Top 23 Games Similar to Clue Detective

Best Board Games 1.00
The quickest way to get the best andthecurrent top board games in just one app on Google Play Storeandthe popularity ranking based on the number of downloads.This app helps to solve your problem of finding the best and thetopboard games.Board games include board game online, chinese checkers,chess,puzzles games, ludo, domino, tictactoe, square building,scrabblegame, word games, math games, strategy games, classic boardgames ,monopoly board game, best board games for kidsApp have added the game images to help you select forexcellentgraphics.Feature:- Most popular and new releases board games- Ease of access and installing- HD Games- 2D Platform- 3D Real Games- 2 Player and Multiplayer Games- Virtual Reality- Board Games for Kids
Battleship 1.4.0
2D Level
Battleship (also Battleships or Sea Battle)isa classic board game for two players.Before play begins, each player arranges their ships ontheirgrid. Each ship occupies a number of consecutive squares onthegrid, arranged either horizontally or vertically. The numberofsquares for each ship is determined by the type of theship.After positioning each player have one shot per round. The gameendswhen all ships of one player are destroyed.MULITPLAYER COMING SOON!Main Features:- PLAYER VS. ANDROIDWhen nobody is around and you want to play, you can play versusyourandroid- FREE GAME- MULTI-LANGUAGEPlay the game in your language, excellent for kids thatdon'tunderstand English. We will keep adding new languages allthetime...
____________________________________________» Para usar este aplicativo é necessário que você tenha o jogodetabuleiro ‘DETETIVE’. Ainda não tem? Saiba, o famoso jogo de tabuleiro da Estrela apresenta umanovaexperiência de jogo com o auxílio do celular ou tablet,tornando ojogo ainda mais dinâmico e enigmático. Pegue seu celularou tablet,anote suas suspeitas e mostre que você é o melhordetetive!Para desvendar o mistério do assassinato do Sr. Carlos Fortuna,osjogadores terão que dar palpites sobre o local, arma eoresponsável por este crime. A cada rodada osparticipantesconseguirão eliminar pelo menos uma possibilidade, atéquefinalmente irão restar pouquíssimas cartas e será possível fazeraacusação. Aquele que conseguir acertar, vence o jogo.Para dar ainda mais realidade ao jogo, imagine receberligações,mensagens e vídeos de testemunhas no celular ou tablet,dandopistas e dicas sobre o assassinato. Mas cuidado, nem todasastestemunhas irão te levar direto ao assassino!No total são 8 personagens, 8 armas e 11 locais.» MODO DE JOGO: TABULEIRONeste modo, o celular ou tablet funciona como complementodotabuleiro, auxiliando com dicas.No início do jogo, você deve escolher de 3 a 8personagensdisponíveis no jogo. São eles: SARGENTO BIGODE, SENHORMARINHO,SENHORITA ROSA, SERGIO SOTURNO, DONA BRANCA, TONY GOURMET,DONAVIOLETA e MORDOMO JAMES.São escolhidas aleatoriamente 3 cartas do baralho. Estascartasserão escaneadas pelo aplicativo do jogo utilizando o QRCODE. Taiscartas — um ASSASSINO, uma ARMA e um LOCAL —revelam,respectivamente, a identidade do assassino, o objeto usadono crimee o local onde ocorreu o assassinato.FIQUE ATENTO! Enquanto você joga com o tabuleiro, o celularoutablet pode tocar e uma testemunha anônima poderá dar uma dicaparaum dos participantes do jogo. Além de ligações*, osparticipantestambém poderão receber mensagens de texto evídeos.*A função de chamada por voz está disponível apenasnocelular.» MODO DE JOGO: BLOCO DE ANOTAÇÕESPapel e caneta é coisa de DETETIVES do passado! Você pode utilizarodispositivo (celular ou tablet) para anotar os suspeitos, armaselocais, utilizando apenas o toque dos dedos, e assim chegarmaisrápido na solução do crime.» NÚMERO DE PARTICIPANTES: de 3 a 8 jogadores.» CARACTERÍSTICAS:• Aplicativo GRÁTIS!• Fácil de jogar, difícil de parar!• Seu jogo de tabuleiro favorito agora para celularesetablets!• Sistema de QR Code• Não é necessária internet para jogar• Diversão para toda a família!• Classificação etária: Livre_____________________________________________» Para usar este aplicativo é necessário que você tenha o jogodetabuleiro ‘DETETIVE’._____________________________________________» Visite nosso site oficial em» Curta a Estrela no Facebookem e tenha maisinformaçõessobre nossos produtos e lançamentos.» Caso tenha dúvidas ou sugestões, não deixe de compartilhar comagente!» Powered by Sioux -»To use this application you need to have the boardgame'DETECTIVE'. You do not have yet? Learn where, the famous Star of board game features a newgamingexperience with the mobile assistance or tablet, making thegameeven more dynamic and enigmatic. Take your phone or tablet,writedown your suspicions and show that you are thebestdetective!To unravel the mystery of Mr. Carlos Fortuna murder, playerswillhave to give hints about the place, gun and responsible forthiscrime. Each round participants will be able to eliminate atleast apossibility, until finally will remain very few letters andyou canmake the charge. One who can hit, wins the game.To give even more reality to the game, imagine receivecalls,messages and videos of witnesses on the phone or tablet,givingclues and hints about the murder. But beware, not all thewitnesseswill take you straight to the killer!In total there are 8 characters, 8 weapons and 11 locations.»GAME MODE: TRAYIn this mode the phone or tablet works as a complement of theboard,helping with tips.Early in the game, you must choose 3-8 characters available inthegame. They are: SERGEANT MUSTACHE, Lord MARINE, MISS ROSE,SERGIOgloomy, WHITE DONA, TONY GOURMET, DONA VIOLET andJAMESBUTLER.They are randomly chosen three cards from the deck. Theseletterswill be scanned by the game application using the QR CODE.Suchletters - an ASSASSIN, a GUN and LOCAL - show, respectively,theidentity of the killer, the object used in the crime and wherethemurder occurred.STAY TUNED! While you play with the tray, mobile phone or tabletcantouch and an anonymous witness can give a hint to one oftheparticipants of the game. In addition to bonds *, participantscanalso receive text messages and videos.* The calling function Voice is only available in the mobile.»GAME MODE: NOTES BLOCKPen and paper is DETECTIVES thing of the past! You can usethedevice (phone or tablet) to write down the suspects, weaponsandlocations, using only the touch of a finger, so get fasterinsolving the crime.»NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 3-8 players."FEATURES:• Application FREE• Easy to play, hard to stop!• Your favorite board game now for phones and tablets!• QR Code System• You need internet to play• Fun for the whole family!• Age rating: Free_____________________________________________»To use this application you need to have the boardgame'DETECTIVE'._____________________________________________»Visit our official site at»Enjoy the Star on Facebookat and get moreinformationabout our products and releases.»If you have questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to sharewithus!»Powered by Sioux -
Einstein's Riddle Logic Puzzle 7.5.5G
Rottz Games
Logic puzzles are your thing? Challenge your brain with thisPureLogic game.
Guess The Character
★ ★ ★Guess the Character ★ ★ ★is a two player guessing game. Each player starts the game withaboard that includes cartoon images of 24 people.The game starts with each player with a random character fromtheboard. The object of the game is to be the first to determinewhichcharacter one's opponent have.Players alternate asking various yes or no questions toeliminatecandidates, such as "Does this person wear glasses?".✓ This game can be player with two players, or one playerversuscomputer.✓ Bluetooth Support☢ More than 10 million downloads and top #1 in iPhone/iPadboardgames on more than 30 countries.Check and download this game.★ ★ ★And it's free!! ★ ★ ★
Hasbro Inc.
NEW LOW PRICE! Get MONOPOLY HERE & NOWfora new everyday low price! Upgrade now & you can traveltheglobe and collect those stamps anytime you want for less!The NEW MONOPOLY HERE & NOW app takes the newest versionofthe board game outside the box. Download the game app and watchasthe animated, 3D board and game pieces come to life as youplayyour way around the world. Gather your family or friends andgetready for this globetrotting variation on a classic boardgame.Download the MONOPOLY HERE & NOW app today and try it forfree!Pay once to unlock unlimited play!A NEW WAY TO PLAY MONOPOLY• Fill your passport to win by collecting property stamps.• Travel the globe, visiting some of the world’s most iconiccitiesand landmarks.• Select your choice of tokens, buy cities and stockpileyourmoney.• Watch your animated game piece bounce from Easter Island totheEiffel Tower.PLAY THE MONOPOLY HERE & NOW APP WHEREVER YOU GO!• Take on the computer in single player mode!• Link your device with a friend’s device to play on the go• Grab a group of friends and play on the TV (Chromecastdevicerequired)PLAY ON THE BIG SCREEN WITH CHROMECAST• Connect to your TV with a Chromecast device and use your tabletorsmartphone to control the action!• Chromecast device & internet connection required for PlayonTV mode.• Each player must have the MONOPOLY HERE & NOW app installedontheir device.You can read our privacy is a trademark of Google Inc.HERE & NOW, the MONOPOLY name and logo, thedistinctivedesign of the game board, the four corner squares, theMR. MONOPOLYname and character, as well as each of the distinctiveelements ofboard and playing pieces are trademarks of Hasbro forits propertytrading game and game equipment. © 1936, 2015 Hasbro.All RightsReserved.
Clue Helper 3.6.0
Clue Helper will help your Clue game with quick note takingandautomatic hints. It supports over 30 versions of clue,includingclassics and themed spinoffs.
Clue Cards 1.0
Do you love those awesome board gameslikeCharades, Pictionary, or Trivial Pursuit?Clue Cards is a laugh a minute board game styled applicationthatwill have you and your friends in stitches. The game play willputyour competitive side to the test as you and your team try toproveyour general knowledge and communication skills. You willsimplylove this game!The game is played in teams, teams take turns to draw a cluecardfrom which a player will need to get their team mates to guessallof the clues. All of this needs to be done before the alarmbellrings. The more clues your team is able to guess, the greateryourteams score will be. The game will randomly generate cluesfrom adatabase of over 2500 clues and will never draw the samecardtwice.The funds that are being raised by selling this applicationarein support of my daughter Paige Fox. Paige was born with a rareandquite serious liver condition called Biliary Atresia. Paigewillneed constant and regular specialized medical care for the restofher life to ensure that she remains in good health. There isalsothe chance that she will one day need a liver transplant.Please help support Paige by downloading this game and sharingitwith friends via social media.Your help and prayers are greatly appreciated.
iM Detective Lite
From a classic board game, to anexcitedAndroid game, we proudly invite you to join the revealofmysterious murder case in iM Detective game!-A peaceful park turns into a horrible incident place thatjusthappened overnight.-There is a mystery murder case that a murderer has hiddenallevidences in order to conceal the truth. People who were intheincidence that night, have become the suspects and been wantedtoarrest. Thus, to purge and to prove that they are theguiltlessones, they have to find the truth of the incidence.Once they know that someone in their team is a murderer and noonealso can be trusted, they have to find out the truth and theexactmurderer before it is too late! And YOU are the one ofsuspects inthis park!In order to reveal the incident case and to stay alive, youhaveto;Inspect: Every places in the park that possibly happenedtheincidence.Guess: Use your detective instinct to guess the incidence fromtheclues you get to find out more evidences.Charge: When you find out who is the murderer, what is theweaponand where is the place that had been involved in this murdercase,you have to accuse and arrest the murderer in order to end thegameand become the winner of this game.Main features:-Fun and exited in revealing a mystery murder case, eithersingleplayer or multiple players.Single player: play with AI that can be chosen from a beginner toanexpert levels.Multiplayer: join to investigate, outsmart with your friends oryourteam members in the iM Detective game.-Various playing platforms: you can play with your friends whouseiOS phones as well as friends who join the iM Detective gameviaFacebook without any restrictions.-Ranking system: to reduce the advantages between a beginner andanexcellent players-Unlock-able items: trophies and special outfits are availableforplayer's prize.-3D view camera: you can feel like you play on theactualboard.-Ability card: special abilities to make the game more funandexited!-The 3 various playing modes: there are “show”, “center” and“deal”modes, so players will have different experiences fromthegame.-Tutorial: explain how to play the game step by step that is easytounderstand, so player can easily learn from the tutorial.***In the Lite version, player can play an easy level onlyandcreate a game that contains the weapon cards, character cardsandlocation cards not more than 4 cards.***
Scotland Yard 2.6
Ravensburger's cult game is now available on Android devices.
Twist Your Fingers!
DISCLAIMER: game was designed primarilyfortablets with 10 multitouches(which means your device recognizes10fingers on your screen at the same time) . Although the gamerunson other devices as well, the gameplay experience isnotperfect.Hardware limitations cannot be fixed with gamedevelopment:)Play Twist Your Fingers! with your friends in Two, Three ofFourplayer modes!Challenge your friends in this finger twisting game! Pick yournamesand begin!Wait for the wheel to stop spinning and do the chosen action.Putand HOLD your finger on the correct color pointed bythewheel!You will lose if you lift your finger, or touch thewrongcolor!Supported for smartphones and tablets with up to 10 multitouchesonscreen. Please check if your device is supported.Best gameplay experience on tablets with 10 multitouches.Optimized for tablets!774eb92034
It’s “GO” time! Take a ride on theReadingRailroad. Buy Boardwalk. Go directly to Jail. Buy, sell, andtradethe famous MONOPOLY properties, and see the game jump to lifewithanimated features and easy gameplay. Challenge friends andevencustomize the game rules!EMPLOY HANDS ON MANAGEMENTTap the screen to manage your properties – from Marvin GardenstoWater Works to Park Place. Building hotels or taking a “Chance”issimple and intuitive.CHOOSE YOUR LEVEL AND LOOKPlay through 3 levels of difficulty and save games in progress.Alsocustomize the number of players, the game rules, and even thegameenvironment.Enjoy MONOPOLY in the tradition of the beloved, best-sellingboardgame!Be the first to know! Get inside EA info on great deals, plusthelatest game updates, tips & more…VISIT US: US: US: US: Agreement: terms.ea.comVisit for assistance or inquiries.EA may retire online features and services after 30 days’noticeposted on Consumer Information. This app: Contains direct linkstothe Internet.Requires acceptance of EA’s Privacy & Cookie Policy andUserAgreement.
Mahjong 1.3
Mahjong Connect is a game that tracesitsroots2000 years from Shanghai China. The current game variesinmany waysfrom the original Mahjong game. The game was playedbythe Royalsand therefore many ordinary citizens did not have aclueof itsexistence till many years later when the Japanese learnedofitsexistence. The western world came to know of itsexistencemanyyears later.Features of the Connect GameOriginally the Mahjong game consisted of 144 tilepieceswhichwere ivory. With the global outcry on the usage of thehorn,thetiles changed to other varied materials dependingonavailability,price, and quality. The game board consists of140tiles which arearranged in a particular pattern. Fourteen tilesarearrangedhorizontally in each row while ten tiles areorganizedverticallyin each row. The original game consisted ofseasons,dragons, andflowers among other unique features, thecurrent gamehas notdeviated much from the original game and as suchthe ruleshaven'tchanged a lot.Mahjong Tactical MovesThis unique solitaire game that involves solving thepuzzlebymatching open pairs of tiles which are identical and assuchremovethem from the board. There will be hidden object.Theprocessexposes the tiles which are underneath, and thegamecontinues. Thegame has a timer; therefore, one has a limitedtimeto play thegame, if one is using a shared computer, a PC thathaslow internetconnectivity or any other limiting factor, one maybetime barredto make a move. Mahjong connect game limits aplayersmovement inthat one cannot make any move unless theyeliminatetiles borderingthe tile one is planning to remove. As sucheverymove a playermakes while playing the game has to be wellthoughtand tactical innature.Amazing characteristics of Mahjong ConnectThere are different tactics that one can use to win thegame.Forinstance, one can play the tiles that are arranged onaperimeter.The move has rules which involve clicking on anymatchingtiles andsuch it is not a good move to use if one is notsure ofitsapplicability. Another tactic that is used by manyplayers iswherea player connects tiles. The tile connectionrequiresconnectingmoves within three steps failure to which oneloses. Thesetacticalmoves require critical thinking andcreativity because forone toadvance in the game the moves come inhandy regardless ofhowadjacent the tiles are together.This amazing game is worth playing because it not onlyimprovesone'sthinking capacity but also brings out the creativityin you.The gameis played online as such you can rate your skillsin realtime tomeasure how you rate as compared to other players.Thereare onlineresources all over that one can use to boosttheirchances of winningand becoming pros in the game. The game hasatimer; therefore, ifyou are not a quick thinker, you may loseyourchances of winning ormastering the game.The reason why Mahjong Connect was played by royals isbecauseitmade them make wiser decisions by looking objectivelyatdifferentscenarios. As such, it is a free game that is goodforthe brain asit exercises it.
Elder Sign: Omens 1.5.3
The tense excitement of Elder Sign is now available for Android
StopThief - AntiGang Phone Ed
Smartphone Edition Antigang replaces the 'Crime Scanner' of theoldboard game "Stop Thief" aka "Cops and Robbers". The crimescannerwas the little computer sold with the board game, whichmakednoises et gave clues about the thief's moves. Antigang -StopThiefPhone Edition can be used on Android Smartphone with aminimalresolution of 480 x 800 This software simply replaces the'CrimeScanner' computer used with the 80's board game called "StopThief"aka "Cops and Robbers" aka "Anti-Gang". It brings some morenewrealistics sounds When an arrest succeeds, you can review theroutetaken by the thief. It also displays the thief card, and takesincharge the amount of the reward for a succeed arrestation.Themoving rules follows the original board game rules. You'll findahelp documentation inside the game (pdf with pictures)describingthe official rules and links to download the elements ofthe game(board, bills, cards)
Chrono Bomb' 2.0
Avec Chrono Bomb’, revivez les plusgrandesscènes des films d’action ! Votre mission : désamorcer labombe!Cette application en réalité augmentée vous confrontera à deuxjeuxd’agent secret, qui s’ouvriront aléatoirement :- Pour votre première mission, vous devrez mémoriser 5 filsdecouleurs. Il faudra ensuite les retrouver parmi 10 fils etlescouper ! Tu as 3 essais ! Un bouton AIDE te permet de revoirlescouleurs quelques secondes. Si tu échoues, la bombe explose!Attention, désamorcer la bombe de l’application ne désamorce paslavraie bombe du jeu Chrono Bomb’.- Votre deuxième mission consiste à trouver le code secretpourdésamorcer une autre bombe. Pour cela un pinceaurévélateurd’empreintes vous aidera à trouver les 3 chiffres àutiliser. Avous ensuite de les mettre dans le bon ordre pourretrouver le code!Le monde compte sur vous !Information :Ce jeu de réalité augmentée fait partie du jeu de sociétéChronoBomb’. Il s’active grâce à une carte spéciale disponible danslaboîte de jeu et sur le lien suivant :’application Chono Bomb’ se joue sans casque ou écouteur.Supports Compatibles avec l’application:MOBILESo HTC/Google Nexus Oneo Motorola Droido Samsung Galaxy So Samsung Nexus So Samsung Galaxy S 2o Samsung Galaxy S 3TABLETTESo Samsung Galaxy Tabo Motorola Xoom MZ604Systèmes d’exploitation requis pour lancer l’applicationSupported Minimum OS Versions:o Android 4.0+Supported Minimum Hardware Requirements:o CPU : 1 Ghz Dual coreo Ram : 1 GBo GPU : PowerVR SGX 530 / Adreno 200 / Tegra 250 / Mali-400*** ESSAYEZ AUSSI NOS AUTRES JEUX DUJARDIN ! ***Le Mille Bornes® et Cochon Qui Rit ®Si vous rencontrez des problèmes avec l’application deChronoBomb’, veuillez écrire à : [email protected] Chrono Bomb ',relivethe greatest scenes action movies! Your mission is to defusethebomb!This application augmented reality will confront you with twosetsof secret agent, which will open at random:- For your first mission, you will save 5 son of colors. Itwillthen be among 10 son and cut! You have 3 tries! A HELPbuttonallows you to review the colors a few seconds. If you fail,thebomb explodes!Attention defuse the bomb of the application does not defusethereal bomb of the game Chrono Bomb '.- Your second task is to find the secret code to defuseanotherbomb. For this a revealing fingerprint brush will help youfind the3 digits to use. You then put them in the correct order tofind thecode!The world is counting on you!Information:This augmented reality game is part of the board game Chrono Bomb'.It is activated by a special card available in the game box andonthe following link: implementation Chono Bomb 'is played without a helmetorheadset.Supports Compatible with the application:MOBILEo HTC / Google Nexus Oneo Motorola Droido Samsung Galaxy So Samsung Nexus So Samsung Galaxy S 2o Samsung Galaxy S 3SHELVESo Samsung Galaxy Tabo Motorola Xoom MZ604Operating systems required to run the applicationMinimum Supported OS Versions:o Android 4.0 +Supported Minimum Hardware Requirements:o CPU: 1 Ghz Dual coreo Ram: 1 GBo GPU: PowerVR SGX 530 / Adreno 200 / Tegra 250 / Mali-400*** TRY OUR OTHER GAMES Dujardin! ***The Mille Bornes® Qui Rit ® and PigIf you encounter problems with the Bomb 'Chronoapplication,please write to: [email protected].
Rento - Dice Board Game Online 6.9.10
3D version of the classic dice board game - online live withfriends
Simon 1.3
Simon, the classic game of the 80'sinyourphone or tablet.Memorize and repeat the colors and sounds Simon tells you.Share your points in facebook and compete with your friends.Let's see how far you can get.
Guess who the character is 5.0
CirCle Game
Play with your phone and "Guess who the character is" !!!
Mikado 1.2
LITE Games
Mikado is THE world-renowned game of skill involving wooden sticks.
Patchwork The Game 211
The award-winning board game for two, quilting has never beenmorecompetitive!
The Game of Life
Hit the road for a life of adventure in this version of theclassicboardgame!
Champion Go ~Crazy Stone~
Champion Go is a Go (also called as Igo,Badukor Weiqi) game, powered by Crazy Stone.(June 21) Upgraded our 'Engine Server Game' to the DeepLearningversion ! (Subscription is required)---------------------------------------------------Champion Go is a Go application from beginner to expert!Crazy Stone is a popularly known Go engine, based on theMonte-Carloevaluation technique,combined with tree search, and has achieved 5d at KGS rating.We have optimized this particular version for Android.(*)KGS・・・Internet Go game site played by Go fans all overtheworldWe have also provided 'Engine Server Game' mode (Subscriptionisrequired for these games).n this mode, you can play games against the latest DeepLearningversion of Crazy Stonewhich is installed in our computer server. Therefore you canenjoyonline games against a very strong computer program.■ Medal challenge modeChampion Go has 2 game modes, Normal game &Medalchallenge.In Medal challenge, there are 150 different levels of playset by combination of COM level, handicap & board size.You can win medals by defeating computer under thespecifiedconditions.Why don't you challenge to collect all the medals!■ Friendly 3 input methodsThere are 3 options of input methods (Zoom, Cursor&Touch).■ Helpful Game record featuresYou can view full game history in the game record and restartgamefrom the selected move,which should help reviewing your game.Various Game record features should be practical for improvingyourGo.-■ Other Features・Human vs Computer, Human vs Human(sharing a single device)・3 types of board size (9x9,13x13,19x19)・Handicap games, variable options of komi・Hint (suggest)・Instant Undo (available even when the computer is thinking)・Automatic territory calculation・Suspend/Re-start (in game)・Save/Load game record・Send game record (sgf-file) by e-mail・Automatic and manual replay of a game record・Byoyomi(time limit) settings (only for human)・Atari warning・Highlight the last move・COM resign feature※In medal challenge mode, some features related with game recordandhints are not available.Also Undo is limited to the recent move you made(2 consecutiveUndoscan not be made).■ Engine Server GameNew version of Crazy Stone employing Deep Learning technologyforEngine Server Games!Subscription is required for these games ($2.63 per month).There are 10 levels of play for each 9x9,13x13,19x19boardsize.Please enjoy online Go games against a very strongcomputerprogram.Crazy Stone has made a huge step forward by combining DeepNeuralNetworks with Monte Carlo Tree Search.The new program has scored a winning rate of over 90% againsttheprevious version!We have upgraded our Go Engine Server to this latest version,andnow you can play games against Crazy Stonethat has achieved 7d on kgs rating.(We have provided a 8 core engine server for these games)*Notes for subscriptionThe price of subscription is $2.63 per month.The Subscription will be renewed automatically unless cancelledmorethan 24 hoursbefore the end of it's current period.To turn-off the auto renewal of subscription, please touchthe'Cancel Auto-renewal'button below and change your Google Play Account settings.You will not be able to cancel the current subscription duringitsactive period.