Top 3 Apps Similar to Color Reminders

Reminders 1.4
Mark Rebhan
Set up reminders in seconds for all ofyourtasks!There are many different ways to set up recurring reminderswiththis app. You can repeat tasks at certain times every day,certaindays of the week, and certain days of the month. You canalso setup custom recurring reminders every specified amount ofdays, weeksor months. One time reminders are also supported.There are three types of notification modes:- Low = basic notification with no tone or vibration that canbeswiped away from the notification pane- Medium = notification with vibration and alert tone thatrequiresaction on the notification pane to be dismissed- High = alarm that will wake your device and requires actiontodisable
Remind Me - Task Reminder App 4.0.3
Lucidify Labs
Never forget a thing! Remind Me - A minimalistic and featurerichtask reminder!
FingerString Reminders 0.9.1
Get reminders that are triggered at adate&time, or when you arrive at a specific location. If youneedtoremember to do something, such as to pick the kids upfromschool,you can enter the date and time, along with adescriptionof what youwant to remember to do. Or you may want toremember tobuy shampoowhen you go to a store, or to call somebodywhen youget home. Justenter the address and when you arrive,you’ll get anotification. Ifyou’re tied up or don’t feel liketyping, you caneven record yourown voice, and then play it backlater when youget reminded.FingerString supports the following reminder types:- Custom (text that you enter)- Place Phone Call- Send Text Message- Send Email- Voice RecordingComing Soon:- Recurring reminders (for example, set a dailyorweeklyreminder)- Shopping list supportWe’re open to suggestions! If you would like to seenewfeatures,go to Menu-Feedback and let us know!Please note that this is a beta version, which means thatitisstill under testing. We have tested on a variety of devices,butweare aware that some outlying issues may remain. Please letusknowif you experience any problems. Just go to Menu-Feedbacktosend usan email. Thanks!