Top 16 Games Similar to Jiu-Jitsu Trainer

BJJ Flow (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) 1.10
A free training resource for BJJ athletes everywhere. #1 onAndroid.
BJJ Roadmap by Stephan Kesting 1.0
THE FASTEST WAY TO LEARN BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU! Do youwantlearnBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu the right way? Then grab the BJJRoadmapappand let the pieces of the puzzle immediately startcomingtogetherfor you. BJJ is the most effective grappling systemin theworld,but it can be very confusing for your first couple ofyearsoftraining. But BJJ can, and should, make sense! The BJJRoadmapappis the perfect tool for getting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsuright,rightfrom the start. - Master the sense of overwhelm soyoucanconfidently navigate your way among the differenttechniquesandsubmissions in BJJ - Learn exactly how thedifferentgroundpositions fit together so that you never feel loston the matagain- Find out what exactly you should do next to getbetteratgrappling - Discover the missing components you need togetyourtechniques to work in a real life sparring situationUsinghighquality video instruction this app will give youthestrategies,tactics, techniques and training methods you need togetgood atBJJ as fast as possible. WHAT YOU'LL GET IN THE FREESECTIONOF THEAPP - A complete overview of the major BJJ positionsand howtheyfit together - A detailed breakdown of the Closed Guard,OpenGuardand Half Guard positions - Guard sweeps that take youfromthebottom to the top - Guard passes you can use to cutyourwaythrough your opponent's defences - How to avoid themostcommonmistakes made on the top and the bottom WHAT YOU'LL GETINTHE PAIDSECTION OF THE APP - Four more positions to round outyourBJJgame, including Side Mount, Knee Mount, Rear Mount andtheTurtlePosition - Advanced details to take your game to thenextlevelquickly and easily. - The best transitions to improveyourpositionso you can keep your opponent continually on thedefensive.-Effective escapes you can use even if your opponent isbiggerthanyou - Overviews of the most common, most effectivesubmissionsfromeach position - How to avoid the mistakes that canlead toinjuryor months of wasted time and effort as you do thewrong thingagainand again. This app covers a complete system forlearning BJJ.Itstarts with the Roadmap concept so that you get thecompletebigpicture of the art of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (along withtheconcepts,techniques and strategies used by almost everyadvancedplayer). Iwant you to know the ‘why, where, when, who andwhat’ ofeverythingyou learn in BJJ, which is why in this app wecover: -Why certaintechniques work better than others. - Where yourarmsand legs MUSTbe to avoid giving your opponent an easysubmission!f- When is thebest time for trying specific moves? - Whois bestsuited forcertain positions and submissions? - What thecriticaltake-homedetails are, without which your technique justwon’t work!Many BJJstudents never end up learning the fundamentalsof the artproperlybecause these basics are so ‘obvious’ to theirinstructorsthatthey don’t bother to pass them on to their students.But iftheconcepts, strategies and tactics of BJJ get laid out foryou inaclear, concise and interesting manner (instead of youhavingtofigure it all out through trial and error) then yourskillswillliterally jump to a new level overnight. ABOUTSTEPHANKESTINGStephan Kesting is a BJJ black belt and an instructorinCombatSubmission Wrestling. In addition to hisgrapplingcertificationshe also has a Black Belt in Kajukenbo Karateand is acertifiedInstructor in Dan Inosanto’s Filipino MartialArts,Majaphait Silatand Jun Fan JKD. With his series ofbest-sellingapps, DVDs, andinstructional programs he has helpedtens ofthousands of martialartists lift the level of theirgrappling game.
Jiu Jitsu 1.0
Flower Apps
If you face a krav maga guy or muay thaitortaekwondo guy or anyother martial arts guy you might thing about jiu jitsu; especialyifthe guyis bigger than you. Jiu jitsu made his tests and showed up to beoneof the mostefficent martial arts. This application will guide you troughtyoupractice.The great features in this application will explain how jiujitsuworks and howto exercice yoursel to be a better practicerFaitures:- The ability to relax while training- Basic Skills For Jiu Jitsu- The Straight-Armlock from Guard- Traditional Jujitsu Moves- Front Snap Punch- Front Snap Kick- Side Breakfall- Escape Front Strangle- Jiu Jitsu Lessons- The Double Armbar- Bicep Slicer Armbar Finish- The Scissor Sweep- Kneebar Guard Pass- Securing Your Triangles
Jiu Jitsu Scoreboard 1.2
This version is ad-supported. If you wantnoads or to support us, please buy Jiu Jitsu Scoreboard Pro(includesthemes selection and keeps track of your matches).__________________________________________________________This application is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) scoreboardandtimer that I use on my practices and wanted to share withthecommunity.The controls are very simple. Touch the timer to start/stopandthe points to increase them. To decrease the score, execute alongpress.In the Options Menu you can reset the timer and scoring,changethe duration of the match and enable a buzzer to be playedwhen thetimer runs out.
Submissions for BJJ & MMA 1.1.3
Grapplearts Enterprises Inc
TAP OUT YOUR OPPONENTS MORE OFTEN! This app givesyoustep-by-stepinstruction for the highest percentage submissionsinBrazilianJiu-Jitsu and Submission Grappling on your Androiddevice.StephanKesting is a Brazilian jiu-jitsu blackbelt, aninstructor inCombatSubmission Grappling, and has over 30 years ofexperience inthemartial arts. He also operates, oneof themostrespected grappling sites on the web. In this app Stephantakesyouthrough the most effective and highestpercentagesubmissiontechniques that can tap out any opponent.GrappleartsSubmissionsincludes: * 42 techniques broken down usingvideoinstruction intoeasy-to-follow steps * Additional 'Details'videosfor everytechnique, taking you through the advanced points tomakethesubmissions truly effective. * All the material isshothighdefinition video so it looks great on your Android phoneortablet* Position-based menus get you to the technique youneedquicklyand easily * This is a universal app, which means thatitworks onboth your phone and your tablet - you don't need tobuydifferentversions for each type of device * This appisself-contained; onceyou have downloaded it you do NOT needaninternet connection toview the step-by-step techniques orthedetail videos TECHNIQUELIST: CLOSED GUARD 1-MethodicalArmbar2-Fast Armbar 3-TriangleChoke 4-KImura Armlock, 5-GuillotineChoke,6-Omoplata Armlock,7-Anke Lock (from top), OPEN GUARD8-TriangleChoke, 9-Armbar,10-Ankle Lock (from top), 11-Ankle Lock(frombottom), 12-Kneebar(from top), 13-Kneebar (from bottom), HALFGUARD14-Kimura (fromtop), 15-Kimura (from bottom), 16-Kneebar(fromtop), 17-Kneebar(from bottom), 18-Anklelock (from top), SIDEMOUNT19-Americana /V-Armlock, 20-Kimura / Chicken Wing,21-Armbar,22-Arm Crush ,23-Head & Arm Choke, KNEE MOUNT24-Kimura /Chicken Wing,25-Spin Armbar, FULL MOUNT 26-FloatingArmbar,27-S-Mount Armbar,28-Americana, 29-Head & Arm Choke,REAR MOUNT30-Rear NakedChoke, 31-Armbar, 32-Crossed Ankle Lock,TURTLE33-Straight Armbar,34-Armbar Using Legs, 35-RollingKneebar,STANDING 36-StandingGuillotine, 37-Standing Kimura,38-FlyingArmbar, GI-BASED39-Cross-Collar Choke 40-Sleeve Coke,41-ClockChoke, 42-Bow &Arrow Choke,
BJJ Training Journal 2
The BJJ Training Journal is "The App YouCanTake On The Mat™."It allows you to save & catalogeveryBrazilian technique that you learn at your academy orduringseminars so you have it forever. After class, record yourselforyour friend performing the technique that you just learned,uploadit to your private account and add additional details.KEY FEATURES-Monitor your weekly training consistency andreceiverecommendations based upon your attendance.-Track your win percentage in competition and in the academytoincrease motivation and assess progress.-Send and receive techniques with other users to shareknowledge.Access and review your information wherever you areon-the-mat oroff-the-mat and put together a game that worksspecifically foryou.-Stop wasting your and your partner’s drilling time by writingoutevery step of a technique during class on a sweaty piece ofpaper.Quickly capture the information so you can get back topracticingthe move.-Get your game back after a layoff by reviewing your game inyourjournal. No more trying to remember everything on your own. Youcanget back up to speed much more quickly when everything isloggedfor you.
BJJ NoGi Book yr1998 Jiu Jitsu 1.0
Secret Positions BJJ No-Gi Book nr.1publishedin Brazil in 1998.In 1997 the attorney and author of multiple martial artsbooksAndre Fernando Brandao came by Marcello Monteiro's academy inRiode Janeiro/Brazil with the revolutionary idea to put togetherabook about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu No Gi techniques.At that time in Brazil very few Jiu Jitsu coaches, wasteachingthe transitions from the Gi game to the No Gi game. Oneyear afterthis visit, to Marcello's surprise, the book waspublished thruGracie Magazine. The Gracie Magazine in Brazil soldthe SecretPositions No Gi BJJ Book for approximately five yearsfrom1998-2003. The Secret Positions Book was launched as the firstandonly No Gi BJJ book available at the time in Brazil.It was released a few months after Fabio Gurgel's BJJ book(Marcelo Garcia's coach) was released thru Tatame Magazine. Theideawas to teach the positions thru pictures and visualization,notjust thru words in Portuguese. Volume I was was created thruanartist's rendition of photos taken of Marcello Monteiroteachingthe techniques. Two years after the release of Volume IAndreBrandao contacted Marcello to produce a second volume ofthisgroundbreaking series. Volume II was produced with actualphotos ofMarcello teaching the techniques. One of the techniques inVolumeII, Omoplata with foot lock, is taught with Marcello MonteiroandRicardo De La Riva.Volume two was dedicated to Marcello's close friendsRodrigo"Minotauro" Nogueira, Rogerio "Minotouro" Nogueira, RicardoDe LaRiva and Fernando Pontes " Margarida. In the back of the bookyoucan see a very special picture of the five black beltstogetherbefore every one of them became known world wide. In 2005Marcellofound out the a Japanese reporter Tsuno was still sellingSecretPositions Volume I & II to poeple who wanted a pieceofBrazilian Jiu Jitsu history. In Volume I you can seeMarcelloMonteiro teaching the famous No Gi Anaconda Choke currentlyused bythe best submission grapplers and MMA champions in theworld. Ifyou are a grappling enthusiast, your library ofinstructionals isnot complete without this series!For more info about Marcello's USA academy and his IntlBJJAssociation please visit us on the web at
BJJ Coach HANDBOOK - Jiu Jitsu 1.0
This is the official BJJ handbook oftheMarcello C. Monteiro's Itnl Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Association.The BJJ Coach Student's Handbook is a reference guide toprovideinformation to students about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.The Student's Handbook contains an outline of thetechniquesincluded in the White to Black Belt BJJ Step-By-StepCurriculum,belt by belt, level by level to give the students amethod toorganize, learn, and execute better their Brazilian JiuJitsugames.You will also find strategy, how to think as a practitioner ateachbelt level and what to expect when you are training orcompeting.This strategy is integrated with the Jiu Jitsuscoringsystem.This handbook is an important tool that should be used by everyBJJstudent and is important that you read and be familiar with allofthe information contained within.BJJ Coach Handbook "TABLE OF CONTENTS"I........ Marcello C. Monteiro BiographyII....... Marcello Mission StatementIII...... School Rules and CourtesyIV...... Understanding Brazilian Jiu JitsuV....... MCM Ranking RequirementsVI...... Curriculum Belt ProcessesVII..... MCM Technique RankingVIII.... BJJ Scoring SystemIX...... BJJ History & Marcello's LineageFor more information about Marcello C. Monteiro or his BJJWorldAssociation, please visit www.bjjcoach.comINSTAGRAM: bjjcoach_marcellocmonteiro
Jiu Jitsu Cronometro Galeto
Aplicativo oficial Galeto brothers éumCronometro destinado aos praticantes de Jiu-Jitsu, o tempoestádefinido por faixa , branca 5 minutos a azul 6 minutos, a roxa7minutos a marrom 8 minutos e faixa preta 10 minutosApplication is anofficialGaleto brothers Cronometro intended for practitioners ofBrazilianJiu-Jitsu, time is defined by age, white blue 5 minutes 6minutes, 7minutes to purple to brown and black belt 8 minutes 10minutes
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Curriculum WhitetoBlueBelt APP Level 1 - Step-by-Step BJJ SystemThe Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Step-by-Step White to BlueBeltCurriculumseries has 4 APPs with a total of 180techniques.The BJJ Curriculum series was created to develop allaspectsofthe fight game to take each student to their highestpossiblelevelfor each belt. You will "learn" effective positions,how toattackand defend, counters and re-counters, guardpasses,sweeps,submissions, escapes, and set-ups to use whenfightingmoreadvanced training partners.Marcello C. Monteiro is well know the world wide as ateacherandcoach for creating fighting strategies. In regard totheBrazilianJiu Jitsu Curriculum he teaches the most importanttricksanddetails that speed up the learning process andfacilitatestheperformance of eachmovement.Marcello is a certified and accredited TechniicalTeacherinBrazilian Jiu Jitsu, registered at the "Federacao deJiu-JitsudoEstado do Rio De Janeiro/Brazil". He is graduated andregisteredasa Professor at the "CREF - Conselho RegionaldeEducacaoFisica/Brazil". He has already prepared, trained andturnedregularstudents into State, National and World Champions."There is only one certain way to learn and improveyourskills,and that is through quality instruction."For more information on Marcello's USA Academy, hisWorldBJJAssociation, Books, DVDs, or to bring Marcello C. Monteirotoyouracademy for seminars check us out at: WWW.BJJCOACH.COM
Best of Roy Harris Jiu Jitsu 1.0
3 classic titles from the master martial artist and 5th degreeblackbelt in BJJ
Roy Dean Academy BJJ 1.0
Judo, Aikido, and BJJ black belt Roy Dean introduces you to theartof jiu jitsu
Jiu Jitsu Scoreboard Pro 1.2
GAN Developers
This application is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu(BJJ)scoreboard and timer that I use on my practices. This is amoreadvanced and ad-free version of the Jiu Jitsu Scoreboard app.The main differences are:- NO ADS.- Choose from 7 different scoreboard themes.- Insert the name of the BJJ practitioners on the scoreboard.- Keep track of all your matches (history of all BJJ matcheseverran on the app).- This version will be supported with new features, such assharingscoreboard through mail, Facebook and Twitter.The controls are very simple. Touch the timer to start/stop andthepoints to increase them. To decrease the score, execute alongpress (the phone will vibrate). To finish the match bysubmissionexecute a long press on the timer.For tablets, please try the free version first to checkanycompatibilities.
BJJ White to Blue Lvl.3CurriculumStep-By-StepJiu Jitsu SystemThe Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Step-by-Step White to BlueBeltCurriculumseries has 4 APPs with a total of 180techniques.The BJJ Curriculum series was created to develop allaspectsofthe fight game to take each student to their highestpossiblelevelfor each belt. You will "learn" effective positions,how toattackand defend, counters and re-counters, guardpasses,sweeps,submissions, escapes, and set-ups to use whenfightingmoreadvanced training partners.Marcello C. Monteiro is well know the world wide as ateacherandcoach for creating fighting strategies. In regard totheBrazilianJiu Jitsu Curriculum he teaches the most importanttricksanddetails that speed up the learning process andfacilitatestheperformance of eachmovement.Marcello is a certified and accredited TechnicalTeacherinBrazilian Jiu Jitsu, registered at the "Federacao deJiu-JitsudoEstado do Rio De Janeiro/Brazil". He is graduated andregisteredasa Professor at the "CREF - Conselho RegionaldeEducacaoFisica/Brazil". He has already prepared, trained andturnedregularstudents into State, National and World Champions."There is only one certain way to learn and improveyourskills,and that is through quality instruction."For more information on Marcello's USA Academy, hisWorldBJJAssociation, Books, DVDs, or to bring Marcello C. Monteirotoyouracademy for seminars check us out at: WWW.BJJCOACH.COM
Jiu Jitsu News 1.5
Jiu Jitsu News: stay current with thelatesttournament videos, news, tweets, & podcasts.
BJJ Database (Jiu Jitsu) 1.0.0
Fight Apps
BJJ Database is the #1 Jiu Jitsu techniqueappfor Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioners. Take your jiu jitsutrainingto the next level!Tired of searching YouTube for BJJ videos? BJJ Databasetakescare of the searching and sorting for you, so you canquicklybrowse all jiu jitsu videos quickly and easily. No brokenlinks orprivate video links EVER!Features:- Techniques: A complete database of BJJ techniquesUPDATEDDAILY!!- Positions: Browse techniques by position!- Professional: Browse videos by professional! Follow yourfavoriteBJJ professor!- Competition: Browse all competition videos categorizedbyfederation and tournament name!See the latest videos from your favorite professors:RicksonGracie, Andre Galvao, Braulio Estima, Rafael Mendes,RodolfoVieira, Buchecha, Caio Terra, Demian Maia, Eddie Bravo,MarceloGarcia, Keenan Cornelius and more!This app is must-have for all BJJ, MMA, and anyonetrainingmartial arts!We are a few developers who also train BJJ just like you. Wemakeno money from this app and would appreciate a review orfeedback tohelp keep us going!Please send us feedback on our Facebook page: