Top 11 Games Similar to Quiz Séries TV

True or False - TV Series 1.1.0
DESCRIPTION★ Shows what you know of the legendary and greattelevisionserieslifetime with the best game of 2015 True or falsequestionsTrue orFalse Quiz Trivia TV Series ★Do you think these abreast of all the details and knowallthecharacters of the legendary series of TV?Test yourself and squeeze your head with the best game oftrueorfalse on best series of the moment with True or False -TVSerieschallenge where you have to hit True or Falsequestions.✔ True or False questions Best TV series of timedunderpressurewith True or False - TV Series✔ Never miss a life answering all questions True or FalseTrueorFalse - TV Series✔ Responds + True or False questions followed and that nonumber1True or False - TV SeriesHIGHLIGHTS- Hundreds of questions True or False Trivia tv seriesThebestseries on TV with WEEKLY UPDATES- Variety of the best scenes Best TV series related tothebestseries on TV or television- Hundreds of details specializing in the highlightsthisgreatseries The best series on TV.- Encourages your culture Best TV series with updates focusedonallcharacters.- Insured Fun without limits as in the TV series ortelevision______________________________________________________________________________QUIZ ASKEDIt is characterized by developing games aimed at learningandfunthrough games of trivia and questions True or False several,isaset of sets of questions, questions True or False,puzzlesandtrivia created to spend fun times answering the bestTrueorquestions False on your favorite topics also learnandrefrescarasyour memory with the True or False dailytriviaquestions you willraise issues about your favorites.Explore all QUIZ Apps ASKED on our website andsocialnetworks:Web: https://www.QuizPreguntados.comTwitter: are trivia games? QUIZ main orientation ASKED:Trivia games and trivia games tv series Best TV series TrueorFalsequestions or tv series The best series on TV, it canbeconsiderededucational put your mind to work at the samewhileincreasing yourknowledge through questions True or FalseTrivia tvseries The bestseries on TV. These games usually consistof aseries of questionsTrue or False Trivia on the tv series Thebestseries on TV or on agiven topic. The word comes from thetrivialtrivia meaning it issomething known by all. In other wordsit issomething that shouldbelong to the general knowledge.Therefore atrivia game is nothingbut a game that seeks to test theknowledgeon general subjects.These games fall within theclassification ofpuns.
TV Series Quiz 3.5.7z
Can you guess the name of the TV series from the picture?Weprepared the "TV Series Quiz" app for you. Try to guess ateverylevel. Test yourself and how many do you know? Find the nameof theTV series corresponding to the picture. Look at the pictureandguess the sequence by touching the correct letter. More than 170TVseries quiz are waiting for you. Have fun.
TV Shows Fun Trivia Quiz Game 8.0
Quiz Corner
Hello, quiz lovers! Do you like to have fun while studyingandtostudy while having fun? If you do, “TV Shows Fun TriviaQuizGame”2019 is simply made for you! “Famous TV shows,actors,actresses,directors” are now here at the same place! This isanidealopportunity for you to learn! So, don't hesitate!Grabthisfantastic “TV show trivia quiz” and enjoy playing one ofthebest“educational trivia games for kids” and adults! This“quiztriviashow” will provide you with lots of interesting factsaboutworld'smost popular TV shows and give you an opportunity tofindout aboutprivate lives of your favorite actors and actressesfrom“TVshows”. This “trivia game”, which is now at yourdisposal,isoffering a variety of “TV quiz questions and answers”whichcanhelp you learn about your favorite TV shows. “TVquizzes”bringexcitement and fun! This quiz show is one of the best“TVtriviagames” you have ever seen and played! Download thisawesomeTVtrivia game and enter the magnificent world of the TVquizshowsyou don't see every day! Fasten your seat belts! Becomeamember ofthe privileged society of “TV show quiz” lovers andbookyourself aticket for one the funniest rides you have ever beenon!* Chooseone of 4 offered answers; * There are 5 levelsofdifficulty in theendless quiz questions and answers; * Givetheanswer quickly andwin extra points for being fast; * If you give3incorrect answers,you will have to start again; * If youhaveproblems answering TVshows quiz questions, you can ask for 3typesof help: 1) 50:50 –remove two incorrect answers; 2) Switchyourquestion with anotherone; 3) Use the help of your friends –take alook at their answersshown in percents. Do you think you aregoodat recognizing popularTV shows? Do you want to knoweverythingabout famous actors,actresses, directors? This quiztrivia is agame that allows you tocheck your knowledge of theworld's mostpopular TV shows andeverything that makes them sointeresting. Whatis your favorite TVshow? Can you find it in thisgreat quiz triviagame that can helpyou develop into a true TV showconnoisseur? Whois your favoriteactor? Can you find him in thistrivia game thatboosts yourgeneral knowledge and provides you withtons ofinteresting “quiztrivia questions”? Find out everything youneed toknow andeverything you have ever wanted to know aboutthisimportant peoplein this unique TV Shows Fun Trivia Quiz Game2020!Now you have theworld of popular TV shows at your disposal24/7 viathe “triviaquiz game” that is providing you with tonsofinteresting data.Don't hesitate! Educate yourself using this“TVtrivia game” andlearn about all the important TV shows!Learningalways pays off!Grab this fantastic “trivia game” for freeandalways carry asource of fun and knowledge in your pocket! Takeaquiz and testyour knowledge on TV shows! Learning is nothingbutfun with “freegames for education”! This is exactly one suchtriviagame!Download this incredible TV Shows Fun Trivia Quiz Game2020forAndroid TM, and have fun playing one of the best TV showgamesonyour mobile phone or tablet! Spend innumerous hourswiththisinexhaustible source of fun and knowledge and tellyourfriendsabout this awesome TV trivia game! Become an expert ofTVshowquizzes!
Les 12 Coups de Midi Officiel 2.2.5
Découvrez LE JEU MOBILE OFFICIEL du célèbrejeutélévisé LES 12 COUPS DE MIDI !Les 12 Coups de Midi est un jeu mobile de quiz multi-joueursquivous propose d’affronter vos amis et des milliers de joueursenrépondant à des questions de culture générale, comme si vousétiezsur le plateau de l’émission télé !Attention : Nous déconseillons de jouer sur des appareils Androidde512 Mo ou moins de mémoire vive (RAM).LES 12 COUPS DE MIDI ! L’ÉMISSION TÉLÉ :Diffusée à midi sur TF1, Les 12 Coups de Midi (EndemolProductions,en association avec Jereluc) est animée par Jean-LucReichmann.Elle rassemble chaque jour 3,5 millions detéléspectateurs.L’émission compte une communauté de plus de 3 millions dejoueurssur MYTF1.LES 12 COUPS DE MIDI ! LE JEU MOBILE :Jouez seul ou en famille (connexion Internet 3G/WiFi requise)ettestez vos connaissances sur tous les thèmes et dans labonnehumeur !Des quiz variés sous forme de questions à choix multiples (QCM),desréponses cachées à deviner et des centaines d’images àdécouvrir aucours des phases de jeu mythiques de la célèbreémission télé : Coupd’envoi, Coup par coup, Coup Fatal, Coup deMaître et EtoileMystérieuse sans oublier les Duels contre vosadversaires !VOTRE CHALLENGE :Remporter et conserver le trophée de l’étoile qui vous estdécernélorsque vous devenez Maître de Midi.Au cours de chaque partie, seul le détenteur de ce trophéepeutaccéder à l’ultime étape du jeu : l’Etoile Mystérieuse.Cette étoile représente une image sous forme de puzzlepartiellementdévoilé.LA QUALIFICATION :Découvrir l’étoile vous permet de gravir les rangs dequalificationet de devenir successivement Maître de fer, de cuivre,de bronze,d’argent, d’or, de platine, de diamant avant d’atteindrele plusprestigieux : celui de Maître des Maîtres… de Midi !Mais attention, 3 parties jouées sans trophée vous rétrogradeaurang inférieur !LES 12 COUPS DE MIDI ! LE JEU MOBILE VOUS PROPOSE :- Des milliers de candidats à affronter en différé- 1 titre de Maître de Midi à conserver : vous êtes 4 surleplateau, il n’en reste qu’1 à la fin de la partie… Vous devezêtrecelui-là !- 5 manches de jeu à remporter- 2 Duels à relever en défiant vos adversaires ou en étant défiéparun joueur- Des dizaines de thèmes variés et étonnants pour testervotreculture générale- Des formats de quiz originaux : QCM à 2 réponses dont unecachée,QCM à 7 réponses dont une fausse, QCM avec réponsesillustrées,questions à réponses ouvertes, etc…- 1 Coup de Maître à réaliser pour trouver les images qui secachentsous l’Etoile Mystérieuse- 8 rangs de qualification à gravir- 1 belle dose de bonne humeur à conserver si vous échouez ou…latête froide à garder si vous gagnez !RELEVEZ TOUS LES DÉFIS !- Cumulez le maximum de points : plus vaste est votre culture,plusvos scores sont élevés- Prenez la tête du classement de chaque rang dequalification- Accédez au rang de Maître des Maîtres pour y détenir la1èreplace- Invitez vos amis Facebook pour vous mesurer à eux… Mais quiserale meilleur ?PRÊT À AFFRONTER LES MEILLEURS ?TÉLÉCHARGEZ L’APPLICATION DÈS MAINTENANT !Vous souhaitez nous faire part de vos suggestions ou devosremarques, vous avez besoin d’aide pour passer lesdifférentesmanches ? Nous sommes à votre écoute ! N'hésitez pas àcontacternotre support à [email protected] fan de TF1 : Games :Visitez notre site web pour découvrir nos autres jeuxetapplications : playsoftgames.comDevenez fan: notre actualité: :Devenez fan : notre actualité: MOBILEGAMEDiscover the hit TV show THE 12 MIDI BLOWS!12 Coups de Midi is a mobile game multiplayer quiz which invitesyouto challenge your friends and thousands of players inansweringquestions of general culture, as if you were on the set ofthe TVshow!Warning: We do not recommend to play on Android devices 512MBorless of memory (RAM).THE 12 MIDI BLOWS! The TELE ISSUE:Noon broadcast on TF1, Les Coups de Midi 12 (Endemol Productions,inassociation with Jereluc) is led by Jean-Luc Reichmann. Itbringseach day 3.5 million viewers.The program has a community of more than 3 million playersonMYTF1.THE 12 MIDI BLOWS! MOBILE GAME:Play alone or with family (Internet connection 3G / WiFirequired)and test your knowledge on all topics and in goodmood!Various quiz form of multiple choice questions (MCQ) to guesshiddenanswers and hundreds of images to discover mythical over thephasesof the game from the popular TV show: Kickoff, Single Shot,BeatenFatal, Master Coup and not forgetting the Mysterious StarDuelsagainst your opponents!YOUR CHALLENGE:Win and keep the trophy of the star awarded to you when youbecomemaster of the South.During each game, only the holder of this trophy can reachtheultimate stage of the game: Mysterious Star.This star represents an image in the form of partiallyunveiledpuzzle.THE QUALIFICATION :Discover the star allows you to climb the ranks of qualificationandbecome successively Master of iron, copper, bronze, silver,gold,platinum, diamond before reaching the most prestigious: theMaster... Masters of Midi!But beware, 3 games played without a trophy retrograde to thelowerrank!THE 12 MIDI BLOWS! MOBILE GAME PROPOSE:- Thousands of candidates to face offline- 1 title Midi Master to keep: 4 you are on the set, it remainsonly1 at the end of the game ... You must be one!- 5 rounds of play to win- 2 Duels ahead by challenging your opponents or being challengedbya player- Dozens of varied and surprising themes to test yourgeneralknowledge- The original quiz formats: multiple choice answers to a hidden2,7 multiple choice answers a false, multiple choice answerswithillustrated, open response questions, etc ...- 1 Master Kick achieve to find images that are hidden undertheMysterious Star- 8 qualification ranks to climb- 1 large dose of good humor to keep ... or if you fail to keepacool head if you win!TAKE ALL THE CHALLENGES!- Collect the maximum points: broader your culture, your scoresarehigh more- Take the top of the ranking of each row qualifying- Go to the rank of Master of Masters are to hold 1st place- Invite your Facebook friends to compete against them ... Butwhowill be the best?READY TO FACE THE BEST?APPLICATION DOWNLOAD NOW!You want to send us your suggestions or feedback, you need helptoget the different sleeves? We are listening to you ! Donothesitate to contact our support [email protected] a fan of TF1: Games:Visit our website to discover our other games andapps:playsoftgames.comBecome a fan: our news: a fan: our news:
Trivia For Game of Thrones Fan 1.0
Quiz adventure for Game of Thrones fans,Refresh your memory!Trivia fun for Game of Thrones quiz addicts!Find out how much you really know about the action andcharactersofHBO's TV Series GAME OF THRONES.Are you ready to find the magic in you It’s time to getstartedinthe top games of thrones fanatic trivia app… welcometothe only , the best, the most exciting master gamesofthronesquiz. So good, J. K. Rowling would be proud oftheawesomequestions we have chosen for this app. We all loveJonSnow,Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark ...but do you know alltheother characters behind Game Of Thrones?Answer questions to explore all 7 kingdoms.Questions are scattered through whole Westeros - from DornetotheWall and beyond.Claim and collect all the banners on the map!----------------
-----------------★ A visual Trivia game for you, your family and friends withallyourfavorite Character.★ Unlimited Fun: 100+ characters to guess and more to come.★ Small size of the application!
★ Very efficient free coins distribution system - WE NEVERASKFORIN-APP PURCHASE OF COINS :)
★ Lots of Help Options:
- Show one letter.- Hide all the wrong letters.★ Reset the game anytime if you want to start afresh.★ Learn more about the Cartoons after correct guess!★ New hints are granted for correct logo quiz answers.+Answer hundreds of trivia questions from GameofThronesUniverse.+Unlock challenging game play modes.+Track your scores and test yourself with this funandsurelyaddictive quiz game!+If you ar a fan of Game of Thrones and you like quizez thenyouwilllove this.Hundreds of questions are:◆ Both easy and hard◆ Scattered through Westeros◆ Themed and grouped by specific regions / kingdomsOther features:◆ Three bonus rounds for the most devoted fans!◆ Three crown system, get crowns for completing the levels◆ Immersive interface, map and individual themes foreachlevel◆ Which is your favorite character? They're all here!
Quiz SeriesTv 2.1.0e
Probablemente el mejor Quiz de series deTv!,elmejor Quizz para los mejores expertos en series porque no tevaaresultar facil, ha llegado a Google Play!, tras lasventanasseesconde una imagen de una serie, puedes irdestapandoventanitashasta que tengas claro que series es, tienestodas lasletras deltitulo, y tienes la imagen.. facil no?, puesdescargatela App y seel primero en desbloquear todos los niveles!,pero tenen cuentaque la imagen puede aparece en diferentesposiciones, aveces lapista esta un poco oculta, ya sabes, ajugar!!Probably the bestTVseriesQuiz !, the best Quizz for the best experts inseriesbecause it willnot be easy, has come to Google Play !,windowsafter an image of aseries hides, you can go uncoveringwindows upyou are clear thatseries is, you have all the letters ofthetitle, and you get thepicture .. easy because no ?, downloadtheApp and the first tounlock all levels !, but keep in mind thattheimage may appear indifferent positions, sometimes the track isalittle hidden, youknow, to play !!
Quizz : Animals 1.1.i
60 seconds to play and learn about the animal world.
Friends: Quiz Game 1.0.1
Test your F.R.I.E.N.D.S knowledge with this amazing game &scoreas high you can
Series Quiz 2015 1.0
¿Eres un seriéfilo de pro? DemuéstraloenSeriesQuiz. Un juego con cientos de preguntas sobre lasseriesmásconocidas (y otras no tanto). Responde a preguntas decadanivelpara desbloquear niveles con mayor dificultad. Teencontrarásconpreguntas sobre series actuales, series inglesas,dedibujosanimados y muchas más…Si eres experto en series como Juego de Tronos,Perdidos,BreakingBad, Los Simpson o Mad Men no dudes en probarSeriesQuiz._________La aplicación aún está en fase beta por lo que siencuentrasalgúnproblema no dudes en comentarlo para que podamosarreglartodos losproblemas.Are you aproseriéfilo?Prove it in Series Quiz. A game with hundredsofquestions aboutthe most popular shows (and some not so).Answersquestions fromeach level to unlock more difficult levels.You'llfind yourselfwith questions about current series, Britishseries,cartoons andmany more ...If you are an expert on shows like Game of Thrones,Lost,BreakingBad, Mad Men The Simpsons or not hesitate to trySeriesQuiz._________The app is still in beta so if you encounter any problemsdonothesitate to comment so we can solve all problems.
Football Players Quiz 2.15.5e
John Lops
From Maradona to Ronaldo throughSeedorforTotti, find every football player one after the other tobecomethemaster !More than 180 levels to put your footballing knowledgetothetest... and even more to come !Good luck :)
Quiz - Dieux et Mythologie 2.3.5e
John Lops
Mythologie grecque, nordique, égyptienneouencore hindi.. Ce quiz passe en revue toutes ces mythologiesquiont marquées les temps !Viens découvrir et essayer de trouver ces Dieux et Héros quiontlaissé une trace dans l'histoire de la mythologie.Passes les niveaux un à un pour devenir le maître delamythologie !40 niveaux pour mettre tes connaissances à rude épreuve. Etbienplus à venir !À toi de jouer :)Greek mythology,Norse,Egyptian or Hindi .. This quiz is reviewing all thesemythologiesthat have marked the time!Come discover and try to find those gods and heroes who havelefta trace in the history of mythology.Passes levels one by one to become the master ofmythology!40 levels to your strained knowledge. And more to come!Your turn :)