Top 19 Apps Similar to In_Macau 澳門通

澳門交通(Macau) 1.25
Here You Are
這是一款方便想前往澳門自助旅行的遊客,能對澳門的交通有初步的認識,提供正在安排自助行程的使用者參考,對澳門的交通方式可以更輕鬆的上手!在旅遊時也能即時查閱相關資訊、離線使用地圖(因為包含許多地圖檔,導致程式所佔記憶體較大,還請多多包涵!)另外,使用者在觀看地圖時會出現放大縮小的按鈕來調整大小,也可以直接用手指在螢幕上縮放地圖的比例!地圖與介紹等資訊可以離線流覽,但是天氣、匯率和澳門交通資訊的相關網站,因為要獲取即時資料,所以需要連接網路才能查詢,有提供可查詢景點交通的網站,希望大家在有網路時能幫忙多瀏覽下方的廣告,提供我們動力來推出更多的離線地圖旅遊App!歡迎下載我們的旅遊App:京阪神奈交通(京都、大阪、神戶、奈良,關西,日本)東京交通(成田機場、羽田機場、箱根、橫濱,關東,日本)九州交通(福岡、長崎、熊本、鹿兒島、大分、宮崎、佐賀,日本)首爾交通(Seoul,韓國)釜山/慶州/濟州交通(Busan,Jeju,韓國) 雪梨交通(Sydney,悉尼,澳洲)香港交通(Hong Kong)澳門交通(Macau) 也歡迎參觀我們的部落格 andy-zoe.blogspot.com有許多相關地區的自助旅行遊記喔!
澳門指南 - 生活、商業、旅遊 Macau Central 3.4.0
Macao Smart Life, Eating, Drinking, and Playing
Macau GeoGuide 2.6
Offers abundant geographic information of Macao SAR for free.
The Streets of Macao 1.8
The “Taking a Walk through the Streets of Macao”—— “KnowingaboutMacao” activity organised by the Municipal Affairs Bureau(IAM), isdesigned as an “alternate classroom” that guides residentsthroughMacao’s unique historical buildings, streets and alleys andletsthem revisit the history and explore the footprints ofcelebrities.The activity aims to deepen their understanding of theplace theylive in and strengthen their sense of identity andbelonging.Furthermore, multimedia platforms such as mobile phoneapplicationand the “Macao Streets Homepage”, etc. are used to sharerichinformation about streets with residents for them to experiencethebeauty of streets and feel a sense of “Love the country,loveMacao”. Content: 1.Current Events; 2.Taking a Walk throughtheStreets of Macao; 3.History of Parishes and Streets;4.InterestingTidbits on Streets and Alleys of Macao. IAM willcontinue toimprove this program in order to provide moreinformation about thestreets of Macao to the users.
澳門自由行 2.20
Macao Light Festival 2016 1.1
“Macao Light Festival 2016 – TreasureofLight”,organized by the Macao Government Tourism Officeandjointlyorganized by the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau,theCulturalAffairs Bureau and the Sports Bureau will be heldonDecember 4th to31st, 2016.“Treasure of Light” is a mobile application specificallydesignedforthe Macao Light Festival 2016, the App featureincludes;therouting-map, program schedule, treasure hunt game aswell asthelatest news. Users can choose between a TraditionalChineseversionor an English version.Major features of “Treasure of Light”:- Game: with the use of GPS and camera features ofmobilephones,users are to collect 'Energy Gems' scattered atthedifferentlocations and hunt for the lost treasure;- The Mirror of Light: users are able to create uniquephotoswithvarious themed stickers and frames;- The Map: users are able to easily locate the positionofthe'Energy Gems' with detailed routes shown;- The Program Rundown: users are able to find out aboutthestarttime of all the shows.
澳My Taxi Beta - 輕鬆澳門Call的 0.0.14
澳門專屬打的App,除司機加盟,更有專屬司機團隊,隨時隨地,即叫即到。簡單易用,輕鬆打的Macao exclusiveplayApp,in addition to the driver to join, the more exclusivethedriverteam, anywhere, that is called to that.Easy to use, easy to play
Sands Resorts Macao 1.2.0
Sands Resorts Macao app is the officialmobileapp for The Venetian Macao, The Plaza Macao, Sands CotaiCentraland Sands Macao.Pulsating with life both night and day, Sands Resorts CotaiStripMacao provides every guest an unforgettable experienceandunparalleled excitement. Discover world-class cuisineandaccommodations, international live entertainment, over 600luxuryDuty-free shoppes and leading conferences and exhibitions.This appwill escort you through our resorts right in the palm ofyourhands. Download to experience Sands Resorts Cotai Strip Macaoin awhole new way.
澳門玩得喜 2.0.8
【遊澳必備】澳門吃喝玩樂大全──澳門玩得喜 包羅萬有嘅食肆、娛樂、購物資訊!擁有全澳超過2000間商戶分類齊全──涵盖潮流、飲食、美容、科技、創意等十多個領域!一鍵導航──使用先進定位技術搜尋最近路線;巴士資訊──只須選擇目的地,就能提供最佳巴士路線。
外賣餐單 1.0
Menus net sell outside Australia districts collecting papertakeoutrestaurant, convenience store and then we Wuxi buriedpilestakeaway paper.
澳門車主 Macau Driver 7.2.2
Kelvin Wong
Macau Macau Driver owners to provide real-time traffic information
What's On, Macao 1.2.3
This app introduces Macao’s latest tourist attractions andmonthlyhighlights from local events, activities, festivals,performancesto exhibitions. Once downloaded, you may check outMacao’s splendidevents offline through its colorful and handyinterfaces. Thecontent is available in three languages - English,Traditional andSimplified Chinese. Special features: • Handy designwith easyoperation • Information can be viewed offline oncedownloaded •Reminder about the start and end of the events • Youmay add yourfavorite events to “My Events” or your Calendar foreasier tripplanning and participation • Automatically search forany nearbyactivities around your location as in line with the GPSfunction.
Funliday - Travel planner 9.7.9
Funliday Inc.
Funliday is a trip planning App that makes your trip easier.
背包地圖:背包客棧旅遊景點地圖 3.2.0
abic 愛貝客親子遊 2.5.14
Abic Inc.
TurboJET 20230409
Plan your next trip to Macau or other TurboJET destinations onthego!
旅遊規劃:旅行拼圖(Trip Puzzle) 3
「旅行拼圖」(Trip Puzzle) 是另一款旅遊規劃的新嘗試 希望能夠設計出最精簡的操作,並且可以跟別人一起分享最棒的旅程.「旅行拼圖」(Trip Puzzle) APP功能: #可以紀錄每天的行程,包括交通及景點#新增景點可連結到google地圖並且導航#搜尋到的景點可以進入景點官網及撥打電話功能#使用facebook帳號登入可以雲端儲存你的編排旅程#可以線上參考別人公開的行程,並且下載編輯#除了編排旅程,也可以紀錄自己常去的店家 #可以轉出行程的圖檔,分享給朋友如有建議可留言及寄信到信箱:[email protected] 我們會儘速改進並不斷進步. Your feedback isvery importantto make the app better ! @Chester Studio
食在好玩 - 台灣旅遊、景點、遊記 3.1
Provides a wealth of graphic Travels. Holiday weather do notknowwhere to go? Others refer to travel, attractions get food once!