Top 11 Apps Similar to Flow

Pomodoro Timer Pro 2.3.0
Tatkov Lab
Is your productivity low and time your enemy? It's time tochangethat!
Minimalist Pomodoro Timer 2.5.8
A minimalist but powerful pomodoro timer to keep you focused.Studyand log.
Brain Focus Productivity Timer
Brain Focus
Improve your productivity and stay focused using thistimer(Pomodoro, 52/17).
Pomodoro Timer Lite 2.3.0
Tatkov Lab
It's time to increase your productivity and quality of your work!
Productivity Challenge Timer 1.11.2
Productivity Challenge Timer aims to helpyoube more productive, more focused, waste less time and so on,youalready know all that stuff.What this app is about is challenging you to work harderandtracking your work habits. You'll earn/lose ranks depending onyourperformance, earn achievements and track your productivityovertime, so you'll know how long you worked on what and duringwhichdays of the week and hours of the day you're at yourmostproductive.Now here's a few things you should know before downloading:- This is not an organizer. If you can't keep track of whatyou'resupposed to be doing, this app is not for you. The appincludestracking of projects so you know how much time you spentworking oneach of your clients/books/websites/whatever - like atime sheet,but it's not meant to be an organizer or a to-dolist.- This app is in English only. No translations are planned fortheforeseeable future.- This app will not let you pause work sessions or finishthemearly, so if you have a tiny baby-sized bladder and you needtopause every few minutes, this app is not for you. The shortestworksession you can set is 10 minutes and you're not supposed tobeinterrupted. Also because I use this app too, and I'd be thefirstto abuse that pause feature to go look up useless nonsenseinsteadof getting work done.- The purpose of this app is not to promote a healthywork-lifebalance, but to get you to work harder. Because of this,it doesnot recognize weekends or holidays or parenting or any otherexcuseto take time off, and it will demote you if you startslipping.Please don't expect the app to validate your goals, itssolepurpose is to make you work harder, even when youshouldn't.- If you want to use the app with the screen off, make sureit'sbeen exempted from any battery saving apps/features your devicemaybe using.That's it, thanks for reading and I hope you find this app asusefulas I do.
Meu Pomodoro 1.0.1
Keep your focus by applying the pomodoro technique intheiractivities
ClearMind Productivity Timer 2.0.2
Boost your time management and get better results in yourdailytasks!
Break Reminder - Pomodoro 1.74
A simple and minimalistic break remindertokeeptrack of time spent working and alert when it's time forashortbreak. And it's completely free - no ads, no payments-cleanexperience.Health and Safety regulations state the necessity of"The5–minutepause after 55 minutes of continuous work.."Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland(HSENI)suggeststhat "'s better to take shorter breaks moreoften atyourworkstation than longer breaks and less often."This app provide simple and ergonomic timer with auserfriendlyalert function to keep you on track of your time.Whether it's Pomodoro or Agile - get back to work!
Noisli: Focus and Relax 1.1.2
Ambient sounds, nature, rain, and white noise to help youfocus,relax or sleep.
RPG ToDo List & Calendar. Habit Tracker. Organizer
Stay motivated & achieve your Goals by turning your ToDos&Habits into a game!
SimplyFocus Pomodoro Timer 1.2.3
A Souppes
Fight procrastination with SimplyFocuspomodorocountdown timer. This application is a pomodoro-basedtimer to helpyou manage your time, limit interruptions andcomplete tasks moreefficiently.There are five steps to the technique:1.Decide on the task to be done.2.Set the SimplyFocus timer, traditionally one "pomodoro" equalsto25 minutes.3.Work on the task until the timer rings. If a distraction popsintoyour head, write it down, but immediately get back ontask.4.If you have fewer than four sessions, take a short break(5minutes), then go to step 1.5.After four sessions, take a longer break.Features:☆ ad-free☆ configurable tasks and break duration☆ ability to pause/restart task☆ sound and vibration notifications☆ statistics chart with changeable colour theme.☆ application light/dark theme☺ Get more productive with SimplyFocus countdown timer. ☺