Top 14 Apps Similar to FlabbyListView

Libraries for developers 3.85.01
This app provides a collection of third party libraries.
RecyclerViewAnimators 1.1.3
RecyclerViewAnimators is an Android library that allowsdevelopersto easily create RecyclerView with animationsThanks.
MPAndroidChart Example App 3.1.0
Showcase application for the MPAndroidChart library withvariouscharts.
DevAppsDirect - Demo Market 1.3.11
DevAppsDirect is current not compatible with Lollipop. The issuehasbeen discovered and will be fixed shortly.Developer Apps Direct is a large and growing collectionoflibrary demos. We make it fast and easy for app developerstodiscover great libraries and run their demo with the press ofabutton. No more hunting down apks or downloading andcompilingsource code. You can try dozens of libraries in just afewminutes!Stop making your job as an app developer harder byre-inventingthe wheel. Browse our great collection of library demosanddiscover tools to make your app great in less time. Here iswhatVolume Butler developer Matthew Rice said about hisdiscovery:"Just added BetterPickers lib to Volume Butler thank youDerekBrameyer for the wonderful library. I discovered yourawesomelibrary from DevAppsDirect" - Matthew Rice goal is to be the most useful developer app on yourdevice.To reach this goal we add new libraries every week so youcan havethe most up to date collection of library demos at yourfingertips.Here are the libraries we added recently:Android Process Buttons - May 8SuperListView - May 8Spans - May 8ContentLoadingProgressDialog - May 1HideyBarPhotoViewScreen - May 1ApplicationTemplate - May 1Need a little inspiration for your app? You will findsomethingin the dozens of libraries we feature.Want to spice up your ListView? Take a look atSwipeListView,StickyListHeaders, ListViewAnimations,QuickReturnsListView andmany more.Need a menu to make navigating your app easier? ChoosefromRibbonMenu, SlidingMenu or SlidingLayer.Tried of debugging AsyncThread? Check out RoboSpiceandDataDroid.Supporting older versions of Android? Keep your app lookingfreshwith ActionBarSherlock, RobotoTextView, UnifiedPreference andmanymoreWith this app you can:• Run Android library demos without installing them• Run the demos from any RSS app by adding the feed• Share and run demos with a link!• Categories include Game Engines, Widgets, Custom Views, MenusandLibrariesWant to know what are the most popular librariesinDevAppsDirect? We have ranked them Permissions:• INTERNET - Required to download the library demos• RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - Used in the optional notificationfeatureto check for updates at a time interval• VIBRATE - Used in game engine samples• ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - Used to determine if the networkisavailable• WAKE_LOCK - Used by the demo download service to prevent thephonefrom sleeping while downloading• BATTERY_STATS - Reserved in case any library needsthispermission• ACCESS_WIFI_STATE - Reserved in case any library needsthispermission• ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - Added for use by GAST andotherlibraries• ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION - Reserved in case any library needsthispermission• RECORD_AUDIO - Added for use by GAST and other libraries• CAMERA - Added for use by GAST and other libraries• NFC - Added for use by GAST and other libraries
Material Design Library - Demo 3.1
This library helps developers creatingtheirAndroid Application with Material Design.It offers a lot of Material Design classes easy to use likeaCardView or a NavigationDrawerActivity that creates an Activityforyou with a Material Design NavigationDrawer!See the library GitHub repository here: DO NOT report bugs in reviews!Create an issue on the GitHub project: and "amusez-vous bien"!
API Demos for Android 1.9.0
400+ searchable Demos!Includes the following API Demos for Android• Support Leanback Showcase Demos - Android TV• Mobile Vision Demos - Face Tracker, Multi-Tracker• Support Design Demos - Material: NavigationView, AppBar,Snackbar,FAB, TabLayout• Support Percent Demos - PercentFragment:PercentFrameLayout,PercentRelativeLayout• Support App Navigation - Activity, Action Bar, Notification• Support v4 Demos - Fragments, Loaders Accessibility etc.• Support v7 Demos - AppCompat, CardView, RecycleView, CastingwithMediaRouter• Support v13 Demos - Fragments, Pagers and Action Bar Tabs• API Demos - Graphics, Animations, Hardware, Views etc.Extra:• App Invite Demo - Invite others to test the app• "Cheesesquare" Demos new Material Design Library for Android,byChris Banes• Easter egg?Actions:• View - Lookup the source code on GitHub• Search - search over 400 executable demos• Issues? -There is no guarantee that all demos will work onyourdevice, if so there is an option to send a mail.• Rate - if you find the app helpful, please rate it here onGooglePlay
Android Libraries
This application provides a collection ofthirdparty libraries, as a developer this application is essentialforyou.You will have information about the author, captures,license,description, links of the library and you can try a workingexamplewithin the application.Recently it has added a tab with SNIPPETS that will beupdatedconstantly.In order to collect the largest possible number of librariestheversion of the application is ICS.Most applications are listed on github, others are from googlecodeand bitbucket.From this application we want to thank all the developerswhopublish their libraries for the benefit of others.We hope that developers might find it useful.
ListViewAnimations 3.0.0
Niek Haarman
ListViewAnimations is an Open Source Android library thatallowsdevelopers to easily create ListViews with animations.You can find the project on Github( ).Feel free to use it all you want in your Android appsprovidedthat you cite this project and include the license in yourapp.ListViewAnimations uses the NineOldAndroid library tosupportdevices < 3.0, and Roman Nurik'sBETASwipeDismissListViewTouchListener to support swipe to dismiss.Italso contains a jar file for the StickyListHeaders librarytoanimate its header views.Finally, a slightly modified copy of DevBytes' DynamicListViewisadded to support Drag-and-Drop reordering.
SuperToasts Demo 1.3.4
John Persano
THIS IS A DEMO APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPERS ONLYThis is the demo application for the SuperToastsAndroiddeveloper library. This highly configurable libraryaddresses manyissues with stock Android toasts while providing newforms oftoasts not available in the Android SDK.This demo showcases some of the features of theSuperToastslibrary.'t forget to check the Github Wiki for documentation andcodeexamples!
Material Library Demo 0.0.5
Rey Pham
Material Library is an Open Source Android library thatback-portMaterial Design components to pre-Lolipop Android.*Permission:READ_CONTACTS - the app showcase a contact input view so Itneedthis permission.You can find the project on Github ( ).Feel free to use it all you want in your Android apps providedthatyou cite this project and include the license in your app.Material Library is inspired by Google's MaterialDesign(
ProgressPieView 1.0.2
Android library for showing progress inahighlycustomizable pie.Step away from the classical progress bar and enjoy a newlookandfeel with Progress Pie.To find out how to use and incorporate it intoyourprojectvisit:
HelloCharts Samples 1.5.3
Charting library for Android
Numix Developers: AppIntro 4.0.0
Android Library to make a cool intro foryourapp.Read more on GitHub:
CogDemo-V2 2.0.3
The complete source code of this app isopensourced at Android Library (CAL)CAL is one of the most advanced and powerful library thatanydeveloper can envision. It gives him the power to integrateCALwith ease into his number verification application. It’s one oftheunique and most user friendly API.CAL position’s the missed call verification processes.Thismethod replaces the conventional procedure of verificationcourseviz SMS , thus plummeting the cost and escalating thesteadfastnessof the verification procedure.CAL is a Plug n Play API that is the easiest to deploy. Ithardlytakes any effort for the developer to integrate CAL into hisAPI andonce integrated into his application the activation processisautomatic. . CAL has the capability to carry out the mobilenumberverification at any stage i.e during installation or inbetween theapplication process. CAL will use its built innintelligence andwill automatically interpret the missed callgenerated from Cognalysservices and perform the authenticationprocess robotically withoutany interference or support from thedevelopers end.Benefits of Cognalys Android Library (CAL)CAL is a boon for any developer. The developer is free fromallthe snags he has to undergo to integrate / develop theconventionalSMS based mobile number verification process. CAL needsvery littlecoding efforts to integrate. The other advantages of CALare .Easy integration and activation process.No need to read the call log or messages log.No need for the users to manually input the code from anywheretoget verified.User can use the same mobile number for installationandverification.Collect and create a better analytics and insights abouttheapplication.Instant verification since missed calls will not be delayed aslikeSMS services.Detailed insight facts about the active and inactive users.Restful reporting API to fetch details from Cognalys cloud.Real-time reporting of API , will push the details of theverifiedusers automatically on a real time basis.CAL Benefit to the EntrepreneurReliable and cost effective system for verification comparedtoSMS processes (transaction SMS are costly)Time saving for the development.Powerful tool for analysis and insight.Powerfully built dashboard with reporting APIs.Unlimited usage of applications for a single Cognalys account.