Top 16 Apps Similar to 米米服飾購物網

GLOW 歐美潮流服飾配件行動商城APP 2.16.0
「GLOW」時尚繽紛購行動商城APP---免費立即下載,讓指尖滑出你的專屬時尚品味!以多元化的色彩及最新時尚的歐美潮流服飾及配件,讓您打造屬於您的個人風格,手機購物24小時不打烊,高解析度商品圖隨時瀏覽!每月專屬手機會員好康活動,活動推播立即通知,絕不錯過!* 用Facebook帳號或手機號碼就可輕鬆加入會員,24H購物不打烊* 手機/平板/電腦,可同步收藏商品&購物車,切換使用無障礙* 最高等級SSL128 bits加密信用卡快速結帳,方便又安全* 方便的超商付款取貨提供您另外的付款選擇* 優質貼心的線上即時客服服務提供咨詢*商城活動即時推播通知,好康活動絕不錯過在GLOW時尚繽紛購行動商城,洋溢你的繽紛時尚!
ANNAS 流行女裝服飾 23.6.0
PChome24h購物|你在哪 home就在哪 3.56.0
Where are you, where is the home? Continue to listen to yourvoice,master your life, PChome24h shopping is always with you.
露天市集 3.4.4
It is very convenient to contact sellers through diggingtreasuresin the open air and Lulutong, and mobile payment savestime andconvenience! There are more than hundreds of millions ofproductsin the whole station for you to choose! Souks are themobileshopping station of choice!
friDay購物 4.2.43
friDay shopping provides more than 800,000 products such asYuanbai,SOGO Department Store, iMai, brand outlet and 3C, home,fashion,etc., enjoy discount coupons, cash discounts, HAPPYGOpointsaccumulation points, 10-day appreciation period!
EHS東森購物 4.80.1
* Dongsen Shopping ‧ Select Good Things * Skip-the-line shoppingatfamous stores * Do not miss live shopping * Buy for a limitedtime
東京著衣 tokichoi 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
飛比價格 - 購物拍賣比價找便宜必備小幫手 - Feebee v3.12.5_g
"Preferred APP for Online Shopping and Price Comparison" Therearehundreds of millions of price-comparison products; hundredsofshopping and auction websites and selected overseas storesareincluded; The point collection function allows you to solvetasks,get points, and exchange gifts every day. Let you findcheaper andearn more~
123購物 1.2.0
出門逛街,看見心動的商品千萬別衝動!立刻打開123購物搜尋一下,也許您要的好物,正以超低價格熱銷中,動動手指,好東西自動送上門!Go shopping, see theheartof the commodity do not impulse! Immediately open 123shoppingsearch, maybe you want a good thing, is a low price hot,fingertips,good things automatically sent to your door!
九乘九購物網 2.81.0
HL中大尺碼:流行女裝行動購物 2.80.0
Rakuten樂趣買|樂天行動拍賣&購物APP 2.20.2
❗️全台唯一完全免刊登費、免成交手續費的C2C電商平台❗️ 👉彈指間輕鬆交易享受在Rakuten樂趣買行動拍賣的樂趣💕【完全免費】免刊登費、免手續費 💕【快速售出】50%成交商品於24h內售出!💕【輕鬆上架】3步驟簡單上架、隨拍隨賣來自日本樂天,深受民眾歡迎的行動拍賣APP。無論您想賣全新、二手或出清商品、或想撿便宜、逛跳蚤市場的使用者,只要你有智慧型手機,隨時隨地皆可透過Rakuten樂趣買,享受輕鬆簡單又有趣的行動拍賣。Rakuten樂趣買不同於一般拍賣購物,介面上操作上非常簡單。使用Rakuten樂趣買不僅讓你出清閒置商品,而且完全免刊登上架費、免交易手續費 , 也可以買到眾多划算好物,讓您真正享受行動拍賣的購物樂趣❗️ ✨Rakuten樂趣買 五大優勢1. 【完全免費】我們不收取任何刊登費、手續費,讓您零成本開店!2.【一拍即刊】無論全新、中古、二手,只要一張照片就可以完成刊登,商品上架刊登就是如此簡單!3.【溝通零時差】即時通訊功能讓您與賣/買家聯繫、線上議價, 您也可以透過和賣家溝通,選擇您適合的交易付款方式。4.【社群連結】運用社群平台分享您的賣場,呼朋引伴讓您個人商城內的商品立即被秒殺!5.【追蹤功能】追蹤最愛的網紅和常用賣家,讓你即時收到最新的商品資訊。為了提供更好、更優質的購物經驗,我們非常希望您能和我們分享您的使用心得與意見。歡迎使用『改善建議』功能將您寶貴的意見及需求傳達給我們。您的建議將是樂天Rakuten樂趣買最大的成長助力!【客服中心】若有任何產品等相關疑問,請email至:[email protected]
凱西娃娃Cathy doll韓風女裝購物 23.6.0
91APP, Inc.
New messages pop outfit, best savings activities, all in "CaseydollCathy doll" Famous women shopping shopping mall
小三美日美妝|保養生活購物網 23.6.0
The No. 1 Brand of Affordable Beauty Makeup, Get CashImmediatelyfor the First Download! *It is super convenient to joinas a member*24H shopping is not closed *Event push notification~Don't missthe good deals *U.S. dollar consumption rebate 1%,unlimiteddiscount *Open to overseas members to purchase
Pinkoi: Original design goods 6.13.0
Pinkoi remains committed to doing all the small things right.
Rakuten樂天市場購物網 12.27.0
Enjoy 24-hour mobile shopping in the Rakuten Market ShoppingNetworkAPP, and provide member exclusive discounts or doubleRakuten pointsto give away activities, and redeem more discountedproducts throughpoints.