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ArtPP 2.2.2
ArtPP -提供您最新藝文展覽的絕美APP新版功能介紹:▪ 全台唯一提供最齊全藝術展訊的APP▪ 藝術博覽會資訊 中英文同步▪ 藝博會VIP電子通行證▪ 全新分類搜尋: 月份、城市、藝術品媒材▪ 附近藝術展覽GPS定位探索功能▪ 更方便、清新、美麗的使用者界面▪ 高清藝術品瀏覽畫面▪ 使用者喜愛收藏功能(藝術作品、藝術家、展覽、藝廊)▪ 即時網路社群分享功能(FB、twitter、email..等)ArtPP讓您一手掌握台灣最新藝術展覽資訊。透過ArtPP,用戶可以隨時隨地探索、追蹤、更新全台藝術博覽會、各地畫廊當期展覽、活動及最新消息,並收藏您喜愛的作品和藝術家、畫廊、展覽。此外,ArtPP更推出了藝博會VIPe-Pass,讓您直接透過手機出入畫廊協會主辦之藝博會。ArtPP提供使用者更簡潔、更美麗、更方便操作的中英文操作界面,快速瀏覽與搜尋您有興趣的展覽、以GPS功能搜尋附近畫廊、行事曆booking,一鍵將看展行程加入您的手機行事曆、電話預約,讓藝術成為您生活風格的一環。而視覺藝術產業如藝廊/畫廊、美術館等藝文機構也可自行申請帳號,到ArtPP後臺進行上稿,提供全球使中、英文使用者最新的展覽資訊,讓台灣的視覺藝術展覽行銷國際。關於社團法人中華民國畫廊協會:畫廊協會每年定期舉辦一次畫廊博覽會, 2005 年,畫廊協會鑒於 21世紀藝術市場趨勢轉變,進而將台北國際藝設博覽會更名為「ArtTaipei台北國際藝術博覽會」,將博覽會定調於當代、年輕的亞洲藝術,盼台灣以經濟及地理的優勢,完整呈現藝術中的「AsiaLive-亞洲現場」。APP開發單位-台北藝術產經研究室:畫廊協會於2010年正式成立第一個附屬機構「台北藝術產經研究室」,基於台灣畫廊產業發展與相關政策推動之需求,負責產業環境與趨勢研究、以及數據調查分析,並逐步發展成畫廊產業的智庫,提供產業各項調查數據、建言、警示與趨勢報告等,供畫廊同業與政府單位作為業務制定和推動的參考。2014年完成ArtPP1.0藝文資訊行動平台上線。2015年更著手2.0版本的更新建置,提供行動裝置使用者更優良的藝文行動平台經驗。ArtPP: a beautiful mobile app with latest artexhibitioninformation around Taiwan.New features:▪ The only art app which provide the latest information aboutartfairs and gallery exhibition in Taiwan▪ Bilingual Art Fair information (Chinese/English)▪ VIP e-Pass in Art Fair▪ Brand new searching categories (search by month, city,artworkmaterial)▪ Explore galleries near you by GPS location▪ A more convenient, and more beautiful user interface▪ High resolution artwork photos browsing▪ Favorite and collect your beloved artworks, artists,exhibitions,and art galleries▪ Sharing information on social network such as Facebook,Twitter,and email…etc.ArtPP provides the latest art exhibition around Taiwan.ThroughArtPP, users can explore, update, and follow Art FairsandExhibition in Taiwan, plus art events and news, users canalsocollect and favorite the artworks, artists, exhibition,galleriesyou love. In addition, ArtPP offer Art Taipei VIP e-Pass,whichenables you to pass the entrance without bring any hard copyVIPcard or invitation.Compared with ArtPP 1.0, the new ArtPP gives you a whole newuserexperience with a simpler and more beautiful user interface,andoffers you both Chinese and English information. ArtPP providesusernew searching categories for art exhibition, and GPSlocatingfeature to find the nearest art galleries, and connectsyour mobilecalendar to book schedule for the latest exhibitionopening.Art galleries, museums, and other art institutions can sign upforArtPP member and upload the latest event and exhibitioninformationin both Chinese and English.About TAGA:Taiwan Art Gallery Association (TAGA) organizes theinternationalart fair, Taipei Art Fair International, annually. In1997, as Asiawas stroke by the economic crisis, most art fairs werecancelledexcept Taipei Art Fair International. In order to servicethese newcollectors, Art Taipei Executive Committee, established in2004,inherited from 12 years of successful exhibitions of thepreviousTaipei Art Fair International, and renamed it as “ArtTaipei”.Focusing on the newest trends of Asian art market, ArtTaipeiprovides galleries more professional and customizedservices.About TAERCentre:Taipei Art Economy Research Centre (TAERCentre), a researchbodyunder the Taiwan Art Gallery Association with a mission tomakevisual art industry in Taiwan more innovative, has beensetbecoming an international policy think-tank for economicandindustry-related research as its goal. We engage in researchwithan emphasis on professional knowledge and innovative thinkinginterms of serving a warming mechanism on economic andindustrialpolicy issues, and providing constructiverecommendations. In 2014,TAERC launched ArtPP 1.0, and launchedArtPP 2.0 in 2015.
FLiPER 2.4.2
提供最新、最優質的潮流藝文資訊。除了網路、紙本雜誌外,FLiPER潮流藝文誌全新推出FLiPERApp,讓你無論身在哪裡,都可以閱讀FLiPER潮流藝文誌的優質內容。FLiPER潮流藝文誌成立於2012年,每日報導最新時尚、潮流、街頭文化以及人文藝術等資訊。甫成立三個月內,便繼 Juksy及Overdope 後,為台灣第三大的時尚潮流資訊網站,並且於 2013 年 5 月底,於全球擁有公信力之評比網站Alexa台灣區排名正式躍升為三百名。2013 年上旬 FLiPERMAG廣邀各界品牌主理人及文創部落客於站上撰寫專欄,未來將朝社群媒體的方向邁進,期望成為品味生活的資訊社群。關於 FLiPER 團隊FLiPER團隊是由四位熱血的七年級生所共同創辦,團隊中四位共同創辦人為就讀大安高工時的同窗好友。大學畢業後,因彼此同樣擁有創業的夢想,因而再次凝聚在一起。團隊的雛型是在2010年的年底誕生的,由Wen 力邀 Rasiel加入後成立,後來陸續加入 Cash以及Steven,四位成員來自不同的背景:包含設計、工程、管理…等,因此成就了目前強大的團隊,於2012年下旬加入了新成員Shadow也確立了產品的走向。我們總是秉持著以市場及使用者優先的角度去開發產品,以期能夠做出最符合使用者需求的服務。經歷了一年多的努力打拼,FLiPER團隊於2011年,受到appWorks育成中心的肯定,加入了第四屆的團隊。To provide the latestandthe best quality arts trend information.In addition to the network, the paper magazine, FLiPER launchedanew trend Yiwenzhi FLiPER App, so that no matter where you areyoucan read quality content FLiPER trend of Art andLiterature.FLiPER trend Dynasty History Founded in 2012, the dailyreportedthat the latest fashion trends, street culture and the artsandhumanities and other information. Just set up within threemonths,and then following the Juksy Overdope, Taiwan'sthird-largestfashion trend information website and at the end ofMay 2013, inthe world, with the credibility of the appraisal Alexawebsiteranking official Taiwan jumped to three hundred.In early 2013 FLiPER MAG brand main reason people inviteallwalks of life and cultural and creative bloggers writing acolumnon the stand, the future direction towards social media,hoping tobecome the taste of life in the IT community.About FLiPER teamFLiPER team is jointly founded by four blood of seventhgradestudents, a team of four co-founder Daan Human Engineeringstudentat the classmate friends. After graduating from college,becausethe same with the entrepreneurial dream of each other, sogathertogether again. The prototype is the team at the end of 2010wasborn, after adding Rasiel founded by Wen invited, and laterhavejoined Cash and Steven, four members from differentbackgrounds:include design, engineering, management, etc ..., sotheachievements of the current strong team, in late 2012 a newmemberjoined the Shadow product also established trend.We always uphold the point of view of market and user prioritytothe development of products, in order to be able to make thebestmeets the needs of service users. Has experienced more than ayearto work hard, FLiPER team in 2011, certainly by appWorksIncubationCenter, joined the fourth team.