Top 12 Apps Similar to PainAcupressure
강한 남자 : 남성 단련 프로젝트 1.0.1
===================================================안드로이드 2.2 ~ 4.0 ver. 까지 지원 가능합니다* 다운로드 후 기기 지원문제로 환불을 원하실 경우15분 이내 구매페이지에서 환불 가능===================================================★ 이런 당신께 추천합니다.- 일단 서야 폼을 잡지, 고개 숙인 당신을 위한 정력 강화법!- 시들한 성생활에 괴로워하는 당신을 위한 쾌감의 기술!- 이젠 색다른 맛을 원해? 당신을 위한 속성섹스 노하우 공개!- 변화 있게 오래 즐기고픈 당신! 당신을 절대 고수로 이끄는 필수 코스 A to Z 수록- 모든 남자들께 추천 : 남성 제 3의 성기, 한국밝은성연구소장의 전립선 단련 노하우★ 강한 남자 : 남성 단련 프로젝트- 여자가 원하는 것은 힘만이 아니다!남성의 진정한 능력, 이젠 성생활에도 학습이 필요하다!여성을 극치의 쾌감으로 이끄는 진정한 ‘강한 남자’가 되는 법!한국밝은성연구소 이은주 소장이 침대에서 벌어지는 당신의 모든 ‘능력’을 극한까지 끌어올려드립니다.- 모든 일에는 힘力이 기초, 한의사가 추천하는 정력 강화의 모든 노하우를 알려 드립니다.- 당신을 가로막던 성에 대한 잘못된 상식을 깨뜨려드립니다.- ‘소녀경’, ‘황제내경’ 등 동양의 성전에 관한 참신한 재해석! ‘접이불사’ 기술 공개.- 당장 사용할 수 있는 실전 테크닉 : 침실을 변화시키는 표현, 전희의 기술, 시간과 장소가 없는 커플들을 위한속성섹스테크닉, 변화 있게 오래 즐기는 고수(高手)가 되는 법 수록- 한국밝은연구소장의 10년 축적의 핵심 노하우 : 남성의 샘 전립선 단련의 노하우를 알려 드립니다.★ 카테고리- 일단 서야 폼을 잡지, 기氣죽지 않는 남자의 능력- 당신을 기죽이는 고정관념, 갇힌 성性을 열어라!- 섹스의 맛을 색다르게!- 오감을 일깨우는 쾌감의 기술- 절대 고수로 가기 위한 필수 코스- 강한 남성 클리닉, 제3의 성기, 전립선 활용법* 기획/개발 – ㈜북이십일북이십일은 「설득의 심리학」, 「칭찬은 고래도 춤추게 한다」, 「생각버리기 연습」, 「마법천자문」 , 「모질게 토익」등을출간한 대한민국 최고의 출판그룹입니다.- 북이십일 홈페이지 북이십일앱 홈페이지 북이십일 트위터 @21cbook- 북이십일 페이스북 /book21- 문의 이메일 [email protected]목차- 일단 서야 폼을 잡지, 기氣죽지 않는 남자의 능력1. 남성이여 일어서라2. 일단 서야 폼을 잡지, 발기력!3. 회사에서 뺏긴 정력, 되찾으려면?4. 실생활에서 쉽게! 정력 강화운동5. 실생활에서 쉽게! 탄트라 남성 단련법6. 기(氣)를 되찾아주는 섭생법7. 정력을 되찾아주는 강장식품 - 식물편8. 정력을 되찾아주는 강장식품 - 동물편- 당신을 기죽이는 고정관념, 갇힌 성性을 열어라!9. 섹스의 두려움은 무지에서 비롯된다10. 섹스에 대한 당신의 지식은11. 뜯어고쳐야 할 성생활 고정관념 9가지12. 조루에도 뜻이 있다13. 서로 베풀어라, 정말 뜨거워진다14. 여성에 대한 편견을 버려라! 여성의 사정15. 여성에 대한 편견을 버려라! G스팟의 비밀16. 여성에 대한 편견을 버려라! 여성의 자위행위- 섹스의 맛을 색다르게!17. 섹스가 무미건조하다면 스타일을 바꿔라!18. 쉿! 은밀한 탐험의 출발, 판타지의 세계로 안내하는 사랑의 기술19. 지속가능한 탐험의 연장을 위한 3가지 팁20. 번갯불에 콩 구워먹듯 ,‘반짝 섹스’의 장단점21. 속성섹스 ABC- 오감을 일깨우는 쾌감의 기술22. 침실을 변화시키는 전희의 기술23. 오감을 일깨우는 단계별 에로틱 마사지24. 애무의 기술25. 깨물기의 기술26. 표현의 기술27. 입의 진화, 오럴섹스- 절대 고수로 가기 위한 필수 코스28. '접이불사'의 기술29. 변화 있게 오래 즐기기의 기술30. 기술 용어설명- 강한 남성 클리닉, 제3의 성기, 전립선 활용법31. 전립선 진단 체크리스트32. 가벼운 신호를 무시 말라33. 전립선 강화 PC근육 운동법34. 전립선 강화를 위한 섭생법35. 건강한 전립선을 위한 10가지 생활습관36. 전립선 강화, 요도세척법!37. 전립선 질환에 효과적인 EZ요법!----개발자 연락처 :경기도 파주시 회동길 201031 955 2727
파동칩 혈자리 1.3
인류는 수천년 전부터 자연의 원리를 이용하여 기공, 혈자리, 명상, 호흡등과학으로입증하기 못한 기의 세계를 생활과 건강에 적용해 왔습니다.오늘날 인류는 오염된 환경과 식생활 과도한 유해 요소로 인해 현대 의학으로는 해결 할 수 없는 인체에 심각한 위협을받고있습니다.저희 파워테이크에서는 자연에서 발생하는 기와 조상들이 발견해 이용해왔던 인체의 혈자리를 이용하여 기와 파동을 통한혈의원활한 운행을 도와 현대인들의 건강한 생활에 도움을 주고자 오늘보다 나은 내일을 위해 기와 관련된 다양한 제품을공급하여현대인들의 건강과 복지의 새로운 지평을 열고자 합니다.----개발자 연락처 :010-8775-7229
Advanced Vibrational Healing 1.0
Three simple steps using Advanced Vibrational Healing to treatthefollowing Illnesses, Protection and Clearings:Alcoholism & Drug AddictionAsthmaBack InjuryBronchial and Lung InfectionChronic GoutEnhancing the Immune and Defense SystemHeadachesMigraine HeadachesMinor InfectionsOrgan RegenerationBlood PurificationRoom/House Clearing from Bad EnergyShield of Life (Protection from Bad Energy and Illness)Strengthening and StimulatingSuicidal TendenciesToothacheWeight loss and ObesityAll FreeWe set out on this path to put a commercial applicationtogetherthat we would charge peopleto use so that we could further our works helping others.However; all people should be well and protected fromthetroubles of this world. This is our offering to youour fellow human beings.Advanced Vibrational Healing comes in the form of PranicHealing.We were able to capture the energy frequency onto a soundtrack andplace them onto a music bed, and here they are. To seeliving proofof what transpired in the studio the day these trackswere made goto: Healing Big Pranic healing is a no-touch modalitywhereall types of illnesses can be treated. It is a highlydeveloped andtested system of energy-based healing techniques,using “prana" –the vital energy life-force to balance, harmoniseand transformyour body's energy processes. The Chinese refer tothis subtleenergy as "Chi" in acupuncture. It is also called "Ruha"in Hebrewor the "Breath of Life" in the Old Testament.Pranic Healing AuraPranic healing influences your naturallifeforce to bring about a healthier physical body and is appliedonyour bio-electromagnetic field known as the aura, whichcontainsthe mold and blueprint of your physical body. Yourbio-plasmic bodyabsorbs life energy and distributes it to yourorgans and glands.Diseases first appear as energetic disruptions inyour energy fieldbefore manifesting as ailments in your physicalbody.Master Dangel’s techniques include locating your blockages,tocleanse, energise and revitalise the area with new prana sothatyour body can heal itself naturally.Pranic Healing is a no-touch modality where all typesofillnesses can be treated using ‘chi’ or pranic energy.Master George Dangel, Australian based healer to the stars,regardedby many as a ‘MIRACLE HEALER’ is the first CaucasianMaster PranicHealer to reach the position of number one in theworld in hisprofession, and is also the first ever AustralianMaster of PranicHealing.In 1985, he met and trained under GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui,theGrandMaster of Pranic Healing who brought this modality totheworld, and Master Dangel’s vast experience, spanning more than30years, has made him one of the world’s foremost authoritiesinpranic healing technology, becoming Assistant totheGrandMaster.Master Dangel said: “I’ve had incredible results with peoplewithsevere, debilitating conditions, including quadriplegia,maculardegeneration, blindness, deafness, strokes, motor neuronedisease,paralysis etc.”Patients flock from all over Australia and the world toseeMaster Dangel at his Brisbane-based clinic.His thirty years of study has taken him to China,India,Philippines, Hawaii, USA and Tahiti.To see more of Dr. Dangel's great works through testimonialsgoto: information on this application describes the productsandservices Bio Q offers. The information is not offered asmedicaladvice and should not be considered medical advice.Nothingcontained on this application is intended to be used formedicaldiagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of aphysician orother qualified medical professional regarding anymedicalcondition or treatment. If you have any questionsproceduresinvolving the Bio Q systems, contact a qualifiedphysician. Or,contact us on our website
Pain Treatment 1.3
Muscles Pain Treatment applicationdesignedforyou, it contains many muscles stretching methods,exercisesandtreatments by rest, cold, heat...You can also read about specific muscle, find the paincausedbyspecific muscle and all treatment methods for it.We hope to all of you nice life without PAIN.NOTES:- All info in this application collected fromscienceandphysiotherapy books and rewritten in simplest way.- Please don't do any exercise if you misunderstand it.- We don’t have any responsibility if you do the wrongexerciseormisunderstand treatment content.-This free app is ad supported and may contain adsinthenotification tray and/or home screen.
GroeiApp 33.002 Live
De GroeiApp van de GGD GroeiGids helpt jeomalle bijzondere, leuke en belangrijke stappen in deontwikkelingvan je kind bij te houden en te bewaren. Je kunt jedigitalegroeiboek al in de zwangerschap starten.In de GroeiApp kun je verschillende items invoeren zoals deeersteecho’s, lengte en gewicht, vaccinaties, het doorkomen enwisselenvan tanden, kinderziektes en ontwikkelingsmijlpalen (eerstelachje,eerste stapje, zwemdiploma). Maar ook andere leuke ofbelangrijkegebeurtenissen in het leven van je kind leg je in deGroeiAppgemakkelijk vast. Alle items worden automatisch van dejuisteleeftijd voorzien. De GroeiApp vormt zo een mooieoverzichtelijketijdlijn: het GroeiPad van je kind.Je kunt het digitale groeiboek van je kind zowel via de GroeiAppalsvia beheren en bewerken.Plaats ook bij elk item een foto of filmpje, zodat je later nogweethoe je kind er op dat moment uitzag. Met een profiel-enachtergrondfoto maak je je digitale groeiboeknogpersoonlijker.Natuurlijk is het mogelijk om voor meerdere kinderen eengroeiboekbij te houden.Voor elk kind kun je een mooi fotoboekje printen met alleingevoerdeitems, foto’s, groeicurves en het kindergebit. Op dezemanier kun jehet groeiboek bewaren voor later.De groeicurves, foto’s en andere items in het GroeiPad kunjeeenvoudig delen met je familie en vrienden via socialmedia(Facebook en Twitter) of email.Via de extra info knop in de GroeiApp kun je betrouwbareinformatieopvragen over gezond opgroeien en opvoeden. Ook kun jeviapushberichten betrouwbare informatie ontvangen over gezondheidenontwikkeling, precies passend bij de duur van je zwangerschapofleeftijd van je kind.De groeicurves in de GroeiApp zijn precies dezelfde als diegebruiktworden op het consultatiebureau in het CJG.Wat kan je allemaal met de GroeiApp?1. Profiel aanmaken van je kind of meerdere kinderen (max 6)2. Alle belangrijke gebeurtenissen van je kind of kinderen ineenmooie overzichtelijk GroeiPad (een tijdlijn) plaatsen3. Bijhouden van:a. De belangrijkste mijlpalen en gebeurtenissen van dezwangerschap(echo’s, onderzoeken, et cetera) en de kraamtijdb. Lengte en gewicht in groeicurvesc. De ontwikkelingsmijlpalend. De vaccinatiese. Doorgemaakte kinderziektesf. Welke tanden zijn doorgekomen of gewisseldg. Andere bijzondere gebeurtenissen zoals bijvoorbeeldkraamvisite,eerste fruithapje, verjaardagen, zwemles, de eersteschooldag,vakantie, et cetera….4. Betrouwbare informatie ontvangen en opzoeken op het gebied vandeontwikkeling en gezondheid van je zwangerschap enkind(eren)5. Uploaden van foto’s of filmpjes bij elk item6. Delen van de foto’s, filmpjes en verschillende mijlpalenviaFacebook, Twitter of email7. Afdrukken van GroeiPad in een foto albumThe GroeiApp GGDGrowGuide helps you to keep track of all special, fun andimportantsteps in the development of your child and keep it. Youcan bookyour digital growth start already in pregnancy.In GroeiApp you can enter various items such as the firstechoes,height and weight, vaccinations, coming through andteething,teething and development milestones (first smile, firststep,swimming certificate). But also other fun or important eventsinthe life of your child you can capture easily in GroeiApp.Allitems are automatically provided with the correct age. TheGroeiAppforms a pretty clear timeline: the growth path of yourchild.You can manage the digital book growth of your child from boththeGroeiApp as through and editing. Also place each item a picture or video, so that later yourememberhow your child looked like at that moment. With abackgroundprofile and make your digital photo book even morepersonalgrowth. Of course it is possible to maintain a growth book forseveralchildren.For each child you can get a nice photo book printing allimporteditems, photos, growth curves and the children's teeth. Thisway youcan keep the book for future growth.The growth curves, photos and other items in the growth path,youcan easily share with family and friends through socialmedia(Facebook and Twitter) or email. Through the additional information button in the GroeiAppyouretrieve reliable information on healthy growing up andeducate.You can also receive reliable information via push messagesabouthealth and development, precisely matching the duration ofyourpregnancy or your child's age.The growth curves in GroeiApp are exactly the same as those usedatthe clinic in the CFC. What can you do with the GroeiApp?1. Create profile of your child or more children (max 6)2. All major events of your child or children in a niceorderlygrowth path (timeline) places3. Record-keeping:a. The main milestones and events of pregnancy (echoes,surveys,etc.) and the postpartum periodb. Height and weight growth curvesc. The development milestonesd. The vaccinationse. Made by teethingf. Which teeth have passed or changedg. Other special events such as kraamvisite first fruitsnack,birthdays, swimming lessons, the first day of school,vacation,etc. ....4. Reliable information received and look in the developmentandhealth of your pregnancy and child (ren)5. Uploading photos or movies to any item6. Parts of the photos, videos and various milestones viaFacebook,Twitter or email7. Printing growth path in a photo album
Healing Oasis
Healing Oasis publishes digital and printmediaincluding articles, magazines and books, as well as videosand DVDs.Healing Oasis publishes and manages web properties as wellasproducing and distributing physical products worldwide.Health products include herbal and nutritionalsupplements,energetic solutions and environmental health equipmentto optimizeair, water and light for better human health andperformance.Our focus is on whole person healing of body, mind andspiritthrough innovative technologies to achieve energeticcoherence inbio-communication.We use a proprietary system of Biofield Analysis withrelatedhardware and database software.Our method of accelerated self-healing has resulted indocumentedcases of healing in conditions that otherwise do notheal.Multiple cases of blindness have been restored to functionlevelsof vision in wet macular degeneration, as documented byHarvardtrained retinal specialists.We have also had multiple cases of spontaneous remission ofarange of other chronic degenerative diseases includingcancer,mitral valve prolapse, and scoliosis to name a few.Our philosophy is that your body is always doing the best itcanto heal itself and develop according to your spiritualneeds.We read your responses to environmental stimuli to readyouractive stress patterns in real time.Layers of cause and effect sequences are identified withintheactive stress patterns.These causal chains are cleared sequentially to formulateaunique healing support protocol for you one step at a time, asyouaccelerate your ability to maintain health andprogressivelyunravel incomplete healing processes from thepast.Therapeutic stimuli that abolish your unique causalstresspatterns are adjusted as you make progress.This is typically needed on a monthly basis.Digital systems for remote bio-communication are now inuse,allowing scaling of this level of personal informationandcommunication based accelerated self-healing.The non-local empathic human-based systems we have developedoverthe last 30 years provide the benefits of redundancy, aclinicallyproven backup system, and the means of refining theprocess whencalled for by the challenges of any particularcase.Healing Oasis remedies, health products, services, educationandtraining programs are all centered around this processofaccelerated self-healing.Because of the unique healing responses observed when a stateofenergetic coherence is produced in the human bio-field, wehavealso developed a new integrative model forunderstanding,facilitating and teaching our methods.This contextual model is the Clinical Theory of Everything.The Clinical Theory may be the first science-based modelthatattempts to integrate a functional and structural explanationofexistence at every level of spatial and temporal scale.From quantum dynamics to cosmology, and from the bioenergeticsofterrain to a working model of consciousness and the immortalspiritbody, we draw on numerous other existing models andtheories, bothnew and old, and from many cultures.We invite you to explore the many links, websites, videosandother freely available resources which we have organized for youinthis app.There are also links to books, DVDs, courses andremediesavailable for sale in various venues.Be sure to sign up for our mailing list so that you will notmissout on new opportunities and resources as they becomeavailable.We truly look forward to working with you and getting to knowyouas you get involved in this mission to fundamentally change howtheworld understands and treats health, disease, life,consciousness,and spirituality.Please do let us know your unique needs at every step alongtheway.We are doing this for you... and together we can make the worldamuch better place for ourselves and for all futuregenerations.Blessings on your journey!Glendalf, Wizard of WellnessRev. Dr. Glen Swartwout
Pain Care 1.4
The Pain Care app won the"ProjectHealthDesign"challenge by the Robert Wood JohnsonFoundation andCaliforniaHealthCare Foundation. To read more aboutit, please gohere: As you keep a record ofyour pain, theapp willhelp figure out the cause of your pain, andthe efficacyof treatmentoptions.
Лекарствен Справочник 1.10
Поради многобройните невалиднизаявкизадобавяне на обект (аптека или дрогерия) всекцията"Аптеканаблизо", бихме искали да Ви обърнем внимание, чеизпращайкизаявказа нов обект, GPS позиционирането на устройствотоВи трябвада евключено, за да се получат и точните координатинаобекта.Благодарим Ви за разбирането!Лекарствен справочник и Рецептурен калкулатор.Съдържа детайлна информация за повече от 30000медикаментa,хранителни добавки и препарати, регистриранизаползване вРепублика България.Рецептурният калкулатор служи само за информация зацениналекарства, отпускани с рецепти от Здравна Каса,споредфайловете,предоставени от НЗОК с актуализираните цени.Всекидневно се добавят нови лекарствени продукти,хранителнидобавкии други препарати, предлагани в аптеки идрогерии.Лекарственият Справочник не може да замени консултация сличниявилекар или оторизирано медицинско лице, той служисамозаинформация.Преди да вземете решение за използване налекарственмедикамент,задължително се консултирайте с вашия лекуващлекар иливашияфармацевт.Лекарственият справочник не носи отговорност за вреди,настъпилиследупотреба на даден медикамент, както и за точносттанаподнесенатаинформация или публикуваната цена.Due to thenumerousinvalidrequests to add an object (a pharmacy or drugstore)in the"Pharmacynear," we would like to draw your attention thatbysending a requestfor a new facility, GPS positioning yourdevicemust be turned on toget the exact coordinates of theobject.Thank you for your understanding!Formulary and Formulation calculator.Contains detailed information on more than30,000medikamenta,nutritional supplements and products registeredfor usein theRepublic of Bulgaria.Preparations calculator for information purposes only forpricesofmedicines prescription by health insurance, according tothefilesprovided by the NHIF with updated prices.Daily adding new medicinal products, food supplementsandotherproducts sold in pharmacies and drugstores.Medicinal Guide can not replace consultation withyourpersonalphysician or authorized medical provider itforinformationpurposes only.Before deciding to use a medicinal drug must consult yourdoctororyour pharmacist.Medicinal Guide is not responsible for damages thatoccurredafterthe use of a drug, as well as the accuracy ofthepresentedinformation or the published price.