Top 6 Games Similar to 4 Images 1 Mot

1 Image 1 Mot : Quiz Fruits 9
Croyez-vous que vous connaissiez touslesfruits! Vous êtes sûre? Alors, testez vos connaissances aveccettedevinette jeu qui va sûrement enrichir vos connaissancesetvocabulaire sur le monde de fruits.En plus d' apprendre et enrichir le vocabulaire en apprenantdenouveaux motss; l’application est un vrai testdeconnaissances.Comment jouer?1 - Pour jouer, regardez l'image et devinez le mot.2 - Il y a 4 niveaux de difficulté.3 - Devinez la photo de 20 questions pour compléterchaqueniveau..4 - Le joueur passe au niveau suivant une fois ilrépondcorrectement à 50% des questions.5 - Si vous êtes bloqué à un niveau, l'application est dotéedeplusieurs moyens d'aides (demandez à vos amis de vos aiderviamails ou les réseaux sociaux, utiliser les points gagnéspourafficher les bonnes réponses.. etc.).Tous nos jeux sont totalement gratuit, dans nos jeux vous n’aurezàpayer quoi que ce soit pour passer aux nouveaux stages.Toutes les images, photos, polices de caractères et autresmédiassont disponible gratuitement sur internet sous la licence"CreativeCommons".Do you think you knowallthe fruit! You are sure? Then, test your knowledge with thisquizgame that will surely enrich your knowledge and vocabulary intheworld of fruits.In addition to learning and build vocabulary by learning newmotss;the application is a true test of knowledge.How to play?1 - To play, look at the picture and guess the word.2 - There are 4 difficulty levels.3 - Guess the photo of 20 questions to complete each level ..4 - The player moves one level once it correctly answer 50%ofquestions.5 - If you are stuck at one level, the application providesseveralaid means (ask friends for your help via email or socialnetworks,use the points earned to display the correct answers ..etc.).All our games are totally free in our games you'll have topayanything to move to new courses.All images, photos, fonts and other media are available ontheInternet under the "Creative Commons".
Guess Word 1.32
Exciting game where you have to guess thewordfor 4 photos.Quiz of the series of games 4 pictures 1 word, new levels,newdesign, brand new condition!Features:- Nice graphics- Four hundred levels- Constant updates (new levels)- Absolutely freeIf you are having difficulty guessing the word, you can usethetips. Tips are also free!Enjoy the game with your friends, but we recommend to play withyourwhole family.19de0d12d2
1 Image 1 Mot : Quiz Légumes 8
Croyez-vous que vous connaissiez tousleslégumes! Vous êtes sûre? Alors, testez vos connaissances aveccejeu qui va sûrement enrichir vos connaissances et vocabulairesurle monde de légumes.ce jeu permet d' apprendre les noms des légumes tout en jouant etens’amusant.Comment jouer?1 - Pour jouer, regardez l'image et devinez le mot.2 - Il y a 4 niveaux de difficulté.3 - Devinez la photo de 20 questions pour compléterchaqueniveau..4 - Le joueur passe au niveau suivant une fois ilrépondcorrectement à 50% des questions.5 - Si vous êtes bloqué à un niveau, l'application est dotéedeplusieurs moyens d'aides (demandez à vos amis de vos aiderviamails ou les réseaux sociaux, utiliser les points gagnéspourafficher les bonnes réponses.. etc.).6 - Pour gagner les points il suffit de cliquer sur lebouton"Gagner points" et choisir parmi les choix proposés.7 - La difficulté augmente au fur et à mesure que vousprogressezdans le jeu vu les différentes types de légumes inclusdans le jeu: Exotiques secs simples charnus multiples complexescomposés etrares.8 - Pas d'inscription, pas de règles compliquées. Lancez le jeuetcommencer à jouer et à vous amuser!Toutes les images, photos, polices de caractères et autresmédiassont disponible gratuitement sur internet sous la licence"CreativeCommons".Do you think you knowallthe vegetables! You are sure? Then, test your knowledge withthisgame that will surely enrich your knowledge and vocabulary intheworld of vegetables.this game allows to learn the names of the vegetables whileplayingand having fun.How to play?1 - To play, look at the picture and guess the word.2 - There are 4 difficulty levels.3 - Guess the photo of 20 questions to complete each level ..4 - The player moves one level once it correctly answer 50%ofquestions.5 - If you are stuck at one level, the application providesseveralaid means (ask friends for your help via email or socialnetworks,use the points earned to display the correct answers ..etc.).6 - To collect the points just click on the "Winning Points"buttonand choose from the options.7 - The difficulty increases gradually as you progress throughthegame saw the different types of vegetables included in thegame:simple dry Exotic fleshy complex multiple compounds andrare.8 - No registration, no complicated rules. Start the game andstartplaying and have fun!All images, photos, fonts and other media are available ontheInternet under the "Creative Commons".
Guess The 4 Pics - Zoology 1.0
This is the perfect app to have a goodtimewithyour children. Animals Quiz designed to help kids learnandrememberthe name of random animals in the world. Usingfourpictures from oneanimals with different moment, player musttypingthe name of them towin and go to next level.The rules of Animals Quiz:Animals Quiz are quite simple. Have your child guess thenameofanimal in the pictures then combine the alphabet become anameofthat animal. This Guess The Pictures game also includedhelpbuttonwith three options such as reveal letter, remove letterandgethelp by friends. Reveal and remove letter will reducethecoins,but player can share the pictures to facebook,twitter,google+ etcto get help by their friends.Features of Animals Quiz:★ 45 Levels★ 4 pictures in 1 word★ Reveal letter by coins★ Remove letter by coins★ Sharing button with auto snap the pictures to get helpbyfriendsetc..If you feel this is fun game then leave us your goodrateandreview, if you have any feedback then feel free to contactusbyemail.
Quiz Aveyron 1.0.1
DESCRIPTIONQuiz Aveyron est une application qui vous propose dedécouvrirles richesses du patrimoine Aveyronnais tout en vousamusant.Proposée par le Conseil Général des Jeunes de l’Aveyron,lesquestions sont posées sous formes de six types de jeux : rébus,4images 1 mot, devinette par mot ou par image, quiz, QCM,questionvrai/faux.A travers les quatre entités paysagères emblématiques del’Aveyron,le joueur pourra choisir parmi quatre thèmes pourparfaire saconnaissance de ce territoire :1. Variété et richesse de l’habitat aveyronnais2. Paysage et biodiversité3. Les savoir-faire aveyronnais d’hier à aujourd’hui4. Les Aveyronnais d’ici ou d’ailleursUne application ludique et intuitive à destination des jeunesetdes moins jeunes !NB :à tout moment, le joueur peut continuer la partie en coursourepartir de zéro avec de nouvelles questionsl’application propose également à l’utilisateur de partagersonscore sur FacebookDESCRIPTIONQuiz Aveyron is an application that offers you to discoverthewealth of Aveyron heritage while having fun.Proposed by the General Youth Council of Aveyron, the questionsareasked in the form of six types of games: puzzles, 4 images 1word,guessing keywords, or picture quiz, multiple choice, true /falsequestion.Through four emblematic landscape entities of Aveyron, theplayercan choose from four themes in knowing that territory:1. Variety and wealth of the Aveyron habitat2. Landscape and Biodiversity3. aveyronnais expertise from past to present4. Aveyronnais here or elsewhereA fun and intuitive application for young and old alike!NB:at any time, the player can continue the current game or startfromscratch with new questionsthe application also provides the user to share his scoreonFacebook
Logo Quiz: Guess it! 2.01
Guess it
Guess the logos of the most popular brandsandcompanies, known all over the world in one of the most popularlogoquizzes on Google Play!Just how well do you know the most popular logos? If you don’t,youcan always Guess it!This app features unique gameplay like no other! Look atthedistorted image of a logo and guess the name of it usingthechoices A, B, C and D.But hold on, it’s not that easy; the options you have to choosefromare specially chosen to ensure a good challenge foranyone!Divided into levels, this Logo Quiz has great score systemthatwill ensure progressive gameplay. Each logo has a scorevaluedepending on its difficulty. Try it out for yourself!Unlock new levels – the higher the level, the harderthequestions, and the harder to unlock the next level!Every day we find logos everywhere. But just how many of themcanwe actually name? Test yourself with the Logo Quiz: Guess it!,it’scompletely free.Easy to play and made for all resolutions, our Logo Quizbringsfun to all devices and screen sizes! Including the newpowerfulhigh resolution devices! Plays great on tablets too!This quiz features logos from all categories; from carstofashion, entertainment, food, industry, education,technology,transportation, sports and more!The permissions this app uses are standard and necessary forthegameplay, as well as for displaying the ads – this keeps theappfree for anyone to use.Note: All logos shown or represented in this game areprotectedby copyright and/or are trademarks of theirrespectivecorporations. The logos are protected by copyrightand/ortrademark. The use of images in this app for use ofidentificationqualifies as »Fair Use« under US copyright law.More logos coming soon...Check for updates!