Top 16 Apps Similar to Kitchen Remodel Ideas

Modern Kitchen Design Ideas 3.0
There are pictures you can see online ifyouwant to look at contemporary kitchens. But, the more picturesyousee, the more you will feel like adding different items tothekitchen. However, the modern kitchen follows a fewdesignprinciples. The main design elements comprises clean lines,boldand contrast colors, some modern art fixtures, lot of light,and anuncluttered space. So, let us look at each of the kitchendesignelements in detail.It is not about the items or accessories that will giveyourkitchen the feel of a modern kitchen, but the design itself.So,keep in mind the elements below and shop for items, furniture,oraccessories which go in harmony with the design elements.Clean LinesAlways maintain clean long lines in the kitchen. This doesn'tmeanthat there can't be curves; you can also opt forkitchencountertops or other furniture that are curved in shape. Youcan gofor wooden flooring where you can see the horizontal linesofplanks to add more to the effect. Maintaining clean lines willnotjust give the feel of a modern kitchen, but also help to makethekitchen look bigger. Modular kitchen furniture and othermodernfurniture like table and chairs will also add more to the useoflines. You can also choose a table which is horizontalorsemi-curved and go for chairs that depict a modern design. Gofortable and chairs having sleek legs of steel. Using a glasstabletop will also help to enhance the look.ColorsGo for a dichromatic theme and avoid too many colors, also trytoavoid a black and steel colored kitchen. It is good to avoidanyinterior painting ideas to give the feel of an unclutteredkitchen.Some of the best color combinations for kitchens are aquablue orgreen walls with some portions of the walls painted white,andwhite kitchen appliances, and other steel items. Anothergreattheme is half lavender and half white walls, with blackappliances,and steel furniture. Try to avoid going for the basicoff-whitekitchens, but if you can't decide on wall colors thenchoosing theoff-white color for the walls and white appliances is asafe bet.Make sure you add few accents like a vase with flowers,chairs withgood color seats, or a few paintings in an off-whitemodernkitchen.Lot of LightMake sure the kitchen has plenty of light. In theme kitchenslikeTuscan or French Country kitchens, an old and yellowish lighttingeis given. But in a modern kitchen white soft lights are used.Makesure there are enough windows to let the natural light in. Ifthereisn't enough natural light, consider installing a skylight oranadditional window. To increase the artificial kitchen lighting,addextra lighting by hanging some modern design lamps that gowithyour kitchen decor.Uncluttered SpaceModular kitchen furniture itself provides enough space to storeallthe items, so the possibility of clutter is the least. Thereareenough shelves for you to store utensils and sections are madeinmodular furniture to store appliances like ovens. Placeyourrefrigerator in a way that it takes minimum space and at aplacewhere it is nearby for you to access. Try to avoid anyopenshelves. If you still want more space, then considerinstallingsome more kitchen cabinets. Make sure you always maintainthecountertop uncluttered.
Kitchen Storage 1.8
Kitchen storage, it is important very in terms of a kitchen easeofuse and practical of. Which belongings the where to put the andwemust know where we'd find. The kitchen is directly proportionaltothe storage areas. If you need to ideas about the kitchenstorage,our kitchen storage application full according to you. Ourkitchenstorage in practice, you will find elegant ideas for you tomakethe most useful your kitchen. Now's download our kitchenstorageapplication and Enjoy.
Funny Kitchen 1.0
Funny kitchen will help you to get someideasthat will provide to you a variety of intelligent solutions tomakethe kitchen tasks with an easy and a very creativeway.Benefit from our tutorials and make your own creations withyourloving and tender touch .Brought to you by Android Galaxy Apps INC ® .
Kitchen Remodel Designs 5.0
Decades ago, kitchens were designed withmoderntechnology in mind, however modern technology today isverydifferent from the technology which was used years ago.Today'skitchen users have very different needs from the needs ofthose whooriginally designed the kitchens. Therefore kitchenremodeling isbecoming more and more popular. Remodeling is the artofredesigning and renovating a kitchen to make it more suitableforthe needs of the home owner.Today's homeowners are trying to deal with a much larger rangeoftools and gadgets than homeowners used to have. Trying tofindsomewhere to put these things can be difficult if your kitchenisdesigned incorrect, or with a previous era in mind.Kitchenremodeling can help you to make better use of the space thatyouhave available. Although some people are able to have theirkitchenextended, others are forced to work with the limited spacewhich isavailable. A professional remodeler will be able to come upwith anappropriate design. This can include making extra space forthethings you need, by taking out all of the things you don'tneed.For example, when you renew your kitchen, you can choose toinstalla range of all in one gadget, rather than having separatetools.Other ideas may involve innovate fold away solutions.Older kitchen spaces also sometimes fail to take healthandsafety concerns into mind. Kitchen remodeling will allow youtomake great improvements which can help to protect you andyourfamily. This can include childproofing areas which toddlerscouldhurt themselves on or putting in different flooring so thereisless of a slip and trip hazard. If your current floor is a sliportrip hazard, you should take action because accidents inthekitchen can have serious consequences. Another concern isfoodhygiene and storage safety. If your kitchen is notdesignedcorrectly, the oven and the fridge could end up being rightnext toeach other. This can be dangerous, because the food in yourfridgemay warm up as you cook. This can encourage bacterial growthand isa major food poisoning risk. Professional kitchenremodelingexperts will work with your ideas to help to mitigaterisk.Having a kitchen environment that you enjoy can also helptoimprove your health. Research has shown that people are morelikelyto spend time preparing food in a kitchen if the space issuitablefor them, and meets their needs. Spending time preparingfresh foodrather than having takeaways or ready meals is a greatway toimprove your health, because you can take charge of what youareeating. If you intend to cook for yourself and yourfamilyregularly, kitchen remodeling can help you to create thekitchen ofyour dreams, meaning that you will actually enjoyspending timethere.
Узбекская кухня
Классические рецепты вкуснейшейузбекскойкухни! Хотите порадовать близких настоящим узбекскимпловом,самсой, мантами? Приложение «Узбекская кухня», спошаговымиинструкциями, фотографиями и советами — готовьте, каквУзбекистане!В приложении доступны рецепты плова, праздничных блюд(казан-кабоб,долма, димлама), первых блюд (шурпа), блюд из маша,рыбы, пресноготеста (манты, чучвара), самсы, салатов и сладостей.Сейчас вприложении — 40 рецептов.Удобные возможности приложения:-Список покупок (можно отправить родным по почте)-Таймеры (чтобы не упустить важный момент готовности блюдаиликакого-либо этапа)-Планировщик меню-Возможность поделиться рецептом с друзьями в социальныхсетях(Facebook, вКонтакте), отправить по почте-Статьи об узбекской кухне в целом и о некоторых ингредиентах/продуктах в частности-Любимые рецепты можно добавить в «Избранное»-Быстрый поиск по рецептам или ингредиентам-Поддержка устройств с ретина-дисплеем.Готовьте легко и с удовольствием! И добро пожаловать вмирпоклонников узбекской кухни!Classic recipesdeliciousUzbek cuisine! Want to please close this Uzbek plov somsa,mantarays? Appendix "Uzbek cuisine", with step by stepinstructions,pictures and tips - prepare as in Uzbekistan!Available in the application pilaf recipes, festivemeals(cauldron-kabob, dolma, dimlama), entrees (shourpa), mungbeandishes, fish, unleavened dough (manti chuchvara), samosas,saladsand sweets. Online application - 40 recipes.Convenient features of the application: -Shopping List (can be sent by mail native)-Timers (not to miss an important point of readiness dishes oranystage)Scheduler menu-Ability to share the recipe with friends on socialnetworks(Facebook, Vkontakte), mailed-Articles about Uzbek cuisine in general, and some ingredients/products in particular-Favorite recipes can be added to "Favorites"-Quick Search for recipes or ingredients-Support for devices with Retina display.Prepare easy and fun! And welcome to the world of Uzbekcuisinefans!
Kitchen Design Ideas 6.1
Repencis Labs
House without any room for the kitchen asaplace to cook and prepare various activities relating to thefoodcertainly does not meet the standard will be very healthy homeandenvironment-friendly, because the kitchen is also animportantfactor in the interior of the house.The growing world of property of minimalist architecture styleandinterior of the house, the better and more modern example isthekitchen, which can now be made easily without depending on theareaof the room the kitchen.One of them by applying a kitchen set, many kitchen size canbecustom set your own even with the size you want, especiallytheprice of a kitchen set is very affordable in all walks of life,sodo not hesitate to make a modern minimalist kitchen andprettycomfortable to seen.So that you can find inspiration in creating a minimalist kitchenorrenovating the existing kitchen in your house to be changed sothatit looks and functions better and more comfortable and clean.Here'sa collection of kitchen design that will leave youinspired.
Modern Kitchen 5
App to inspire you for your Modern Kitchen decor
Kitchen Interior Design 1.0
The design and color of Uk Kitchen Storage and Design mightdiffer,depending on the needs. You can look for the right one, foryourneeds. kitchen design There are different types of products,whichyou might have to take help of, whenever the main area relateswithfurnishing areas. The reliable online companies are goingtomanufacture kitchen and other bedroom related units,associatedwith the specifications, related with the standard creamor whiteunits. On the other hand,you can even try and look for thefullycolored co-ordinated structure, which can act in yourfavor.Therefore, design and re-design your cabinets, just for yourneedsand demands, and create a look, which is completely differentandunique, for matching your needs. kitchen design Focusingtowardsunits kitchen design In order to increase the present valueof yourkitchen and take help of the full kitchen space, nothing canbeatthe importance of stunning collections of kitchen units. Thesearemanufactured and installed by none other thanrelatedprofessionals, associated with this field for more than sometimenow. You have the right and money for getting help of theUkKitchen Storage and Design, which can offer best inclasssolutions. You have the liberty to explore the range fromonlinestore, without leaving the comfort of your house. On theotherhand, you can even book for the design by making anappointmentbefore. kitchen design Happy to answer your questionskitchendesign If you are facing any problem with the rightKitchensdirect, online professionals are always ready to help youwith theright solutions. They can even help you to make the rightchoiceassociated with the best kitchen units, which can suit theinteriorof your kitchen. The interior walls and designs are knownfor theirgreat structure, and color, which can last for a longerspan oftime. From the classic look to the retro feel, there are somanyoptions, waiting for you to grab. Make sure to get in touchwiththe best solutions, which can act in your favor. kitchendesignTime for the bedroom kitchen design Depending on the typeofbedroom and the space available, you have to take help ofdesignerbedroom furniture uk. There are different types ofbedroomfurnishing items available, and some are meant for thechildrenbedroom only. The color, structure, design and style,everything isgoing to vary a lot. Make sure to get in touch withthe rightsolutions, after comparing so many options, meant for design
Room Creator Interior Design 3.4
Brain Vault
Create your room in less then 10 minutes and walk throughinrealistic 3D walk!
Minimalist Home Plans 2.0
Building or refurbishing a home can be funbutit can also be challenging because of the many things that hastobe accounted for before starting the project.Building a home is a big project no matter how little the homeisand how meager the budget. In fact, a person can be morecosteffective in building his home if he creates a home designplanbefore introducing changes in the home.A homeowner should take note of the design of the house heisabout to build and put the design into paper. This way, hecanavoid committing design mistakes that can cost him moneyandprecious time.Being hasty when building a home can be detrimental to thehomedesign and also to the budget. A home design plan can becreated bythe homeowner and builder himself provided he has someknowledge indrawing plans. However, if he does not have any ideaabout thesethings then it is best to get the services of a personwho isknowledgeable in such matters.Of course, asking another person to make a home design plancanadd to the cost of building the home but it will be costeffectivein the long term because it will ensure that the home isproperlyconstructed technically and aesthetically.Creating a home design plan can be a technical matterandrequires research and preparation. The designer of a home planwilltake all aspects of the home when preparing the plan includingthelifestyle of the people who would be living in the home andtheavailable space.Leaving everything to the experts may be just the right thingforany homeowner. However, he should also take an active partinplanning the design of his home. While he does not knowthetechnicalities, he should be able to suggest what he wantsandwhere things should be placed.It is important that the specification of the home design planisnot totally left to the discretion of the designer. The homeshouldbe a reflection of the personality of the residents and theownershould thus have a say in the overall appearance of hishome.To avoid conflicts while the house design plan is beingdrawn,the family should already have a consensus as to what motifordesign they want for the house. They can choose from thevariousdesigns available like a home that depicts country living orit canbe minimalist or modern.Allowing the family to plan ahead can mean asmootherconstruction process. Making material changes after thehome designplan has already been drawn and while the home is beingconstructedcan result to a poorly built home. Plus, it can add tothe expensesof building a home.Once the family has arrived at a consensus as to thegeneralappearance of the home, they should appoint someone who willtalkto the designer and who will coordinate all the designandconstruction process with the designer. Having everyone inthemiddle of the construction phase can be disadvantageous as itcanresult to delays in the project.Anyone who is about to have his dream house built shouldmakesure he gets a good designer to create the home design plan.Thisway, the technical and aesthetic characteristics of the homeisensured.
3D Bedroom Design 3.0.23
The Home Decorating Idea Bedroom design afree3d Room Planner bedroom with 3D virtual designer , homedecoratingideas, interior Designer and lots of great designs fromothers.Play at interior designStyle and remodel your home with Roomstyler. thousands ofinspiringinteriors are designed with our tool. Beautiful livingrooms,kitchens, bathrooms , Free 3D Bedroom Design , 3D DesignHouse ,Bedroom Design , Free 3D Home Design , Free 3D RoomPlannerSee if you have what it takes to be a professional interiordesignerdecorating this 3D room with the stylish pieces offurniture andoriginal decoration objects you have there!
Madrees 1.6.2
Madrees is an app that can create anyone easily Floor Plans.
Small Kitchen Design 2.0
This is a gallery app dedicated to small kitchen design. Asmuchaswe can, we tried to gather the best images of smallkitchendesignfor you. Our app is really very easy to use. You canview thesmallkitchen design pictures by swiping the pictures. Weknow thatsmallkitchen design is an essential part of home decorandinteriordesign. That's why we designed this application in ordertohelpthe people who need inspirations about homeinteriors.Disclaimer:If you are the copyright owner of one of theimages inour smallkitchen design app, please contact us forremoval, beforereportingthe app.
Best 3D Home Plan 3.0
Your 3D home plan idea is truly a reflectionofwho you are. It is a place where you can relax, enjoy, eat,sleep,but most of all a place where you can be in your elements.Iremember the last time I decided to refurbish my home, Ithoughtthe first thing that I needed was a professional designerand so Ihired one. I got too caught up with the ideas that thedesignershad been showcasing and advocating. However, the day I sawtheentire plan on the blueprint, I realized that although thedesignlooked great, it did not appeal to me as my own home. Thatwas themoment I decided to do away with the designers, and takecharge ofthe designing process myself. Designing your own house canbe quitea task, but totally worth it since it enables you to givethe placea personal touch. Designing a house can include both theprimaryarchitectural elements as well as the interior designingelementsthat follow. In this article we will cover both the aspectthatwill assist you while designing your own 3D home plan idea.Architectural DesignArchitectural elements are vital if you are planning to buildahouse from scratch. The first thing that you need to doisundertake a detailed study of the space available toyou,requirement of rooms, the possibility of multiple stories,theroofing, as well as the locations of window and doors. In caseyoufind this intimidating, and are still willing to work withoutaprofessional architect, there are a number of softwareapplicationsthat can help you with this task. A simulation of yourplot areaand the possible positions and areas of multiple rooms canbe triedout using these designing software. You can easily drag thewallson the virtual interface until you finalize the layout andcome upwith your own final blueprint of the house plan.Once the house plan is ready, you can hire services of agoodresidential building company to materialize your blueprint intoanactual finished structure. While handing over the reins tothem,make sure you explain them the plan carefully and askforsuggestions. Once the plan is finalized and the builders areatwork, have a word with them on a daily basis so that thefinalproduct comes out just the way you wanted. However it isadvisablenot to interrupt their work very frequently and trust themwiththeir job.The FurnitureThere is a lot of variety in furniture available today-steel,wrought iron, contemporary, antique, and much more. Toavoidconfusion, finalize the theme or the look that you want foryourhouse and buy the furniture accordingly. In case you arewilling toshell out a few extra bucks you can get your furniturecustom-madeas well. Do think of the durability of the furniturealong with itsaesthetic appeal- you need both. Do not clutter yourspace with alot of furniture, instead define your storage andseatingrequirements and get the furniture that fits the bill justright.It is a common tendency that people pick out the most fancysofa orthe most extravagant center table for the living room. Whileyou dothat, think about the comfort factor as well as themaintenance.For example a white leather sofa might look veryappealing at thestore, but maintaining and cleaning it at home tokeep it sparklingmight be a big headache. Think chic but thinkconvenient as well!The bedroom, kids' room or the study furnitureshould be finalizedwith the same perspective, but shouldincorporate individualtastes.
Kitchen Cabinets 2.8
The older your kitchen cabinets? Or you want to buy your newhomekitchen cabinets? Our kitchen cabinets application will helpyou alot in this regard. Download the app now our kitchen cabinetsandkitchen cabinets Choose your dream. If you can help in thisregardwould be very happy.
Kitchen Design 1.0
Flower Apps
This free android application will helpyouwithyou kitchen design. All the kitchen designs andkitchenideas you will find in this application are free andfromdifferentbackgroundsFaitures:- Traditional Kitchens- Contemporary Kitchens- Casual Kitchens- Light Medium and Dark Toned Kitchens- Kitchen Colors- Black and White Kitchens- Kitchen Countertop Design Options- Kitchen Lighting Ideas- Creative Kitchen Backsplash Ideas- Kitchen Cabinet Hardware Ideas