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Art Of Bonsai Tree 1.0
Bonsai is not a race, nor is itadestination.It is a never-ending journey.Let's begin with the single most important techniquetoBonsai;pruning. Pruning is crucial in keeping trees miniaturizedaswellas to shape them. The goal is to create a Bonsaithatresemblesnature as close as possible. The spring and summer aretheseasonsto proceed with significant pruning; though this willdependon thetype of tree you have. Make sure to buy a good concavecutterwhenpruning thick branches. The hollow wounds thesecuttersleavebehind heal much better than normal cutters would.Though itisimpossible to tell you which branches to prune to formyourtreewithout actually seeing it, it helps to look at someexampleBonsaiprogressions, and start from there. Some examplesofinstances inwhich a branch should be removed include:If two branches occur at the same height of the tree, keeponeofthem and remove the other.Remove branches with unnatural twists and turns.Remove disproportionately thick branches from the topofthetree.
Wall Stiker Art 1.0
What is the difference between a stickerandadecalI just got an e-mail asking what the difference isbetweenasticker and a decal. We often get this questionatWebsticker.comand I thought it was about time I tried toaddressit. There is noabsolute answer as different people willoften usethe termsinterchangeably to describe similar products.Looking for a definitive answer over at Yahoo Answerswon’thelpclarify differences: “decal is a more professionalwordforsticker”… No; “I would think of a sticker as say a whitelabelanda decal as clear”… No; “Usually a sticker is paper,exampleanAvery label and not durable and a decal has apermanentadhesiveand is more durable”… No, no, no!Let’s go to the New Oxford Dictionary and try to breakitdown.Then, I’ll let you know how we at Websticker (sellerofcustomstickers, decals, and labels) tend to definetheseproductcategories.sticker n. an adhesive label or notice, generallyprintedorillustrated.label n. a small piece of paper, fabric, plastic,orsimilarmaterial attached to an object and giving informationaboutit.decal n. a design prepared on special paper fortransferontoanother surface such as glass, porcelain, or metal.As you can see, it’s fairly obvious why we also getaskedthequestion; “what is the difference between a label andasticker?” Asticker can be a type of label… and labels withanadhesive arealso stickers. At we use theterm“sticker”, as in“bumper sticker”, “die cut sticker”,“windowsticker”, etc., todefine more heavy-duty labels/stickersthat canbe used outdoorsand hold up to the elements over anextended periodof time. Theseare printed on a vinyl or polyestermaterial withdurable outdoorinks.We generally use the term “label” to describeadhesiveproductsprinted on papers or foils with inks not suitableforoutdoors.“Address labels”, “shipping labels”, “lapel labels”,“foilseals”,etc., these tend to be supplied on a custom stickerroll orsheetfor use (indoors) on packaging, paperwork,clothing,products,etc.The term, “decals” on the other hand, isoftenusedinterchangeably with other outdoor sticker products. But,asyoucan see in the New Oxford definition, “decals” aremoreassociatedwith a “transfer” from one medium to another. “Decal”isshort for“decalcomania” and usually is a more decorativetypedesign. Thus“slide-on transfer decals” in the model buildingworld,orwater-slide ceramic decals (Transfers) for tile andceramicusesare an accurate use of the decal term.Where the decal-or-sticker confusion usually lies stemsfromvinylcut lettering and graphics. These are for long termoutdooruse andare supplied with a pre-masking sheet, so uponapplicationaretransferred from one sheet/medium to another. Unlikeatraditional“sticker” which is removed from it’s backing paperandstuckwhere-ever, these vinyl decals are being transferred(ofteninmultiple pieces) from the masking sheet to a smoothsurface. So,atWebsticker (and many other companies) vinyl cutletteringandgraphics are referred to as “decals” and allotherone-piece,outdoor printed vinyl or clear polyester as“stickers”.Decals area type of sticker, however, so you’ll hear andsee theterm “vinylcut stickers” as well (like in this informativevideo onhow vinylcut decals are made).I hope that drawn out answer helps. It is always best,regardlessofthe terms you use, to tell a manufacturer exactly whatyouaretrying to accomplish with this sticky medium and where youwantthesticker/decal ultimately to be applied/stuck. What everyouaretrying to label, decorate, or promote, if you want yourname(ormessage, or graphic) to stick, Websticker can helpclarifyanddesign the best custom product to meet your needs.
Unique Storage Design Ideas 2.1
storage design examples in the house.uniqueanddesigned it with a new one so many moreminimalistfunctioneffectively and certainly made withhigh-art
Tatto Name Ideas 1.0
Tattoos have become a real businessandaremaking a fashion trend in the last few years. Differentpeoplehavedifferent opinions about tattoos. But what actually isatattoo. Atattoo is a piece of art which is left on theperson’sbody for hisor her lifetime. The tattoo could be anythinglikehis/her name,somebody else’ names, flowers or anything thattheywish to getimprinted. Tattoos in recent days are widelyaccepted bypeoplefrom all walks of life. Different people withdifferentculture andethnicity are getting attracted towardstattoos.Moreover, therewere days when tattoos where done only onhands.But, now the trendhas been set to get tattooed wherever thepersonwishes to. Butstill, there are some people who look strangeaboutgettingtattooed. Some have even said it is really weirdandpainful. Letus see what are the benefits of getting a tattooandwhy people areso crazy and anxious about it.ArtSome people who are crazy about tattoos say that it isart.Theywish that their body serves to be a display for the artworkdone.Whatever tattoo it is and wherever it is printed on thebody,whenit is visible and seen by others, it gets the attention ofthematleast for a minute to see what it is and how it lookslike.Self-ExpressiveOne fact is that it is predictable to understand thecharacterofa person, who he is, how he behaves with the help ofthetattoosthat are printed on the body. Tattoos sometimes telltheworldabout the person who has got them on. For example, apersonwith atattoo of a guitar or musical note shows that he orshehasinterest in music either he/she plays musical instrumentsorloveslistening to music. Some people also tattoo wordingswhichtheyhave faith or believe in. For example, “Praise the Lord”showsthatthe person believes in God.The Experience of BondingSometimes, tattoos are even seen as a symbol ofbondingoraffection. These tattoos done for bonding could bebetweenbestfriends, members of the family and other life companionswhowantto be in a bonding or everlasting relationship. Forexample,inwestern countries, most of the couples who are gettingmarriedhaveset the trend of tattooing the wedding bands on the ringfingertosymbolize each other that they want to haveaneverlastingrelationship with each other. Although, tattooing isabit painful,getting it done with our loved ones is anunforgettablemomentwhich stays lifelong. And now, since people keepchangingtheirminds and want to have different tattoos fordifferentseasons,there are technology advancements that help inremoving thetattoofrom their body. Therefore in circumstances thata person’smindchanges, he no longer has to get irritated with hisor heroldtattoos; There are options to remove them.
Cerpen Anak Islami 1.0
manfaat membacakan cerita untuk anak yaitu:1. Meningkatkan kemampuan mendengar anakPembiasaan mendengar yang diperoleh anak saatsedangdibacakancerita oleh orang tua akan meningkatkankemampuanmendengar anak.Anak akan menjadi orang yang sabar dalamhalberkomunikasi karenakemampuannya menjadi pendengar yang baikdalambanyak hal kelakketika ia sudah dewasa.2. Menjadi fondasi dasar kemampuan berbahasaDalam cerita dan dongeng, anak dikenalkan denganberbagaikosakatadan istilah, struktur kalimat, ungkapan, danperibahasa.Denganseringnya anak dibacakan cerita maka kemampuanberbahasatermasukpenguasaan kosa katanya akan bertambah.Kemampuanberbahasa ini jugamenjadi dasar keterampilan komunikasianak dimasa datang.3. Meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi verbalDialog yang terjadi antara anak dan orang tua padasaatmembacakancerita akan menumbuhkan keberanian anak untukberbicara,bertanya,dan mengungkapkan pendapat. Kegiatan membacakanceritaini jugamenjadi fondasi dasar untuk mengajarkankemampuanmembaca.4. Mengasah logika berpikir dan rasa ingin tahuJalan cerita yang dituturkan membuat anakmenghubungkanantarasebab dan akibat, mencoba menebak akhir cerita,mengaitkanberbagaikejadian, memahami karakter tokoh, yang akhirnyamepertajamlogikapikirannya. Jalan cerita juga akan menerbitkan rasaingintahu.5. Menanamkan minat baca dan menjadi pintu gerbangmenujuilmupengetahuanKegiatan membacakan cerita mengasyikan menumbuhkankesukaanakancerita sehinga membuat anak tertarik mencari lebihbanyaklagimelalui buku bacaan. Buku bacaan sendiri adalahgerbangmenujuinformasi dan pengetahuan.6. Menambah wawasanDalam cerita biasanya banyak terselip ceritaberbagaiinformasiyang berharga, baik itu yang berkaitan dengankebudayaan,nilaimoral, bahkan informasi yang berkaitan dengan sainsatauilmusocial. Informasi yang diselipkan dalam cerita akandiseraplebihefektif oleh anak karena disampaikan dengancarayangmenyenangkan.7. Mengembangkan imajinasi dan petualanganCerita membebaskan pikiran anak. Melalui cerita, halyangtidaakmungkin. Berbagai situasi dapat pula diciptakanmelaluicerita. Adanaga yang bias terbang, tongkat ajaib, danraksasa baikhati. Halini akan mengembangkan imajinasi anak sertamembebaskanyadari rasatakut dari hal baru, mendorong anak untukmemandang duniasebagaitempat yang mengasyikkan, dan menumbuhkanjiwa petualang,Imajinasijuga menumbuhkan kreativitas dan ide. Danjangan lupa,bahkanEinstein pun mengatakan, "imajinasi lebih pentingdariilmupengetahuan".8. Mempererat ikatan batin orang tua dan anakKegiatan membacakan cerita kepada anak membanguninteraksiyangpositif antara orang tua dan anak, membuka jalurkomunikasiyangterbuka dan akarab, membangun kepercayaan anak kepadaorangtua,dan pada akhirnya mempererat ikatan batin.9. Meningkatkan kecerdasan emosional EQKecerdasan emosional atau yang sering disebutEQ,diyakinimerupakan modal kesuksesan yang lebih besardibandingkankecerdasanintelektual. Kecerdasan antara lain meliputikomunikasi,kemampuanberempati, kemampuan memotivasi diri, rasapercaya diri,dansebagainya. Melalui pilihan cerita yang tepat,berbagaikemampuandi atas dapat ditumbuhkan dalam diri anak.10. Alat untuk menanamkan nilai moral, etika,danmembangunkepribadianDalam berbagai cerita dan bacaan yang dipilih orangtuadapatmenyelipkan pengenalan terhadap etika, moral,danaturanbermasyarakat lainnya dengan cara yang tidakmemaksadanmengintimidasi11. Menyelami berbagai budaya yang berbedaCerita dan bacaaan yang dipilih orang tuaseringkalimenyelipkanberbagai aturan serta kehidupan berbudaya ditempat yangberbeda.Dengan demikian, anak akan dikenalkan denganberbagaijeniskebudayaan.12. Relaksasi JiwaMembacakan cerita untuk anak dapat menenangkan anakyangsedangrewel sekalipun.
333 Cerpen Horor Paling Seram 1.0
Manfaat membaca Cerita HororEfek MenenangkanDalam beberapa cara, Cerpen horor memberikan faktoryangmenenangkan.Meski plot yang tidak pasti bisa dalam Cerpenhorordapat memberikanstres, namun ketidakpastian ini dapatmemberikanjalan untuk Andamenanggulangi stres untuk menolong Andamenghadapimasalah dikehidupan nyata. Membaca Cerpen horor dapatmemberikanAnda semacampengalihan pikiran dan membantu Andamelupakankegelisahan dan stresdi kehidupan sehari-hari.Adrenaline RushKadang-kadang ketika sedang stres, Anda perlumembuatadrenalinterpompa. Ahli medis profesional percaya bahwaMembacaCerpen horordapat membuat adrenalin terpompa ke seluruhtubuh.Keantusiasan danketidakpastian emosi Anda mengaktifkankelenjaradrenal untukmemompa adrenalin yang akan menghasilkansemburanenergi dan dapatmelepas senyawa-senyawa yang menghasilkanmood baikke otakAnda.Bagus untuk OtakMembaca Cerpen horor dapat memberikan manfaat bagus untukotak.Emosiyang naik turun saat Membaca Cerpen seram dapatmengeluarkansenyawamood baik di otak seperti dopamine, serotonindanglutamate.Senyawa-senyawa ini dapat menciptakan adrenalinyangdapan menjadiefek anestesia di tubuh yang mirip dengan efekobatyang dapatmenurunkan stres dan kegelisahan.Lebih Siap Menghadapi KenyataanCerpen seram dapat menolong Anda menyiapkan diri danmentalakansebuah keadaan yang tiba-tiba, yang bisa Anda terapkandikehidupannyata. Anda menjadi lebih waspada terhadapsituasisekitar.Modus PelukNonton Cerpen seram biasa dijadikan ajang modus.Pasanganyangketakutan pasti akan serta merta memegang atau memelukAndasaatada adegan yang terlalu menyeramkan ataumengagetkan.Denganmemeluk Anda dapat melepas emosi yang terasamembebaniapalagiketika Anda merasa takut.Membakar KaloriSebuah studi dari Universitas Westminster menemukan bahwa90menitadrenalin yang terpompa ke tubuh, dapat membakar hingga113kalori.Inilah yang dilakukan Cerpen menegangkan, yang dapatmembuatdenyutnadi berdetak lebih kencang dan darah terpompa yangmembuatkaloridi tubuh terbakar.