibrahim Jibreen 3.0.0
The Holy Quran Recitation of its entirety by Sheikh IbrahimAlJibreen
Audio Quran by Mishary Alafasy 3.0.0
The Holy Quran Recitation of its entirety by Sheikh MisharyRashedAlafasy.
Quran Mp3 by Sheikh Mishary 4.0
KBM Mobile
This app lets you listen to the recitation of Juz Amma, fromtheHoly Quran by Sheikh Mishary Alafasy. Requires no downloadsorstreaming just install the app and select the surah tolisten.Quran Mp3 by Sheikh Mishary is an free audio Quran App onMarket :)which can be downloaded for free. The easiest ever foroffline (HQ)High Quality MP3 Quran files for reciter Sheikh Misharyfullsupport in Ramadan. The Quran (القرآن‎ al-qur'ān or Qur'anorKoran) is the central religious text of Islam, whichMuslimsbelieve to be a revelation from God. It is widely regardedas thefinest piece of literature in the Arabic language. Quran Mp3bySheikh Mishary is an Android App, which comprises the entireQurane Kareem with translation, transliteration, and audiorecitation ofeach chapter and verse of Quran. Quran Mp3 by SheikhMishary wishesyou All a Very Happy and Blessed Ramadan. Quran Mp3by SheikhMishary : voice of the Senate and reciter : SheikhMishary. WeDeveloped Holy Al-Quran Kareem Mp3 by Sheikh Mishary appfor smartphones, it will be easier for everyone to listen therecitation ofQuran in the voice of famous Reciter. The App teachesyou how tolearn Quran with Tajweed with the help of audiorecitation andtransliteration of each word of Quran. It entailsfollowingsignificant features including : It incorporates all the37 Surahsof Juz 30 in Quran within order and proper settings. Go ToOptionfor access to any specific Surah of Quran or Ayat of Quran.“Ifyour hearts are purified, you will never tire of reciting thekoranand listening to its recitation.” Hazrat Uthman(radhiyallahuanhu). Our aim is to include all Quran reciters fromall over TheWorld into 1 app. :) Download this best Quran forAndroid App andlearn Quran Rules to grasp the divine virtues! Usethis free appand share with your family and friends, Jazak Allah.May Allahbless you all. Jazak’Allah! Note: This App is free and hasbannerads, wall ads and exit app Ads. Don't forget to rate our app.^^ :)Tags : holy quran mp3, quran kareem. Happy Ramadan and EidAl-Fitror Eid al-Adha. Disclaimer : All of content in thisapplication isnot our trademark. We only get the content fromsearch engine andwebsite. Please let me know if your originalcontent want to removefrom our application.
Big Time Rush MUSIC LYRICS 1.2
LH Studio
In this apps you will get songs of BigTimeRushalso lyrics from songs, lets have fun and singalong.This application does not intend to violate the trademarkofthemusic companies. All lyrics in this applicationsareforentertainment and educational purposes.Please support the artists and their companies. Buy theoriginalCDs,MP3s, videos and merchandise.Download and enjoy this app for free!!
Mishary Al Afasy Full Quran 1.0
Assalamu alaikum,This application is the complete Holy Quran mp3 offlinerecitationofsheikh Mishary Rashid Alafasy. This is because GoogleincreasedtheAPK size that can be uploaded to play store up to100MB butthisApplication of mishary Rashid is less than the 100mb.If you like this full Quran mishary rashid offlinepleaseconsiderleaving a positive review and/or rating for it inthestore. Thiswill boost the App position and other muslims canfindthis misharyapp easily.Brief about the reciter mishari Rashid:His Full Name:Sheikh Mishary bin Rashid bin Gharib bin MuhammadAlafasy(Arabic:الشيخ مشاري بن راشد بن غريب بن محمد العفاسي‎; borninKuwait onSeptember 5, 1976) is a Kuwaiti preacher, imamquranreciter andnasheed artist. He is also known as Abu Rashid(Arabic:أبو راشد‎)(The father of Rashid).Life and career of alafasy:Mishary Alafasy is recognized for his beautiful voiceanduniquerecitation of the Qur'an. Many reciters have come toimitatehismode of recitation. He studied the Qur'an in the CollegeoftheHoly Qur'an at the Islamic University of Madinah ( KingdomOfSaudiArabia). He memorized the whole Qur'an in two years from1992to1994 and then studied specializing in the ten-fold readingoftheHoly Qur'an. He has impressed a number of great recitersoftheQur'an with his recitation.Mishary Al Afasy is the Imam of Grand Mosque (Kuwait),andeveryRamadan he leads the Taraweeh prayers in this Mosque. Heveryoftenleads the Taraweeh prayers in the UAE andotherneighboringcountries in the Persian Gulf. In 2007, he visitedtwomosques inthe United States of America : the Islamic CenterofIrvine (ICOI)in California and the Islamic Center of Detroit(ICD)in Michigan.Alafasy has 2 Space Channels specialized intherecitation of theHoly Qur'an, the first is Alafasy TV andthesecond is AlafasyQ.some keywordsal quran mp3 mishary rashid alafasybacaan al-quran mishary al afasybacaan al-quran sheikh mishary rashid alafasycomplete quran mishary rashid alafasycomplete quran recitation by mishary rashid alafasycomplete quran sheikh mishary rashid alafasy mp3download all quran mishary rashid alafasydownload full quran recitation by mishary rashid alafasydownload mishary alafasy quran mp3free download mishary alafasy quranlisten quran mishary alafasylisten quran mishary rashid alafasylisten to quran mishary alafasymishary al afasy al quran mp3mishary al afasy full quranmishary al afasy full quran cdmishary al afasy full quran in mp3mishary al afasy full quran mp3mishary al afasy quran al kahfmishary al afasy quran al mulkmishary al afasy quran androidmishary al afasy quran cdmishary al afasy quran cd ukmishary al afasy quran completemishary al afasy quran dailymotionmishary al afasy quran download freemishary al afasy quran fatihamishary al afasy quran for mobilemishary al afasy quran ipodmishary al afasy quran listenmishary al afasy quran mp3mishary al afasy quran mp3 high qualitymishary al afasy quran mp3 high quality downloadmishary al afasy quran mp3 rarmishary al afasy quran mp3 zipmishary al afasy quran mp4mishary al afasy quran radiomishary al afasy quran rahmanmishary al afasy quran rarmishary al afasy quran recitation downloadmishary al afasy quran urdu translationmishary al afasy quran videomishary al afasy quran video downloadmishary al afasy quran websitemishary al afasy quran yaseenmishary al afasy quran zipmishary alafasy al quranmishary alafasy complete quran downloadmishary alafasy complete quran mp3mishary alafasy full quran mp3mishary alafasy holy quranmishary alafasy nasheed quranmishary alafasy quranmishary alafasy quran audiomishary alafasy quran downloadmishary alafasy quran free downloadmishary alafasy quran karim
MP3 Ringtones Picker 34.0
MP3 Ringtone Picker. Replace your standard ringtonepickerwithPick-a-Tone, a deluxe ringtone picker. Use to chooseanyringtoneor mp3 music file on your system for your alarms,sms,text,notification, contacts, etc. To find and use this program,goto'menu>settings>sound>phone ringtoneor'notifications'Specifically created for people with large amountof.mp3 .wav .oggmusic files. Tested with 3500 files.Highlyconfigurable. Features:Select any song or audio and setasringtone,alarm or notification,sms, text. Choose whichaudiofolders are viewable. Choose whichartist(s) are viewable. Sortbytitle, artist, date, length orpath. Refresh song files afteraddingnew ringtones. Pick-a-Tone:SMS ringtonemusic songspicker,mp3,wav,ogg song tone picker, phonemp3 audio picker.
MP3 PLAYER is the best app to listen tomusicwith high quality .this mp3 player you can search and find all your music faster infewseconds also manage your favourite songs by artist albumandplaylist so give to yourself the chance to download thisamazingapplication and change the way how you play the music inyourandroid device phone and tablet by the way mp3 player give youthesensation feeling like you are in live concert and startenjoyingand dancing anytime hurry up and download this free versionwith hdbackground reflecting music .
Soy Luna Musiek en lirieke 1.1
Bevat die nuutste liedjies enhullirieke,eenvoudig deur die installering van hierdieinligting.aflaaiprogramme nou!Met hierdie program kan jy musiek van Soy Luna luister ensingmetliriek elke keer en oral, om pret te hê en geniet dit.wel:Maak seker jy het 'n goeie internet konneksie,hierdieprogrambied slegs gebruikers mp3 musiek stroom en kan nieafgelaaiwordvir kopieregskendingOndersteun asseblief die kunstenaars en hul maatskappye.Koopdieoorspronklike CD's, MP3's, video's en goedere.
Kumpulan Lagu D'loyd Mp3 Full 1.2
Aplikasi ini berisikan Kumpulan LaguD'loydMp3Full Pilihan Terbaik dan terpopuler yang lagi hits.Marikitadukungmusisi Lagu D'loyd dalam berkarya dan memberikanyangterbaik bagidunia musik dan bisa bersaing dengan musisidunia.DisarankanKoneksi internet yang stabil Wifi / 3G/ 4G. Semogadapatmenjadikanobat rindu pada lagu lagu kenangan D'lloyd padamasakejayaannya .Semua Lagu masih original tanpa ada gubahan.Semua Lagu Sudah Di Set AUTO NEXT_____________________ENJOY________________This applicationcontainsaset of D'loyd Mp3 Songs Full Best and most popularoptions areagainhits.Mari we support musicians Songs D'loyd in thework andgive thebest for the world of music and be able to competewithworldmusicians. Suggested stable Internet connection Wifi / 3G/4G. Wehope to make the drug missed the memorable themesongD'lloyd in itsheyday. All songs are original without any spin.All Songs Already Set AUTO NEXT_____________________ENJOY________________
New Ringtones 2017 1.1.4
My Cute Apps
Latest ringtones and new sound effects for your phone and tablet!
Soy Luna Música 1.0
Contains the latest songs and theirlyricsfromSoy Luna, simply by installing this app. Download SoyLunaMusic Mp3app now!With this program you can Music Soy Luna listen and singlyricseverytime and everywhere, to have fun and enjoy it.Well:Make sure you have a good Internet connection, thisprogramonlyoffers users mp3 music stream and can be downloadedforcopyrightinfringementPlease support the artists and their companies. Buy theoriginalCDs,MP3s, videos and merchandise.
Romantic Music 1.1.5
💖 ROMANTIC MUSIC – the ULTIMATE collection of “romantic songsforfree” and beautiful love music for phone and tablet! 💖 Checkoutall the features of this free “romantic music app” withringtones →→ → LOVE SONG RINGTONES FREE LOVE RINGTONES ROMANTICSONGS ROMANTICMUSIC FREE FIFTEEN ROMANTIC MUSIC RINGTONES – 10unlocked, 5locked! LISTEN TO MUSIC FOR FREE SET AS A DEFAULTRINGTONE SET ASAN SMS NOTIFICATION OR ANY OTHER ALERT SET AS ANALARM CLOCK SOUNDASSIGN DIFFERENT RINGTONES TO SPECIFIC CONTACTSTAP ONCE TO PREVIEWTHE SOUND, PRESS THE SETTINGS BUTTON TO SET IT!EASY TO USE,IMPOSSIBLE TO PUT DOWN! FULL VERSION, NO EXTRA CHARGES– DOWNLOADNOW! 💖 Prepare to celebrate the most romantic holiday ofthe year,Valentine's Day, with the best “love music” on the market!RomanticMusic ringtones brings you fifteen lovely songs about loveandromance, which you can use to spice up the atmosphere forthecelebration of love, or just to change your defaultAndroid™ringtones to the most interesting “instrumental romanticsongs”!Get this 2016 “romantic music ringtones free download” withthebest “romantic tunes for mobile” and enjoy the sweetsoundscompletely free on your device! Choose this collection of“bestromantic ringtones ever” and use them to change your incomingcallalerts, SMS notification sounds, or assign them tospecificcontacts from your phone book! Give a Valentines giftbetter thatall the Valentines cards and flowers – grab these“beautifulromantic ringtones” and “love songs” and share them withyour lovedones! 💖 “FREE ROMANTIC MUSIC” 💖 Are you searching for“loveringtones free download” online, but you cannot find anythingthatsuits your taste? No worries, Romantic Music app haseverythingthat you need to customize your mp3 gallery with the“best lovemusic songs” ever! Fifteen completely free “loveringtones” and“romantic songs” will enchant you with the sweettunes and romanticmelodies – be the first one who will get this“love ringtones freedownload”! Send thousand of kisses to yoursweetheart and tell themto download these free romantic ringtones –we guarantee that youwill fall in love with each and every of the“love songs free”featured in this “ringtone app”! 💖 “LOVE SONGSRINGTONES” 💖 “Whatis love”, if not the most beautiful feeling inthe world? Surprisethat special person in your life with RomanticMusic app! Tell them“I love you” and play these romantic ringtoneson your device tocelebrate that magical feeling! No love meter or alove calculatorcan measure the quantity of emotions that this freeringtone appcarries inside it! Download it now and be the first oneto discoverall the beautiful romantic songs of this free Android™application!Enjoy the best love tunes and melodies on your deviceand show that“love is all around” with the sweetest tunes on themarket! 💖 WRITETO US! 💖 Your opinion matters very much! If you havea feedback ora comment, send us an e-mail, and we will try to meetall yourwishes! Best regards from the Marshmallow Melodies team!License:The sounds that were used in this app are under PublicDomain orCreative Commons license attribution3.0:
Al Quran Audio 30 Juz (No Ad) 1.2.0
Al Quran Lovers App. (without Ads)(Al Quran Audio Mp3 online & offline)Developed by:Learn Real Arabic Ltd. (809408-K) ‘Alykom,My name is Haytham Ibrahim, highly qualifiedArabiclanguagelecturer, I have been teaching Arabic language toNon-Araband Arabnatives for more than 13 Years.You can learn more about my have received many emails from my students recommendingmetostart my Learn Real Arabic Store on the Play Store andAppleStore;I found that the good start should be with an App oftheHolyQuran, and it was Al Quran Lovers App, which I hopeyoulikeit.Please spread the good word and Share Al Quran LoversAppwithyour family members and your friends, and don't forget usinyourprayers!Best Regards,Haytham Ibrahim, Ph.D.- Author & Creator of Learn Real Arabic Linguistic System- Arabic Language Consultant & Terminologist-------------------------------Al Quran Lovers Audio App was developed to help you listentotheHoly Quran of most famous Quran Recitersfromdifferentcountries.So what makes Al Quran Lovers Audio App different fromotherQuranApps:✔ First of all it doesn’t have the annoying Popups that youcanfindin most of Quran audio apps✔ High quality Quran Mp3 audio streaming✔ You can listen to al Quran Surahs audio online✔ You can listen to al Quran Surahs audio offline✔ You can share any surah with your friends, familymembers&colleagues easily via social media like WhatsApp,Viber,Line,email, etc...✔ It has the top list of popular Quran reciters✔ Al Quran Lovers helps you to download any Quran Surahsforofflinelistening✔ It helps you to create a customized Quran Audio playlistofQuranSurahs✔ It helps you to memorize al Quran by creating a playlistofoneQuran Surah for many of your favorite reciters so you canlistentothem regularly to memorize them✔ There is a button play, stop & pause at each Surah✔ The App can run even though the screen is off or youarerunningother apps in the same time✔ Easy to control the App while it is playing without theneedtoopen the main screen✔ Select from the 114 Surahs of Al Quran for each reciter✔ There is a repeat and shuffle modes for your playlist✔ It helps you to know more about the reciters you arelisteningto,through the Biography of each reciterAl Quran Lovers Audio Mp3 App is absolutely FREE! (andmoreoverit is without annoying Popups)-------------------About Learn Real ArabicLearn Real Arabic Ltd. was founded in Malaysia in 2008byHaythamIbrahim, focusing on teaching Arabic as a secondlanguageonlinethrough customised Arabic video courses, Arabicaudiocourses,Arabic ebooks and tutorials using Learn Real ArabicSystem(created& developed by Haytham Ibrahim, Prof.) & TonyBuzanMindMapping System.Learn Real Arabic is one of the best websites that can helpyoutolearn Arabic language online using creative andnewmodernmethods!Start Learning Arabic TodaySubscribe to Get Your FREE Lessons opinion is very important to us.Help us to improve this app. we would be happy to readyourcomments,feedback and your good rating and we will consideryourfeedback inthe next update.Share this App with your family & friends onFacebook,Twitterand Google+.If you have any issues regarding this app, please feel free toletusknow at: [email protected]✔ VISIT US:http://www.✔ LIKE US:✔ FOLLOW US:✔ CIRCLE US:✔ YOUTUBE CHANNEL:✔ AMAZON PROFILE:✔ FREE ARABIC COURSE:
Quran Vietnamese Audio 1.0
Translation of the Meanings of the Quran into Vietnamese asaudiofile.
Marília Mendonça MUSIC LYRICS 1.2
LH Studio
In this apps you will get songsofMaríliaMendonça also lyrics from songs, lets have funandsingalong.This application does not intend to violate the trademarkofthemusic companies. All lyrics in this applicationsareforentertainment and educational purposes.Please support the artists and their companies. Buy theoriginalCDs,MP3s, videos and merchandise.Download and enjoy this app for free!!
Adele Lyrics Full Album 2016 1.0
Adele Lyrics app have simple design andeasytouse. In this Song Lyrics app you can find all lyrics ofadele.Thisadele Lyrics app is sorted by albums. You can searchyourfavoritesongs easily in this Song Lyrics app.This is an Unofficial lyrics app for adele Fans andfollowerswholike and love to read the Lyrics of adele songs. ThisSongLyricsapp does not contain audio or video and this appareforentertainment and educational purposes.Please Install this adele Lyrics app free. No copyrightedimages,Nocopyrighted videos, No copyrighted songs are used inthisSongLyrics app. This Song Lyrics app only forentertainmentspurposes,Please try this Song Lyrics app and enjoy!!!Please contact us if any kind of suggestions or commentsaboutthisSong Lyrics app and Please Buy the original CDs, MP3s,VideosandMerchandise.Disclaimer : All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. No copyrighted images, No copyrighted videos, Nocopyrightedsongsare used in this Song Lyrics app. All lyrics in this Song Lyrics app are forentertainmentandeducational purposesFor Users :* Easy interface, simple design and navigation* This Song Lyrics app very simple to use* We will Always upgrade this Song Lyrics app regularly* You can find all lyrics* This Song Lyrics app is free
Ahmad Saud Quran MP3 Offline 9.0
Akifa Apps
Listen to the beautiful recitation of Holy Quran by Ahmad Saud
Ariel Camacho MUSIC LYRICS 1.2
LH Studio
In this apps you will get songs ofArielCamachoalso lyrics from songs, lets have fun andsingalong.This application does not intend to violate the trademarkofthemusic companies. All lyrics in this applicationsareforentertainment and educational purposes.Please support the artists and their companies. Buy theoriginalCDs,MP3s, videos and merchandise.Download and enjoy this app for free!!