Top 4 Apps Similar to Risalah Bulan Ramadhan

Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah 1.0
Matrama Group
Aplikasi Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah berisiberbagaikumpulan informasi mengenai orang orang yang berpegangteguh kepadasunnah Nabi SAW serta Thoriqoh para shabatnya dalamhal aqidah danamaliyah fisik ( fiqih) ataupun hakikat ( Tasawwufdan Akhlaq ) danjuga Al Quran. Dengan mengamalkan sunnah kita akanmenjadi orangyang semakin bertakwa sebagai modal untuk di akhiratnanti.Semoga dengan Aplikasi ini kita dapat mengamalkan danmenjalanihidup ini dengan baik atas izin Allah Swt. Kami akan terusmenambahinformasi mengenai aplikasi ini. Jadi terus installaplikasinyayah. Terima kasihDISCLAIMER :Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in this applicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I have violatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed as soonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned by theirrespectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliated withNetworkStudios or any other affiliated entities.Applications WalJamaatAhl collection contains a variety of information about peoplewhocling to the Sunnah of the Prophet and the shabatnya Thoriqohinterms of aqidah and physical amaliyah (jurisprudence) ornature(Sufism and Akhlaq) and also the Koran. By practicing theSunnah wewill become increasingly cautious as capital for thehereafter.Hopefully, with this application we can practice and live agoodlife with the permission of Allah. We will continue toaddinformation about this application. So continue to installtheapplication well. Thank youDISCLAIMER:Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in this applicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I have violatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed as soonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned by Reviewstheirrespective owners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliatedwithNetwork Studios or any other affiliated entities.
Risalah Nur Bahasa Indonesia 2.2-dev
Risale Press
Anda boleh melihat persembahan yangdibuatdaripada subjek yang dipilih daripada Risale-i Nur. Andabolehmengesyorkan persembahan kepada kawan anda agar lebih menarikdalamhal visual dan kemampuan didengar.You can view theofferingsmade than the chosen subject than the Risale-i Nur. Youmaymengesyorkan offerings to your friend to be more attractive intermsof visual and audible capabilities.
Kebiasaan Syirik Kaum Jahiliah 1.0
Tabiat Kaum Jahiliah : Jahiliahidentikdengankebodohan, tapi, jangan salah kalau ternyata merekapahamtentangastronomi, sejarah, dan ilmu lain. Bila demikian apayangdimaksuddengan jahiliah, seperti tabiat mereka? nah,untukmengetahuinyasilahkan membaca risalah ini, mudah-mudahandenganmengulasnya kitabisa memahaminya, amiinSemoga Allah memberikan ketulusan dan ke ikhlasankepadapenulis,sehingga ebook ini bermanfaat bagi kaum muslimaamiin.Thenaturejahilliyah:jahilliyah synonymous with ignorance, but, makenomistake if itturns out they knew about astronomy, history,andother sciences.If so what is meant by ignorance, liketheircharacter? nah, toknow please read this treatise, hopefullybyreviewing them wecould understand it, ameenMay God give sincerity and to ikhlasan to the author,sothisebook useful for Aamiin Muslims.
Amalan Bulan Syawwal 1.0
Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk orang orangyanginginbelajar bagaimana mengamalkan amalan yang dilakukansetiapbulansyawal, dan juga bisa menjadi pedoman bagi umatmuslimadapun amalan amalan yang ada pada aplikasi ini berupa :- Disyari'atkannya Puasa Enam Hari Pada Bulan Syawwal- Keutamaan Puasa Enam Hari Syawwal- Beberapa Faedah Bulan Syawwal- Haruska Berturut-turut Setelah Idul Fitri- Bila Masih Punya Tanggungan Puasa Ramadhan- Kalau Memang Ada Udzur Sehingga Keluar Blan Syawwal- Menggabung Niat Puasanah itu lah isi dari aplikasi ini, semoga para umatmuslimyangmendownload aplikasi ini diberikan berkah dankesehatanselaluuntuk beribadah dijalan ALLAh, AMIN !!!This applicationismadefor those people who want to learn how to practice the deedisdoneevery month of Shawwal, and also can serve asguidelinesforMuslimsAs for the existing of deeds in this application form:- Disyari'atkannya Fasting Six Days In Month Syawwal- The virtue of Shawwal Fasting Six Days- Some Benefits month Shawwal- Haruska Successive After Eid- When Still Have Dependent Fasting Ramadan- If It's Out There udzur So Blan Syawwal- Merging Intention Fastingnah it was the content of this application, I hope theMuslimswhodownload this application is given a blessing and healthalwaystoworship the streets GOD, AMEN !!!