Top 23 Apps Similar to FDDB Scanner

Calorie Counter -FDDB Ext. Pro 1.6
Malte Voigt
Caution:You must installboth,FreeandPro Version, to use full functionality!FDDB Extender Pro offers youtheseadditionalpowerfulfeatures:• No Ads!• Widgets• Detailed Weekly Report of Calories,Micro-andMacronutritionconsumption• Calorie Planner (Set calorie goals for eachdayoftheweek)• Nutrition Planner (Set nutrition goals for eachdayoftheweek)• Unlimited amount of Quickys (Free Version onlyoffersyoutocreate 3 Quickys!)• Add custom nutrition meals (dummyamountsofCarbohydrates,Fat and Protein)Features:Giant product database• Search food/products by text or barcode• Integrated Barcode-Scanner - findproductsfastandeasy• Add products to your favorites• Detailed nutrition information (macro- andmicronutritionandmuchmore)Free Food Diary• Grouping by meals (6 separators) or time ofday(3separators)• Quickys (Shortcuts) - Save time while addingproductstoyourdiary• Add custom nutrition meals (Pro-Version only!)- Add dummy amounts of Carbohydrates, Fat andProteintoyourdiary• Create your own lists/recipes• Detailed day summary for calories,activities,macro-andmicronutritionPlan your week!• Calorie Planner - Set calorie goals for each dayoftheweek(Pro-Version only!)• Nutrition Planner - Set nutrition goals for eachdayoftheweek (Pro-Version only!)• Weekly Report - Detailed analysisandevaluationofGoal-Consumption-Performance (Pro-Versiononly!)Diet Report• Shown as diagram or as tabular view• Trend of your weight loss/gain on the DashboardGoogle Fit Integration• Calories Expended (from Third-Party-Apps like Nike Running)• Weight entries (from Third-Party-Apps like FatSecret)Notice: You need afreeFDDB-Accounttosynchronize/store your data online. Ifyoutrouble with yourlogininformation please contact
Fddb - Calorie Counter & Diet v5.3.3 (Build 1)-gms-release
Calorie Counter & Food Diary. Weight Loss, Diet andNutritionTracker
Kalorienzähler FoodScanner 1.4.9
Die neueste und verständlichste Android-Appfürdas Portal FDDB.Mit Kalorien! FoodScanner hast Du Dein ErnährungstagebuchvonFDDB im Griff! Egal ob Du Gewicht verlieren oder einigeMuskelnaufbauen möchtest, lass Kalorien! FoodScannerDeinpersönlicher Gesundheitscoach bei der Erreichung DeinerZielesein.Kalorien! FoodScanner bietet diesegroßartigenFunktionen:Ernährung:★ Online-Datenbank mit mehr als 270.000 Lebensmitteln★ Integrierter Barcode-Scanner★ Ernährungstagebuch mit Tageszeiten / Mahlzeiten★ Grafische Auswertungen, frei wählbare Zeiträume★ Diät-Assistent zum Ab-/Zunehmen (nur Pro-Version)★ Express-Eingabe für Kalorien, Fett, KH, Eiweiß★ Lebensmittelampel nach Energiedichte★ Skaldeman-Index (nur Pro-Version)Fitness und Training:★ Sporttagebuch mit mehr als 240 Sportarten,automatischeVerrechnung von verbrannten Kalorien★ Gewichtstagebuch mit BMI-Rechner und grafischer Auswertung★ Fit: Lesen von Trainings und Energieverbrauch, LesendesGewichtstagebuchsSynchronisation auf verschiedene Geräte und mit dem Web:★ Tagebuch★ Favoriten★ Diätbericht★ ListenBenutzeroberfläche:★ Schnelle Übersicht auf der Startseite, konfigurierbar★ Detaillierte Auswertung für beliebige Zeiträume★ 3 Widgets (1 frei, 2 Pro-Version)★ Suche nach Text, Favoriten, Listen★ Bequemes Kopieren von Verzehren und Trainings...und viel, viel mehr!Was macht Kalorien! FoodScanner besser als all dieanderenFDDB-Apps:★ Geradlinige und einfach zu bedienende Oberfläche★ Leicht verständliche Umsetzung des FDDB-Konzepts★ Sehr leichte Erweiterbarkeit für neue LebensmittelundBarcodes★ Werbung kann entfernt werden (In-App-Kauf)★ Persönlicher und schneller Support – Oft gelobt und immereinoffenes Ohr!★ *Alle Käufe im Shop sind einmalig (kein Abo!)* und nicht aneineinzelnes Gerät gebunden★ Austausch in unserer Google+Community: Du also auf leichte, schnelle Art und mit FreudeGewichtloswerden, Muskeln aufbauen oder einfach nur DeineGesundheitverbessern möchtest, dann lade Kalorien!FoodScannerherunter und finde heraus, warum unsere Benutzerdiese App solieben!Hinweis: Um diese App nutzen zu können, benötigst Du einkostenlosesFDDB-Konto. Bei Problemen mit dem Login oder derRegistrierung meldeDich bitte direkt beim FDDB-Team derWebseite.Kalorien! FoodScanner nutzt die FDDB-Datenbank, stehtabersonst in keiner Beziehung zum Betreiber des FDDB-Servers, derFddbInternetportale GmbH. Diese App kann nur eingesetzt werden,solangeFDDB sein API freundlicherweise zur Verfügung stellt. FürdieRichtigkeit der durch FDDB bereitgestellten Informationenwirdkeine Haftung oder Gewährleistung übernommen.Wichtig: Die von der App ermittelten und angezeigtenInformationensind nicht zur Ermittlung von Medikamenten-Dosierungenvorgesehenund es wird keine Haftung für die Richtigkeit derberechneten Werteübernommen.Facebook: @digitalcureDatenschutzerklärung:• READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Sicherung(Backup)Deiner Daten, Werbung ("Cache", Zwischenspeicher fürDaten),• INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: ZugangzumFDDB-Server, Werbung, Absturzberichte, Verkäufe,anonymisierteStatistiken,• CAMERA, FLASHLIGHT: Barcode-Scanner,• BILLING: Verkäufe innerhalb der App,• GET_ACCOUNTS: Google Drive, Verkäufe innerhalb der App,• READ_LOGS: Absturzberichte,• ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION:Werbung.Original der Feature-Grafik: © Ars Ulrikusch – Fotolia.comThe latest andmostcomprehensible Android app for the portal FDDB.With calories! Food Scanner you have your food diary ofFDDBunder control! Whether you lose weight or want to buildsomemuscle, let calories! Food Scanner be your personal healthcoach inachieving your goals.calories! Food Scanner has these great features:diet:★ online database of over 270,000 foods★ Integrated barcode scanner★ food diary with times of day / meals★ Graphical analysis, freely selectable periods★ Diet Assistant for disconnecting / Increasing (Proversiononly)★ Express input for calories, fat, KH, protein★ food traffic light energy density★ Skaldeman index (Pro version only)Fitness and Training:★ sports diary with more than 240 sports, automatic clearingofcalories burned★ weight diary with BMI calculator and graphical analysis★ Fit: reading training and energy consumption, reading theweightdiarySynchronization on different devices and the web:★ diary★ favorites★ diet report★ listsUser interface:★ Quick overview on the home page, configurable★ Detailed analysis for any period★ 3 widgets (1 free, 2 Pro version)★ Search for text, favorites, lists★ Convenient copying digestion and training... And much, much more!What is calories! Food Scanner better than all the otherFDDBapps:★ Straightforward and easy to use interface★ Easy to understand implementation of FDDB concept★ Very easy expandability for new foods and barcodes★ advertising can be removed (in-app purchase)★ Personal and fast support - Often praised and always open!★ * All purchases in the shop are unique (no subscription!) *Andnot tied to a single device★ exchange in our Google+community: if you get rid of easy, fast way and with joy weight,buildmuscle or just want to improve your health, then loadcalories!Food Scanner down and find out why our users love thisappso!Note: To use this app, you need a free FDDB account. If youhaveproblems with the login or registration you please reportdirectlyto the FDDB team of the website.calories! Food Scanner uses the FDDB database, but isotherwiseunrelated to the operator of the FDDB server that FddbInternetportals GmbH. This app can only be used as long as FDDBkindlyopens its API. no liability or guarantee for the accuracy oftheinformation provided by FDDB.Important: The calculated and displayed by the app are notintendedfor the determination of drug doses and there will be noliabilityfor the accuracy of the calculated values.Facebook: @digitalcurePrivacyPolicy:• READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Backup (backup)ofyour data, advertising ( "cache" buffer for data)• INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: access toFDDBserver, advertising, crash reports, sales,anonymousstatistics,• CAMERA, FLASHLIGHT: barcode scanner,• BILLING: sales within the app,• GET_ACCOUNTS: Google Drive, sales within the app,• READ_LOGS: crash reports,• ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION: Advertising.Original feature of the graphics: © Ars
FoodLogger Lite 1.16.7
Vitor Ribeiro
Du möchtest Tips und Anleitung beimAbnehmenoder Zunehmen, willst beim Sport motiviert und angetriebenwerdenund suchst eine App die Dir die Verantwortung abnimmt?Dann bist Du bei FoodLogger falsch.Hast Du die Einsicht, dass Du Deine Ernährung aktivgestaltenmöchtest und Deine Ernährungsgewohnheiten erkennen undggf. ändernwillst.Dann bist Du bei FoodLogger genau richtig.Führe ein Ernährungstagebuch auf dem online Portalundnutze FoodLogger als Deinen täglichen mobilen BegleiterzurEingabe, Analyse und Auswertung Deiner Ernährung undsportlichenAktivitäten. Lass Dich durch eine leistungsfähige,intuitive undauf das wesentliche reduzierte Oberfläche beiDeinerErnährungsgestaltung unterstützen.Wie hilft Dir FoodLogger?Ernährungstagebuch:- Suche Lebensmittel in einer riesigen onlineLebensmittelDatenbank- Scanne den Barcode und lade Dir die Daten zum gescanntenProduktaus der Datenbank *- Speichere Dir Deine Lieblingsprodukte als Favoriten fürdenschnellen Zugriff ab- Führe ein kostenloses Ernährungstagebuch auf Erstelle Listen und Rezepte und übertrage diese ganz oderanteiligin Dein Ernährungstagebuch- Bearbeite Dein Ernährungstagebuch und ändere oderverschiebeEinträge.Planung und Kontrolle:- Plane Deine sportlichen Aktivitäten und berücksichtigedieverbrauchten kcal im Tagebuch- Analysiere die aufgenommenen Macro- und Mikronährstoffe inderdetaillierten Tagesübersicht- Kontrolliere Dein Gewicht. Habe deinen Gewichtsverlauf und denBMIimmer im BlickFoodLogger gibt es auch als Pro-Version mit starkerweitertemFunktionsumfang.Die App greift auf Lebensmitteldaten der Web-Datenbank fddb.infozu.Änderungen im Tagebuch, im Gewichtsverlauf und in derFavoritenlistewerden sofort in den Account bei fddb.infozurückgeschrieben.FoodLogger benötigt einen kostenlosenFDDB-Account.Bitte richte diesen über den Browser vor derersten Nutzungein.FoodLogger nutzt die FDDB-Datenbank, steht abersonstin KEINER Beziehung zu FDDB. Bei ProblemenmitFDDB bitte direkt bei dem Website-Betreiber melden. DieAppkann nur eingesetzt werden solange FDDB verfügbar istunddie API zur Verfügung stellt. Für die Richtigkeit derdurchFDDB bereitgestellten Informationen wird keine HaftungoderGewährleistung übernommen.Wichtig: Die von der App ermittelten undangezeigtenInformationen sind nicht zur ErmittlungvonMedikamenten-Dosierungen vorgesehen und es wird keine Haftungfürdie Richtigkeit der berechneten oder angezeigtenWerteübernommen.Eine Onlinehilfe und Handbuch istunter: erhältlich* Barcode scannen über die externe App "Barcode Scanner"desOpen-Source-Projekts ZXingIcons und Cliparts aus www.openclipart.orgundopeniconlibrary.sourceforge.netYou want tips andguidanceduring removal or waxing, want motivated in sport and aredriven andlooking for an app you decreases theresponsibility?Then you are wrong in Food Logger.Do you have the insight that you would like to actively shapeyourdiet and see your eating habits and want to change itifnecessary.Then you are exactly right with Food Logger.Keep a food diary on the online portal and use FoodLoggeras your everyday mobile companion to enter, analyze andevaluateyour diet and physical activities. Let assist you throughapowerful, intuitive and reduced to the essential surface inyourdiet design.How you can help Food Logger?food diary:- Find foods in a huge online Food Database- Scan the barcode and invite you the data for the scannedproductfrom the database *- Save you your favorite products as favorites for quickaccessfrom- Make a free food diary on Create lists and recipes and transfer them entirely orpartiallyin your food diary- Complete your food diary and change or move items.Planning and Control:- Plan your sporting activities and take account of theconsumedcalories in the diary- Analyse the recorded macro and micronutrients in detaileddailyoverview- Ready to control your weight. Have your weight history andBMIalways in viewFood Logger is also available as Pro version with greatlyenhancedfunctionality.The app accesses food data of web database to. Changesinthe diary, the weight history and in the favorites list areupdatedimmediately in the account at logger requires a free FDDB -Account. Please teach thisonethrough the browser before the first use.Food logger use the FDDB database, but is otherwise inNOrelationship with FDDB . For problems with FDDB pleasecontactdirectly with the site owners. The app can only be used aslong asFDDB is available and the API provides. no liability orguaranteefor the accuracy of the information provided by FDDB.Important: The calculated and displayed by the app are notintendedfor the determination of drug doses and there will be noliabilityfor the accuracy of the calculated or displayed values​​.Online help and manualis: available* Barcode scanning via the external app "Barcode Scanner" oftheopen source project ZXingicons and clipart from
Calorie Counter - MyFitnessPal
Whether you want to lose weight, tone up,gethealthy, change your habits, or start a new diet MyFitnessPalhasyou covered. Our members have lost over 200 million pounds and88%of people who track for at least 7 days on MyFitnessPalloseweight. Sign up for FREE and start living a happier andhealthierlife today!See for yourself why MyFitnessPal is the world’s most popularhealthand fitness app.▌TRACKING FOOD IS FAST AND EASY■ Biggest Food Database -- 6+ million foods in ourdatabaseincluding global items and cuisines.■ Barcode Scanner -- Simply scan barcodes to log foods. 4+millionbarcodes recognized.■ Recipe Importer -- Easily import the nutrition information fortherecipes you cook.■ Restaurant Logging -- Quickly log menu items from yourfavoriterestaurants.■ Food Insights -- Learn how to make healthier choices aboutthefoods you eat.■ Personalized Experience -- Create your own foods, recipes,andmeals and save favorites.■ Calorie Counter -- We automatically calculate the calories inyourfoods, meals and recipes.■ Track All Nutrients -- Calories, fat, protein, carbs,sugar,fiber, cholesterol, vitamins, and more.■ Customize Your Diary -- Log breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacksorcreate your own meals.■ Water Tracking -- Log water in cups, ounces or ml. We saveyourrecently logged amounts.▌REACH YOUR GOALS■ Choose A Goal -- We support weight loss, weight gain, andweightmaintenance goals.■ Get A Plan -- We’ll create a customized diet and exerciseplanthat’s specific to you.■ Goal Setting -- Create your own goals or let uscreatepersonalized goals for you.■ Change Habits -- It's almost like having a nutrition coachrightinside your pocket.▌LOG YOUR EXERCISE AND STEPS■ Connect 50+ Apps & Devices -- Syncing your workouts iseasyand automatic.■ Choose From 350+ Exercises -- Or create your own exercisesandworkouts.■ Log Cardio Exercises -- Including running, walking,biking,swimming, yoga, pilates and more.■ Log Strength Exercises -- Including sets, reps, and weightperset.■ Track Steps -- Set a daily step goal and see a graph of yourstephistory.■ We connect with all your favorite apps and devices --IncludingFitbit, Jawbone UP, Garmin, MapMyFitness, Runkeeper,Strava,Runtastic, Misfit, Withings, HealthKit, UA Record andmanymore!▌GET SUPPORT AND MOTIVATION■ Add Friends -- Connect with friends for an extra layer ofsupportand accountability.■ Join Our Community -- Find motivation, support, tips, andadvicein our active forums.■ Newsfeed Updates -- Share your accomplishments and seefriend’sprogress in the newsfeed.▌CELEBRATE YOUR SUCCESS■ Chart Your Progress -- Stay motivated with a graph of howyou’reimproving over time.■ Progress Photos -- Add photos to your weight entries to seeandcelebrate your progress.■ Nutrition Reports -- View a history of your calories, macros,andnutrient intake.■ Share Your Progress -- Help inspire friends and family membersontheir own health journey.Download MyFitnessPal and start living a happier and healthierlifetoday!For our full terms and conditions and our privacy policy,pleasevisit:
FDDB Scanner Pro-Lizenz 1.0
Nicolai Spohrer
Dies ist eine Lizenz für die Anwendung"FDDBScanner", die die Werbebanner deaktiviert. Ich würde michfreuen,wenn Sie die Entwicklung von "FDDB Scanner" von mir alsStudentdurch Erwerben dieser Lizenz unterstützen.- Nach dem Kauf wird nur die Lizenz heruntergeladen,keineeigenständige App. "FDDB Scanner" wird weiterhin benötigt.-This is a license foruse"Fddb scanner", which disables the banners. I would be delightedifyou would support the development of "Fddb scanner" of me asastudent by acquiring this license.- After buying just the license is downloaded, not astandaloneapp. "Fddb scanner" is still required. -
My Diet Coach - Pro
It's not only one of a kind, easy to usedietdiary and calorie calculator. It's also your virtual palwhichmotivates and encourages you at the right momentsMy Diet Coach - Win the mental game of dieting !!My Diet Coach will help you to:> Stay on track - With the user-friendly diet planner, mealandexercise journal, calorie counter, custom reminders for everydiaryevent, challenges tracker, BMI calculator and BMRcalculator.> Get motivated - With the motivational photos aid, yourgoalreminder, virtual rewards and tips.> Overcome weight loss difficulties - With tips and remindersforevery type of challenge and by logging repetitive difficultiesinyour diet journal.> Record and view your weight loss progress - With the Proweightchart!> Curb your next food craving with the "Food cravingspanicbutton".Press Reviews:"My Diet Coach Pro is one of the better dieting apps I’vecheckedout...""Packed with tons of helpful features, this app was wellthought-outby the developers and is truly your very own personaldiet coach"-AppadviceUser Reviews:"LOVE IT!!! I used to (try to) use Weight Watchers mobile buttheirfood database was horrible and their app NEVER worked properly...This is so much better and for such a low price it's ano-brainer.Buy this app and start losing weight!"New! - Notifications with voice replies for AndroidWear(Watch):1. Voice notifications for tracking water consumption2. Voice notifications for calorie counting3. Actionable notifications for Android WearDetailed Description:Diet Planner and Calendar:> Personalize your diet plan - define your own meals,exercises,and other events once and reuse them without having tore-enter allthe details.> One diary for exercises, meals and other events...> Set reminders that will remind you to plan and journal.> Calories calculator for hundreds of types of exerciseandthousands of foods.> Barcode scanner for US foods> Track carbs, fats and protein for US foods> Planning makes it easy to journal – just check offrecurringmeals and exercises in the journal diary.> Expect the unexpected - if you know you suffer fromemotionaleating, hunger, or mindless eating at certain times - addit toyour diary and be prepared.> Add other weight-loss-related tasks like cooking,findinghealthy recipes, drink water, preparing healthy grocerylists,measuring your weight and more...*** Diet Journal and Logging> Account for everything you eat and do during the day –journalyour meals and exercises.> Calorie calculator for hundreds of types of exerciseandthousands of foods (including major fast food chains). New:Searchonline over 1,000,000 of foods (powered by FatSecret)> Calorie counter - View calories consumed and burnedagainstyour daily calorie goals.> Integrated reminders to journal your meals and exercises.Thetiming of the reminders is flexible and can be set up howeveryoulike.> Flexible and easy-to-use.> Drink water button - track your water consumption> Take photos of food eatenWeight and body measurements Tracker> Record your weight loss progress and body measurements(Neck,waist, hips, upper arm, bust)> View your weight loss chart and graphs.> Use your weight chart as a motivational aid – set areminderthat shows your weight chart.> Weigh in reminderOther Features:> Easy to use challenges tracker> Get virtual rewards for "doing the right thing"> Tips for every type of challenge – tips forweight-loss,health, and fitness.> Increase your motivation and become more active withextensivediet reminders: Set reminders for your goal, motivationalphotos,make a healthy grocery list, cook healthy meals, create adiet planand more...> Motivational aids - photos and virtual rewards- will maketheapp your best diet assistant.> Create and adjust your weight loss profile.
Lifesum: Healthy Eating & Diet
More than a calorie counter: meal plans, intermittent fasting,habittracker
Calorie Counter by FatSecret
FatSecret is the most easy to usecaloriecounter and diet tracker for weight loss. FatSecret is100%FREE.Keep track of your food, exercise and weight, with access totheworld's highest quality food and nutrition database andmostsupportive community which will help you lose weight fast.Connectwith a global community of people looking to make a changefor thebetter and start losing weight the healthy way. Achieve yourgoalswith Calorie Counter by FatSecret.FatSecret is fast, simple to use and has all the cool tools tohelpyou succeed with your diet and lose weight:- An intuitive food diary to plan and keep track of whatyou'reeating.- A wonderful community that's ready to support you and turbochargeyour weight loss.- A barcode scanner and auto-complete functions.- Image recognition of foods and meals so you can use the cameraandtake photos to track your nutrition with pictures.- Detailed reporting and goals for all your calories, macrosandnutrients, including by food and meals.- An exercise diary to record all the calories you burn.- A diet calendar to see your calories consumed and burned.- A weight tracker to record your weight loss progress.- A photo album. #Photodiet #Foodsnap #Instacalorie- A journal to record your thoughts and feelings.- Fantastic recipes and meal ideas.- Sharing and interacting with your professional of choice.- Facebook and Google login.- Sync your account online to access your info anywhere,anytime.The app syncs with Google Fit.The app also syncs with FatSecret Professional, the mostconvenientway to share your food, exercise and weight with yourpreferredhealth professional. Your health professional will getfree accessto simple and powerful tools to monitor your performanceandprovide you with feedback, advice and support.We hope you'll love Calorie Counter by FatSecret. We strive tomakethe app the worlds most effective diet and weight loss programtohelp you lose weight, gain weight or just live a healthylifestyle.We are constantly working to improve the app so there'splenty moregoodies to come ;)
FoodLogger PRO 1.16.7
Vitor Ribeiro
Du möchtest Tips und Anleitung beim Ab-oderZunehmen, willst beim Sport motiviert und angetrieben werdenundsuchst eine App, die dir die Verantwortung abnimmt?Dann bist Du bei FoodLogger falsch.Hast du die Einsicht gewonnen, dass du deine Ernährungaktivgestalten möchtest und deine Ernährungsgewohnheiten erkennenundggf. ändern willst.Dann bist du bei FoodLogger genau richtig.Führe ein Ernährungstagebuch auf dem online Portalundnutze FoodLogger als deinen täglichen mobilen BegleiterzurEingabe, Analyse und Auswertung deiner Ernährung undsportlichenAktivitäten. Lass dich durch eine leistungsfähige,intuitive undauf das wesentliche reduzierte Oberfläche beideinerErnährungsgestaltung unterstützen.Wie hilft dir FoodLogger?Ernährungstagebuch:- Suche Lebensmittel in einer riesigen onlineLebensmittelDatenbank- Scanne den Barcode und lade dir die Daten zum gescanntenProduktaus der Datenbank *- Speichere deine Lieblingsprodukte als Favoriten für denschnellenZugriff ab- Führe ein kostenloses Ernährungstagebuch auf Erstelle Listen und Rezepte und übertrage diese ganz,anteiligoder auch nur einzelne Listenelemente indeinErnährungstagebuch- Du findest ein Produkt nicht? Gib einfach den kcal, denProtein-und Fett Gehalt ein und nutze es als selbstdefiniertesLebensmittelim Tagebuch- Bearbeite dein Ernährungstagebuch. Ändern, kopierenundverschieben von Einträgen einzeln oder als BlockPlanung und Kontrolle:- Plane deine sportlichen Aktivitäten und berücksichtigedieverbrauchten kcal im Tagebuch- Definiere einen eigenen Tagesbedarf entsprechend deinemLebensstilund Zielen- Lege fest wie viel KH, EW und Fett du zu dir nehmen möchtestunderkenne auf einem Blick wie viel du davon schon gegessenhast- Analysiere die aufgenommenen Macro- und Mikronährstoffe inderdetaillierten Tages- und Wochenübersicht- Kontrolliere Dein Gewicht. Habe deinen Gewichtsverlauf und denBMIals Tabelle oder Diagram immer im Blick und exportiere dieDaten zurWeiterverarbeitung in eine Datei oder verschicke dieDatei perEmail- Erstelle einen Wochenbericht und exportiere ihnzurWeiterverarbeitung in eine Datei oder verschicke die DateiperEmailDie App greift auf Lebensmitteldaten der Web-Datenbank fddb.infozu.Änderungen im Tagebuch, im Gewichtsverlauf und in derFavoritenlistewerden sofort in den Account bei fddb.infozurückgeschrieben.FoodLogger benötigt einen kostenlosenFDDB-Account.Bitte richte diesen über den Browser vor derersten Nutzungein.FoodLogger nutzt die FDDB-Datenbank, steht abersonstin KEINER Beziehung zu FDDB. Bei ProblemenmitFDDB bitte direkt bei dem Website-Betreiber melden. DieAppkann nur eingesetzt werden solange FDDB verfügbar istunddie API zur Verfügung stellt. Für die Richtigkeit derdurchFDDB bereitgestellten Informationen wird keine HaftungoderGewährleistung übernommen.Wichtig: Die von der App ermittelten undangezeigtenInformationen sind nicht zur ErmittlungvonMedikamenten-Dosierungen vorgesehen und es wird keine Haftungfürdie Richtigkeit der berechneten oder angezeigtenWerteübernommen.Eine Onlinehilfe und Handbuch istunter: erhältlich* Barcode scannen über die externe App "Barcode Scanner"desOpen-Source-Projekts ZXingIcons und Cliparts aus www.openclipart.orgundopeniconlibrary.sourceforge.netYou want tips andguidancein the absence or rise, want motivated and driven insports andlooking for an app that you decrease theresponsibility?Then you are wrong in Food logger.Twitter Have you gained the insight that you would like toactivelyshape your diet and see your eating habits and change themifnecessary will.Then you are exactly right with Food logger.Keep a food diary on the online portal and use food asalogger your daily mobile companion to enter, analyze andevaluateyour diet and sports activities. Let assist you through apowerful,intuitive and reduced to the essential surface in yourdietdesign.| How you can help Food logger?Food Diary:- Find food in a huge online food database- Scan the barcode and upload you data to the scanned productfromthe database *- Save your favorite products as favorites for quickaccessfrom- Perform a free food diary to Create lists, and recipes and transfer them entirely, partiallyoreven individual list items to your food diary- You can find a product not? Simply enter the calories, proteinandfat content and use it as a custom food diary- Edit your diet diary. Modify, copy, and move entriesindividuallyor as a blockPlanning and Control:- Plan your sports activities and consider the consumed caloriesinthe diary- Define your own daily requirement according to your lifestyleandgoals- Want to take lay firmly as much KH, EW and fat to you and youknowat a glance how much you've eaten them- Analyse the recorded macro and micronutrients in thedetaileddaily and weekly overview- Ready to control your weight. Have your weight history and BMIasa table or diagram always in view and export data forfurtherprocessing in a file or mailing the file by email- Create a weekly report and export it for further processing toafile or send out the file by emailThe app is accessing data on the food web in the diary, weight history and in the favoriteslist areupdated immediately in the account at logger you need a free FDDB -Account. Please plan to createitusing the browser before the first use.Food logger uses the FDDB database, but is otherwise inNOTrelationship FDDB . For problems with FDDB please reportdirectlyto the website owner. The app can only be used as long asFDDB isavailable and the API provides. No liability or guaranteefor theaccuracy of the information provided by FDDB .Important: The measured and displayed by the app are not intendedtodetermine drug dosages and there will be no liability fortheaccuracy of the calculated or displayed values ​​.A Users Guide is availableat: available* Barcode scan from the external app "Barcode Scanner" of theopensource project ZXingicons and clipart from
Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter 4.0.8
Lose weight with Virtuagym Food, the best calorie, carb &fatcounter.
YAZIO - Calorie Counter & Nutrition Tracker 8.3.6
With the free Calorie Counter app byYAZIO,you can manage your daily food diary, track your activitiesandlose weight successfully. Counting calories and losing weighthasnever been so easy!More than 3 million people have already achieved their NewYear’sresolutions with YAZIO. Be a part of it.YAZIO is the best diet and weight loss app for Android– Free download and registration– Personal plan to lose weight or build muscles– Calorie table with over 2 million foods– Nutrition tracker and food diary for all meals– Tracks your calories, carbs, proteins and fats– Create meals, add favorites or input new foods– Copy diary entries to other days easily– Built–in barcode scanner for quick searching– Tracks your sports, exercises and activities– Calorie calculator to track your burned calories– Tracks your daily steps walked and be more active– Documents your weight with weight tracker– Assesses your diet and achievementsThe advantages of YAZIO PRO are undeniable– PRO is a useful extension of the free app– With PRO, you will reach your goal twice as fast– Nutritional plans for low carb, high protein, etc.– Over 100 healthy and delicious recipes– Smart and intelligent food rating– More analysis including diet and body statistics– Tracks other nutrients like sugar, fiber and salt– Recognize foods with the most carbs or fat– Shows progress over the previous 2.5 years– Tracks body fat, blood pressure and blood sugar– Measure your breast, waist and hip circumference– Plan your diet and sports for the next days– No more advertisements – who doesn’t love that?– Supports our continuous improvement of YAZIOYou can buy PRO via in–app purchases within the app. YAZIO PROissignificantly cheaper than comparable Calorie Counter apps fordietand weight loss.If you go PRO, the payment will be charged through your GooglePlayaccount during purchase confirmation. The subscription willbeauto–renewed shortly before the subscription periodends,maintaining the same price and subscription type youpreviouslypurchased, unless you unsubscribe no later than 24 hoursbefore thesubscription ends. Subscriptions can be managed throughyour GooglePlay account after purchase. It is not possible torefund asubscription or cancel a subscription during thecurrentperiod.The storage of your data is extremely safeThe YAZIO Calorie Counter is operated by YAZIO, a Germancompany.Since the app has been developed in Germany, it is subjectto thestrict German Data Protection Act. All information receivedor sentthrough the app is encrypted at all times. All data isstoredanonymously on German servers and is not stored bythirdparties.– For further assistance go to– Get to know us better at http://about.yazio.comDo you want to help make the YAZIO Calorie Counter an evenbetternutritional & diet app? We always welcome yoursuggestions andfeedback.
WeightWatchers 10.42.0
Health and Weight Loss Program
Pacer Pedometer & Step Tracker p10.10.1
Pacer Health
Daily step counter & calorie tracker, walking &runningpedometer app for health
Daily Workouts Free 6.32
Daily Workouts FREE is a great 5 to 30minutedaily workout routine for men and women that steps youthrough someof the best exercises you can do in the comfort of yourown home.These proven workouts, demonstrated by a certifiedpersonaltrainer, target all major muscles. Spending just minutes aday canstrengthen and tone your body. The routine's simpleinterface,complete with video and timer, allows you to easilyfollow alongand understand each exercise. Simply select yourroutine and followalong!FEATURES:• Ten different 5 to 10 minute targeted workouts• 10 to 30 minute randomized full body workouts• 95+ exercises• Great for both men and women• Video showing how to do each exercise• Developed by a certified personal trainer• On-screen instructions and timer• No internet required to do the workouts>>> If you like Daily Workouts FREE, check out thefullversion which features:• More exercises• More workout routines• Pilates, kettlebell, stretch and ball workouts and more• Random and custom workouts• Landscape mode• Ad-free
7 Minute Workout - Weight Loss 2.1.800019
High intensity training to burn fat, lose weight, improvehealth,tone your body
Monitor Your Weight 5.2.09
Award Winning Weight Tracker App with option to trackmultipleprofiles
Weight Loss Tracker - RecStyle 3.8.0
Your Free Diet, Fitness Beauty for Better Health(Body Fat,BMIPeriod Tracking)
Diet Watchers Diary 6.5.11
Diet Watchers Diary is the ultimate all inoneWW Type app - Food Value Calculators + Built in Values list's+Diary management!Join "Diet Watchers Diary" group in Google+ ,or join theBetaprogram at get all the newest versions before anyone elseThorough user guide in English is available here guide lines is that Mobile App should besimple,effective ,stable and fast.we are here to help accomplish the really hard mission oflosingthat extra weight.✔ Android Wear devices support - count points from your phone✔ Dropbox integration - keep your backups on the cloud✔ Support of Smart system (2016 Plan)✔ Barcode scanner - powered by the community (additional fee)✔ Count it later - picture the meal and count it later✔ Click2Sync - Single click to sync between your mobile and Tablet-(using dropbox)✔ Food Value Calculators for Classic Plans (Flex & Momentum)andPlus / Pro methods and the new system Smart✔ BMI Calculator✔ Food Value lists with several thousands of records whichwillcontinue to growLanguages with points lists:German (Classic & Pro & Smart)French (Classic & Pro & Pro 2.0 & Smart)English (Classic & Pro /Plus & Smart)Dutch ( Classic & Pro )Spanish ( Classic & Pro)Portuguese ( Classic & Pro 2.0 & System C)✔ Light or Dark theme UI.✔ Meal \ Recipe Creator - define your meal using other fooditems.✔ Track various health recommendations on daily basis , suchasliquids , healthy oils and more...You can add your own recommendations.✔ Mark your most common foods as Favorites and easily selectthoseto deduct from your daily budget.✔ Plenty of widgets to accommodate your needs✔ Weekly points management, Points bank feature along withSimplyFilling technique.✔ Backup and restore application data.✔ Weight tracker with good looking charts to monitor yourweightloss progress & BMI values✔ Daily Points Allowance calculators (For allsystemssupported)✔ Activity points calculator (by weight ,intensityandduration)✔ Share your personal favorites list with other Weight Watchersteammembers.If you have your own personal excel sheet with points list senditto me and I will convert it to the application format.✔ Export Daily Diary - including all the details, to mail astextfile, HTML file to be used in the weekly meetings.✔ Email for support from Settings windowGood luck on your diet!!!Disclaimer:Diet Watchers Diary is not a weight-loss program in and ofitself,but a tool for you to use with a weight-loss program thatyou arealready involved with. It does not provide you with alltheintimate details of determining certain aspects of anyweight-lossprogram. It assumes you are already involved with aweight-lossprogram.Please consult your health care provider for anyhealthconcernsThis application is not affiliated with nor endorsed by anycompanyincluding Weight Watchers ™ which is a registeredtrademark.
ernährungsplan abnehmen 2.0
ernährungsplan 7 tage diat zum abnehmen undmuskelaufbauernährungstagebuch zum abnehmen , dieses ernährungsplanapp rezeptezum kochen und backen ist ein gesunde ernährung undgesundeernährungsplan mit ernährung rezepte .Mit diese APP du kannst :- rezepte zum abnehmen- rezepte zum kochen und backen- abnehmen leicht gemacht- abnehmen am bauch kostenlosdie stoffwechseldiät oder stoffwechselkur kostenlos ist fur 21tage.die gesunde essen  und oberschenkel rezepte zum kochenundbacken training damen keine oberschenkel abnehmen und abnehmenanden oberschenkeldietitian7days diet for weight loss and muscle building food diary forlosingweight, this diet app recipes to cook and bake is a healthydiet andhealthy eating plan with nutritional recipes.With this app you can:For slimming recipes -- Recipes for cooking and baking- Remove made easy- Remove the stomach for free the metabolic diet or stoffwechselkur free is for 21 days.eating healthy and thigh slimming recipes no thighs forcookingand baking training ladies and remove the thigh
Weight Watchers Mobile DE
Auch beim Abnehmen gilt: Jeder is(s)tanders!Deshalb haben wir ein System entwickelt, mit dem Sie ganznachIhren Vorlieben und Ihren Geschmack abnehmen können. Und dieWeightWatchers App ist immer dabei – Ihr Programm imTaschenformat!Nutzen Sie die App, um Zugriff auf unsere besten Tools wiedasTagebuch, die neuesten Rezepte, interessante Artikel undvielesmehr zu erhalten.Das bietet die App für Abonnenten (Online,MonatsPass,@ssistent):Für Ihren Erfolg• Mit Weight Watchers können Sie weiter alles essen, was Siemögenund trotzdem abnehmen! In den letzten 50 Jahren habenMillionen vonMenschen mit uns abgenommen – und das sehrerfolgreich.• Die Verwendung von ProPoints® Werten macht das Programmsehrgenau, denn es bezieht dadurch Informationen über dasgesamteLebensmittel mit ein.Die besten Tools für Ihre Abnahme• Anklicken, speichern, fertig – so einfach ist das EintragenvonLebensmitteln, Aktivitäten und Ihrem Gewicht.• Mit der neuen „multi-add“ Funktion können Sie mehrereLebensmittelauf einmal speichern.• Finden Sie über 50.000 Lebensmittel, Mahlzeiten und Rezepteausunserer Datenbank.• Speichern und finden Sie so ganz schnell und einfachIhreFavoriten sowie zuletzt hinzugefügte Artikel.• Berechnen Sie selbst ProPoints® Werte für LebensmittelundAktivitäten mit dem Calculator.• Überprüfen Sie Ihren Gewichtsverlauf in einerinteraktivenGrafik.• Nutzen Sie die interaktiven „Drag & Drop“ Tools, umbessereEntscheidungen in Restaurant & Co. zu treffen.• Sie haben Zugriff auf die aktuellsten Rezepte und könnendiesedirekt in einer Einkaufsliste speichern.• Lassen Sie sich von unseren Erfolgsgeschichten motivierenundfinden Sie viele hilfreiche Tipps & Tricks inunserenArtikeln.Praktische Tipps & Tricks• Erstellen Sie eine Einkaufsliste, so wird ShoppenzumKinderspiel.• Finden Sie ein Weight Watchers Treffen in Ihrer Nähe.Also when removingruleeach is (s) t different! Therefore, we have developed a systemthatallows you to lose weight according to your preferences andyourtaste. And the Weight Watchers app is always with you -yourprogram in your pocket!Use the app to get access to our best tools like the diary,thelatest recipes, interesting articles and much more.This offers the app for subscribers (online, MonthlyPass,eTools):For your success• With Weight Watchers, you can continue to eat whatever youlikeand still lose weight! Over the past 50 years, millions ofpeoplehave taken with us - and very successful.• The use of ProPoints® values ​​makes the program verycloselybecause it relates, data about the entire food with a.The best tools for your loss• Click Save to finish - it's that simple entries offood,activities and your weight.• The new "multi-add" function allows you to save multiple foodsatonce.• Find. Over 50,000 foods, meals and recipes from ourdatabase• Save and you will find so quick and easy favorites, My lastaddeditem.• Calculate. ProPoints® even values ​​for foods and activitieswiththe Calculator• Check. Your weight history in an interactive graphic• Use to make the interactive "drag and drop" tools betterdecisionsRestaurant & Co..• You have access to the latest recipes and save them directlyintoa shopping list.• Get motivated and you will find many helpful tips and tricksinour articles of our success stories.Practical Tips & Tricks• Create a shopping list, so shopping is a breeze.• Find a Weight Watchers meeting in your area.
Meal Reminder - Weight Loss 2.3.3
Eat healthy and regularly! Control your nutrition and lose weight.
Running Workouts by Verv 7.0.2
Verv Inc
Interval running plan. GPS run tracker, diet meal plans &coolrunning music.