Top 8 Apps Similar to 信用卡优惠助手

QR扣 ( QR Code 信用卡 行動支付 ) 1.4.38
QR扣新功能,智慧繳費,帳單輕鬆繳功能說明:是否厭倦了每次要帶著費用帳單至超商繳費的生活,即日起,智慧繳費提供您於手機上即可完成紙本帳單之費用繳納,拿起QR扣App,對準紙本帳單中的三段式條碼逐一掃描,即可以信用卡完成帳單支付。智慧繳費優先開放中國信託信用卡繳交「中華電信費」、「台灣電力公司電費」、「臺北自來水事業處水費」、「欣欣天然氣瓦斯費」、「學費」費用。QR扣行動支付服務※本服務為保障消費者交易安全,使用前須先註冊,經電信實名認證以防止冒名盜用、盜刷風險。本服務目前提供中華電信行動門號消費者(月租型)使用,其他電信用戶即將開放,敬請耐心等候,謝謝。※本服務使用需插入SIM卡,目前限使用個人身分證申請之SIM卡,身分證號需與申請信用卡之身分證號相同。※目前開放18間信用卡銀行進行註冊:• 玉山銀行• 中國信託銀行• 國泰世華銀行• 萬泰銀行• 元大銀行• 台新銀行• 第一銀行• 台灣中小企業銀行• 土地銀行• 合作金庫• 兆豐商銀• 新光銀行• 凱基銀行• 大眾銀行• 上海銀行• 澳盛銀行• 中華郵政Visa金融卡QR Code信用卡行動支付是中華電信首創的行動支付服務,只要簡單三步驟,即可輕鬆完成行動購物交易:1.【開】起搭配本服務的「QR 扣」APP。2.【拍】取支援本服務的商品QR Code,手機顯示商品資訊。3. 選擇信用卡【付款】完成商品購買。服務設定、交易過程經電信實名認證、銀行金融驗證,資料採加密傳輸及憑證保護儲存。每次交易不需再經過繁瑣資料輸入過程,讓您安心、輕鬆使用行動支付服務,趕快到下面的軟體商城下載吧!※ 您的行動電話或平板裝置需具備 3G連線行動上網能力,傳輸費依據您的上網費率而定。服務特色:1.避免盜用風險:服務註冊經電信實名認證、簡訊驗證、服務密碼設定、資料憑證保護,確保您的交易身份。2.避免交易過程資料洩漏:購物交易時資料經嚴格加密傳輸。3.避免金融資料外洩風險:信用卡資料經演算法拆解成多部份,分別由APP與系統儲存管理,APP不存放完整信用卡資料,配合服務密碼,可避免惡意程式入侵或手機遺失時的金融資料外洩風險。4. 30秒內輕鬆完成行動購物:交易時,直接點選當次要使用信用卡別並完成交易,不需每次交易輸入信用卡資料。5. 輕鬆選擇信用卡優惠方案:服務可設定管理多筆信用卡資料,商品交易時自動帶出各銀行優惠分期、紅利、行銷方案。6. 交易明細一目了然:可管理交易記錄,方便您掌握支付帳目。
我们的用户可以随时随地使用手机百度找到所求,超速秒得,最省流量的第一中文搜索APP,是家喻户晓的装机必备软件,拥有最新最全的热点海量资讯,更有高清视频,小说等独家优质内容等您品鉴,还可以定制您的私人专享套餐—外卖,团购,电影票,酒店等优惠打折信息,一触即达,智慧畅享每时每刻。【软件介绍】手机百度日活过亿,是国内活跃用户top3的app,依托百度家族特有的资源及技术优势,改变传统人“搜索”资讯的模式,最懂你的最新热点头条个性呈现,让生活简单高效。【智能搜索】手机百度依托百度最强大的搜索引擎技术,致力于让网民更便捷地获取信息,找到所求,每日为网民提供超过数十亿次的信息检索服务,瞬间直达你想要的诉求,与此同时强化基于情景建模、大数据分析、智能语义、语音合成等最新前沿技术,为您提供精准智能的搜索服务。【个性新闻】根据你的兴趣,颠覆传统-人“搜索”信息模式全新信息流,只需下拉刷新,最新最全的热点资讯第一时间掌握,足不出户尽享世间精彩,24小时刷不停,让每分每秒的生活都淋漓尽致。【糯米生活】打通百度糯米app内容,网罗全网最优惠的服务信息,包含美食,电影,外卖,ktv,丽人,机票,演出,旅游等数十种服务品类。致力于为您提供最完美的体验。温馨提示:GPS在后台持续运行会影响电池续航时间。Our users can usethephone anytime, anywhere Baidu find the request, speedingsecondswas the first Chinese search APP most provincial traffic,andinstalled the necessary software is well-known, with the latestandmost complete information hot mass, more high-definitionvideo,fiction and other exclusive premium content such as yourtasting,you can also customize your private exclusive packages -takeaway,buy movie tickets, hotel discounts and other benefits,touch up,wisdom and enjoy every moment. [Software]Nikkatsu phone Baidu billions of dollars, is the active userstop3'sapp, relying on Baidu, familial resources andtechnologicaladvantages, to change the traditional man "search"mode ofinformation, most understand your personality presents thelatesthot headlines, to make life simple and efficient. [Smart Search]Relying on the phone Baidu Baidu's most powerful searchenginetechnology, to let users more easily access information, findwhatwe seek, provide Internet users a day over billions ofinformationretrieval services, instant direct access to the demandsof whatyou want, and At the same time strengthen thescenario-basedmodeling, big data analytics, semantic intelligence,speechsynthesis of the latest cutting-edge technology, to provideyouwith accurate intelligence search service. [News] personalityAccording to your interests, to overturn the traditional -people"search for" a new mode of information flow of information,simplypull down to refresh, the latest and most completeinformationabout the first time to grasp the hot spots, stay athome and enjoythe wonderful world, 24 hours non-stop brush, letevery minute oflife is vividly. [Rice living]Get through Baidu glutinous rice app content, the quest for thebestfull-service information network, includes food, movies,take-away,ktv, Beauty, tickets, performances, dozens of tourismservicescategory. We committed to providing you with the bestpossibleexperience. Tips: GPS running in the background continuedto affectbattery life.
香港信用卡電器優惠 1.3
香港信用卡電器優惠銀行會定期為信用卡客戶提供各種購物專享優惠!而電話,電器及影音的優惠則更加十分之受歡迎!同時,往往未能及時留意消息就錯失優惠!因此,香港信用卡電器優惠為你搜集香港部份主要的電器及影音零售店的信用卡客戶專享優惠。*收錄了:百老匯電器,衛訊電訊,中原電器,豐澤電器,蘇寧鐳射,國美電器,張毛記CMK,Panasonic,生活影音,生活電器,生活數碼* Collected: Broadway, Wilson, Chung Yuen Shop, Fortress,SuningCiticall, Gome, CMK, Panasonic, AVLife, AVLife Electric,AVLifeDigitalHong Kong ElectricCreditCard OffersBank credit card customers regularly to provide a varietyofshopping exclusive offers! And telephone, electricalandaudio-tenths of promotions is more popular! At the same time,oftenfailed to pay attention to news on the missing toy! Therefore,HongKong Electric promotions for you to collect credit card inHongKong Most of the major appliances and audio and video retailcreditcard customers exclusive promotions.* Included: Broadway Electrical, Wilson Communications,CentralElectric, Fortress, laser Suning, Gome, Zhang Mao KeeCMK,Panasonic, live video, live electrical appliances, digitallife* Collected: Broadway, Wilson, Chung Yuen Shop, Fortress,SuningCiticall, Gome, CMK, Panasonic, AVLife, AVLife Electric,AVLifeDigital
ABA Studio
★★What is Assistive Touch?- Assistive Touch is an assistant manipulation tool for yourAndroidphone is a similar shortcut iphone cell phone and it'sAllFree!- It floats on your phone screen so that you can easily accessallsetting with one touch, also you can hide it insettingapplication.- Maximize your Android multitasking capability withAssistantTouch. It's better, more powerful and functional thanassistivetouch of iPhone.★★What Assistive Touch can do?Assistive Touch provides the easiest way to:- Quick toggle settings(Change your phone settings like turnonWifi, change screen brightness and so on).- Set and quick open your favorite app- Go to Home Screen.- Lock Screen- App list.- Memory clean and optimize- Clean cache★★★★★Quick switch includes:- Brightness- Ringer mode- WiFi- GPS- Auto rotation- Volume.- Ring down ,Ring up- Setting- SMS , Bluetooth- All applications on device be installed.★★★★★Assistive Touch theme- You can customize Background with actions such as: take a photoorchoose an image from Gallery.- Assistant Touch provides varieties of themes to decorateyourphone desktop.- A lot of themes are FREE download.- You can customize icons with actions such as: take a photoorchoose an image from Gallery.- Each theme is not an APK, so you don't have to install it.Justdownload and click to change.- Thank you for using the app, look forward to receivingyoursupport- If you have comments about the Assistive Touch, you can sendemailfeedback to us.Note : If you has problem to uninstall, PleaseOpenApp/Setting/uninstall, ordeactivate(Settings/Security/Deviceadministrators)
万年历-日历农历提醒记事 4.4.9
最适合中国人的万年历,集日历、农历、记事、提醒于一身的生活助手。【产品简介】①日历:黄历宜忌、节日节气、吉日查询、历史查询;② 提醒:会议、记事、待办、日程管理、生日提醒、日记本;③天气:天气动态、未来一周天气、PM2.5污染提示;④ 特色功能:星座运势、资讯卡片、周公解梦、观音灵签、财喜罗盘、安全期管理、人体节律、马年运程。【产品特点】①最全面的日历查看功能,随时掌握日期,您的时间管理专家!②界面简洁,不冗余,凸显中国风,做最优质准确的中国日历万年历!③更多实用功能,将时间与事件结合,高效生活!④完美继承和延续中国传统文化!【友情提醒】请将万年历加入内存清理类软件白名单,以便我们向您提供更精准的天气及日程管理服务。【联系我们】官方网站 :http://www.51wnl.com官方微博 :@51万年历微信号 :youloftwnlqq交流群:186720268
Just Cleaner 7.20
Easy and instantly clean up and free upmorestorage space that’s what you need Just Cleaner for!Additionally,you’ll get all in one tool cleaner featuring memorybooster, deviceoptimizer, CPU cooler and battery saver. Theefficiency of our junkcleaner is proven: about 4 mln people havebeen using it!Are you suffering from lag and freeze of your device allthetime?Is your phone always running out of space?Is your battery draining faster than before?If you’ve got even one “yes” for the questions above, ourmobilecleaner and speed booster is the right trash manager foryou!With the advanced monitoring process our cache cleanercanintelligently empty background processes, stop stealthyrunningapps and disable stealthy auto-start apps.Just Cleaner Highlights:☆ MEMORY and GAME BOOSTER - forceful phonespeedboosterOur device cleaner and booster kit analyses stopsbackgroundprocess, frees up phone memory. That allows to optimizegames andapps performance and moreover efficiently extendbatterylife.☆ JUNK FILE CLEANER - powerful clean master,spacesaverThis cache and ram cleaner has accurately analyzed thousands ofappsand detect trash including residual files, temp files. As aresult,it cleans cache junk with one tap, frees up space andboosts phonespeed.☆ APP MANAGER - runs your apps and files intelligentlyDetects rarely used or consumption apps that occupying spaceandslowing down your device and uninstalls them. Our Task killeralsomoves internal storage apps to external SD card. That will giveyouenough free space for more desirable apps and files.☆ CPU COOLER - instantly cool down phone temperatureThe less apps are running the less your phone or tablet areheating.So our memory cleaner ‘ll kill two birds with one stone:checkstemperature and make your battery last longer by reducingusage ofoverheating apps!☆ Fast, compact and efficient app☆ Speed up your device with a tap☆ Extend battery life and prevent overheating☆ Boost up memory and save space☆ Smart Design: user-friendly interface, that is easy to useJust Cleaner is an app featuring RAM, empty folder andbrowserhistory cleaner, ram and speed booster and Androidoptimizer. Withintuitive interface, it can clean junk file, cache,ads,unnecessary background apps and in one tap boost up mobilememoryto make your phone faster. Enjoy the highest performance ofyourphone after downloading and using our app.
Hola Notification-Sweet Helper 1.2
★Hola Notification, a useful tool ofHolaLauncher, you will never miss any important messages andwonderfulmoments anymore!Make sure you have installed Hola Launcher V1.66 or above touseHola Notification. will you like it?★Sweet Assistant★Once you have got a message, there will be a numericalnotificationon the right corner of Apps’(phone, SMS, email,etc.)Once the messages have been read, the corner’s markwilldisappear.★Full Coverage★Hola Notification supports almost all messages of your Apps,inaddition to some popular social apps like Facebook, WhatsAppandTwitter.Hola Notification reminders you for all your unreadmessages,including the notification of the desktop, dock bar,etc.★Easily management★You can set the apps you need to be reminded easily andfreely,except the “Dislike” & “Unnecessary” apps.★Special design for Hola Launcher, it’s a part of theHolaToolbox.★Hola Launcher, smaller, yet bigger!The fastest and the smoothest (smallest) Launcher intheworld!Contact USCompany official website: our facebook site: you have any question, please contactus:[email protected] you find Malicious promotion, pleasecontactus:[email protected] Launcher Promotion Policy:
Zdian Manager 2.3.1
FanYue lnc
Zdian Manager is an usefull toolbox, fever android phone users,aimsto provide superior intelligent experience.It is an usefully toolbox which offers ios'sEasyTouchexperience.1. direct setting operation and managewifi,gps,ringtoneeasily.2. provide siderbar mode.3. Enhanced experience for root users.4. Screen capture,flashlight,lock screen, all in one!5. project butter, give you easy touch feelings!6. Zdian Manager is a Button Savior, it provider virtual softHome,Power and Back keys.7. Zdian Manager provides device settings,like wifi,bluetooth,gpsand so on.8. Project butter, smoothly operation!9. Personalize, choose the color you like!10. System-based mutil-task, switch apps in an easy way!11. Acclerate! Kill background apps, free more memory!* Ads FreeNo ads like airpush!Just get rid of Ad Blocker!* HomeBack to home easily!* Mutil-TaskingSystem-based mutil-task, switch apps in an easy way!* Screen LockOne-key screen lock.* Device SettingsDevice settings:WIFI, GPS, Bluetooth, Volume -, Volume -,RingerType(ring, silent, vibrate), Screen-orientation,* Screen CaptureEnhanced custom capture engine, which need root.* Led FlashlightThe best led flashlight.The brightest flashlight!* AcclerateThe best easy task killer, kill background apps, freemorememory!* PersonalizeNow choose the color you like!* Custom apps shortcuts and device settings* Minus ModeStay sliently on the screen edge.* Sidebar ModeScreen Lock, Back, Home, Device Settings* Button SaviorVirtual Keys: Back, Home keys!*How to uninstall the appThe app can not be romoved using App Uninstaller, RootUninstalleror apk manager! First you need to deactivated the deviceadministorin the settings(Settings-->Security--->Deviceadminstor), andthen uninstall the app!* Getting some trouble in how to root your device?Just install the apps like "How to root", or "king root". Maybeyoucan search "your device model + root" in the website google orxdaforums.* Getting some trouble when your device is already rooted?Just insall the newest Busybox in google playstore and the haveatry!