Top 17 Games Similar to Trivial Matemático

Mobile Trivia 1.2.0
Simple trivia question game
Trivial Quiz English 3.2
Cadev Games
Challenge your knowledge with Trivial Quiz English
Trivial España 2.00
Este es un trivial de preguntas sobreEspaña.Historia, arte, geografía, cine, cultura general, de todo unpocoen más de 1000 preguntas que pondrán a prueba tu conocimientosobreEspaña.Características:-> 1200+ preguntas originales en español-> 4 modos de juego-> puntuaciones y posibilidad de compartirlasSe ha intentado que la mayoría de las preguntas seanasequiblespara cualquier español, con temas como nuestrascostumbres,geografía, personajes famosos, grupos musicales,películas, y engeneral cosas que los españoles vemos habitualmenteen lasnoticias, o bien que forman parte de nuestra cultura general.Sinembargo, por esa misma razón y a pesar de estar en español,estetrivial puede ser bastante complicado para gente de otrospaíseshispanohablantes.This is atrivialquestions about Spain. History, art, geography, movies,generalculture, a bit of everything over 1000 questions that willtestyour knowledge about Spain.Features:-> 1200 + original questions in Spanish-> 4 game modes-> Lowest possible shareHe has tried most of the questions are affordable foranySpanish, with songs like our customs, geography,celebrities,bands, films, and generally things that Spaniardsusually see inthe news, or that are part of our general culture.However, forthis reason and despite being in Spanish, this trivialcan be quitecomplicated for people from other Spanish speakingcountries.
Geek Trivia 0.9
The geekest trivia for the most voracious consumers of anticulture.
Trivial Fútbol 0.62
Este es un trivial sobre fútbolespañolyrelacionado con España. Incluye preguntas de la Liga BBVA,laCopadel Rey, la Selección Española, entrenadores, jugadores,etc...-> 200+ preguntas originales-> 4 modos de juego-> envía tus puntuacionesThis is aSpanishfootballtrivia, and related to Spain. Includes questionsfrom theLiga, Copadel Rey, the Spanish team, coaches, players, etc...-> 200 + original questions-> 4 game modes-> Send your scores
Atomik Trivial 1.5
Free online game of questions and answers of 1-4 players and6languages.
Adivina la palabra correcta Adivina palabra correcta 0.9
12 juegos de palabras en español para adivinar y aprenderortografíay gramática
Trivial Historia 1.01
Medicus Mundi
Este es un trivial de temática histórica,conmás de 400 preguntas acerca de diferentes periodos de lahistoriahumana, desde la época de la Grecia Clásica hasta laSegunda GuerraMundial y la Guerra Fría. Tiene cuatro modosdiferentes de juegopara jugar en solitario e ir practicando, ycuando haya suficientesjugadores se activará la opción para jugaronline.-> 4 modos de juego en solitario.-> Próximamente modo de juego online.-> Más de 400 preguntas tipo trivial de diversos temas concuatroalternativas de respuesta-> Sección de curiosidades históricas, con anécdotas yhechoscuriosos.-> Logros y tablones con las mejores puntuaciones.Respecto a las preguntas del trivial, las hay de todaslasépocas, y sobretodo están centradas en la historia delmundooccidental, entendiendo como tal Europa y posteriormenteAmérica.Hay por tanto preguntas de la Grecia Clásica, el ImperioRomano, laEdad Media, el Renacimiento, el Descubrimiento deAmérica, laIndependencia de Estados Unidos, la Revolución Francesa,la PrimeraGuerra Mundial, la Segunda Guerra Mundial, etc..., asícomo depersonajes célebres de todas las épocas y algunas sobrereligionesy otras cuestiones de interés histórico.Por último añadir que todos los beneficios derivados delapublicidad de este trivial se donan integramente a la ONGMedicusMundi España.This is atrivialhistorical theme, with more than 400 questions aboutdifferentperiods of human history, from the time of Ancient Greeceuntil theSecond World War and the Cold War. It has four differentgame modesfor solo play and go to practice, and when enough playerswillactivate the option to play online.-> 4 game modes alone.-> Coming soon online game mode.-> More than 400 questions on various topics trivial typewithfour answer choices-> Section of historical curiosities, anecdotes andfunfacts.-> Achievements and high score boards.Regarding trivial questions, there are of all ages, and mostarefocused on the history of the Western world, understood asEuropeand then America. There are therefore questions ofClassicalGreece, the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages, theRenaissance, thediscovery of America, the American Revolution, theFrenchRevolution, World War I, World War II, etc ... well ascelebritiesof all time and some of religions and other issues ofhistoricalinterest.Finally add all the benefits of advertising on this trivialaredonated entirely to the NGO Medicus Mundi Spain.
JW Bible Quiz 8.2
Do you think you know everything abouttheBible? Will you be able to get the three stars ofeachsection?Test your knowledge with this simple Q&A App.You will learn principles, truths and details while you arehavingfun playing. Very easy to play and for the wholefamily.- Multiplayer mode, to play with family or friends.- 6 sections with questions about different topics andwithdifferent levels of difficulty (coming soon, 3 so far).- Each section has 3 stars that you can get.- All sections contribute to your total amount of stars.- You have a limited time to answer each question.- You have grants, like hints that you can buy with the coins,aswell as wild cards that you receive when you get stars.- Personal record scoreboard for each section.- References to look up the answers to the questions.(It is not an official application of JW.ORG, to see theofficialapplications, go to the official page).
Show Trivial: Online
Trophy Lab
A new way to play, Show Trivial, Trivial online with allyourcontacts.
Trivia Quiz Game Free
An amazing quiz game for testingyourknowledge.Come have fun and learn with this game and show everyone thatyouhave a brilliant memory.☆☆☆ Features ☆☆☆◉ Local ranking with the history of their scores.◉ Help fifth fifth - Removes two incorrect answers.◉ Help call a person - Ask a brilliant virtual person abouthisopinion.◉ Help ask the audience - You will see the statistics of answersofthe virtual classroom.◉ Help refresh the question - Don't know the correct answer?Noproblem. Just reload the question and try to answeranotherone.
Trivial España 2 0.98
Medicus Mundi
Este es un trivial de preguntassobreEspaña.Historia, arte, geografía, cine, cultura general, detodo unpocoen más de 1200 preguntas que pondrán a prueba tuconocimientosobreEspaña.Características:-> 1200+ preguntas tipo trivial originales en español-> 4 modos de juego-> marcadores y logros-> modo multijugador en preparaciónSe ha intentado que la mayoría de las preguntas deltrivialseanasequibles para cualquier español, con temascomonuestrascostumbres, geografía, personajes famosos,gruposmusicales,películas, y en general cosas que los españolesvemoshabitualmenteen las noticias, o bien que forman parte denuestraculturageneral. Sin embargo, por esa misma razón y a pesarde estarenespañol, este trivial puede ser bastante complicado paragentedeotros países hispanohablantes.Por último añadir que todos los beneficios derivadosdelapublicidad de este trivial se destinan a la ONGMedicusMundiEspaña.This is atrivialquestionsabout Spain. History, art, geography, film,general, alla littleover 1200 questions that will test yourknowledge aboutSpain.Features:-> 1200 + original trivial questions in Spanish type-> 4 game modes-> Leaderboards and achievements-> Multiplayer in preparationHe has tried most trivial questions are affordable foranySpanish,with songs like our customs, geography, celebrities,bands,films,and generally things that we usually Spanish in thenews, orthatare part of our general culture. However, for the samereasonanddespite being in Spanish, this trivial can be quitecomplicatedforpeople from other Spanish speaking countries.Finally add all the benefits of advertising on thistrivialarefor Medicus Mundi Spain.
Quiz Ranking 1.2
Ranking Quiz is a trivial type gameofquestions and answers that you can not stop playing. Withquestionsin Spanish.Test your knowledge with this game trivial type of questionsandanswers. You will have to answer correctly questionsGeography,History, Sports, Literature, Science, Film, Deseries,Technological etc ...Challenge your friends on Facebook and favorite socialnetworkswith your score and level attained.Thousands of questions available that are increasing day byday,thanks to our players can submit questions through thegame.Besides our team every week increases the number ofquestions.World Ranking and Social, compare your score in the game withtheworld and your score with friends.To use the ranking and achievements in the game, you must beloggedinto Google Play Games with your account.features:* Two ways to play Trivial Traditional mode type. a questionandfour possible answers, play against the clock and hit as manyaspossible to score points and pass the level.* Game Mode cards. In this way you pose a question can onlyseethe answer. Thus uses a physical board such as a chip ofquestions.Or Test mode.* New question submission form. Now you can send your questionsandanswers through the game itself.* Share your achievements, levels and scores with your friendsonFacebook, Twitter, Whatsapp etc ... and challenge them toimproveyourself in level and score. Also in the Ranking.* Test yourself your knowledge.* Challenge your friends, challenge them to improve yourself!* Share your points and achievements.Follow us on social networks and watch out for the prizes youcanget.Facebook: game contains advertising.
M Quiz 3.0
Cadev Games
Have fun answering M Quiz general knowledge questions!
Trivia Crack (Ad free)
Have fun challenging your friends andenemiesin the hottest trivia game!Let our friendly spinner wheel, Willy, select which questionsyou’llanswer from six different categories. Be the first to getthe sixcrowns to win, but watch out for the rematch!Reasons you should be playing Trivia Crack right this second:- Hundreds of thousands of exciting questions- You can create your own questions in the Factory- Over 20 game languages- Chat with your opponents- Collectable card collectionNeed more? No problem:- Prove how smart you are- Learn something new while having fun- Make your mother proudSo what are you waiting for? Let’s go! Download the game!Warning: this game may cause an excess of fun. Please consultaprofessional if you notice your knowledge growing at anunusualrate.Visit for more information.Questions? Concerns? Find the solution to all your a social being, follow us!:- Facebook: Twitter: @triviacrack- Instagram: YouTube: Google+:
Mizeravi Matemática Quiz 3.0.12
Isr Studio
AH MIZERAVI, Busque a melhor pontuação errando questõesdeMatemática.