Top 20 Apps Similar to 五元奪寶-限時3天 註冊贈幣 最新手機當紅商品通通0元搶

賓果5元購- 5元奪寶搶購正品•特賣優惠商品•創新購物商城 1.6.223
【參與規則】賓果5元購的商品根據價值平分為若幹等份,每份對應壹個號碼,每個號碼價值1個果幣,當商品所有號碼售出後,根據規則計算出幸運號碼,持有該號碼的用護,直接獲得商品。【參與步驟】第1步:通過領取免費領取或充值獲得果幣;選擇您想要的商品,然後選擇要參與的人次數,進行參與;第2步:參與成功後,您會獲得相應數量的幸運號碼。當該商品的參與人次數達到總需人次後,就會進入待開獎狀態;第3步:開獎後,若您參與號碼中有與該商品的幸運號碼壹致的號碼,則您獲得該商品。【特點】·全場5元-花5元即可參與購買所有商品!·商品豐富-3C數碼產品、日用百貨、母嬰產品、首飾化妝品,總有壹樣是您想要的!·玩法創新-任何商品均可5元獲得,機會平等,中獎率高!·閃電發貨-中獎即發貨,運費全免!·公平公正-加入臺灣博彩BINGO BINGO 彩券計算規則,保證絕對的透明性公正性!·活動豐富-註冊即送新用戶禮包,免費抽獎,周周更新活動,期待您的參與!官方網站:www.bingo18.com電郵地址:[email protected]粉絲頁:
淘淘樂—便宜省錢團購程式、特價優惠購物App 1.6.215
淘淘樂是特價優惠團購App,10元就有機會購買到3C熱賣品、比如iPhone6s,MacBookPro筆電,Mycard儲值卡,casioTR70等等,超乎你的想象。還有足夠多的時尚配件等商品,很多客戶參與了團購,搶到了特價低價,享受了優惠,優儲值卡,耳機,自拍神器,智慧型手機等等等等!充滿樂趣的購物體驗能給您帶來驚喜,也能幫助大家實現願望!在淘淘樂,盡情享受眾籌團購,低價特賣會吧。還在等什麼,快來下載體驗這個特價購物App吧!【參與方法】在淘淘樂中每個商品都有所需的參與次數,不論是iPhone 6s還是AppleMacBookPro,都有所需的參與次數。會員每次參與消耗1個淘幣,并獲得1個幸運號碼。當該件商品達到參與次數要求,即根據既定規則計算出一個幸運號碼,持有幸運號碼的會員即可獲得獎品。您也可以使用多個淘幣,增加您搶購到iPhone6s或者其他您心儀產品的幾率!購物與折扣特賣的經典結合哦!您購買的淘幣越多,搶購獲得大獎的幾率越高。【使用步驟】第一步:儲值或參與活動便可獲得淘幣,淘幣用於購買商品,從而抽獎;第二步:挑選喜歡的商品,用淘幣付款,獲得幸運號碼;第三步:等待抽獎揭曉結果:當商品達到所需參與次數,系統根據公式計算出1個幸運號碼,持有該號碼的用戶,直接獲得該獎品。這是時下最流行的眾籌團購特賣購物模式哦!【實現夢想,只要十元】❤充滿樂趣的眾籌特賣購物App,數十種精美商品等你挑選!僅需NT$10就有機會購得iPhone6S,casioTR70,筆電等熱門商品!*所有商品均由Yahoo奇摩、PChome等知名購物平台直接發貨,質量保證,全場免運費!【公正公平公開的規則】❤公平:所有參與會員,均享有同樣的權利與義務參加眾籌特賣購物;❤公正:幸運號碼計算規則加入台灣博彩BINGO BINGO 彩券開獎結果,保證眾籌分配的隨機性,保證絕對的公正性!❤透明:所有計算公式與參與會員數據完全公開,透明可信。您可以放心參與!快來下載安裝淘淘樂购物APP吧!【緊張刺激的抽獎與開獎過程】❤參與選購商品,就能充分體驗到不一樣的緊張與刺激,更有機會享受到抽到大獎的樂趣!人人都有獲獎幾率,您付出的淘幣越多,獲獎幾率越大。僅需NT$10就可以抽獎,您的夢想就可能實現!我們的一個客戶連續參與三天,一直不中獎,最後投入兩萬台幣終於抱得iPhone6S回家。最後來看,還是非常划算的。【與好友分享喜悅】❤將抽獎得到的商品拍照分享給淘淘樂中的其他小夥伴,和自己的家人與朋友!讓更多的人感受到你的喜悅!分享你的成功中獎經歷,讓更多的朋友得知這個便宜省錢的眾籌購物程式,大家一起贏大獎!積極分享還會有機會贏取我們的淘幣和禮品。淘淘樂團購眾籌平台,充滿樂趣的便宜省錢,特價優惠型購物app。在這裡,美好的事情即將發生。下載淘淘樂,立刻享受不一樣的購物體驗吧!這種全新的互動購物體驗方式,是時尚、潮流的风向标,能满足个性、年轻消费者的购物需求。淘淘樂力求打造一个100%公平公正、100%正品保障、便宜低價,省錢優惠与購物一體化的新型購物App。NT$10能買到iPhone6S,能買到MacBookPro,你信不信?反正我信了,我們的客戶信了!淘淘樂,淘淘樂,只需10圓,淘到你的夢想和快樂。淘淘樂,就是淘到夢想和快樂的地方。關注淘淘樂:facebook主頁: App:網站:
藍三挖寶 1.0.3
【藍三挖寶, 一種最潮流的購物方式】只需5元就有機會買到iPhone、macbook、三星、kindle,casio自拍神器等等,天天帶給你驚喜!立即下載,馬上體驗全新的零錢購物!“藍三挖寶”是指用戶花费5元兑换一個挖寶幣,可憑挖寶幣使用藍三挖寶的服務。每件商品的全部挖寶號碼分配完畢後,藍三挖寶根據挖寶規則計算出一個號碼,持有該幸運號碼的用戶可直接獲得該商品。虛擬卡直接顯示序列號和卡密,實物商品則由藍三挖寶指定的第三方商家進行發貨配送。☆ iPhone、macbook、三星等等統統五元即可擁有☆ 試試運氣,這裡沒有不可能☆ 每人每份只花5元,湊滿人次即開獎☆ 進入開獎倒計時,耐心等待☆ 公平公正公開,科學計算一目了然【參與方法】1. 獲得挖寶幣:用戶充值5元,即可獲得1個挖寶幣;2. 挑選喜歡的商品:商品分配對應數量的號碼,一個挖寶幣可以獲得其中一個號碼(系統隨機分配);3. 獲得商品:當所有號碼被分配完畢後,系統根據規則計算出1個幸運號碼,持有該號碼的用戶,可直接獲得該商品。【幸運號碼計算規則】1. 商品的最後一個號碼分配完畢後,將公示該分配時間點前本站全部商品的最後50個參加時間;2. 將這50個時間的數值進行求和(得出數值S)3. 求和得到的數值S除以該商品總需人次得到的余數 +原始數10000001,得到最終幸運號碼。【用戶反饋】Fackbook主頁:
Yahoo奇摩拍賣 9.3.1
Auction Annual Gold List #天天级维益超级礼点 #热门好物痴报12元start#全星做公园1元startingbid #生活好物年级最佳价格 #Play over the auction Instagramfilter draw
淘寶Lite – 官方專為國際及港澳台用戶打造 4.32.2
Taobao Lite is a lightweight shopping APP specially createdbyAlibaba for Chinese users around the world. It can alsorunsmoothly on low-performance mobile phones. We will provide youwitha reliable secured transaction mechanism and cross-borderlogisticsservices to help you easily purchase the goods you need.
蝦皮購物 | 花得更少買得更好 3.11.07
Free shipping from $299 on the whole site|100% off on thewholesite|Drawing $300,000 in Japan
露天市集 3.4.4
It is very convenient to contact sellers through diggingtreasuresin the open air and Lulutong, and mobile payment savestime andconvenience! There are more than hundreds of millions ofproductsin the whole station for you to choose! Souks are themobileshopping station of choice!
PChome24h購物|你在哪 home就在哪 3.56.0
Where are you, where is the home? Continue to listen to yourvoice,master your life, PChome24h shopping is always with you.
飛比價格 - 購物拍賣比價找便宜必備小幫手 - Feebee v3.12.5_g
"Preferred APP for Online Shopping and Price Comparison" Therearehundreds of millions of price-comparison products; hundredsofshopping and auction websites and selected overseas storesareincluded; The point collection function allows you to solvetasks,get points, and exchange gifts every day. Let you findcheaper andearn more~
Yahoo奇摩購物中心 - 好的生活真的不貴 6.2.1
Free return service within the 15-day appreciation period,flashsale is always happy, daily downloads are good, anddiscountcoupons are received every day, making you happy shopping!
KKTOWN 手上最大跳蚤市場 2.4.359
KKTOWN is a 24/7 flea market. You will findthemost interesting, fun and amazing items on KKTOWN. It'salsofrigging easy to post and sell your items at a glimpse.What does KKTOWN provide?Security, checked!- For buyers, KKTOWN will not transfer your payment to sellersuntilyou confirm the transaction is done.- For sellers, KKTOWN will wire your money on every Thursdayforpast week's done transaction.- KKTOWN teams up with Cathay United Bank. Your every paymentwillbe saved to Cathay bank's Trust account.Treasure hunting, checked!- A pure C2C marketplace. Every item is one and the only.- Original price on items helps you find the realgoodbargains.- No transaction fee, no listing fees and credit card paymentallmake mobile shopping carefree.Easiness, checked!- Snap and sell. Under a minute you can post youritemsonline.- Sellers decide the only delivery option they provide, removeallthe hassles.- Pick up items and make payment at Famlilymart Stores, neverbeeneasier.- Transparent transaction details keep you posted at every stageofthe transaction.We have more for you to discover. Try KKTOWN today and we aresureyou will enjoy using it.
Yahoo奇摩超級商城-樂趣生活盡在超級商城 6.1.1
[618 Treasure Island Qihang] - Up to 30% off at the Treasure Shop-Crazy for limited 618 coupons - 618 super bonus points forordersover 1 yuan on the whole site - 618 Treasures - up to 1800discountacross stores - Pickup at supermarkets Free shipping andlucky drawfor a limited time
eBay - Buy, Sell & Save Money
eBay Mobile
Whether you're searching to buy new clothes,aused car, or summer updates to your wardrobe, eBay has it all.eBaymakes it easy to shop, search, bid, sell and save moneyanywhere,any time. Buy and sell on the go, find deals, manage youreBayexperience and check the status of an auction.Compare prices on new and used cars, jewelry, womens fashion,mensclothing, home & garden and more with amazing savings!ShopeBay Deals for featured coupons and discounts on top brands,alwayswith free shipping. Save money and find great online shoppingdealswith eBay’s personalized search!Buy and sell in categories like:Cars, Car Parts & Automotive Gear• Car sales from thousands of worldwide retailers• New and used cars, trucks, SUVs and motorcycles,plusaccessories• Automotive gear, motorcycle helmets, gloves, jacketsandmoreClothes, fashion & outfits• Outfit essentials – from women's clothing to men's fashiontooutfit inspiration• Clothing, shoes and accessories for any occasion• Jewelry from top brands• Fashion shopping from designer fashion brands• Shopping deals on Summer's hottest looksHome & Garden• Home design, accessories and decor. Save money on yournextrenovation!• Garden tools and decorations to complement any style• Outdoor furniture for summerCell phones, electronics & laptop computers• Compare prices on cell phones\• Electronics, video games, movies and more• Laptop computers, accessories and casesGift Ideas & More• Father's Day gifts for Dads• Graduation presents for the class of 2017• Summer savings on everything you'll need to keep cool• Coupon hunters will love eBay Deals and free shipping& much more!With eBay you can:Save money with eBay deals:• Deals and discounts on brand-new electronics, fashionandmore• Free shipping on all eBay DealsSell your items online:• Selling cars, jewelry or gadgets – sell it all, big orsmall• Barcode Scanner to scan products & set up salesinminutes• Sell stuff on the go - revise and manage your listings onyourphoneSearch and sell with the bar code scanner & reader:• Scan products with the barcode scanner to comparepricesonline• Barcode reader lets you scan any item to instantly start anewlisting• QR code reader can read QR codes and save you time shoppingBuy clothing, cell phones, cars for sale and more atbargainprices:• Bid and buy to save money from trusted sellers• Search, bid, buy or make offers on unique items fromsellersworldwide• Browse personalized recommendations• Save your favorite searches and sellers for quick access• Coupons and deals to help you save money• Auction pricing means you get the best deal possibleTrack orders and get notifications:• Get customizable alerts about your eBay items and activity• Shipping tracker for your packages• Leave feedback• Read and respond to eBay messagesSearch and bid with eBay for discounts on clothing,cars,collectibles and anything else under the sun. Download theeBay appand start your search today!LANGUAGE SUPPORTEnglish, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese,Russian,Polish, Dutch (Belgium + Netherlands)KEEP IN TOUCHYour feedback & suggestions are important to us! Contact usonTwitter @askebay or know you value your privacy when apps request permissions.Hereis exactly how they are used:YOUR ACCOUNTS: Let us send you push notificationsifrequested.SYSTEM TOOLS: Let us wake up your device to sendnotifications,after which the device automatically returns to sleepmode.LOCATION: Let us provide search results relevant toyourlocation.NETWORK COMMUNICATION: Share items with your friends or othersoneBay using Near Field Communication (NFC). Just enable NFC onyourdevice settings, then hold your phone up to theirs and we’llsendthe item over!CAMERA: Scan barcodes for comparison shopping or start anewlisting, take pics of an item you're listing, and attach picstoeBay messages.
Carousell: Snap-Sell, Chat-Buy 2.185.793.799
Carousell is a community marketplace thatletsyou Buy and Sell everything from fashion, clothes,accessories,beauty products, furniture, art, books, branded goods,cars, bikes,antiques to houses. Declutter your closet, room, orhome of oldstuff by putting them up for sale on Carousell, the bestplace tofind a new home for your pre-loved items.Are you a hoarder? Running out of storage space fornewpurchases?☻ Create beautiful listings in 30 seconds to sell or shop fromamassive online marketplace wherever, whenever.☻ Customised search with keywords for fast and easy shopping☻ Chat with local and foreign sellers & buyers with asingletap☻ Make money by selling stuff and discover great deals☻ With Carousell Groups, you can buy and sell in interestgroups,neighborhood groups, school groups and more! It’s moretrusty andfun to buy and sell in a community that you and fellowmembers careabout!☻ Set up your very own mobile and web e-commerce store quicklyandseamlessly – its as easy as posting on Instagram ;)For Sellers…☻ Offer up your preloved items - free up garage / storage spaceandmake money at the same time☻ Snap, List, Sell: free listings with up to 4 photos to sellyournew and used / secondhand items + in-app editing features☻ When listing something for sale, you can post it tomultipleCarousell Groups to reach more buyers!☻ Instantly share listings on Facebook Pages, Groups andTimeline,Twitter, and Instagram☻ Raise the bar on your street cred by accumulating positivememberfeedback from other Carousellers.☻ Earn a verified badge to boost your credibility by connectingviaFacebook and verifying your email☻ Beautiful promotional images magically generated based onyourCarousell profile that you can share across all yoursocialnetworks and interact with friends through likesandcomments.For Buyers...☻ Effortless catalog-like browsing for unique items☻ Great variety of secondhand branded goods like designerbags,shoes, makeup and beauty products, to watchesandautomobiles.☻ Private Chat feature within the app to talk to sellers to buyanitem and negotiate on prices, or ask for more images of theproductbefore you make an offer☻ Safe transactions with trusted sellers: Get the lowdown onotherusers' experiences on any seller by checking out theirmemberfeedback☻ Get the best deal or bargain in your neighbourhood orcountryacross over 18 categories☻ Sort items by Nearest, Recent, and Popular, and by Location☻ Personalize your marketplace by following your favouritecommunitymembers to get updates on new listingsTo get the full experience of the app, grant us thefollowingpermissions:• WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : so we can save used photos onyourexternal storage• READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: so we can upload photos that are savedonyour external storage• ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: so we know where you are located toshowyou nearby listings and tag your own listings to therightlocation• ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION: we need your exact location to provideyouwith a hyperlocal experience• CAMERA: used to access camera for snapping photos before youcanlist and sell them!
Online shopping for overseas Chinese
淘寶紅包大放送 1.0.0
Deal Checker
天天都來抽紅包,總有一天變土豪!你也來試試手氣吧!紅包面額:1元、2元、5元、10元、1000元Every day to draw aredenvelope, and one day become Tyrant! You have to try theirlucknow!Red Denomination: 1 yuan, 2 yuan, 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 1000 yuan
小三美日美妝|保養生活購物網 23.6.0
The No. 1 Brand of Affordable Beauty Makeup, Get CashImmediatelyfor the First Download! *It is super convenient to joinas a member*24H shopping is not closed *Event push notification~Don't missthe good deals *U.S. dollar consumption rebate 1%,unlimiteddiscount *Open to overseas members to purchase
強尼拍賣:手機平板配件行動商城 2.12.5
最新潮時尚購物APP,簡單使用手機瀏覽購物,懶人最ING新選擇。手機週邊系列商品、平板皮套、行動電源等最火紅的3C產品,結帳流程簡單易懂,強尼拍賣讓您每天購物輕鬆買的安心~簡單介面商品通通瀏覽,讓您走到那逛到那,怎麼買都方便。The latest influxoffashion shopping APP, simple to use mobile browsing shopping,lazymost ING new choice.Phone peripheral series products, flat leather, power supply,etc.The most fiery action 3C products, checkout process easytounderstand, Johnny auction allows you to easily buy peace ofmindshopping day - a simple browser interface commoditiesaltogether,allowing you to come to that wandered Well, howconvenient tobuy.
MD Market 1.9.2
Full of unused inventory? Don't wanttothrowaway but also don't wish to keep in the living room?Looking for a better way to sell your products?Got skills, but don't know where to sell them?Seeking for some items for a long time, no matter how hardyoutry,still don't know where to get it?You have come to the right place! [MD Market] can help youtosolvethese problems without any charges.Yes it's totally FREE.【MD Market】 - a trading and bartering platform.Here you can freely to trade and barter itemswithoutanyrestrictions or create your own groups and shareinformationwithothers.Keywords:trade,buy,sell,barter,free,gift,group,product,seeking,searching,auction,shopping