Top 18 Games Similar to Bajka o niedźwiedziach

Kolory, niezwykłe przygody 1.0
Franciszka i Stefan Themerson: "Żółte,zielone,czerwone, niebieskie, niezwykłe przygody".Unikalna aplikacja dla dzieci opracowana napodstawieoryginalnego projektu graficzno – literackiego Franciszkii StefanaThemersonów. Nigdy wcześniej nieopublikowana książka oświeciewyobraźni, który można tworzyć i zmieniać za pomocąkolorowych farbi kredek.Odkryj radość rysowania i poznaj moc dziecięcej wyobraźni.Poznajkolorowy świat Janka i przeżyj niesamowitą przygodę!Ciepła i pełna optymizmu opowieść o ojcu - artyściemalarzu,który uczy swojego syna sztuki rysowania poprzezopowiadanieniezwykłej historii i jednoczesne malowanie jej.Opowiedziana przepięknym językiem i pomysłowo zilustrowanafabułapobudza wyobraźnię dziecka oraz inspiruje do podejmowaniawłasnejaktywności twórczej. Wspólne malowanie ojca i syna jest nietylkoźródłem radości, ale również pokazuje jak sztuka budujewięzirodzinne oraz jak dzięki sztuce dziecko zdobywa wiedzęoświecie.Aplikacja składa się z 44 stron opracowanych napodstawierękopisu z początku lat 30. XX wieku. Treść książki możnapoznawaćna dwa sposoby – poprzez samodzielne czytanie lubsłuchanienagrania lektora wspartego animacjami i podświetlaniemtekstu.Dodatkowo, aplikacja jest wzbogacona o 5 interaktywnychgierzwiązanych z treścią książki oraz zabawą z kolorami imalowaniem(nauka rysowania, mieszanie kolorów, quizy, wyścigkrólika,zapamiętywanka).Cechy aplikacji:- prosta, intuicyjna obsługa, dostosowana domożliwościdziecka- dwa sposoby poznawania treści: samodzielne czytanieorazsłuchanie- obrazkowy spis treści umożliwiający łatwe poruszanie siępostronach książki- interaktywne gry związane z tematem książkiFrancis andStefanThemerson: "Yellow, green, red, blue, extraordinaryadventure."The unique application developed for children based ontheoriginal design - graphic literary Frances and StephenThemersons.Never before published a book about the world ofimagination, whichcan be created and changed with colorful paintsand pencils.Discover the joy of drawing and explore the power of achild'simagination. Explore the colorful world of Janka andexperience anamazing adventure!Warm and full of optimism, the story of a father - artistpainterwho teaches his son art drawing by telling a rich historyand at thesame time painting her.Told beautiful language and imaginatively illustratedstorystimulates a child's imagination and inspires you to make yourowncreative activity. Joint painting of father and son is not onlyasource of joy, but also shows how art builds family tiesthroughart and how the child acquires knowledge about theworld.The application consists of 44 pages compiled from themanuscriptof the early 30s The twentieth century. The book you canlearn intwo ways - through independent reading or listening torecordingsteacher supported by animations and texthighlighting.In addition, the application is enriched with fiveinteractivegames related to the contents of the book, and playingwith colorsand painting (the study of drawing, color mixing,quizzes, racerabbit zapamiętywanka).Application Features:- Simple and intuitive to use, fits the child- Two ways of reading this: independent reading and listening- Picture a table of contents for easy navigation through thepagesof a book- Interactive games related to the theme of the book
Chory Kotek 1.0
Stanisław Jachowicz: Chory kotekBajka do czytania i słuchania dla dzieci w wieku 2-8 lat.Jedna z niewielu na rynku polskim tak rozbudowanamultimedialnapublikacja książkowa dla dzieci, dostępna naplatformie Android.Klasyczna wierszowana bajka autorstwa pionierapolskiej literaturydla dzieci, Stanisława Jachowicza, opatrzonazostała zabawnymi ipomysłowymi animowanymi ilustracjami LudwikiMicińskiej –utalentowanej młodej artystki.Oprócz wartości literackiej, książka ma walory edukacyjne.Tekst,sugestywnie interpretowany przez aktora, kończy siępoważnym, choćpodanym z humorem morałem o konieczności dbania oto, co i jak jemy.Osobny dział zawiera gry logiczno-zręcznościowe,nawiązujące dotreści utworu i dostosowane do możliwości percepcjidziecka.Znana od pokoleń bajeczka zachęca, aby czytać ją wspólniezrodzicami lub dziadkami. Książka pobudza wyobraźniędziecka,przekazuje wartościowe treści poznawcze i literackie,rozwijasprawność spostrzegawczość i koncentracjęCechy naszej aplikacji:✔ trzy sposoby poznawania treści: samodzielne czytanie,słuchanie,gry✔ prosta, intuicyjna obsługa, dostosowana domożliwościdziecka✔ obrazkowy spis treści - swobodne poruszanie się podziałachksiążki✔ przewracanie kolejnych kartek opowieściPodstawowe zalety:✔ bogata ścieżka audio: głosowi znanego polskiego aktoratowarzyszyciekawa muzyka i wiele efektów dźwiękowych; wszystkie teelementytworzą atrakcyjne słuchowisko✔ ilustracje są duże i wyraźne – co ma znaczenie dlaprzyciągnięciauwagi małych dzieci.✔ dział interaktywnych gier związanych z tematem baśni(piramidażywienia; memory, łapanie myszek); każda z gier jestświetnązabawą, a jednocześnie ćwiczy koordynacjęwzrokowo-ruchowąStanislaw Jachowicz:SickkittenTale of reading and listening to children aged 2-8 years.One of the few on the Polish market as extensivemultimediachildren's book publication, available on the Androidplatform. Aclassic fairy tale in verse by the pioneer of Polishliterature forchildren, Stanislaw Jachowicza, bear was funny andclever animatedillustrations by Louise Micinska - talented youngartist.In addition to the literary value, the book haseducationalvalue. Text, suggestively interpreted by the actor endsupseriously, but given the moral sense of humor about the needtocare about what and how we eat. A separate section containsthelogical arcade game, referring to the work content and tailoredtothe possibility of the perception of the child.Known for generations story encourages you to read it withtheirparents or grandparents. The book stimulates thechild'simagination, provide valuable cognitive contents andliteraryperception develops agility and concentrationFeatures of our application:✔ three ways of learning content: independent reading,listening,playing✔ simple, intuitive operation, optimized to the possibilityofchild✔ pictorial table of contents - move freely in the branches ofabook✔ turning pages next storyThe main advantages:✔ rich audio track: the voice of a famous Polish actorisaccompanied by a lot of interesting music and sound effects, allofthese elements create attractive radio play✔ illustrations are large and clear - which is important toattractthe attention of young children.✔ dział interactive games related to the theme of fairytales(pyramid nutrition, memory, catching mice), every game is alot offun while practicing eye-hand coordination
Glam Doll House: Fashion Girls Craft & Exploration
Doll house fashion girls craft! Build & craft! For girlsit’sthebest free game! Build and decorate a doll house! Craftlikeaprincess! Fashion, design and creativity in one princessdollgamefor girls! Unicorns may become your friends!Building&crafting for girls! For Teens! Fashion craft with adollhouse!Become a glam doll fashion designer! Fill out theroomswithfurniture. Make your own dream doll house! Use apre-generateddollhouse or build your own! You can build a shoppingcenter, spaorpet shop! Princess girl house or Nail salon - buildinggameforgirls! Mine & exploration. Adventure game forgirls.Decoratethe walls with wallpapers, use furniture to designtheperfect,cute interior. Delicious strawberry cake in thekitchen,cute pinkliving room. Glam doll house & salondecoration thenew way!Build a little tiny princess room! princesspalace or Elisahouse!exploration in a cube craft world! Makefriends with a andUnicorn!Use flowers, cute kittens and pets tomake your doll housesupercool! Fun sim game! Crafting simulator!Glam Doll house cleanupand decoration! Sweet girls room decoratedwith funny cutekittensand strawberries as a wallpaper. Ultraawesome pink andcolorfulfurniture. Fill the bathroom with stylishequipment. Becomeaninterior designer starting with a dream dollhouse! Use3Denvironment (sandbox) to create anything you want!Summer funwithGlam Doll House. High school romance or shopping dayfun!Creativegame for creative girls! Or even adults! Free! TakeyourBFF andcreate a room for them! Glam doll salon the newway!Explore, build& craft! For girls this game givesopportunity tousecreativity and fashionist skills! Make up a dollhouse the wayyouwant! Princess doll house for free! Fashion storyin ablockyworld.
Słoniątko 1.0
Rudyard Kipling: SłoniątkoBajka do czytania i słuchania dla dzieci w wieku 4-10lat.Aplikacja dodatkowo zawiera grę logiczno-zręcznościową,nawiązującądo treści oraz efektowny filmik animowany, oparty nafabulebajki.Klasyczna pozycja angielskiej i światowej literaturydziecięcej,napisana przez Rudyarda Kiplinga. Zabawna opowieść osympatycznychzwierzętach afrykańskich i ich przygodach. Motywwędrówki izdobywania doświadczeń życiowych. Nowy przekład na językpolski.Piękne nowe ilustracje autorstwa słynnego nestorapolskiejilustracji dziecięcej – Józefa Wilkonia wykonanebezpośrednio naiPadzie z pominięciem papieru.Książka pobudza wyobraźnię dziecka, przekazuje wartościowetreścipoznawcze, literackie i plastyczne, wspomaga naukę czytania,adołączona gra rozwija sprawność manualną i koncentrację.Cechy aplikacji:✔ trzy sposoby poznawania treści: samodzielne czytanie,słuchanie,gra✔ prosta, intuicyjna obsługa, dostosowana domożliwościdziecka✔ swobodne poruszanie się po zawartości książki✔ przewracanie kolejnych kartek opowieściPodstawowe zalety:✔ bogata ścieżka audio: głos znanego polskiego aktoraJarosławaKopaczewskiego, motyw pieśni afrykańskiej i efektydźwiękowe✔ dodatkowy filmik animowany, przedstawiającybohaterówopowieści✔ interaktywna gra związana z tematem bajki ; gra jestświetnązabawą, a jednocześnie ćwiczy koordynacjęwzrokowo-ruchową
Rudyard Kipling:BabyelephantTale of reading and listening to children aged 4-10 years.Theapplication also contains a logical arcade game, referring tothecontent and impressive animated movie based on a fairytalestory.Classic British position and the world of children'sliterature,written by Rudyard Kipling. Funny story about thelovable Africananimals and their adventures. Theme journey andexperience life.New translation into Polish. Beautiful newillustrations by thefamous father of Polish children's illustration- Joseph Wilkondone directly on the iPad without paper.The book stimulates children's imagination, providevaluablecognitive contents, literature and the arts, supports theteachingof reading, and included game develops dexterityandconcentration.Application Features:✔ three ways of reading this: independent reading,listening,playing✔ Simple and intuitive to use, fits the child✔ move freely inside the book's content✔ following pages turning storiesKey features:✔ rich audio track: the voice of a famous Polish actorJaroslavKopaczewskiego, African theme songs and sound effects✔ additional animated video showing the characters inthestory✔ interactive game associated with the theme of fairy tales,thegame is fun while practicing hand-eye coordination
Snail Bob: Egypt Journey 1.0
Snail Bob is out on another adventureinthe award winning puzzle series. Travel to Ancient EgyptinSnail Bob 3: Egypt Journey."Fun and challenging puzzle solving" -10/10,AppAdvice"Fun, easy to play, good looking and plenty ofchallenge"-8/10, 148Apps"Perfect fodder for growing minds" - 8/10, AppSpy"Very well designed physics-puzzler" - 7/10,PocketGamerUKThe desert doesn't seem like the most logical place for a snailtohang out, but that’s where Snail Bob is in the next installmentofthe popular puzzle game. Grandpa Snail accidentally warped himoverto Egypt, and now he has to puzzle his way out of theancientpyramids. Click Snail Bob to start him on his journey, thenclickagain to stop. Push buttons and manipulate his environment togetSnail Bob back home. Never has the world united like this forasnail!☆ Award Winning Puzzle Game Played Over 600MillionTimes!☆ 25 Mind bending levels featuring Snail Bob inAncientEgypt☆ No ads, no in-app purchases, the most kid-friendly game onGooglePlay☆ Real-life physics based puzzles help with logicdevelopmentof kids☆ Used in educational institutions around the worldSnail Bob is the award winning puzzle game, finally availableonGoogle Play! Note that this is the official Snail Bob game,anyother Snail Bob series not published by tinyBuild on Androidarefake! We take pride in quality content and will never throw adsorin app purchases into players' faces.Be sure to check out the other parts of Snail Bobpuzzleadventures on Google Play:Snail Bob 1: Finding Home- Bob 2: Grandpa's Gift-
Roll Balls into a hole
Andre G
The goal is simple! Move all of your ballsintoa hole by tilting your mobile device. The red ball should bethelast to go in. In some levels you roll a ball through a mazeandcollect gold coins.Features:• Easy to play• Fun and relaxing• Completely free.
Bubble Pop 3.0.3
Join our Biggest Bubble Shooter Game!
Baby Touch Balloon Pop Game
A good old fun and easy to play balloonpoppinggame with animals, for young children to play and enjoy.Just touchthe balloons to pop them, and touch the animals, sun andclouds toenjoy sound and/or effects. Simple, yet fun for youngerkids1+.▶▶▶ OVER 2 MILLION DOWNLOADS!!! SO COME JOIN THE FUN.
Kids Games 2.0
Chuc MoEyes
One of the best Kids Games on themarket.=======================We have chosen the best Kids Games which you can play kidsgames,kids games free, kids games free 4 years old, kids games 2yearold, kids games for 5 year olds for free and add new gamesdaily,enjoy! This makes a lot of easier for users to comparisonandchoose to installing the application. Market rankings andexpertfeedback from the user Decided rankings and reviews.*** The game is not installed directly. You will be redirectedtoStore to install the game. ***
Kubuś i Przyjaciele 1.3
.- Cześć, to ja, Kubuś! Przywitaj się zmoimikumplami: to Cziko, Stiff i Albert. Razem wyruszamy w podróżwnieznane. Witaj przygodo! Ale ale… na początek poznaj ichbliżej!Chłopaki, przedstawcie się!- Hejka! Jestem Cziko jestem nieprzeciętnie rozrywkowy, alenielubię się tym chwalić. Weźmiesz udział w naszej wyprawie?Decydujsię szybko, komu w drogę temu wrotki!- Ja jestem Albert. Z pierzastego punktu widzenia, ta gratonajlepsze, co może Ci się przytrafić. Są tu elementyzręcznościowe,są logiczne. Można wygrać nagrody. I my, Kurczaki,jesteśmy słodcy,prawda? Nie da się zaprzeczyć! Stiff, co Ty nato?- Do stu pierzastych kurczaków! Taka gra? Muszę to sprawdzićnamoim ajfonie!Wybierz jednego z kurczaków i udaj się z nami wfascynującąpodróż po Kubusiowej Krainie.Czeka tam na Ciebie dużo zabawy, a do tego poznasz nowefenomenalnemiejscówki.Już teraz, możesz mieć jednego z tych słodkich zawadiaków wswoimsmartfonie! Wejdź do wirtualnego świata, wybierz swojegoulubieńca,zagraj z nim w mini gry, a następnie, dzięki zebranympunktom,podziwiaj Krainę Kubusia! Jednak zanim wyruszysz w przygodępoKubusiowej Krainie, Twój kurczak musi być zadbany iwypoczęty.Dlatego rozbaw go, nakarm, a następnie przebierz wodjechanewdzianko! Możesz także położyć go do snu, aby nabrałwięcej sił doczekającej go zwariowanej przygody!W pierwszej mini grze, wcielając się w pierzastegokurczaka,musisz przebyć jak najdłuższy dystans po linii wysokiegonapięcia,zręcznie przeskakując wystające słupy. Uważaj, żeby nieuszkodzićmojego kumpla! Ani Albert, ani Cziko, ani Stiff nie lubiąwpadać naprzeszkody! Druga gra, to Kubusiowa wersja znanej gryzeznikającymi znaczkami. Spraw, by leżące obok siebie podobneobrazkiznikały, ale uwaga, trzymaj się z dala od wybuchowychbomb!Po uzbieraniu odpowiedniej liczby punktów w zabawachzkurczakiem, pora na fantastyczne przygody w KubusiowejKrainie.Twoim pionkiem na planszy będzie nikt inny, ale właśniejeden znaszych pierzastych przyjaciół. Dostęp do wirtualnej gryplanszowej3D będzie możliwy, gdy pasek zadowolenia kurczaka wgórnym prawymrogu stanie się cały zielony. Podczas przemierzaniawyspy, odkrywajją, zbieraj witaminowe punkty i zdobywaj nagrody -niespodzianki!Już czekam, żeby móc wysłać Ci prezent! Nie tylkowirtualny, takżeprawdziwy! Przeżyj super przygodę u mojego boku,wraz z naszyminowymi pierzastymi przyjaciółmi! Co za frajda!.- Hi, it's me,Winnie!Say hello to my friends: it Cziko, Stiff and Albert.Together weset off on a journey into the unknown. Welcome adventur!But, but... at the beginning explore their closer! The guysintroduceyourselves!- Hejka! I'm Cziko exceptionally entertaining, but do not liketobrag about. You will take part in our expedition? Decidequickly, towhom in the way of this roller skates!- I'm Albert. With feathered point of view, this game is thebestthat can happen to you. There are skill elements are logical.Youcan win prizes. And we, Chickens, are sweet, right? It can notbedenied! Stiff, what do you think?- For a hundred feathered chickens! This game? I need to checkmyajfonie!Choose one of the chickens and go with us on afascinatingjourney through the Land of Pooh.Waiting there for you a lot of fun, and for this meet newphenomenalspots.Right now, you can have one of these sweet zawadiaków onyoursmartphone! Enter the virtual world, choose your pet, play withhimin the mini-games, and then, thanks to the gathered points,admirethe Land of Winnie! However, before you set off on adventuresinthe Land of Pooh, your chicken needs to be maintainedandrefreshed. Therefore Entertain him, feed, and then get dressedincrazy outfit! You can also put it to sleep to gained morestrengthto go crazy adventure awaits!In the first mini game, playing the feathered chicken, youhaveto travel the longest distance in the high-voltage lines,deftlyjumping protruding poles. Be careful not to damage myfriend!Neither Albert nor Cziko or Stiff do not like to bumpintoobstacles! The second game, the Pooh version of the famousgamewith disappearing stamps. Make them lying next to eachothersimilar pictures disappeared, but beware, stay away fromexplosivebombs!After earning an adequate number of points in games ofchicken,leek on fantastic adventures in Wonderland Pooh. Your pawnon theboard will be nobody else but one of our feathered friends.Accessto a virtual 3D board game will be possible when thebarsatisfaction chicken in the upper right corner becomes allgreen.During the traversal of the island, explore it, collectpoints andearn vitamin reward - surprise! I'm looking forward to beable tosend you a gift! Not only virtual, also true! Experiencegreatadventure at my side, along with our new feathered friends!What afun!
Plastic Surgery Simulator 1.0.1
A chemical power plant has exploded andtonsofinjured patients need your help! It’s up to YOU, atopPlasticSurgeon, to perform emergency surgery and saveyourpatients! Usereal medical tools to treat your patients andmakesure their looksare restored!Enjoy the thrill of being an ER plastic surgeon! Tonsofinjuredpatients are counting on you! Save multiple livesandreplacedamaged bones with new, plastic ones! Become anexpertsurgeon asyou carefully treat each patient!Features:> Carry out 20 life-saving operations!> Save lives using real tools used by plastic surgeons!> Restore your patients’ damaged looks with yourexpertplasticsurgery techniques!> Practice real surgical steps!> Discover how serious injuries are treated byrealplasticsurgeons!> Learn all about the incredible human body as you fix itup!The "All Levels Pack" allows you to enjoy the entiregame!Completeeach level individually to advance to the next oneandachieve yourfinal goal.ABOUT TabTaleA Google Play Top Developer, recognized for itscommitmenttolaunching high-quality and innovative apps onAndroid,TabTalelovingly produces games, interactive e-books,andeducationalexperiences. With over 1 billion downloads andgrowing,TabTale hasestablished itself as the creator of pioneeringvirtualadventuresthat kids and parents love. TabTale’s appssparkchildren’simaginations and inspire them to think creatively,whilehavingfun! Search “TabTale” on Google Play and discovermoreincredibleapps.Visit us: Plus: us: us:@TabTaleWatch us: USLet us know what you think! Questions?Suggestions?TechnicalSupport? Contact us 24/7 [email protected] MESSAGE FOR PARENTS:* This App is free to play but certain in-game itemsmayrequirepayment. You may restrict in-app purchases by disablingthemonyour device.* By downloading this App you agree to TabTale’s PrivacyPolicyandTerms of Use at consider that this App may include third partiesservicesforlimited legally permissible purposes.
Kitty in Candyland-Jump & Tilt 1.0
Mad Quail
Say hello to our cute kitty friend whohasasweet tooth and help her jump around to collect ice creamandcandytreats! Download this crazy action-packed arcade jumpinggameandjump & grab sweets to feed the hungry cat jumper! Getonanextremely fun jumping dash with “Kitty in Candyland –Jump&Tilt” game and make our jumpy cat happy by collectingsweetsandcandies! Tilt your phone in the right direction tonavigatethecute kitty, don't miss any of the sweets because theywilldamagethe platform if they fall, and be careful not tocollectbombs oryou'll have to play from the beginning!Kitty in Candyland – Jump & Tilt has thecoolestgamefeatures:✔ Cute cartoon kitty character and vivid graphics!✔ Simple and intuitive controls:- Tap to jump, tap twice to jump higher, and tilt your phonetomakethe jumping cat go left or right!✔ Fun and addictive gameplay!✔ Lots of different collectibles: yummy ice creamcones,lollipops,cakes, popsicles, and much more!Go on a joyride platform jumping adventure and help ourfatcatsatisfy her need for sweets! This hyper fun mega jumparcadegameis perfect for kids of all ages, boys and girls,teenagersandadults! It's visually stunning, super fun, endlesslyreplayableandcompletely free-to-play! What more could you possiblywant fromacasual jumping game?Kitty in Candyland – Jump & Tilt is the best ofall2015jumping cat games, and if you're looking for addictinggames,thisone will suit all your wishes! This cute jumping kittywillbringjoy to your days and lighten you up every time you fillherbellywith a delicious candy! Make the lovely kitten jumperperformasky-high happy jump and collect all the yummy sweetsandicecreams!Say hello to kitty jumper with a sweet tooth! Thecutestjumpykitten is here to take you on a joyful platformjumpingadventure!Make our happy bouncy cat hop all over theplatform andfill hertummy with delicious candy treats! Tilt yourphone left orright tomake the jelly jumper cat hop up in the rightdirection andperforma “mega jump” to collect sweets and ice creams!Tons oftastycupcakes, lollipops, ice cream cones, and candies arewaitingforour hoppy hungry cat to eat them!Meow! Say hello to the cute kitty and help her becomearealjumping ninja! Jump and fly up to collect candies andmakeourfluffy cat happy! Our cute jumping kitty willperformunbelievablestunts just to get some sweets! But be careful!If youcollectdeadly bombs, you'll have to start over! You shouldalso trytocollect all the candies and ice cream cones, because theonesyoumiss to collect will make the cracks in the jumpingplatform,andit will eventually fall apart! Let the zig zag jumpfever gettoyou and go on a happy jump quest to eat all the icecream!If you've always wanted to have a pet kitten, but youneverhadthe chance, this is such a happy day for you! GetKittyinCandyland – Jump & Tilt and you'll instantly fall inlovewiththe flappy fat cat from these crazy jumping up games!You'llhavethe time of your life making our cute kitty cat bounceall overthehopping platform in this addictive “arcade game” forkids!Downloadone of the best “cat games” right away and have funplayingone ofthe most awesome base jumper games ever!Start the jump pack joyride and prepare your fingersforsomeinsane jumping dash! Tap and tilt your phone to jump highandhophappily in this hyper fun hopper arcade action game forkidsandadults! So, if you're looking for an easy jumping kidgames,searchno more! Kitty in Candyland – Jump & Tilt has allyouneed! Ifyou think there aren't any cool jumping games forgirls,this hyperfun happy jumper game with a fat cat will proveyouwrong! Amongall addicting games, this jumping game offers thebestgamingexperience for both boys and girls, kids of all agesandadults aswell!
Legend of the Dragon for Kids v0.2.7 is happy to introduce thefirstinteractive Wawel Dragon legend.Rhymed story, beautiful illustrations and each of them fullofsurprises for the kids!Feel free to explore them one by one and the storytellitselfOur story is targeted to children above 2 years old.Thank you for your support in downloading this free game.Powered by Ludei
Emma the Cat Virtual Pet 3.9.1
Peaksel Games
A talking animal for everyone's taste – Emma the Cat VirtualPet!It's purrfect!
My Talking Dog – Virtual Pet
Hey animal games lovers, here comes thecutestpuppy ever: My Talking Dog – Virtual Pet. Download thistalking dogapp and play mini games or dog dress up with the funnydog. Checkout all the other options and soon this little guy willbe yourfavorite talking pet!If you cannot have a real pet, virtual pets are the right choiceforyou and talking dog Charlie is ready to play! This game isacombination of dress up games and talking games in addition tothepuppy being a virtual pet. Charlie is a cute puppy which willgrowon you in no time. Due to its simplicity, the game belongs togamesfor kids. Yet, the mini games within this cool game make itaperfect fit for teens and even adults. If you like talking catandother talking animals, you will definitely love this game!Various dress up features place the game among games for girlsandgames for boys; but that is not all! In addition to dressing upthedog, you can change Charlie's furniture as well. What is more,youhave to feed him, bathe him, take him to the bathroom, andplaywith him. In order to hear the dog talk, you can say somethingandCharlie will repeat it in a funny voice. Dogs and puppies arelotsof fun to play with and if you download My Talking Dog –VirtualPet you will have your own cute puppy to pet!GAME FEATURES:- Talk to Charlie and he will repeat everything you say in afunnyvoice- All the play makes the puppy hungry so make sure youfeedhim- This funny dog loves getting dirty so you have to make sureyoubathe him as well- Play dress up games with the puppy. Choose your favoriteoutfitand other dog accessories and match the furniture to thenewlook- Listen to the dog play the piano- Play catch with Charlie or listen to the dog barking- If he drinks a lot, Charlie will need to use the bathroom- Tuck Charlie in bed after a long play day- Advance through levels and get fun gifts- Play mini games with Charlie. You can choose your favorite:FlappyPuppy, Food Drop, Watch Out, Puppy Jump, Puppy vs.Spikes,Rock-Paper-Scissors- Pet, poke, tease or tickle him to see what else he can doNOTE: You can play the game and collect points in order to moveupthe levels. Once you've moved several levels up, you will getfungifts to help you in the game. Finally, all the rooms haveenergylevels that need to be charged after some time by playingwith thedog and taking care of him.Fun games for kids and virtual pets will definitely make yourday.Not only does this game entertain but it also influenceskids'creativity as it contains dress up games. Also, it encouragesthepractice of hand-eye coordination with many mini games itoffers.Playing virtual animal games has never been more fun sodownloadthis cool game and enjoy!Mini GamesFLAPPY PUPPYMake your puppy run and get as much food as you can while tryingtostay alive for as long as you can. Fly your puppy as abird!FOOD DROPMove Charlie around to get as much good food as possible. Makesurehe eats only what is edible because a rotten one = gameover.PUPPY VS. KITTY!Tap the screen so that the larger one jumps over the smaller one.Ifthey crash, you lose!PUPPY VS. SPIKESKeep your puppy moving on the screen, but make sure he doesnottouch the spikes. If he does, or falls too low, thegameends.Dog games and talking animals are lots of fun, especially whenyouplay them with such a funny dog as Charlie is. This cute puppywillmake you fall in love with virtual animal games in no time atall.Play dress up games, mini games, and so much more in this coolgamefor boys and girls. Get My Talking Dog – Virtual Pet andjoinCharlie on his adventure!This game is an intellectual property of DigitalEagle.Privacy Policy: of Service:'s Guide:
Animal Coloring Games for Kids 1.8.2
Creative animal painting and drawing games. Unleashcreativitytoday!
pony princess pet dress up 2.4
Be ready to show your fashion tastewithyourfavorite beloved pony pet. Dress them up in your ownuniquestyleand unbelievably sweet pony. This game will bring youback tofairytrail dream. Dress them like your favorite princesscharacter,putthe tiaras and gorgeous dresses in princess fashionstyle. Bythisway you might win the royal palace city contest.How to play:Fairy princess pony stardust dress up game is a simplegameforgirl and kids fun game play. You can dress up your littlepetbycustomized every piece of cloth and accessories. whichtherearemore than 4,000,000 combination style.You can customize your pet's hair, headaccessories,tiaras,crown,necklace, shirt, pant, skirt, anklet orshoes.Additionalextras are luxurious palace corner backgrounds thatwillintroducea totally new context to your beloved pet.Download and Play Now!
Talking Monkey 2.8
Peaksel Games
Like to monkey around? Talking Monkey will join you!