Top 21 Apps Similar to Guide for Clash Royale

House Royale - The Clash Guide 2.0.90
Everything you can possible know about Clash Royale is here,onHouse Royale, the ultimate unofficial guide: • All Cards: tipsandstrategies • All leaks on the same place • Card Counters •CardPreviews • Card Rating • Card Reviews/Spotlight • Chests andcardsodds • Chest Tracker • Daily Tournaments • Deck Reviews •Farm,Push, Rush Guide • Gems Guide • How to Level Up Fast Guide •How toget Legendary Cards • News in Real Time! • Push Notifications•Sneak Peeks • Stats and costs to all cards • Tournament info •UserDecks From the same creators of the popular "House ofClashers"guide, this app is always updated. Didn't find what youwanted?Please contact us and we will gladly add on the nextupdate.Disclaimer: "House Royale" is not an official apporaffiliated/endorsed by Supercell. "Clash Royale" and its logosaretrademarks of Supercell and this app was made accordingwithSupercell's Fan Content
Battle Deck for Clash Royale 1.3.3
Battle Deck Guide for Clash Royaleprovidesrecommended higher chance winning battle deck for eacharenas. Bothbalanced and offensive decks are recommended.Features- *New* Added Developer Favourite Deck- *New* Improved Battle Deck with latest cards- Recommend Balanced and Offensive Decks- Proven decks by user feedbackDisclaimerThis app acted as a guidance app for the game Clash RoyalebySupercell. This is unofficial and not associated by Supercell.AllChests images, background, popup are belong to Supercell. Formoreinformation, see Supercell's Fan ContentPolicy
Battle Deck Arena 3.1
Battle Deck set combinations is quiteimportantto do in the game Clash Royale. With this set up and useacombination of the best cards, you certainly will not be easilylostwhen doing battle with others.If you are confused about how to organize the strongestcombinationof Battle Deck, here I will give some examples of themost powerfulcombination of cards that can be used in the ClashRoyale.The combination of the best Deck Clash Battle Royale isstructuredin full from Arena 1, Arena 2, Arena 3 Arena 4, untilArena 9Legendary Arena. Deck Clash Battle Royale is divided intothreetypes, namely Offensive, Defensive, and Control.
Best Battle Deck Arena 1-7 2.0
Best Battle Deck Arena - BattleDecksetcombinations is quite important to do in the game ClashRoyale.With this set up and use a combination of the best cards,youcertainly will not be easily lost when doing battle withothers.If you are confused about how to organizethestrongestcombination of Battle Deck , here I will givesomeexamples of themost powerful combination of cards that can beusedin the ClashRoyale .
Best Battle Deck Clash Royale 2.1
Greetings, Clash Royale fans! we’recomingatyou with another set of the best decks, strategies andbattletipsour readers have been using this week for Arenas 1, 2, 3,4, 5,6and 7. After the balancing changes it took a little timetoadjuststrategies, but our readers were definitely up forthechallenge.If you are looking for tips, tricks and decks thatarewinningArenas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 check out the five wehavelistedbelow. Or, if you are looking for beginner strategiesorearlierdecks we’ve featured, see our entire ClashRoyaleaplicationstream, here.we have the mighty Epic P.E.K.K.A deck. If you wereluckyenoughto obtain the P.E.K.K.A, then getting to Royal Arenawill notbe aproblem for you. Now the main weakness to the Pekka isthathe’seasily distracted by hordes or barbarians, goblins,orskeletons.So we need to couple him with lots of splashattackersand areadamaging spell cards, and so we have the bestcombinationof thatwith the Bomber, Wizard, Baby Dragon, Fireball,and Arrows.Ouropponent is going to have an incredibly difficulttime stoppingthePekka. We also can’t neglect defense, so we alsohave Barbarianstostop opposing Prince, Hog Rider, or even aP.E.K.K.A.Happy Clashing!
Guide Clash Royale Analyzer 1.0
This application contains guides,strategiesanddeck analyzer for Clash Royale game. You can use andhave thebestdetailed information about the winning strategies foreacharena!Every Clash Royale player must have thisapplication.BeVICTORY!
New Clash Royale Guide 1.2
This app contains a guide to be able toplayproperlyGet a way to get a long lifeGet Free Coins to be able to continue playingGet the secret way in order to winAnd all just in this applicationThanks please download and give us RATING
Gems for Clash Royale 1.0.0
If you want free gems and are tired ofhavingtopay for gems and you want to go faster in thegame...Congratulations just found the free guide youarelookingfor!Free Gems cheat guide and be the best for your strategyforClashRoyale. How To Get Super Magical Chests, gold, gems,epiclegendaryCards!
Wiki Offline: Clash Royale 3.1
Clash Royale guide or Wiki will help you togetinformation about hitpoints and damage of the troops andbuildings.Features:- Troops Cards Information- Building Cards Information- Spells Cards Information- Know basics of the game and much more.- Discussion ForumUser Interface:- Material Design- Optimized for big screensThis clash royale guide is not associated or approvedbySuperCell. All images are registered trademarks ofSupercell.Copyright 2010 ©SuperCell.For more informationvisitwww.supercell.netThe data of 'Clash Royale wiki' application is under CC-BY-SA license.
Cheats for Clash Royale 1.0
The game appeared quite recently –inJanuary2016, and in March came to the world. At the sametime,judging bythe number of requests for “hack game clash royale”,thegame hasalready created a sensation and users obviouslygotfeelings forher. This is largely due to enough fun gameplayandnice simpledesign.First and foremost, demand cheats for gems inclashroyale.Standard, get hack tool for clash royale can be foundas abonuswhen connecting to some servers – it all depends onthecurrentpolicy of attracting users. Look for some privateserverclashroyale, where players are few, and gifts for connectionforthisvery reason – it is tempting.We will not disassemble any clever cheats forclashroyale,because their proposal will increase every day, butthey arenot asinteresting as the variety of applications thatappear aroundthegame, as it was with clash royale chest cheat andothersimilartoys.If you decide, nevertheless, to download cheats forclashroyale,then go to an official store of your device anddownload itwhat isallowed there, to protect the device fromunwanted andmalicioussoftware. Moreover, despite the fact that thegameappearedrecently, it is already possible to find and cheatsforclash royalein English.Another feature, which is now demand – a simulatorofchesttracker for clash royale. This is a mod where you can clickontheboxes and get the appropriate for game buns. However, tothegameitself, they are not related, but you can dothisliterallyforever.Such simulator open chests as chest clash royale simclashroyalechest tracker, allows you to get hold of a gig to playin alargenumber, however, the creators warn in the official appstorethatthis is not the game itself. If the Russian versions canstillbe aproblem, then request “clash royale chest simulator” youwillseemany English versions of the simulators.We should also mention the clash royale chesttracker:acalculator that lets you calculate how many chests youhave lefttoa certain status or level, as well as otherparametersassociatedwith the trunks, which are not explicitlyexpressed inthegame.Tactics for clash royale cards for free have become asubjectfordiscussion in the appropriate forums, supported by thefans ofthisgame. So for example, mods for chest clash royale, whichyouchoosebefore combat, that's 8 cards that you have to use incombatandreplacements for them are not provided specifically forthisfight.Therefore, depending on the circumstances, the set ofmaybedifferent. The best clash royale chest openingsimulatorareselected empirically, the good old method of trialanderror.However, they cannot always guarantee perfect resultsinafast-changing playing conditions. We recommend you touseclashroyale chest opener (designer of the deck – nomatterhowridiculous it sounds in translation) where you can specifythenameand the composition of your deck and change it dependingonwhattactics you follow.
Battle Decks for Clash Royale 2.0.1
Building a strong battle deck is half the battle won. Chooseyourbattle deck based on your style to improve your winning rateinClash Royale. Key Features * Arena-specific battle decksoptimizedfor "offensive" and "control" strategies. * Statisticallypoven tooffer higher chances of winning. * Useful for players whoran outof battle deck ideas or stuck at a particular arena. * Ifyou're aClash Royale fan, you may also like:* * This content is notaffiliated with, endorsed,sponsored, or specifically approved bySupercell and Supercell isnot responsible for it. For moreinformation see Supercell’s FanContent
Gemas Para Clash Royale 1.0.0
Gemas para Clash Royale es lanuevaaplicaciónque está rompiendo el mercado de las APPs entodaLatinoamérica.Clash Royale es un juego multiplayer o multijugador quesejuegaen tiempo real y tiene como protagonistas alospersonajesfavoritos del juego Clash Of Clans.En Clash Royale jugamos en un tablero compuesto de 6torres,3propias y 3 del oponente, dos son torres de Arena y otraeslatorre del rey. Si destruimos la torre del rey ganamos lapartida,ypara atacar usaremos cartas de nuestra mano que iremosrobando,lascuales para poder usarlas tendremos que gastarelixir.El principal problema del juego gira en torno al sistemadepago.Cuando ganamos una partida obtenemos un cofre, loscualespuedentardar desde unos pocos minutos a varias horas enabrirse, ypodemostener hasta cuatro. El problema es que los cofressonbásicos paraconseguir cartas y recursos, pero al tener unespaciotan limitado yunos tiempos tan largos para abrirlo, se frenaporcompleto nuestraprogresión, dado que jugar sin poder abriroguardar cofres no sirvepara nada, y lo normal es quenosenfrentemos a rivales más durossegún ganemos combates, loscualestendrán mejores cartas quenosotros. Por todo ello, o pagamosgemaspara abrirlo, o no podemoshacer nada hasta que pase eltiempo.En Clash Royale las gemas son la moneda principal deljuego.Lasgemas Clas Royale nos sirven para comprar mejorasparanuestrascartas mediante oro, comprar más cartas y tambiéncofres,peroademás tienen una función muy importante, dado quenospermitiránabrir los cofres que consigamos en la batalla, encasocontrariotocaría esperar a que pase de 3 a 12 horas según elcofreparapoder abrirlo.Por supuesto, podemos comprar gemas directamente condinerodenuestro bolsillo, pero también podemos CONSEGUIRLASGRATIS.Descarga la nueva APP y podrás saber cual es la mejormaneradetener gemas para Clash Royale.Gems for ClashRoyaleisthe new application that is breaking the market ofPPPsacrossLatin America.Clash Royale is a multiplayer or multiplayer game thatisplayedin real time and is starring favorite characters of thegameClashof Clans.In Clash Royale play on a board composed of 6 towers, 3 ownand3opponent, there are two towers Arena and another is the toweroftheking. If we destroy the tower of the King won the game,andtoattack our hand we will use cards that go stealing, whichusethemto have to spend elixir.The main problem with the game revolves around thepaymentsystem.When we win a game we get a chest, which may takefrom afew minutesto several hours to open, and can have up tofour. Theproblem isthat the coffers are basic to get letters andresources,but to havesuch a limited space and about as long toopen timesslows our entireprogression since playing unable to openor savechests is useless,and it is normal that we face tougherrivals aswe win battles, whichwill have better cards than us.Therefore, wepaid or gems to openit, or we can not do anythinguntil you passthe time.In Clash Royale gems are the main currency of the game.TheClasRoyale gems we use to buy upgrades for our letters bygold,buymore cards and chests, but they also have a veryimportantrole,since they allow us to open the coffers to get intothebattle, ifnot behoove wait pass 3 to 12 hours depending on theboxto openit.Of course, we can buy gems directly with money in ourpockets,butwe can also get them FREE.Download the new APP and you know what is the best waytohavegems to Clash Royale.
Simple Game Guide Clash Royale 1.0
Clash Royale Guide! this is guide forclashroyale enjoy!As long as you see this App,you must be a big fan of ClashofClans as we are,and now,we are going to play ClashRoyaletogether.This is the perfect app for those who want the bestoffensivestrategies and defense strategies .In this app you can find:- Tips and Tricks- Videos of Game tactics- Useful Hints of the Game- New Updates of the GameLead your victory with Guide for Clash Royale.Watching the arena! From the Clash of Clans , you getanothermultiplayer game, Clash Royale. Collect and upgrade dozensof cardsfeaturing the Clash of Clans troops, spells and defensesyou knowand love, as well as the Royales: Princes, Knights, BabyDragonsand more. Knock the enemy King and Princesses from theirtowers todefeat your opponents and win Trophies, Crowns and gloryin theArena. Form a Clan to share cards and build your very ownbattlecommunity.But how to play this game better and better,getmoreglory from the battleThis Guide is not associated, affiliated, endorsed, sponsoredorapproved by SuperCell. All images are registered trademarksofSuperCell.Copyright 2010 ©SuperCell.For more
Guide Tactics for Clash Royale 1.0
Don't play Clash Royale without This Guide!!!As long as you see this App,you must be a big fan of ClashofClans as we are and now we are going to play ClashRoyaletogether.This is the perfect app for those who want the bestoffensivestrategies and defense strategies .In this app you can find:- Tips and Tricks- Videos of Game tactics- Useful Hints of the Game- New Updates of the GameLead your victory with Guide for Clash Royale.Legal Disclaimer:This helper app is not associated, affiliated, endorsed,sponsoredor approved by ©SuperCell.This guide is not an official guide or connected to thegame'sdevelopers or publisher. All in-game descriptions,logos,characters, locations and imagery are copyright to theirrespectiveowners, and usage for this game guide falls within fairuseguidelines and/or in accordance with the license with whichtheywere released
Gemmes Pour Clash Royale 1.0.0
Zone En Ligne
Gemmes Illimités Clash Royale –C’estgénial!!!Vous cherchez la meilleure manière d'obtenir lesgemmessi priséespour votre jeu Clash Royale? C'est est lameilleureapplication surle marché européen pour les obtenir.Nous vous présentons la nouvelle APP qui envahitlemarchéEuropéen des Applications pour votre jeu Clash Royale.Nousavonslancé l’application en Français la plus récente pourobtenirdesGemmes Illimites pour Clash Royale.Comme c’était déjà le cas dans le jeu de Clash ofClans,lesgemmes sont importantes pour progresser dans le jeu. Il yadeuxformes constantes de les obtenir dans le jeu: en lesachetantou engagnant des batailles. C'est ce qui dans l'argot «gamer »estconnu comme un processus de « grinding », où vous aurezàrépéterla même tâche plusieurs fois afin d’obtenir lerésultatattendu,mais avec notre APP vous ne dépenserez pas d'argentet vousn’aurezpas besoin de beaucoup de temps pour obtenir lesgemmessiprisées.Utilisez maintenant notre application pour Clash Royaledanssanouvelle version, nous allons vous révéler le NouveauTrucPourObtenir Des Gemmes Illimités de Clash Royale.C’est plus qu'un simple GUIDE avec des techniques,c'estlaprésentation d'un NOUVEAU SUPER TRUC que voustrouverezuniquementici.Profitez de l'opportunité et téléchargez votreapplicationdegemmes illimités pour Clash Royale!Royal GemsUnlimitedClash- This is awesome !!! Looking for the best way to getthegems soprized for Clash Royal your game? This is is thebestapplication onthe European market for them.We present the new APP that invades the European marketAppsforyour Royal Clash play. We launched the application inthelatestFrench to get Illimites Gems for Clash Royale.As was the case in the game Clash of Clans, the gemsareimportantto progress in the game There are two constant formstoget them inthe game. By buying or winning battles. This is whatinthe slang"gamer" is known as a process of "grinding," whereyouhave to repeatthe same task several times to get theexpectedresult, but with ourapp you will not spend to money andyou willnot need much time toget the gems so popular.Now use our app for Clash Royal in its new version, wewillrevealto you the New Trick To Get Unlimited Gems ClashOfRoyale.This is more than just GUIDE with techniques is presentingaNEWSUPER HINT you only find here.Take the opportunity to download your applicationforunlimitedgems Clash Royale!
Battle Deck Arena Clash Royale 1.1
Best Deck And Guide Clash Royale - Asastrategygame Player vs Player (PvP) gameplay Tower Defense,deckstrengththat you have not always guarantee victory. ClashRoyalein order towin, you have to pay attention to many things,rangingfrom the powerof the card, timeliness, to defend andattackstrategy was good.This guide app is not associated, affiliated,endorsed,sponsoredor approved by ©SuperCell creator of ClashRoyale.
GUIDE 4 Clash Royale No Cheats 1.0
This is not a game, this app is aGuideforClash Royale.This Guide for Clash Royale Wiki app will help/guide youtoplaythe game Clash Royale, by Supercell.Enter the Arena! From the creators of Clash of Clanscomesareal-time multiplayer game starring the Royales,yourfavoriteClash characters and much, much more.Collect and upgrade dozens of cards featuring the ClashofClanstroops, spells and defenses you know and love, as wellastheRoyales: Princes, Knights, Baby Dragons and more. KnocktheenemyKing and Princesses from their towers to defeat youropponentsandwin Trophies, Crowns and glory in the Arena. Form aClan tosharecards and build your very own battle community.Lead the Clash Royale Family to victory!This Guide for Clash Royale has information aboutTroopCards,Spell Cards, Building Cards, Gameplay, Basics, CrownTowersandmany more.The app has beautiful UI with butter smoothanimationsandtransitions. The app features a simple navigationdrawer foreasynavigation through pages.Download Guide for Clash Royale Wiki and be up to datewithlatestinformation, changes, stats, tricks etc and get anupperhand overyour friends or clan members. Clash On!Guide for Clash Royale app doesn't show you any cheatsorhacksfor the game. It is a collection of stats, informationandtips andtricks which work when applied strategically inClashRoyale game.This guide for clash royale does not pose itselfashack or cheatsfor clash royale.This Guide for Clash Royale is notassociated,affiliated,endorsed, sponsored or approved by SuperCell.All imagesareregistered trademarks of SuperCell.Copyright2010©SuperCell.Formore information visit
Chest Tracker for Clash Royale 4.0
Cheating in clash of clan thingfascinating,butnot very useful. Primarily because download cheatsyou can, ifit haseven appeared, clash royale card hack thebeginning of thegamecheats . But they revolve around the same:impossible to openthechests in the Royal bell, which in the realgameplay is earnedinbattles and in the simulators is given “justbecause”, butduringgameplay the game itself has no effect.Clash royale free chests hack carry the same load, of whichyoucanalso get the gems cheats for clash of clans. Toearntheopportunity to open chests clash royale in battle,however,thesimulator clash royale developer build allows you toaccessthisfeature directly. Actually, since all other useful forthegameguide extracted from chests, free chest in clash ofroyale(bestguide for clash royale) is a type of application foropeningclashroyale chest opening simulator (aka - clashroyalechestsimulator).In any case, as with any other multiplayer online game,hackinggameclash royale itself is not feasible. Perhaps the onlypossibleinthis case for bell hack tool is to create some kindofparalleluniverse game with mods, where “everything ispossible”.But toachieve the transfer from the simulator to realmultiplayerspace,unfortunately, will not work. However, simulationsometimesit isuseful to hone skills, in order to understand some ofthedetailsand subtleties of the rules of the game scenario anditwould beirresponsible to bring a bunch of chests, notparticularlythinkingabout strategy and tactics. Yes, the benefitsof thissmall, butfun.As always, we cheat use is not recommended and lookingforotheroptions of interesting decisions for the game.Alternatively, you can try to find a private serverofclashroyale, which gives new users of the gems and variousbonusesforthe connection. But such servers are not very many,becausethegame has already become quite popular. Rather, thequestion nowisempty if servers other already proven games,analogous to this,infact, is.Because of the similarity of names, sometimes users arelookingtodownload clash of clans – but it should immediately benotedthatthese are two different games, albeit in a somewhatsimilar(in basicprinciples). But the differences between them,there isdefinitelynot only in concept and design, but also interms of.For example,the word “map” in both games, means not oneand thesame.In General, the clash royale chest opener, we recommendyoutoselect and create your own with constructors decks. Tochangethecards that went into the fight not before the end ofthebattle,but before she can start to think about which set of 8cardstochoose from. And with apps to count the chests youcancalculatewhat return to expect from current and futureinvasions.Veryconvenient! And something like a calculator forSOS.
Strategies for Clash Royale 1.1
PocketCheats Clash Royale istheperfectcomplement to the best current strategy game, ClashRoyale.Appcontains everything you need to dominate thecompetition-detailedcard info with stats for all levels, premadedecks,strategyguides, and videos of top plays.This content is not affiliated with, endorsed,sponsored,orspecifically approved by Supercell and Supercell isnotresponsiblefor it. For more information see Supercell’s
Guide : Clash Royale 1.3
Mhazril Apps
This app is unofficial manualofgameenthusiasts Clash RoyaleThis app contains in-game tutorials , how to play and tipsandtrickin the level game Clash Royale to winlearn the instructions on this application correctly then youwillbeready to win the game Clash Royalegood luck with these instructions and prepare to winthegameClash Royale
The Guide Clash Royale 1.0
This is a simple application thatcontainguidesand strategies on clash royale game. You can seestrategies,troopupgrade costs and much more. This is the initialversion ofthe app.We will improve it much over time.Please note that this app does not contain any clashroyalegemshacks, downloads links or clash royale apk filedownload.-- Ads --There are ads in this app. Application is free, it doesnotpromotepaid version of this app, the only way tosupportfuturedevelopment is to include ads.Please treat that with understanding.-- Feedback --If you have any suggested features or improvements pleaseleaveacomment, or send me an email.In case something is not working correctly please let meknow,I'llbe glad to fix that.Please post comments and feedback. When posting lowratingpleasedescribe what is wrong to give the possibility tofixthatissue.Thank you for your support!Cheers !