Top 11 Apps Similar to Простейший Е-помощник

Е-добавки 1.1.6
Программа Е-добавки представляет собой справочник пищевых добавок
Food additives. No Ads inside 1.07
Nowadays even a child knows that human-made foodstuffs havespecialingredients – food additives. They are flavors, emulsifiers,foodcolorings, preservatives and other substances which enhancetheflavor and add required qualities to products. More and moreoftenwe hear about components which are made of geneticallymodifiedorganisms. To classify food additives within EU countries aspecialnumbering system was invented. It has been working since1953. Eachfood additive has a unique number that consists of theletter “E”and a special classifier code, which is used all over theworld. Ahealthy diet is the basis for our well-being that is why itis veryimportant to have detailed information about components ofthealiments. Some food additives, which are considered to beharmlessor whose negative impact has not been proved, actually areverydangerous. Some of them can fall into toxic componentsundercertain circumstances (at a temperature of a human body orbecauseof gastric juices). Harm of some synthetic additivesappearsbecause of chemical reactions with other foodstuffs.According tostatistics, a person on average eats 5 kg of foodadditives everyyear. Most of such ingredients we use in our dietwithout anyworries: sugar, vanilla, salt, gelatin, bicarbonate ofsoda,vinegar, B-Carotene, ascorbic acid, pectin, egg white andotherfood additives. Any way, it is important to remember that onlyyouare responsible for your life. So while shopping you need tofollowcertain rules. When you buy aliments, you must examine labelsandkeep in mind that the list of ingredients in unhealthy foodislonger as far as it contains more food additives. Try toavoidproducts with too extended storage periods. It is obviouslythatthey have too many preservatives. Unhealthy food contains a lotofdifferent food additives and GMO and, in comparison towholefoods,it is much cheaper. Unhealthy food is easier to buy asfar as youcan find it in fast food restaurants and supermarkets.For eachfood additive an acceptable daily intake was established.If it isexceeded, there can be negative effects. Scientists, whowork inthe healthcare sphere, suppose that the decrease ofwholefoods andsuperfoods in our diet along with the increase inartificialadditives and GMO may cause the growth of such diseasesas cancer,obesity, diabetes, depression and asthma. Specialistsrecommend notallowing children, aged people and those, who have anallergy, toconsume food additives. A healthy diet and suchingredients areincompatible as far as they do not contain enoughvitamins and maybecome allergens for some groups of people.Unfortunately,wholefood nutrition will be less available in thefuture. Thepopulation of the world is growing whereas the number oforganicfarms as well as the amount of fertile land and naturalfertilizersis decreasing. Eating cheap unhealthy food instead ofexpensivewholefoods makes our diet rich in aliments but poor innecessaryingredients. One of the best solutions for this problem istoinclude into the diet high-quality dietary supplements –vitaminand mineral complexes made of natural components. Byusingcertified supplements, we can have optimal health and decreasetherisk of becoming sick because of the unhealthy lifestyleandfoodstuffs. Only we can decide what to do with our life: toimproveour health, body and live longer or to leave everything asit is.People who really care about their health try to balancetheir dietto be sure that it contains all necessary vitamins,minerals andingredients which are recommended by the scientists whocollaboratewith the world leaders in manufacturing of dietarysupplements.
Е-номера (еномера) 2.03
E numbers are codes for substances used within the European Union.
multiE Food Additives Lite 2.0.0
Food Additives Handbook. Find out the “what” you eat by buyinggoodsin markets.
multiE Food Additives Plus 2.0.1
"Nutritional supplements" (Food Additives) are the common namefornatural or synthetic chemicals added to foods to give themcertainproperties (improving taste and smell, increasingnutritionalvalue, preventing product spoilage, etc., etc.), whichnot consumedas standalone foods. " Here is a directory ofnutritionalsupplements. Just pay attention to what is written aspart of theingredients on the packaging of the products you buy.And look inthe app “what” exactly you will eat ... And then youdecide. In oneapplication: Instant, information about each of thenutritionalsupplements. An indispensable program for all curioususers. It hasa simple and intuitive interface. All sizes of tabletsandsmartphones, portrait and landscape orientations are supported.Aversion without ads and a permanent Internet connection.
E код - пищевые добавки. про. 1.8
Catalog "E" food supplements with a quick search. Decipheringthecode e. Without advertising.
Quit Smoking - Stop Smoking Co 3.7.7
A quit smoking app. Learn the benefits of a healthy lifestyle!
Жиросжигатель Opti-fit
Everyone is losing weight with us. Simple and effective.Withouthunger. Without training.
E numbers 2.1
My following program is based on information from the MinistriesofHealth of the G7 & G20 countries. This free program canhelpyou to know more about food additives. Which E number aredangerousand which one are safety. It has a very simple interfacefor use atthe department store or home. Additives must be assessedfor safetybefore they can be used in food. We also ensure that thescience onadditives is strictly reviewed, the law strictlyenforced, andaction is taken where problems are found. Weinvestigate anyinformation that casts reasonable doubt on thesafety of anadditive. It's absolutely wise to avoid eating mealwith harmfuladditives - E Numbers in them. A lot of food additivesare bad, butnot all. E numbers were assigned for food additives,which havebeen tested for safety and approved for use throughoutthe EuropeanUnion (EU). But eventually, using them in foods haveachieved verysad statistic. It turned out that many nutritionalsupplements maycause very undesirable effects on the wholeorganism. Some of themare extremely dangerous, some can not be usedoften, and some canonly be used in animal feed. For convenience,all supplements areclassified by target groups: E 100 - E 182 -colorants; E-200 andmore - preservatives; E-300 and more -antioxidants (antioxidants);E-400 and more - stabilizersconsistency; E-450 and more -emulsifiers; E-500 and more - acidityregulators, baking powder;E-600 and more - flavor enhancers; E-700- E-800 - Spare codes forother available information; E-900 andmore - glazes agents, flourand bread improvers. How consumers haveto behave in looking forhealth foods? Of course, the easiest way -is to buy the productswithout any food additives, but not all of itis well to your tasteand wallet, in addition there are a number ofpeople who cannotlive completely without additives, such asdiabetics. They eitherhave to give up sweets at all, or use sugarsubstitutes. Mostlikely you may buy a product with banned additiveson the wholesalemarkets, which often fall consignment withoutcertificates ofhealth services. While it is illegal additives maybe contained inthe products from the developed world - becausethere is a very bigdifference between food produced for domesticuse and food forexport. So if you prefer to eat not only tasty butalso healthy,support local producers - the tradition of thedomestic foodindustry still gravitate to the nature. So, buyingfood, soda, gumand candy, pay attention to the label. And if it notauthorized,but not prohibited additive, for the most part it isrelativelyharmless. But the forbidden E can lead to death.
Е Номера (e nomera) 1.3
Това е хитра програмка която ще Видадеобстойнаинформация за всички Е номера намиращи се в продуктитеви.Какво може приложението:1. Tърсене по Е номера, име и части от описанието ( накирилицаилилатиница);2. Търсене по тип (опасни, изключително опасни и т.н.);3. Търсене по категория;4. Търсене по Е-та които причиняват алергии, хиперактивност,коитосаканцерогенни, с ГМО и по такива които са опасни заДЕЦА;5. Търсене по някой видове болести (астма, проблемисбъбреците,черния дроб и т.н.);6. Списък по възходящ ред.Всъщност Е-номерата обозначават технологичните добавкивхраната(от. англ. additives), които се влагат припроизводствотоипреработката на храната, за да подобряттехнологичнияпроцес,съответно – технологичните качества на храната– цвят,аромат,консистенция, трайност и др. Проверете кои савредните храниипродукти. Правилното хранене е изключително важно.Приложениетоеизключително полезно при пазаруване на храни вмагазините.This is acleverwidgetthat will give you detailed information about all Enumbersfoundin your products.What can the application:1. A search on the number, name, and parts of thedescription(inCyrillic and Latin);2. Search by type (hazardous, extremely dangerous, etc.);3. Search by category;4. Search for E's causing allergies, hyperactivity,whicharecarcinogenic, GMO and such that are dangerous tochildren;5. Search for any kinds of diseases (asthma, kidneyproblems,liver,etc.);6. List in ascending order.In fact, E-numbers denote technological additives infood(from.English. Additives), which are used in theproductionandprocessing of food to improve the process,respectively -thetechnological quality of the food - color,aroma,texture,durability and others. Check which are harmful foodsandproducts.Proper nutrition is extremely important. Theapplicationisextremely useful when shopping for food in stores.