Top 7 Apps Similar to CamEco Kaleidoscope Camera

Kaleidoscope Magic Camera Free 1.0.3
You can build your own Kaleidoscopeusingyoursmart phone.Swiping right to left or left to rightrotatetheKaleidoscope.Kids love this app when you stand in front of the camera.
Kaleidoscoper 0.1
Kaleidoscoper lets you take pictureslikeyourphone is a kaleidoscope! Choose from 13 creative modesandamazeyour friends with your artistic creations:fantastickaleidoscopeeffects, funhouse mirrors and more!
Video Warp 3.1.0
Video editor with warping and speed filters - and a cool VFX mixer!
Viko & Co.
Use build in effects to record awesome videos and impressyourfriends!
Astral Camera Free 1.37
Astral Camera is Android applicationformakingoriginal shots and textures.Why Astral Camera? It uses filters but there aremuchmorepowerful graphic editors with filters. The differenceisAstralCamera does it in real time in the any place. How manydesignideaswill be lost while you will bring your shot tocomputer?WithAstral Camera you can get immediately that you willfindneverusing traditional two steps (camera -computer)designtechnique.The camera has got some colored filters, black andwhitefilter,like-pencil drawing filter and a set of mirrors thatcanbecombined with them.It can be used for design of any originaltextures(fabric,textile, cloth, tablecloth, carpets, carpeting,curtains,stainedglass windows, wallpapers, ceramic tiles,interiorelements,architecture elements, web design and anyadvertising andpromotiondesign).As there is an option for signing shots the Camera can beusedforfast creating advertising publications in social networksforanybusiness. You can make shot of goods, sign it by youraddressandphone and send it immediately to Facebook, Instagramorothernetwork.With Astral Camera you can create abstractart,psychedelicshots.You can use it for entertainment purposecreatingextravagantportrait and landscape shots, cool selfie orplay withit askaleidoscope toy.FB address: Edition restrictions:Shots are marked by “Astral Camera” sign.Some filters parameters and some mirrors are restricted.You can win $100 placing your artwork created bythisapplicationto myfacebookgroup
Relaxar e Meditar 3.0
Relaxar e Meditar precisa fazer partedoseudia-a-dia! Um dos maiores canais do gênero no YouTubecomMúsicaspara Dormir, Música para Relaxar, Música paraMeditação,Reiki,Acupuntura, Spa e Massagens, Música para Yoga,Tratamentos emuitomais, tudo disponível gratuitamente em nossocanal no YouTube.Nós compomos músicas instrumentais especialmenteelaboradasparaestimular e favorecer o relaxamento, a meditação, afunçãocerebrale a concentração. Com o uso de ondas delta, alpha etheta ouso denosso conteúdo disponível ajuda você a alcançar umestadonaturalde relaxamento que é perfeito para concentração,meditaçãoou sonoprofundo. O Canal Relaxar e Meditar oferece tambémuma sériedeplaylists com músicas especialmente selecionadasparacadanecessidade diária, recomponha suas energias e desfrutedemaisenergia e harmonia no seu dia.Desfrute de todo o nosso conteúdo, cada segmento trazvídeosqueganham destaque mundial no YouTube pela qualidade deseuconteúdoque envolve sons cuidadosamente compostos ouobtidosdiretamente danatureza (sons do mar, sons de animais, sonsde águacorrente, sonsda floresta) e também o conteúdo visual queestádiretamenteenvolvido nos benefícios oferecidos pelo conteúdocomoimagens emalta definição da natureza, praias, florestas,animais,flores,mandalas e caleidoscópios, animações e muitomais.Seja qual for o seu perfil, tenha certeza de que o CanalRelaxareMeditar pode lhe ajudar! Você pode ser a mamãe que querfazer oseubebê dormir, o adolescente que precisa estudar, acalmarsuamentepara se concentrar nos estudos, um profissional queprecisarreduzirseu nível de stress diário, uma pessoa comdificuldadespara dormirou se você passa por momentos que precisamde pazinterior, reflexãoou equilíbrio, acompanhando alguns denossosvídeos você terá orelaxamento e sono profundo queprecisa.Relax and meditateneedstobe part of your day-to-day! One of the largest of itskindYouTubechannels with music for Sleeping, Music forRelaxation,MeditationMusic, Reiki, Acupuncture, Spa and Massage,Music forYoga,treatments and much more, all available for free onourYouTubechannel.We compose instrumental music specially designed tostimulateandencourage relaxation, meditation, brain functionandconcentration.Using waves delta, alpha and theta usingouravailable content helpsyou achieve a natural state ofrelaxationthat is perfect forconcentration, meditation or deepsleep. TheChannel Relax andMeditate also offers a series ofplaylists withsongs speciallyselected for each daily requirement,recompose yourbatteries andenjoy more energy and harmony in hisday.Enjoy all of our content, each segment brings videostogainworldwide prominence on YouTube for the quality oftheircontentthat involves carefully composed or made soundsdirectlyfromnature (sounds of the sea, animal sounds, runningwatersounds,forest sounds) and also the visual content thatisdirectlyinvolved in the benefits of content such as highdefinitionimagesof nature, beaches, forests, animals, flowers,mandalasandkaleidoscopes, animations and more.Whatever your profile, make sure that the ChannelRelaxandmeditate can help you! You can be the mom who wants tomakeyourbaby sleep, the teenager who need to study, calm your mindtofocuson studies, a professional who need to reduce their levelofdailystress, a person with trouble sleeping or if you gothroughmomentsthat need inner peace, reflection or balance,accompanyingsome ofour videos you will need relaxation and deepsleep youneed.
Play the City RE 1.3.0
Explore Reggio Emilia through rare amateur film sequences.