Top 29 Apps Similar to Finger BP Scanner Prank

كشف ما تحت الملابس -جديد Prank 3.1
يمكنك كشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء و الرجالوذلك بإستعمال كاميرا هاتفك Prankكشف الجسم بدون ملابس يمكنك من كشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء و الرجالوذلك بإستعمال كاميرا هاتفك لكشف الملابس للفتاة أو المرأة أورؤيةالجسم بدون ملابس كذلك وذلك عبر تمرير كاميرا الهاتف على جسدالشخصالذي تريد أن ترى ملابسه الداخلية من دون أن يكشفك. كاميراالهاتفستلعب دور الماسح الضوئي x-ray لإظهار بدون ملابس .مميزات التطبيق :** كشف الناس بدون ملابس* كاشف الملابس الداخلية** كاشف أعضاء الجسم بأشعة فوق صوتية* فحص جسم بالأشعة** فحص الجسم بالأشعة* كاشف العظام و المفاصل.** فحص العظام.تحذير :تطبيق جهاز كشف الناس بدون ملابس مجرد مزحة PRANK ولا يقومبكشفالملابس الداخلية للمرأة والرجل ، انما هو تطبيق للمزحة فقط وخداعأصدقائك للحصول على بعض المرح و من أجل المتعةكشف تحت الملابس صمم للمرح و الخدع.برنامج كشف تحت الملابس يمكنك من التظاهر بفحص الملابس الداخلية.تظاهربأن البرنامج يقوم بإختراق جميع الملابس السميكة و تصويرالملابسالداخلية دون عناء.برنامج خصص لللخدع و لا يقوم بكشف الملابس الداخلية الحقيقيةلتطبيق وضيفته سهلة جدابحيث يحول كامرة هاتفك الة جهاز كشف الأشعةبدالك يمكنك ان ترى ما تحت اللباس او مت بداخل صندوق الىغيردالككدالك يمكنك الاستفادة منه طبيا عبر مشاهدة العضام والاجزاءالداخليةمن جسمكXray تطبيق رائع ل كشف تحت الملابس . سهولة في العمل مع تطبيقكاشفالملابس الداخلية .هل سبق لك أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك الأندرويد يمكنها اختراقالملابسعبر تقنية الـ Xray* برنامج كشف ما تحت الملابسطبعا فبفضل تطبيق " كشف تحت الملابس " يمكنك أن ترى الملابسالداخليةلأي شخص دون علمه.التطبيق عبارة عن Prank لتتسلى به مع أصدقائك و أسرتك.كاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لو كانتغليظةكالمعاطف.يمكنك أن ترى الملابس الداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه.التطبيق وظيفته سهلة جدابحيث يحول كاميرا هاتفك الى جهاز كشف الأشعة أو آلة كشف الأشعةأوالسكانر لكي تكتشف ما تحت الملابس Prank.طريقة إستعمال برنامج جهاز كشف الناس بدون ملابس :مرر كاميرا هاتفك على أي جزء من الجسم مثل اليد اليسرى ، اليد اليمنى،الرأس ، الدماغ ، العينين ، الأسنان و الفم ، الظهر ، العمودالفقريالرقبة، الركبة، القدم اليمنى أو القدم اليسرى ،، بعد ذلكالكاميراستطلق الماسح الضوئي و الأشعة السينية و الفوق بنفسجية لكشفالهيكلالعظمي أو العظام .تحذير : تطبيق جهاز كشف الناس بدون ملابس مجرد مزحة PRANK ولايقومبكشف الملابس الداخلية للمرأة والرجل ، انما هو تطبيق للمزحة فقطوخداع أصدقائك للحصول على بعض المرح و من أجل المتعةالتطبيق وضيفته سهلة جدابحيث يحول كامرة هاتفك الة جهاز كشف الأشعةبدالك يمكنك ان ترى ما تحت اللباس او مت بداخل صندوق الىغيردالككدالك يمكنك الاستفادة منه طبيا عبر مشاهدة العضام والاجزاءالداخليةمن جسمكيمكنك أيضا تغيير لون وحجم وسرعة في شاشة الإعداد. الأشعةالسينيةسكانر مضحك هو التطبيق متعة لأولئك الذين يحبون النكاتالعملية! هذهالاشعات السينيه ليست حقيقية، لذلك فهي غير ضارة ومتعةللعب مع!محاولة الخروج من ميزة كاميرا الأشعة السينية ماسحة مضحكللنقر الصورعصبي متعة! محاولة تعرية الأسنان الخاصة بك، وجعل عينيكتبدو كبيرة... مخيفة! كاشف الملابس الداخليةالتعليمات:ضع هاتفك على يدك اليسرى والقدم والرأسفتح تطبيق الماسح الضوئي الأشعة السينية.إمالة الهاتف تصل إلى التمرير لأعلى صورة الأشعة السينية.إمالة أسفل الهاتف إلى التمرير لأسفل.تحذير: الأشعة السينية الماسح الضوئي هو التطبيق (مزحة prank )منأجلالمتعة أنه لا يحتوي على أي الأشعة السينية الحقيقي.كاميرا كشف تحت الملابسهل سبق لك أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك الأندرويد يمكنها اختراقالملابسعبر تقنية الـ X rayطبعا فبفضل تطبيق " كاشف الملابس الداخلية " يمكنك أن ترىالملابسالداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه باستعمال الأشعة السينية .ـ كاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لو كانتغليضةكالمعاطف.ـ التطبيق سهل الاستعمال يكفيك أن تختار الشخص الذي تريد رؤية ماتحتملابسه .ـ التطبيق مجاني و سيبقى كذلك على طول.نحن لسنا مسؤولين أمام الله لو استعمل التطبيق في كشف عورات النساءوالمحرمات.التطبيق عبارة عن Prank لتتسلى به مع أصدقائك و أسرتك.You can exposewomen'sunderwear, men's and by using your phone's cameraPrankBody revealed without clothes you can detect women'sunderwear,men's and by using your phone's camera to detect clothingfor agirl or a woman or seeing the body without clothes as well asbypassing a camera phone on the body of the person who wants toseehis underwear without Ekshvk. Camera phone will play the roleofthe scanner x-ray to show without clothes.Application features:** Expose people without clothes* Detector underwear** Detector body organs ray ultrasound* Body scan**-Ray examination of the body* Detector bones and joints.** Bone scan.Warning :Application revealed a people without clothes PRANK just a jokeanddoes not reveal underwear for women and men, but it is appliedtoonly a joke and fool your friends for some fun andforpleasureDisclosed under clothing designed for fun and tricks.Disclosed under clothing program you can pretend scansunderwear.tazahr The software does hacked all the thick clothesandunderwear filming without trouble.A program devoted to Lkhadda and does not reveal therealunderwearVery easy to apply and his guestSuch as his command to prevent your machine radiationdetectorBdalk you can see what was under the dress or inside the fund istoDalkKdalk you can take advantage of it by watching medicallyAledaminternal parts of your bodyXray wonderful application for detecting under clothing. Easytowork with the application of the detector underwear.Have you ever imagined that your phone's camera Androidcanpenetrate clothing through the technique of Xray* Reveal what under clothing programThanks to the application of course, "revealed under clothes"youcan see the underwear to any person without his knowledge.Prank application is for having fun with his friendsandfamily.Application camera penetrates all kinds of clothes, and if it wereathick Kalmatef.You can see the underwear to any person without hisknowledge.The application is very easy jobSo that converts your phone's camera to the device or machineraysrevealed rays or scanner revealed to discover what underclothingPrank.People use reveal a program without clothes method:Swipe your phone's camera on any part of the body like thelefthand, right hand, head, brain, eyes, teeth and mouth, back,spineneck, knee, right foot or left foot ,, then the camera willlauncha scanner and X-ray and ultraviolet to detect skeletalorbone.Warning: the application revealed a people without clothesPRANKjust a joke and does not reveal underwear for women and men,but itis applied to only a joke and fool your friends for some funandfor pleasureThe application is very easy and his guestSuch as his command to prevent your machine radiationdetectorBdalk you can see what was under the dress or inside the fund istoDalkKdalk you can take advantage of it by watching medicallyAledaminternal parts of your bodyYou can also color, size and speed of change in the setupscreen.X-ray scanner is funny fun app for those who like practicaljokes!This Xrays is not real, so they are harmless and fun to playwith!Try out the X-ray scanner camera feature funny clickablespookyimages fun! Try baring your teeth, make your eyes look great...scary! Reagent underwearInstructions:Put your phone on your left hand, foot and headOpen an application scanner X-rays.Tilt the phone up to scroll up X-ray image.Tilt the bottom of the phone to scroll down.Warning: X-ray scanner is an application (a joke prank) for funitdoes not contain any real X-rays.Camera detectors clothesHave you ever imagined that your phone's camera Androidcanpenetrate clothing through the technique of X rayOf course thanks to the application of "reagent underwear" Youcansee the underwear to any person without his knowledge byusingX-rays.Application camera penetrates all kinds of clothing and ifGladhKalmatef.Application is user-friendly enough for you to choose the personyouwant to see what's under his clothes.App is free and will remain well along.We are not responsible before God if it is used in theapplicationrevealed the shortcomings of women and the taboos.Prank application is for having fun with his friendsandfamily.
Ultrasound Scanner 3D Prank 1.6
Are you looking for UltrasoundScannerapp?Ultrasound Scanning of body part is not possiblewithmobiledevices. This Ultrasound Scanner 3D is a prank app andmakefor funand entertainment purpose only, you can prank withyourfriends byscanning the body parts like heart, kidney,stomach,liver andother body parts. This application is not analternate ofrealultrasound scanner & you could not use thisapplicationformedical, x-ray or city-scan purpose.Ultrasound Scanning of the body with mobile device or appisnotpossible yet because Ultrasound is a type of imagingandultrasoundscanning need high-frequency sound waves to lookatorgans andstructures inside the body. Trick your friends andfamily&show them that your phone has the ability to convertmobilecamerainto ultra sound scanner.Ultrasound Scanner is free and prank appPrank with your friends using this body scannerScan heart, kidney, stomach, liver and other body partsBeautiful and awesome body scanning animationDisclaimer:All the graphics, sounds and images are used justforreferencepurpose. Let us know if you foundanythingorcomplaints/suggestions. Send us positive feedback aboutthe appsowe can improve Prank Ultra sound Scanner 3D app foryou.Have a great day & fun, enjoy Free UltrasoundScanner3DPrank!
Weight machine scanner Prank 1 1.0
Your application weight machine scannerPrankisa scanner for android to calculate your weight, bloodpressureanddiastolic of a human body and the heart beat usingonlyyoursmartphone, it is not just entertainment purposes more.The use of this Application:1 - After you enter the application of weightmachinescannerPrank, Place your finger on the fingerprint and waitabout8seconds.3 - Congratulations, the application will scan your thumbandtheapplication displays the end result of your weight scale.Main Features:- Simple to understand and easy to use.- Joke Application (PRANK) to collect good times withyourbestfriends and family.- Works well on mobile and android tablets- Realistic looking scanner- Totally free for all Android users.* آلة قياس الوزن بالبصمةNote: This scanner scale (weight machine scanner Prank) isnotareal application, it is just a Prank.
فاضح الملابس الداخلية Prank 1.0
برنامج فاضح الملابس الداخلية يمكنكمنكشفالملابس الداخلية للنساء و الفتيات و ذلك بإستعمالكاميراجوالكالأندرويد لكشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء أو المرأة أو رؤيةالجسمبدونملابس كذلك وذلك عبر تمرير كاميرا الهاتف على جسم المرأةأوالبنتالذي تريد أن ترى ملابسها الداخلية من دون أن تكتشفأمرك.كاميراالهاتف تلعب دور الماسح الضوئي x-ray بالأشعة السينيةلإظهارالجسمبدون ملابس.*يمكنك فاضح الملابس الداخلية من رؤية ما تحت الملابس و ذلكبخاصيةفحصو إختراق الملابس عبر تقنية الماسح الضوئي وتقنية الأشعةالفوقصوتيةXRAY والأشعة السينية لكشف جميع أنواع الملابسهل سبق و أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك يمكنها فحص جسم المرأة أوالرجلعبرتقنية الاشعة الفوق صوتيةكاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لوكانتغليظةكالمعاطف.يمكنك أن ترى الملابس الداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه.التطبيق وظيفته سهلة و بسيطة جدابحيث يجعل كاميرا هاتفك الى جهاز كشف الأشعة أو آلة كشفالأشعةأوالسكانير لكي تكشف جسم المرأة بدون ملابس.مزايا التطبيق :* كشف الناس بدون ملابس* كاشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء* كاشف أعضاء الجسم بأشعة فوق صوتية* فحص جسم المرأة بالأشعة* فحص الجسم بالأشعة* كاشف العظام و المفاصل.* فحص العظام.* فحص العظام و المفاصل* كاشف الملابس الداخلية Prankتذكير :تطبيق فاضح الملابس الداخلية مجرد خدعة و مزحة PRANK ولايقومبكشفالملابس الداخلية للمرأة والرجل ، انما فقط تطبيق للمزحة فقطوخداعأصدقائك للحصول على بعض المرح و من أجل المتعة و الضحك.هل تخيلت من قبل انه بامكانك تحويل كاميرتك الى كاشفللملابسالداخليةنعم مع برنامجنا اصبح كل شيء ممكن .* برنامج كشف ما تحت الملابس الداخليةهل سبق لك أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك الأندرويد يمكنهااختراقالملابسعبر تقنية الاشعة الفوق صوتيةنحن لسنا مسؤولين أمام الله لو استعمل التطبيق في كشف عوراتالنساءوالمحرمات.ـ التطبيق مجاني و سيبقى كذلك على طول.مميزات التطبيق :- كشف الناس بدون ملابس- كاشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء- كاشف أعضاء الجسم بأشعة فوق صوتية- فحص جسم المرأة بالأشعة- فحص الجسم بالأشعة- كاشف العظام و المفاصل.- فحص العظام.- كشف الناس بدون ملابس- كاشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء- كاشف أعضاء الجسم بأشعة فوق صوتية- فحص جسم المرأة بالأشعة- فحص الجسم بالأشعة- كاشف العظام و المفاصل.- فحص العظام.- فحص العظام و المفاصل- كاشف الملابس الداخلية Prankكشف ما تحت الملابسXray تطبيق رائع ل كشف الملابس الداخلية . سهولة في العمل معتطبيقكاشفالملابس الداخلية .* برنامج كشف ما تحت الملابس* سهولة في العمل* كاميرا كشف تحت الملابس** التطبيق عبارة ن مزحةولا تنسوا 5 نجوم .مميزات التطبيق :★ تطبيق كشف ما تحت الملابس★ ملاحظة : هذا التطبيق هو مزحة للتسلية اي عبارة عن Prank فقط.تحذير :تطبيق جهاز كشف الناس بدون ملابس مجرد مزحة PRANK ولا يقومبكشفالملابسالداخلية للمرأة والرجل ، انما هو تطبيق للمزحة فقط وخداعأصدقائكللحصول على بعض المرح و من أجل المتعةكشف تحت الملابس صمم للمرح و الخدع.برنامج كشف تحت الملابس يمكنك من التظاهر بفحصالملابسالداخليةللبنات.تظاهر بأن البرنامج يقوم بإختراق جميع الملابسالسميكةو تصويرالملابس الداخلية لأي بنت دون عناء.برنامج خصص لللخدع و لا يقوم بكشف الملابس الداخلية الحقيقيةلتطبيق وضيفته سهلة جدابحيث يحول كامرة هاتفك الة جهاز كشف الأشعةبدالك يمكنك ان ترى ما تحت اللباس او مت بداخل صندوق الىغيردالككدالك يمكنك الاستفادة منه طبيا عبر مشاهدة العضام والاجزاءالداخليةمنجسمكXray تطبيق رائع ل كشف تحت الملابس . سهولة في العمل معتطبيقكاشفالملابس الداخلية .هل سبق لك أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك الأندرويد يمكنهااختراقالملابسعبر تقنية الـ Xray* برنامج كشف ما تحت الملابسطبعا فبفضل تطبيق " كشف تحت الملابس " يمكنك أن ترىالملابسالداخليةلأي شخص دون علمه.التطبيق عبارة عن Prank لتتسلى به مع أصدقائك و أسرتك.كاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لوكانتغليظةكالمعاطف.يمكنك أن ترى الملابس الداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه.التطبيق وظيفته سهلة جداHardcoreprogramunderwearyou can detect underwear for women and girls, usingthemobilecamera Android to reveal women's underwear or womenorseeing thebody without clothes as well as by passing acameraphone on thebody of the woman or girl who wants to seeherunderwear fromundetected order. Camera phone to play the roleofthe scanner x-rayX-rays to show the body without clothes.* You can scandalous lingerie see what is under clothesandsocharacteristic examination and penetration throughclothingscannertechnology and technology X XRAY ultrasound andX-rays todetectall types of clothingHave you ever imagined that your phone's camera can awoman'sbody,or the man examined via infrared technologyultrasoundApplication camera penetrates all kinds of clothes, and if itwereathick Kalmatef.You can see the underwear to any person without hisknowledge.Application easy job and very simpleSo that makes your phone's camera to the device ormachineraysrevealed rays or Alscaner revealed in order to revealawoman'sbody without clothes.Advantages of the application:* Detect people without clothes* Detector women's underwear* Detector body organs ray ultrasound* Examination of a woman's body radiotherapy* Body scan* Detector bones and joints.* Bone scan.* Examination of the bones and joints* Detector underwear Prankremind :Hardcore underwear applying a hoax and a joke and doesnotdisclosePRANK underwear for women and men, but only applied toonlya jokeand fool your friends for some fun and for funandlaughter.Do you imagine before that you can convert your cameratothedetector lingerie yes with our program becameanythingispossible.* Reveal what underwear under the programHave you ever imagined that your phone's camera Androidcanpenetrateclothing via infrared technology ultrasoundWe are not responsible before God if it is used intheapplicationrevealed the shortcomings of women and thetaboos.App is free and will remain well along.Application features:- Expose people without clothes- Reagent women's underwear- Ray detector body organs ultrasound- Examination of a woman's body radiotherapy- The body scan- Reagent bones and joints.- Bone scan.- Expose people without clothes- Reagent women's underwear- Ray detector body organs ultrasound- Examination of a woman's body radiotherapy- The body scan- Reagent bones and joints.- Bone scan.- Examination of the bones and joints- Reagent underwear PrankReveal what under clothingXray wonderful application for detecting underwear. Easy toworkwiththe application of the detector underwear.* Reveal what under clothing program* Easy to work* Detection camera under clothes** Application Gateway n jokeDo not forget to 5 stars.Application features:★ application reveal what under clothing★ Note: This application is a joke to entertain anyjustaPrank.Warning :Application revealed a people without clothes PRANK just ajokeanddoes not reveal underwear for women and men, but it isappliedtoonly a joke and fool your friends for some funandforpleasureDisclosed under clothing designed for fun and tricks.Disclosed under clothing program you can pretendscansunderwearBnat.tazahr The software does hacked all the thickclothesandfilming lingerie girl without any trouble.A program devoted to Lkhadda and does not revealtherealunderwearVery easy to apply and his guestSuch as his command to prevent your machine radiationdetectorBdalk you can see what was under the dress or inside the fundistoDalkKdalk you can take advantage of it by watchingmedicallyAledaminternal parts of your bodyXray wonderful application for detecting under clothing. Easytoworkwith the application of the detector underwear.Have you ever imagined that your phone's camera Androidcanpenetrateclothing through the technique of Xray* Reveal what under clothing programThanks to the application of course, "revealed under clothes"youcansee the underwear to any person without his knowledge.Prank application is for having fun with hisfriendsandfamily.Application camera penetrates all kinds of clothes, and if itwereathick Kalmatef.You can see the underwear to any person without hisknowledge.The application is very easy job
X-Ray Human Body Prank 1.9
Are you looking for X-Ray Scanner Machine&wonder how the x-ray machine is working? We have a solutionanddeveloped an X-Ray Human Body Scanner app to scan differentbodyparts but actually x-ray of human body using the mobiledevices isnot possible yet. This X-Ray Human Body is a prank appand make forfun and entertainment purpose only; you can prank withyour friendsby scanning the different body parts like chest, head,elbows, neck,kidney, stomach, liver and other body parts. Thisapplication is notan alternate of real x-ray machine scanner &you could not usethis application for medical purpose, x-ray orcity-scanpurpose.Using x-ray human body scanner app on mobile device to take x-rayisnot possible yet because x-ray is a type of imaging andx-rayscanning needs high-frequency sound waves to look at organsandstructures inside the body. Trick your friends and family&show them that your phone has the ability to convert mobilecamerainto x-ray machine and you can take x-rays of the humanbody.X-Ray Human Body is free for all and prank appPrank with your friends using this x-ray machine scannerScan heart, kidney, stomach, liver and other body partsBeautiful and awesome body x-ray scanning animationsDisclaimer:This is joke and prank app you can’t use this as alternate forrealx-ray machine. This is fake x-ray scanner. All the graphics,soundsand images are used just for reference purpose. Let us knowif youfound anything or complaints/suggestions. Send us positivefeedbackabout the app so we can improve this prank x-ray Human bodyapp foryou.Have a great day & fun, enjoy free x-ray human bodyScannerPrank!
أشعة كشف الملابس Prank 2.0
هل سبق و أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك يمكنهافحصجسمالمرأة أو الرجل عبر تقنية الاشعة الفوق صوتيةكاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لوكانتغليظةكالمعاطف.يمكنك أن ترى الملابس الداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه.التطبيق وظيفته سهلة و بسيطة جدا بحيث يحول كاميرا هاتفك الىجهازكشفالأشعة أو آلة كشف الأشعة أو السكانير لكي تكشف جسم المرأةاوالرجلبدون ملابس.برنامج أشعة كشف الملابس Prank يمكنك من كشف الملابس الداخليةللنساءوالفتيات و ذلك بإستعمال كاميرا جوالك الأندرويد لكشفالملابسالداخليةللنساء أو المرأة أو رؤية الجسم بدون ملابس كذلك وذلكعبرتمرير كاميراالهاتف على جسم المرأة أو البنت الذي تريد أنترىملابسها الداخلية مندون أن تكتشف أمرك. كاميرا الهاتف تلعبدورالماسح الضوئي x-rayبالأشعة السينية لإظهار الجسم بدونملابس.كاميرا الهاتف ستلعب دور الماسح الضوئي x-ray لإظهار الجسدبدونملابسداخلية .هذا هو التطبيق هو عبارة عن مزحة للحصول علىالمتعةوخداعأصدقائك.الأشعة السينية مسح التطبيق هو وهمية مزحة الأشعة السينيةالماسحالضوئيلخداع أصدقائكمميزات التطبيق :******** كشف الناس بدون ملابس* كاشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء* كاشف أعضاء الجسم بأشعة فوق صوتية* فحص جسم المرأة بالأشعة* فحص الجسم بالأشعة* كاشف العظام و المفاصل.* فحص العظام.* كشف الناس بدون ملابس* كاشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء* كاشف أعضاء الجسم بأشعة فوق صوتية* فحص جسم المرأة بالأشعة* فحص الجسم بالأشعة* كاشف العظام و المفاصل.* فحص العظام.* فحص العظام و المفاصلأشعة كشف الملابس Prank*تطبيق أشعة كشف الملابس Prank مجرد مزحة PRANK ولا يقومبكشفالملابسالداخلية للمرأة والرجل ، انما هو تطبيق للمزحة فقط وخداعأصدقائكللحصول على بعض المرح و من أجل المتعةthis is prank applicationHave you everimaginedthatyour phone's camera can a woman's body, or the manexaminedviainfrared technology ultrasoundApplication camera penetrates all kinds of clothes, and if itwereathick Kalmatef.You can see the underwear to any person without hisknowledge.The application is easy and very simple job and so turnscameraphoneinto a device or machine rays revealed rays orAlscanerrevealed inorder to reveal the body of a woman or a manwithoutclothes.Revealed clothes rays Program Prank You can detectunderwearforwomen and girls, using the mobile Android cameratodetectunderwear for women or women or seeing the bodywithoutclothes aswell as by passing a camera phone on the body ofthewoman or girlwho wants to see her underwear without discoveryourorder. Cameraphone to play the role of the scanner x-ray X-raystoshow the bodywithout clothes.Camera phone will play the role of the scanner x-ray to showthebodywithout the underwear.This is application is a joke to have fun andfoolyourfriends.X-ray scanning application is a fake prank x-ray scanner tofoolyourfriendsApplication features:******** Detect people without clothes* Detector women's underwear* Detector body organs ray ultrasound* Examination of a woman's body radiotherapy* Body scan* Detector bones and joints.* Bone scan.* Detect people without clothes* Detector women's underwear* Detector body organs ray ultrasound* Examination of a woman's body radiotherapy* Body scan* Detector bones and joints.* Bone scan.* Examination of the bones and jointsPrank rays revealed clothes* Apply revealed clothes Prank rays PRANK just a joke anddoesnotreveal underwear for women and men, but it is applied toonlyajoke and fool your friends for some fun and for pleasurethis is prank application
Finger Blood Pressure Prank 3.0
An amazing prank application"Fingerprintbloodpressure Prank".If you are a prankster you woulddefinitelylovethis application.Fingerprint Blood Pressure is actually a prankapplicationwhichcalculates your blood pressure and is made for thepeople whojustwant to play pranks on others and want to show offthe poweroftheir latest android device.It is a must have prank application still in its initialstages.Itis designed in such a way that one who is not aware ofandroidcannever get whether it is a prank application or real.Peoplewouldthink as if it is a real Blood PressureCalculatingapplication.HOW TO USE:Step 1: Press "Start".Step 2: Now place your finger gently on the fingerprintscanningpadand wait for the analysis.Step 3: Wait 10 seconds.Result: Your Fake blood pressure will be shownautomaticallyaftercalculation.Fingerprint Blood Pressure provides best and highdefinitionimagequalities. Fingerprint Blood Pressure is compatiblewithalmost everyandroid device. Its also tested on variousandroiddevices i.eandroid tablets and android based mobilesphones. Allthe actions canbe performed very easily without anyconfusion.Reliability isguaranteed of Fingerprint Blood PressurePrank.Fingerprint BloodPressure Prank is specially designed in awaythat it will definitelywork with all new devices andandroidversions too.Disclaimer:Fingerprint Blood Pressure Prank is forentertainmentpurposesonly. It does not calculates you bloodpressure.Calculating BloodPressure is not possible with yourandroiddevice's screen andcamera. The displayed results arerandomnumbers. It is the bestapplication for fooling yourfriends.Do not forget to rate us and give your feedback ofyourexperienceto use Fingerprint Blood Pressure Prank or if incase ofa problemplease write an email. We would love to resolveout yourproblem andwe will try our level best to make it betterand moreuser friendlyapplication. Your feedback will behighlyappreciated. Thank you.Enjoy Fingerprint Blood Pressure Prank!
Blood Pressure Scanner Prank 1.2
Blood Pressure Scanner Prank is just aPRANKapplication and its a simulated version of BPcheckingmachine.Blood Pressure Scanner Prank app is only for entertainmentpurposeand its a prank app.Blood Pressure Scanner Prank will let you select gender and askyouto hold your finger on the scanning machine to scan it,afterfinishing the scanning the app will display your randomBloodPressure value and random pulse rate.HOW TO USE:Using Blood Pressure Scanner Prank app is very easy. Opentheapplication and select your gender, it will ask you to placeyourfinger on the Scanning device and it will start scanning onceyouplace your finger on the scanning device. After finishingthescanning action, it will show you random BloodPressurevalues.Disclaimer: Blood Pressure Scanner Prank is only a Prankapplicationand its made only for entertainment or fun purpose. Itwill not giveyou accurate results and its not replacement for realBlood Pressurechecking machines.
Blood Pressure/ Sugar Prank 1.0
It's an amazing prank "FingerprintBloodPressure and Blood sugar Prank" applicationDo you want to collect a lot of laughter, hilarity and cheermomentamong the group of your friends?Fingerprint Blood Pressure/sugar/group will provide you themosteasiest way of checking out your prank blood pressure ,heartbeatrate,blood sugar(glucose) rate ,blood group and will be the most accurate health Application.Glucose is a major source of energy for most cells of thebody,including brain cells. Carbohydrates are found in fruit,cereal,bread, pasta, and rice. They are quickly turned into glucoseinyour body. Most people with diabetes need to check theirbloodsugar (glucose) levels regularly.Get it now “fingerprint blood pressure/sugar prank” applicationandhit most memorable and amused moments with your friends. it usestoprank your friends till then android has not ability tocalculatethe blood pressure/sugar/group and body temperature of ahumanbody, but your friends don’t known about this. So fool themwithfingerprint blood pressure sugar prank. Application’s layout issonatural that nobody can determine whether it is real orprank?Application is easy to use and fit for almost allandroiddevices.You know what is different in fingerprint blood pressure or sugar?The use of digital meter to show fake blood pressure readingswhichwill definitely inspire your friends and they might think thatyouare enjoying latest android device.this app is just prank fake joke funny scanner to calculateyourblood pressure,sugar,group.Fingerprint Blood Pressure or blood sugar can Measure yourSystolicand Diastolic Blood pressures quickly.This application fairly tested on different devices in ordertoconfirm its ease and effectiveness..How to use:Step 1: Select your TestStep 2: Now place your finger gently on the finger scanning padandwait for the analysis.Result: Your Fake result will be shown automaticallyaftercalculation.Features:- Measure your Systolic, Diastolic and heartbeat rate- Measure your blood pressure , blood group ,blood sugar andbodytemperature- FREE fun for all- Realistic looking scanner-Simple to scan and easy to use-Works with Android mobiles and tablets-Simple and clear UI and beautiful designDisclaimer: Fingerprint Blood Pressure or sugar application atthemoment is for just an entertainment purposes only, and at thetimeit does not calculating correct results. it's just likeprankFingerprint Blood Pressure or sugar scanner will onlydisplayedresults on randomly basis. You can use this applicationfor foolingyour friends, prank your enemies
Blood Pressure Scanner (Prank) 1.0
Apps Club X
Blood Pressure Scanner couldmonitorbloodpressure only by your mobile. No extra devicesneeded,yoursmartphone will do the job.If you are a prankster and if you want to collect alotoflaughter and cheer moment among the group of friends?thenInstall“Blood pressure scanner” and hit most memorable momentswithyourfriends, you would definitely love this Application.Fingerprint Blood Pressure prank is prank application anditusesto prank your friends. Those people who want to playpranksonothers and want to show off the power of theirlatestandroiddevice. Now a days some smartphones have a abilitytocalculate ablood pressure of a human body but some don't have.Soyou can usethis application to prank your friends. So Makefoolthem withBlood Pressure Scanner and your friends will notknowabout it.It is a dream app for the one who want to prank friendsorforkids who wants to play doctor games. Application layout issorealthat nobody can determine whether its real or Prank?It is designed in such a way that one who is not awareofandroidcan never get whether it is a prank application orreal.Peoplewould think as if it is a real bloodpressurecalculatingapplication.How to Use:Open the ApplicationSelect Your Gender firstPut your finger on the finger position and waiting a secondfortheanalysisYour fake blood pressure will be shownautomaticallyaftercalculation.Features:Realistic Looking scannerSimple to scan the fingerEasy to useTotally free for android users.Works with android mobiles and tabletsBlood pressure scanner is compatible with almosteveryandroiddevice. Application is so simple and understandable.Alltheactions can be performed very easily withoutanyconfusion.Reliability is guaranteed of blood pressurescannerprank.Note:Blood pressure scanner prank is for entertainmentpurposesonly.It doesn’t calculates your blood pressure. Thedisplayedresultsare random numbers. It is the best application forfoolingyourfriends.Do not forget to rate us and give your feedback ofyourexperienceto use. We are here to listen you. Send usyoursuggestions, we willtry to improve the application anduserinterface for our valuedusers/customers. Thanks.
Michael Godard Art Gallery 1.0.10
The #1 Selling Michael Godard Art Gallery In The World!
Xray Mobile Scanner Prank 1.2
Xray Mobile Scanner- Prank is anapplicationtomake fun with your friends or family members. It worksas itscansthe different body parts of the Mobile phone throughthecamera ofthe mobile phone. Fool your friends or family membersandhave funto see the different body parts as circuit, battery etcofyourMobile phone by using this entertaining application.INSTRUCTIONS:- Place your mobile phone camera on the body part ofthecellphone,-Open Xray Mobile Scanner Prank application,-Tilt up phone to scroll up Xray image,-Tilt down phone to scroll down,- X-ray laser beam will scan the body parts likecircuit,batteryetc,- Compatible devices (Samsung Galaxy, Sony Xperia,Htc,Motorola,Oppo, Nokia, LG, Hp, Dell etc..),NOTE:-This is a prank Application for fun, it’s not a real device,- For any query please email us, we will solve your problemsassoonas possible.
Weight Scanner Prank 2.0
Do you want the ideal weight? Checkiteasilywith the app. It's an useful tool to help you trackweightdailyand archive your weight goal. Whether you want to loseweightorgain weight, tracking your progress is veryimportant.weight machine scans your body weight using finger prints.Howmuchyou weight! Now detects it using your mobile phone,Mobileweightmachine Scanner is an awesome digital scale app forandroidmobilewhich simply determine and calculate your bodyweight.How to check your weight using a mobile weight machine?Tap your finger on weight scanner and hold to completethescanningprocess. After when the mobile weight machine Calculateandcompilethe results it shows your exact weigh in digitalformat.This iscomplete digital weight machine. Now calculatingweight iseasyusing this mobile scale app.Features in weight scanner► Start the application and tap on finger weight scanner.► Works on the basis of finger prints scanner► It will automatically start counting your weight duringyourpressthe scanner► Very user friendly UI.► Real time BMI/Body Fat Percentage/BMR/Waist tohipratio(WHR)value.► Track weight any times a day.► Digital weight measuring readings.► Real animation of analog scale like in realanalogweightscale► Both analog and Digital weight scale shows theweightreadingDownload this Weight Scanner Prank app for FREE nowWeight Scanner Prank is prank app and all the results areFake.Thereis no relation of real result with this app. it ismadeforentertainment purpose only.If you like this app than don’t forget to give rate &reviewalsofor further update…Thank you…
X-Ray Sketch Cam Scanner Prank 1.0
This application is just a prank appandcannotgives a real x-ray of body part. With this xray prankappyou mayentertain your self and also your friends, with thisxrayapplication you will be able to make fun either you arewithyourfriends or with your family member . this x raymachineapplicationis able to make a xray of your hands , legs,chest ,clothes andother body parts. Through this xray scanner appyou get100% prankresult just as real xray machine.You may have a great fun while using this xrayprankapplication.Features :place your mobile phone camera on you hand or any other partdrag up and down your device to generate your xray.Note:X-ray prank app is prank application just for entertainment,itcannot generate a real x-ray results.
Blood Pressure BP Scan Prank 1.6.1
Collect a lot of laughter, hilarity andcheermoment among the group of your friends. Get it now “BloodPressureBP Scan Prank” and hit most memorable and amused momentswith yourfriends.This is a prank application . Till then androidhas notability to calculate the blood pressure of a human body, butyourfriends don’t known about this. Application is easy to use andfitfor almost all android devices. The use of digital meter toshowfake blood pressure readings which will definitely inspireyourfriends and they might think that you are enjoying latestandroiddevice.Step 1: Select your gender.Step 2: Now place your finger gently on the fingerprint scanningpadand wait for the analysis.Result: Your Fake blood pressure will be shown automatically.FEATURES• A prank application to collect cheers moment withyourfriends• HD graphics and beautiful use of scanner animation• Too much user friendly and easy to use• FREE fun for allWarning: fingerprint blood pressure calculator is a prankandfake application and it is not capable to measure thebloodpressure of a human body, all the reading that are used inthis appare fake and randomly generated by app. It is developed forthesake of entertainment and joy.Do not forget to rate us and give your feedback ofyourexperience to use Blood Pressure BP Scan Prank or if in case ofaproblem please write an email. We would love to resolve outyourproblem and we will try our level best to make it better andmoreuser friendly application. Your feedback will behighlyappreciated. Thank you.Enjoy Fingerprint Blood Pressure Prank!
blood Pressure Scanner Prank 1.2
An outstanding prank application"Bloodpressurechecker Prank", increases the feeling that yourparticularappexamine your high blood pressure. Actually it isactually aprank appto have things interesting purpose. Low bloodpressurechecker appgive numerous laughter amongst the friends..Fingerprint ScannerSimulator enables you to prank yourfamilymembers. This is a greatmethod of obtaining enjoyment andfun.Would like to know thatwhenever you happen to be pregnantwhichincludes a boy or possibly agirl? Fingerprint BloodPressurechecker prank increases the feelingthat your particularappcalculates your Blood pressure level checkerapp is undoubtedlyanawesome prank app! play pranks on others aswell as showcasethepotency of their latest android device to keepthingsinterestingresults. It's coded in a manner that no-one thatwillaware it'sactually a prank blood pressure levels machine. Thisappwillprovide you with getting pregnant Test that you choosetowontforget. fingerprint Scan low blood pressure levelscalculatorisknown as a prank and pretend application.It is actuallysimplytokeep things interesting. It's not necessarily tobeutilizedthroughout the health care field or medicalpurposes.BloodPressure Levels checker Prank is only a prank appwhichdon'tdisplay accurate BP readings. for any fun moment youarelookingfor It will be really such an amazing prankapplication"BloodPressure", it works with BP Scanner app isincrediblysimpleHey friend for more awesome apps please support our amazingteambygiving as five stars and leave a comment formoreinformations.Thank you.
Blood Pressure BP Prank 1.0.6
Blood Pressure BP Prank app only for fun,through which you can find your fake blood pressure andMonitoringyour fake Blood Pressure values on your mobile screen.Want to have fun playing with your friends and tell them thatyoucan check their blood pressure using fingerprint scanning!..Thisawesome prank app to make some fun with your friends." Blood Pressure BP Prank " does not requireinternetconnection.HOW TO USE:* Touch on " Check BP Prank " button.* Now place your finger correctly and politely on scanning padandwait for the result.* Now your Fake blood pressure will be shown on screenautomatically.Note:Blood Pressure BP Prank is not a real BP Checker. Its justforfun with your friends .Enjoy with this prank app. After that RATE this app.
Finger BP Scanner Prank 1.7
Finger Blood Pressure Scanner is a funprankapp to check Blood Pressure (BP).A normal person will have Blood Pressure (BP) value is 120/80.Ifit’s more then this or less then this will leads tohealthissues.In Finger Blood Pressure Scanner app, it will ask you to placeyourfinger on scanning area of phone screen, when you place afinger itwill scan your finger and show your Blood Pressure (BP)value onthe screen.Finger Blood Pressure Scanner app is built only for fun itsnotreplacement for any real BP checking machines and values shownbyusing this app may not be accurate.Please use real BP checking methods to find your realBPvalues.
BP Check Point Prank 0.0.12
BP Check Point Prank, Before you begintomonitor your blood pressure at home, it's important to knowthatdifferences between left-arm and right-arm (inter arm)bloodpressure are common.
Fingerprint Scanner 3.0
Do you want a unique latest prank idea tofoolyour friends and having a funny moments with them, soinstallFingerprint Scanner Prank to enjoy many fingerprinting MoodScannerPrank app provides you HD display and mood farcecalculations.Before using app Fingerprint Mood Scanner Prank, keepin mind thatyour friends do not know some of this joke app. So theyhave to dowhat you will say that you can check your mood and putthe thumb orfinger of your friend on the scan area after a scanperiod iscompleted and the end of false result will be shown on thescreen.When you watch, you might say in serious mode, this is ajoke app.This moment will be laughter, hilarity and memorable foryou. Sokeep fool your friends using the Fingerprint Mood ScannerPrankapp. Poster Fingerprint Mood Scanner Prank Calls are such thatnoone can determine whether it is real or a fake.Note: This is a joke finger print app and show false calculationsonmood.This is a Fingerprint Scanner Simulator app. You can use it toplaya prank with your friends. finger print Scanner is meant to beusedfor entertainment purposes only. This app is a prank app, it'saJoke.Enjoy this free Fingerprint Scanner. So get it and don'tforgetto rate this app to encourage us.
Mood Scanner Detector (Prank) 2.0
Gosi Apps
How are you feeling today? Lazy? Moody? Angry? Use theMoodScannerto help you find out! Place your finger on the screenandMoodScanner detects your mood. * Analyzes your fingermotiontodetermine your mood and feelings. Translations:German,English,Spanish, Indonesian , French This app is intendedforentertainmentpurposes only and does not provide truemooddetectorfunctionality.
Fingerprint Scan Simulator 2.2
This app is a fingerprint scan simulator. Not a real scanner.
Blood Group Scanner Prank 1.0.2
This blood group scanner simulator is afreeappthat will scan your finger and show you a prank bloodtypetestresult, will your friends know this test is fake, findoutnow!!Everyone wants to save their time by findingsolutionstodifferent problems. Most people don’t know about theirbloodgroupbecause they don’t even have time to go laboratory forbloodtest,now you can show them you can find out their blood groupjustbypressing on the fingerprint scanner, using this simulationofablood group checker.Here we are introducing a blood group detectorapplicationwhichdetects your fake blood group showing randomresults bysimplyscanning the finger prints. This is aninterestingapplication tomake fun with your friends and family.Just installthisapplication and have loads of fun with themnow!Do you wish to find out what type of blood group you belongsto,thenthis blood group test prank app is great for you.This is a prank blood check-up app and not close toarealfingerprint scanner by any means, it is only asimulator.Currently this is not possible with android phone to reallyfindoutthe medical result as people expect. Play with this app forfunwithyour friends and family whenever you get free time.How to use:1.Place your finger on the fingerprint scanner.2.Your fingerprint will now be scanned, and a fake bloodsampleistaken.3.When the scan is complete, the app will simulate thatitisanalyzing the blood.4.After a couple of seconds your fake blood type resultwillbeshown.Enjoy the best free blood group detector test withthisgreatapplication, trick your friends into thinking you cantellthemwhat their blood type is by using this greatfingerprintscanner,how many can you fool? This applicationsfeaturesinclude:* Simple to use* Refreshing and simple UI* High Quality Graphics* Realistic scanner animation* Great for playing a prank and having fun* Available in 66 languages worldwide* Small application size. * Fun for all ages* Completely free of charge and always will be!Disclaimer Notice:This blood scanner / checkup prank app is only forfunandentertainment purposes this is a joke application and itisnotcapable of giving an actual medical diagnosis orestablishingyourtrue blood type/group. Always consult with a doctorfor anymedicalconcerns you may have.Copyright Notice!Polysoft Studios reserves all rights on all sourcecode,backgrounds,screen-shots, icons, sound files, and imagesusedwithin thisapplication..Do not use our source code via decompilation,ourgraphicelements,our description or other resources as we will filea DMCArequestfor copyright infringement with Google without priorwarningandyou risk loosing your account. Thank you.© 2016 Polysoft StudiosPlease forward all feedback, suggestions and bug reportstotheemail address below.
Lie Detector Test Prank 6.1
(joke app) Lie Detector simulates testing the truth.
Finger Blood pressure prank 1.0
Finger blood pressure prank is theeasiestwayto check your blood pressure.Finger blood pressure prank will calculate blood pressurejustbyscanning your finger...If you are a prankster you will love this app..How to use:1: Just place your finger on the scanner2: wait till the scanning finished3: Here you got the result...Features:1: simple and easy interface2: displaying date and timeNote: This application is a prank adn you can notcalculateactualblood pressure using android device...Finger blood pressure prank is just for entertainment purpose.
Age Scanner Test Checker Prank 1.0.0
Age Scanner Test Checker Prank isafunapplication used to calculate the age using FingerScanner.Prankyour family, friends and fellows. Amazing applicationfor kidswholove to play doctor games and health games.How To Use:1- Click the application icon to launch the application.2. Wait for application to launch.3- Select Gender.4- Click Next.5- Place your finger or thumb on the scanner.6- Hold your finger or thumb on the scanner for few seconds.7- Results will be displayed after the completion ofscanning.Disclaimer:This application is for entertainment purpose only. It isusedtoprank friends and spread smiles everywhere.
Blood Pressure Checker Prank 1.1
if you want fun? Install BloodpressurecheckerPrank application and make fun with yourfriends.Justdownload bloodpressure calculator application and makeyour lifemoreentertaining. Fingerprint blood pressure checker is aawesomeprankapplication for everyone. Actually this bloodpressuremonitorapplication is a prank. this application shows youhighbloodpressure, low blood pressure and normal bloodpressure.This blood pressure checker machine calculate yourbloodpressurereading. blood pressure checker prank app is freeforuse.just place your thumb on thumb scanner area.Bloodpressurefingerprint machine calculate your blood pressure onruntime andshows your blood pressure chart. this application isverydifferentto other apps you know what! this application havedigitalmeterlook like real blood pressure checker meter. you canprankyoufriends just place their finger on finger scanner andthisbloodpressure calculator make a fake value of blood pressureofyourfriend. But your friends did not know about it. (120/80 mmHg)thisis normal blood pressure range. Always keep in mind thisisfake bpchecker app.
BP Finger Test Prank 1.0
It's an awesome prank app. FingerBloodPressureDetector will provide you the most easiest way ofcheckingout yourblood pressure.Disclaimer: Fingerprint Blood Pressure Detectorapplicationisjust for an entertainment purposes only.
Blood Pressure Scanner Prank 1.0
Hi Logix
Blood Pressure Scanner Prank isanamazingapplication in the industry of prank application. Youareusingmany prank applications but this is the ever best productforyouto calculate the blood pressure with your fingerprints. Ifyouwantto show off the power of your android device thenthisapplicationprovides a great deal of satisfaction to yourfriends bymeasuringtheir blood pressure in the prank manner. It isdesignedin such away that one who is not aware of android can nevergetwhether itis a prank application or real. People will think asifit is areal Blood Pressure calculating application.Features:**** Professional looking interface and compatible withallHDdevices**** Simple to scan and easy to use**** Calculate your systolic and diastolic blood pressure**** Totally free for android usersHow to Use?Place your finger on the scanning pad and wait for awhiletocomplete the scanning process. After that it willdisplayyourblood pressure.Disclaimer: Blood Pressure Scanner Prank application isjustforentertainment and fun purpose only. It does notcalculatethecorrect results. It will display the result randomly.Usethisapplication to play with your friends and make themfool.