Top 16 Games Similar to 綜藝水果盤(slot machine、水果機台拉霸)

霹靂遊藝場 1.1.54
正宗霹靂布袋戲獨家授權,猴年新春賀歲上市!支援Facebook帳號登入,體驗與好友同桌拉霸遊樂的最佳選擇!遊戲特色:◇每日贈送免費金幣,無限暢玩!◇多樣化趣味小遊戲,百玩不厭數十種獨家主題機台!◇全台規模最大的社交好友功能,和您的好友一塊入桌!◇支援Facebook帳號登入,立即下載即可獲得150萬免費遊戲幣!例行維護時間:每週二 10:30 am ~ 11:30 am (gmt+8)
水果老虎机 3.0
曾经风靡一时,赌场、街机房随处可见的水果机游戏免费玩啦!曾经风靡一时,赌场、街机房随处可见的水果机游戏免费玩啦!模拟赌场、街机经典游戏,押水果赢取金币,押宝中777谁让你一夜暴富,成为高富帅。你可能在西门汀、澳门的赌场见过这种游戏,在那里它叫角子老虎机、水果机或者是轮盘拉霸,如果你是在拉斯维加斯的赌场玩,人们把它叫做Slot或者Cashout。游戏画面精美,风格清新、放松,使用了逼真的音效还原真实场景,让你感觉就像站在赌场的水果机台前。玩家可以随时随地玩上一局,试试运气,看能赢多少个游戏币!金币永久保存。游戏玩法介绍:1游戏拥有街机房流行的Cashout水果机模式,玩家使用金币筹码押宝苹果、铃铛、777、bar等8种图标,押宝中奖后最多获得50倍金币筹码;2游戏还有赌场流行的Slot拉霸模式,玩家拉杆,机台出现各种相同水果图标后取得对应的奖励,押宝中奖最多也可以获得50倍金币筹码;游戏特性:1 游戏拥有Cashout水果机和Slot拉霸模式,玩法各不相同;2 每日登录有抽奖系统,抽奖百分表中奖,可以免费赢取金币筹码;3游戏评价系统非常有趣:全新的欠债系统,即使输光了你的金币游戏也不会结束,系统累计欠债并有相应的评价。赶快来玩吧,看看你能成为屌丝,还是高富帅!4 游戏评价引入了暴走漫画风格,非常搞笑!注意:本游戏为免费游戏,不会有任何收费项目,非常适合疯狂喜爱赌场的人,不论你喜爱赛马、21点、轮盘、骰子、麻将、扑克,都可以来这里试一试这款幸运水果机!游戏的官方微博:游戏的官方博客:
捕魚達人-大型機台打魚完美移植 7.51.09
Poker City
1. It is popular with more than 100 million players in Asia, sothatyou will never go to the game hall again! 2. It has been onthebestseller list for many times, a gorgeous multiplayer fishinggame!3. Real networking, thousands of people online, endless wavesandwaves!
史上最實用的APP應用程式 1.0.67
你現在即將見證史上最實用的APP應用程式!目前的遊戲功能有:按摩(按得越快分數越高吃冰棒(最短時間內吃完冰棒搔癢(用最快的速度養死目標泡沫紅茶(用力的搖可以瘦手臂XD大眼瞪小眼(比賽不眨眼睛你能贏媽?多種超實用APP:燙睫毛、健康檢察、退熱貼、暖暖包、除濕、光合作用分手安慰程式(失戀的時候最需要的!)電蚊拍(看到蚊子就用力打下去)耳溫槍(來看看你發燒了沒有)刮鬍刀(男人每天刮鬍子必備!光速刀(跟朋友來場星際大戰吧!龍五的槍(還可以補子彈喔!手榴彈(千萬不要真的丟出去黑XD按摩棒(痠痛的時候最需要嚇人按鈕(18禁 小朋友和老人千萬不要點 很恐怖的!轉酒瓶(派對遊戲專用 轉到誰 誰就XXOO香菸盒(交際應酬必備!打火機(有時候點不起來!?電擊棒(遇到壞人的時候就電他魔術硬幣(讓身邊的朋友大吃一驚跑步機(看看你可以跑多快數羊(睡不著專用花瓣占卜( 他愛我~他不愛我煎蛋(小心不要燒焦風鈴(清靜一下扇子(天氣很熱可以扇一下月餅禮盒(不用愁沒禮物送人了XD衛生紙(每天都會用到丟硬幣(拿捏不定主意的時候最好用丟骰子(請勿拿來賭博!龜派氣功(哈咩哈咩哈!!鋼鐵人光束(帥氣的光束大聲板手(你是在大聲甚麼拉!讀心術(超神奇的拉螺旋丸(一個人拿著 一個人負責集氣神奇海螺(有任何問題都可以問海螺喔節拍器(滴答滴答 超有節奏感的!等等各種神奇又實用的功能應有盡有。如果有想到新奇的實用功能想分享的話,也可以在評錀上或官網上推薦給我們。你的點子就有機會出現在史上最實用的APP裡面喔!心動嗎? 還不趕快拿起你的智慧型手機,趕快下載!本APP純屬博君一笑,切勿認真對待如果實用純屬巧合。有任何問題的話歡迎到我們Facebook上留言。Facebook專頁:官方網站:http://yodawnla.com靈感來源 感謝 "This Group Of People 這群人"的爆笑APP應用程式影片這群人官方粉絲:請無視以下文章========本遊戲是根據"這群人"的爆笑APP為靈感所作出來的惡搞休閒小遊戲,裡面的內容相當的簡單卻相當實用,不管是拿來打蚊子或者用光劍砍殺討厭的人都是一絕,裡面的暖暖包更可以讓你在寒冷的時候拿出來溫暖雙手!想知道搔癢遊戲的正確玩法嗎?對著熟睡的朋友,在他耳邊播出惡魔的笑聲,如果造成友情糾紛我們不負責喔。You are now abouttowitness the history of the most practical applications APP!The current game features include:Massage (by the faster the higher the scoreEating popsicles (the shortest time eating popsiclesItching (the fastest goal to raise the deadBubble tea (thin arm can shake hard XD大眼瞪小眼 (do not blink you can win the game mom?A variety of ultra-practical APP: hot eyelashes,healthinspections and cooling paste, Nuannuan Bao,dehumidification,photosynthesisComfort break program (lovelorn when most needed!)Mosquito (see swatted mosquitoes)Ear thermometer (to see if you do not have a fever)Razors (men shave every day essential!Lightspeed Knife (Star Wars games with friends now!Five Long guns (you can also make bullets Oh!Grenade (Do not really throw out black XDVibrators (sore when most neededScary buttons (18 ban children and the elderly, do not pointveryscary!Turn the bottle (party game dedicated to anyone who will XXOOCigarette box (socializing necessary!Lighters (sometimes point is not up!?Electric shock stick (the bad guys when it came to power, heMagic Coin (let her friends by surpriseTreadmill (see if you can run fastCounting sheep (sleep dedicatedPetals divination (he loves me - he does not love meOmelette (Be careful not to scorchCampanula (quiet aboutFan (hot weather what can fansMoon cake gift box (do not worry not a gift of the XDToilet paper (used every dayThrow coins (just the right idea when it is best touseindefiniteThrow dice (Do not bring gambling!Turtler Qigong (ha baa baa ha ha !!Iron Man beam (beam handsomeLoud wrench (you are what pull out loud!Read minds (super magical pullSpiral pill (a man holding a person in charge of thegasgatheringMagical conch (have any questions you can ask conch OhMetronome (ticking over rhythmic!So a variety of magical and practical features everything.If you have thought of new useful features like to share, youcanalso recommend the official website or give us in thecommentRoentgenium.Your ideas have the opportunity to appear in the history of themostuseful APP inside Oh!Heart it? Do not hurry to pick up your smart phone,quicklydownload!The APP is purely Bo Jun smile, not to be taken seriouslyIf the utility is purely coincidental.Have any questions, then welcome to leave a message onourFacebook.Facebook page: website:http://yodawnla.comSource of inspiration thanks "This Group Of People groupofpeople," the hilarious movie APP applicationThe group official fan: http: // ignore the following article ======== =======This game is based on "these people" inspired by APP'shilariousspoof of casual games out, the content inside is quitesimple butvery useful, whether it is used to fight mosquitoes orstabbed witha lightsaber is a nuisance absolutely, inside NuannuanBao more canlet you out in the cold when the warmth of your hands!Want to knowthe proper game play itching it? Against sleepingfriend, the devilin his ear aired laughter, friendship causedisputes if we are notresponsible for Oh.
FarmVille 2: Country Escape 24.2.23
Build your own farm, grow crops, nurture animals and escape tothecountryside!
Fruit Drops 2 - Match 3 puzzle 3.0.0
Addictive match three game, exciting game play, variousobstacles& challenges.
Minions Paradise™ 11.0.3403
Create the vacation of a lifetime for youandthe Minions!When a lovable yet bumbling Minion named Phil sinks the cruiseshipcarrying his Minion buddies, he must turn a desertedtropicalisland into the perfect paradise! Join IlluminationEntertainment –the creators of the MINIONS movie – and EA as youtake yourfavorite Minions on an incredible journey.GET TROPICALLY CREATIVEBuild the perfect Minions Paradise! Customize your island withhottubs, hammocks, and beach volleyball courts. Decorate withfireflytrees and flower beds, harness power from electric eels, andgrowbushels of bananas to create an island paradise for yourMinionbuddies.EXPLORE PARADISEThe more land you uncover, the more fun your Minions willhave!Become an expert at alligator waterskiing, throw mangoes fromhotair balloons, and dive off waterslides as you travel overyourgiant island packed with foliage, fun, and an ocean fullofwaves.PARTY WITH YOUR FAVORITE MINIONSShare your paradise with Kevin, Stuart, and Bob from theMINIONSmovie! Make your—and their—vacation dreams come true and bejoinedby all your favorite Minion buddies.COMPLETE VILLAINOUS MASTER PLANSWhere there are Minions, there must be a villain to serve! AidtheMinions as they work to finish Professor Flux’s master plans.HelpFlux put his dastardly schemes into motion and earn specialMinionLevel-Up Tokens to upgrade the abilities of yourfavoriteMinions!User Agreement: terms.ea.comVisit for assistance or inquiries.EA may retire online features and services after 30 days’noticeposted on Consumer Information: requires a persistentInternetconnection (network fees may apply);Requires acceptance ofEA’sPrivacy & Cookie Policy and User Agreement.includes in-game advertising; collects data through thirdpartyanalytics technology (see Privacy & Cookie Policy fordetails);contains direct links to the Internet and socialnetworking sitesintended for an audience over 13.
綜藝7PK(7 Poker、撲克梭哈 )
-●簡介7PK是遊藝場裡最賦有樂趣的「撲克牌」遊戲之一,從人人熟悉的梭哈演變而來,簡單來說就是七張牌的梭哈(又稱7Poker,七張撲克加兩張鬼牌);一款令人津津樂道的7PK遊戲,帶牌公式是遊戲最重要的精髓與靈魂。當玩家熟記帶牌公式,將能更深入的享受猜牌與算牌所帶來的成就感;而遊戲積分也跟著玩家的智慧與毅力水漲船高囉!●玩法《綜藝7PK》的玩法很容易,每局有七張牌及四次下注機會,每次加注時都可以從已得手的牌做評估,拿到好牌加大注,拿到爛牌也可以隨時收手。即使決定不加注,已投入的金幣也不會白費,系統會自動將七張牌都打開,此時如果有符合得獎的牌型一樣會依照賠率贏得金幣喔!●活動此版本為《綜藝7PK》初試蹄聲搶先試玩之作,後續將會有贈獎活動的發佈,請各位玩家可以先熟悉使綜藝7PK的操作模式,以增加未來活動上線的得獎機率喔!您可透過 網站,來留意活動的發佈時間。
Fruit Link Deluxe 2.3
Coool Game
This is a very addictive and best match-three casual game inthegoogle play!
Fruit Bump
Match 3 puzzle game with unique goals from makers of Jewel MashandJungle Mash!
水果粉碎传奇 1.4.0
水果粉碎传奇是当前爆红的两消游戏,被点中的水果只有有超过一个同样的水果相连,再次点击即可消除.水果粉碎传奇是地铁公交饭后睡前必玩的游戏,画面超级精致, 痛快的来一场畅快淋漓的消除比赛吧!!!注: 安卓版保持与IPHONE版本的一致玩法,完全免费Legendiscurrentlycrushing the fruit bursts of two elimination games, isthepoint ofthe fruit only to have more than one connected to thesamefruit,click to eliminate again.Metro Transit is crushed fruit after a meal beforebedtimelegendwill play the game, the screen super fine, happy toenjoy averyexciting game to eliminate it! ! !Note: The Android version IPHONE maintain a consistent versionoftheplay, completely free of charge
Fruits Journey:Jelly Blast 101.041
Fruits Journey:Jelly BlastThe super new and hot game with million players. Differentwithothers.Fruits Journey is a casual game, and jelly blast!Find the shinning stars and get it! Solve all the puzzles and trytoget three stars in each level! Have fun in thissweetestadventure!Travel through magical lands, visiting wondrous fruits palaceandmeeting deliciously cookie characters!Switch and match your way through hundreds of levels inthisdelicious puzzle adventure.The sweetest game just keeps getting sweeter!Fruits Journey:Jelly Blast features:- Sweet and delicious fruits!- Fun and easy to play, but challenge to fully master- Many unique levels to make game more addictiveHow to play:1. Match three or more identical fruits or jelly2. Clear blocks3. Make the goal star and jewels down to last line to solvethepuzzleEnjoy this Fruits Journey:Jelly Blast!
捕魚無雙傳奇千炮版(街機電玩達人)繁體中文版 1.5.27
◆◆ 街機廳動漫城最火爆刺激千炮捕魚遊戲!◆◆◆◆ 每日金幣送不停,更多好禮等您挖掘! ◆◆【遊戲特色】▼ 百分百真人聯機在線打魚,告別假聯網,帥哥美女上傳靚照約起來~~▼ 前所未有的全新3D制作BOSS,千炮狂賺~~▼ 每月都將增加新玩法~帶妳爽歪帶妳海~~▼ 全面移植街機千炮捕魚玩法及畫面,帶妳找回賺分的感覺~~▼ 大三元,大四喜,壹網打盡,定屏炸彈,全屏炸彈,海豚,金龍等等等等,各種玩法應有盡有~▼ 《子彈反彈》彈無虛發:子彈射出後可以反彈,子彈不落空,不會浪費金幣。▼《酷炫技能》鎖定、狂暴、極速、萬炮、定屏,變態技能助妳橫掃BOSS!▼《千炮街機》純正的街機千炮玩法,子彈無限反彈,加炮獎勵翻倍!▼《百種版本》金蟾捕魚,大聖鬧海,李逵劈魚,蛇行億年,100個版本,應有盡有,通關還送大量金幣!【遊戲優勢】★大陸最火的街機捕魚遊戲,遊戲內容豐富,有著多種元素。在開心捕魚的同時,帶妳暢遊美麗的海底世界;還可以體驗街機廳的快感,加入許多老虎機以及拉霸機的元素,遊戲裡面的幸運輪盤以及壹些趣味小遊戲,定會讓妳愛不釋手,街機捕魚達人掌中必備!★遊戲創新各種神技,鎖定、狂暴、極速、萬炮、定屏等技能助妳在深海捕魚中更加簡單粗暴,無論妳是電玩城高手還是新手小白,在遊戲中學會運用各種技能,再加上壹點點幸運捕魚就是這麼簡單,就是這麼任性!★如果妳總是孤單壹個人,交友困難戶,時常感到無聊,妳可以下載我們的捕魚遊戲;如果妳在漫長的公交、地鐵途中,妳可以下載我們的捕魚遊戲,隨時隨地給妳帶來捕魚樂趣,幫妳趕走無聊,讓妳不再孤單!★如果妳喜歡熱鬧,喜歡刺激,喜歡賭博帶來的快感,甚至會時常出入賭場。妳可以下載我們的遊戲,雖然我們的遊戲並不能像德州撲克這類帶給妳刺激,但我們遊戲裡面的輪盤遊戲等特殊環節能帶給妳不壹樣的樂趣,嘻嘻哈哈賭聖稱號就到手了。有了它,妳足不出戶,就能享受到無盡的樂趣!★ 趕快加入我們吧,加入鯊魚全民大戰的行列,讓我們在這海底世界橫掃天下,開創自己的捕魚時代,成就妳的捕魚傳奇吧!★ 海量金幣搭配神秘禮包,驚喜連連讓妳賺翻天!★ 邀請好友壹起踏上充滿傳奇色彩的捕魚之旅吧!!!【關註我們】官方微信公眾號:bywsol客服QQ:1727126893◆◆ arcade cartooncity'smost popular fishing stimulate one thousand artillerygame!◆◆◆◆ send non-stop daily gold, more gifts waiting for you to dig! ◆◆[Game Features]▼ hundred percent live online online fishing, farewellfakenetworking, upload Videos of hotties about it ~~▼ unprecedented new 3D production BOSS, one thousandartilleryKuangzhuan ~~▼ month will add new gameplay - take you cool crooked takeyousea ~▼ comprehensive transplant arcade one thousand fishing gunplayand screen take you earn points to get back the feeling ~▼ Big Three, Luckiest Man, One net play to do, set screenbomb,full-screen bomb, dolphin, dragon, etc., etc., all kinds ofgamesare played everything ~▼ "bullet bounce" eyesight: When can bounce bullets firedbulletsdo not fall, do not waste coins.▼ "cool skill" lock, violent, speed, Wan guns, fixedscreen,metamorphosis skills help u sweep BOSS!▼ "one thousand gun arcade" pure play arcade one thousandguns,bullets unlimited rebound, plus artillery reward double!▼ "one hundred kinds of versions of" toad fish, seaStorydowntown, Li Kui split fish, hunting billion years, 100version,everything, clearance gave a lot of gold!Games Advantages]★ continent hottest arcade fishing game, game content-rich, withavariety of elements. While fishing in the happy, take you tothebeautiful underwater world tour; you can also experience thethrillof the arcade, adding elements of many slot machines as wellasslot machines, roulette game inside the Lucky One more funandgames, will make u addictive, arcade fishing Daren handsmusthave!★ Game Innovation various nirvana, lock, violent, speed,Wanguns, set screens and other skills to help u in deep-sea fishingina more simple and crude, whether u are a master or a novicewhitegaming city in the game learn to use a variety of skills, Oneplusis that simple bit lucky fishing is so headstrong!★ If u always alone One person, friends hardship, often bored,ucan download our fishing game; if u In the long bus, subway ontheway, u can download our fishing game, anytime, anywhere to bringuto fishing fun help u get rid of boredom, let u nolongeralone!★ If u like fun, like the stimulation, like the thrillofgambling, even frequented casinos. U can download ourgame,although our game and Texas Hold'em give u such stimulus, butweplay inside the roulette and other special links can bring u donotlike fun One can not, like, laughing and joking Winner titleonhand a. With it, u staying at home, you can enjoy endlessfun!★ Come on and join us, join the ranks of World War IIsharkreferendum, let us in this underwater world swept the world,tocreate their own fishing times, the achievements of thelegendaryfishing u it!★ massive gold with mystical gifts, surprises It allows youtomake earthshaking!★ Invite friends from the foot on the legendary One fishingtripnow! ! !【Follow us】No public official micro letter: bywsolCustomer Service QQ: 1727126893
EatWhatNTHU(Beta) 1.0
Is it bothering you that you can notdecidewhat to eat for lunch/dinner in NTHU?Use this app and pull the SLOTBAR! Then you might get someideaof what to eat!