Top 5 Games Similar to Volkswagen Körjournal

Logbook - TripTracker PRO 10.6
SZ Software
Driver's log with automatic Bluetooth-Start/Stop, OBDII and carcostmanagement
ŠKODA Körjournal 2.0
Med Škodas körjournalsapp kan duenkeltregistrera och administrera dina resor, privat elleritjänsten.När du ska registrera ny resa väljer du om den är i tjänstenellerprivat. Fyll i ärende, var resan startar, vart du ska åkaochstartmätarställning. När du sedan är framme fyller du iresansslutmätarställning och sparar resan. Din resa sparas dåtillhistoriken i appen. Behöver du korrigera något i dina sparaderesorär det enkelt att uppdatera.Vid månadens slut, eller den period som du självönskarexporterar du sedan resorna från appen till dator. En.csv-filskickas med mail till önskad datorenhet och filen kanöppnas it.ex. Excel.Smidigt, snabbt och enkelt.Škoda körjournalWith Škodakörjournalsapp,you can easily register and manage your trips,private or in theservice. To register new trip, select whether it is for business orpleasure.Fill in the matter, the trip will start, where to go andstartingmileage. When you are there, fill in the journey's endmileage andsaves the trip. Your journey is then saved to thehistory of theapp. Need to correct something in your saved tripsit is easy toupdate.At the end of the month, or the period that you wish toexportthen travels from the app to your computer. A .csv file sentbyemail to the required computing device and the file can beopenedin eg Excel.Convenient, easy and simple.Škoda driver's log
FleetSupport 2.1
Ibland sitter du i bilen och behöverhjälpeller vill kontrollera vad som gäller för FleetSupport-bilarna.Genom Fleet Support-appen får du tillgång till ensnabb och enkelkundservice samt kontaktuppgifter till assistans.Här finns även körjournal så att du enkelt kan hålla reda pådinaresor oavsett om det är i tjänsten eller privat. Genom appenkan duskicka in din månatliga kilometerrapport som hämtar kördakilometeri tjänsten från körjournalen. Vi säkerställer då attdinrapportering kommer på följande månads löneunderlag.Appen innehåller:KilometerrapporteringKörjournalFrågor och svarKundserviceSometimes you sit inyourcar and need help or want to check what applies to FleetSupportthe cars. The Fleet Support app gives you access to a quickandeasy customer service and contact information for assistance.There are also drivers log so that you can easily keep trackofyour travels whether it is for business or pleasure. Throughtheapp, you can submit your monthly kilometers report thatretrieveskilometers driven in service of the journey log. We thenensuresthat your reporting will in the following month'ssalarydetails.The app contains:Kilometers ReportingLogbookQuestions and AnswersCustomer service
Volkswagen RaceApp 1.2.1
Volkswagen AG
Volkswagen RaceAppImportant information!Please keep in mind that you need the LogBox fromVolkswagenAccessories to use the Volkswagen RaceApp.By integratingthe LogBoxinto your vehicle you will be able to record an extensivearray ofvehicle data, which can then be sent via Bluetooth tothesmartphone app and analysed: From acceleration measurement torouterecording and even more comprehensive driving statistics. Formoreinformations regarding prices and installation please askyourVolkswagen dealer.Be ready to race in no time at all:- Have a Volkswagen dealer install the LogBox in the vehicle- Download the RaceApp free of charge from the Google Playstoreandlaunch the app- Connect the smartphone with the LogBox via Bluetooth- Secure the smartphone in a suitable holder in the vehicle- Find a designated racing track – and you are ready to go!START SCREENThe nerve centre: This is where you can access all of theappfunctions.DRIVER SCREENHere you can view the current driving data. Whether chargeairpressure, speed, G forces or a map of the surroundings: Youcanalways keep track of your current performance.RECORDThis function allows you to record any desired route along withyourdriving data. Tracks are automaticallyidentified and the lap times recorded. The routes driven canbesaved, driven again at any time and evaluated with acomprehensiverange of statistics. And the best part: The routesdriven can berecorded as a live video using the smartphone’s camerain thebackground, so that you can enjoy them again and again,wheneveryou want!ACCELERATION MEASUREMENTAcceleration from 0 to 100 km/h or the required time perpre-definedroute length: This function lets you chase yourpersonal best times.Complete with an authentic “Go” light!EVALUATIONThe system’s “memory”: You can access your saved routes,currentbest times, extensive statistics and recorded videos atanytime.Technical requirements for installing the RaceApp:- A smartphone with adequate performance (at least quad core1.4GHz, video resolution 720 x 1280)- Operating system (Android V4.4)You can generally find the information about theinstalledversion on your telephone under “Settings”. Deviatingversions havenot been tested by Volkswagen. Correct functionalityis notguaranteed in this case.TERMS OF USEUse at your own risk. The RaceApp may only be used on identifiedandsafe race tracks. The app may not be used on the openroad!Volkswagen Zubehör GmbH does not assume any liability foranydamage caused by incorrect and/or improper use of the LogBoxandRaceApp. Depending on your mobile telephone contract,downloadingthe app and using the app may incur additional costs fordatatransfer.Due to the requirements the app utilizes many resources ofthemobile device therefore it may cause increased powerconsumptionand heat development.
My Fleet Solutions
Avec My Fleet Solutions, gérez votre contratoùque vous soyez avec votre mobile et retrouvez :- Toutes les informations sur votre contrat et vosprestations- Votre carte de services en ligne- Les numéros utiles à contacter- Des FAQ- La liste de nos partenaires- Toutes les actualités Volkswagen Group Fleet Solutions surlesréseaux sociauxAvec My Fleet Solutions, les données de votre contrat et devosprestations avec tous vos numéros utiles sont enfin réuniesdansvotre portable. Plus de numéro de téléphone ou de numéro decontratà chercher : toutes vos informations utiles sont réuniesdansl’application. Appelez directement les différents servicesdepuisl’application, sans avoir à composer de numéro.Effectuez votre relevé kilométrique directement depuisvotreSmartphone et prenez connaissance à tout instant de lasituation devotre contrat.Véritable boîte à outil, cette application vous accompagneradansvos trajets et vous permettra de localiser à proximité du lieuoùvous vous trouvez:- les réparateurs agréés- les stations-service- les parkingsEmportez partout avec vous le guide des prestations ettrouveztoutes les réponse à vos questions dans les FAQ.With My FleetSolutions,manage your contract where you are with your mobile andfind:- All information about your contract and your benefits- Your online service card- Useful contact numbers- The FAQ- The list of our partners- All Volkswagen Group Fleet Solutions news on socialnetworksWith My Fleet Solutions, the data of your contract and yourbenefitswith all your useful numbers are together at last in yourmobile.More phone number or contract number to search: all yourusefulinformation gathered in the application. Call directly thedifferentservices from the application, without having to dialnumber.Make your mileage report directly from your smartphone and readatany time the status of your contract.Real toolbox, this app will accompany you on your journeys andallowyou to locate near the place where you are:- Authorized repairers- Service stations- ParkingTake with you the guide of services and find all yourquestionsanswered in the FAQ.