Top 37 Games Similar to Elemental Heroes Might & Magic

Guild of Heroes - fantasy RPG 1.97.4
Join the Guild of Heroes and fighttheforces of evil in a new fantasy world full of adventuresanddanger. Here, you'll find a way to glory and recognition.Equipyour character and sharpen your skills, practicing sword playandmagic.It's a real, free, fantasy-style action - RPG game for tabletsandsmart phones. The Guild of Heroes game differs from other gamesbyits simple and handy gameplay. Check it out for yourself!◆ Jump right into the heat of battle. An intuitive UIwillhelp find your way around the game in no time. But if you wanttobecome a real hero, you’ll have to work hard.◆ Explore a vast and colorful world. Venture on anepicjourney across unique locations hiding countless secrets. Youwilltravel through vast expanses of plains, thick forestsandimmeasurably deep caves and dungeons.◆ Crush your enemies. Each of them will have uniquebehaviorsand skills. Find their weak spots and leave them with nochance ofdefeating you.◆ Defeat mighty bosses. These children of the darkhaveevolved to become almost invincible. They only fear their ownDarkLords. Kill them to obtain unique ancient artifacts.◆ Equip your character. Collect your own armor andweaponsets from hundreds of available pieces.◆ Learn new spells, upgrade them and use them in battle.Inthis world, all elements can be controlled with magic.Harnessthem, and even the darkest forces will yield to yourpower.◆ Fight shoulder-to-shoulder with your friends. Theywillalways help you defeat the strongest and most viciousenemies.Bring together your own team of warriors and get ready forexcitingchallenges.◆ Change your character class as you progress throughthegame. Choose one of the three available classes:warrior,archer or mage. Change it at any moment without having toreplaythe game.======================Join game's community on Facebook:
M&M Clash of Heroes 1.4
The award-winning Puzzle-RPG is now remastered and optimizedforAndroid devices!Live the epic adventure of 5 young Heroes leading their clanstosave the world of Might & Magic.DISCOVER A UNIQUE MIX OF RPG AND PUZZLE BATTLE MECHANICS- Create offensive or defensive unit formations, masteradvancedcombos and build up the right strategy to beat yourenemies.- Master, earn and hire more than 10 heroes, 40 units and50artifacts to create the ultimate army combination.- Overcome various challenges: enemy heroes, specialchallenges,Boss fights or riddle battles.- After each battle, earn XP and level up your hero and unitstobecome more powerful.- Experience smooth touch-based controls.LIVE AN EPIC ADVENTURE- Play through a 20+ hours campaign in 5 different settings.- Explore vibrant and highly detailed maps full of knights,elves,wizards, necromancers and demons and interact with auniquemanga-inspired environment.- Enjoy the rich Might & Magic graphics and music onyourAndroid device, all in HD!- Challenge one of your friends to continue the adventure intheFace-to-Face and Pass & Play modes.DISCOVER THE MIGHT & MAGIC UNIVERSE: http://mightandmagic.comVISIT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE: UBISOFT MOBILE GAMES: 900MB of free space to be installed (it’s abiggame!)
Magic Rush: Heroes
Free Strategy Role Playing Game! Battle with Warriors,Archers,Snipers & more!
Герои: Огнем и Мечом 12.0.4
ЛУЧШАЯ ОНЛАЙН ЭКШЕН-РПГ ДЛЯ МОБИЛЬНЫХУСТРОЙСТВПрисоединяйся к приключениям в ЛЕГЕНДАРНОЙ ММОРПГ, вкоторуюежедневно играют уже двести тысяч человек! Создай своегогероя,объединяйся с друзьями в эпическом путешествии за трофеямивоткрытом мире!Погрузитесь в мир ожесточенных схваток в реальном временипротивживых игроков. Насладитесь уникальными графическими эффектамиизавораживающей музыки. Используй сотни способностей,тысячивариаций снаряжения для достижения господства в мире!Особенности игры:★Бесплатная игра★Все функции и особенности огромного мира MMORPG, а такжеразвитойсистемы PvP, воплощены на материке Кардалат.★Способности духа★Новая система способностей жизненной энергии, используй еедлянанесения урона по противнику или исцеления союзника вбою.★Изумительные игровые локации★Эпические битвы на Поле Боя, PK стычки и групповые баталии,всепроисходит на живописных локациях Кардалата, состоящего из6материков.★Отличный саундтрек★Музыка заставит вас с головой окунуться в мир, в котором магияивремя создают гармонию. Более тысячи разных звуков и мелодийнеоставят вас равнодушными.★Интересные подземелья★Более 100 различных инстансов, включая: подземелья, рейды,другоймир и так далее, вы не сможете удержаться!★PvP режимы★Безжалостные битвы PK на мировой карте, битвы 1vs1 наарене,командные стычки 4vs4, огромные поля боя 100vs100, все этождетвас! Присоединяйся скорее!★Аватары★Вы отважный воин или гордый лучник, но вам не хватает вколлекциимага, используйте систему аватаров, которая даст вамвозможностьиспользовать любой класс на определенное время!★Улучшение экипировки★На каждой стадии, вам будет предложено получить новое оружие,либоулучшить старое, используйте полученные материалы с умом!★DOTA-подобные мини-игры★Получите свою дозу адреналина сражаясь с тысячами монстров,жаждущихразрушить ваш кристалл. Повелители преисподней откроютпортал, чтобыбросить вызов мастерам своего дела.★Кросс-серверные зоны и PK сражения★Вы никогда не знаете, что может произойти в следующей игровойзоне,может быть там будут ждать огромные монстры, а может ибеспощадныйPvP боец. Будьте начеку, ведь опасность всегда будетблизко!★Общение★Общайтесь с друзьями используя чат или функцию голосовогообщения.Общайтесь внутри гильдии напрямую с функцией голосовогосообщения.Координируйте передвижения на поле боя иполучайтепреимущество.Окунитесь в мир полный яростных битв и захватывающих приключений,сновой MMORPG «Герои: Огнем и Мечом»! Выберите своегогероя,совершайте подвиги и станьте новым королем новых территорий!Укаждого персонажа есть свой уникальный стиль и способыразвития:применяйте магию и заклинания, либо вооружитесь мечом илуком. Увас нет никаких ограничений! Используйте свои навыки испособностив легендарном походе по материку и борьбе с ордойдемонов итысячами других магических созданий. Ждем Вас в новой,эпической,бесплатной игре в жанре RPG!Игровое сообщество:Присоединяйтесь к нашему сообществу и участвуйте вмногочисленныхконкурсах с ценными призами! А так же следите занововведениями иобновлениями на:Сайт: king-2.ruГруппа в VK:Служба поддержки: [email protected] onlineaction-RPGMOBILEJoin the adventure in the legendary MMORPG, which is alreadytwohundred thousand people play every day! Create your hero tounitewith friends in an epic journey of the trophy in an openworld!  Immerse yourself in a world of fierce battles inrealtime against real players. Enjoy the unique graphic effectsandenchanting music. Use hundreds of skills, thousands ofvariations ofequipment in order to achieve world domination!     Features:           ★Free game ★All functions and features huge MMORPG world, and developedPvPsystem implemented on the mainland Kardalat.           ★Abilities spirit ★The new system is capable of vital energy, use it to deal damagetothe enemy or healing an ally in combat.           ★Amazing game locations ★Epic battles on the battlefield, the PK group skirmishesandbattles, everything happens on the picturesque locationsKardalataconsisting of 6 continents.           ★Great soundtrack ★Music will make you plunge into a world where magic and timecreateharmony. More than thousands of different sounds and melodieswillnot leave you indifferent.           ★Interesting dungeons ★More than 100 different instances, including: dungeons, raids,adifferent world and so on, you can not resist!           ★PvP modes ★Ruthless PK battle on the world map, the battle in the arena1vs1,4vs4 team skirmishes, huge battlefield 100vs100, all waitingforyou! Join us soon!           ★Avatars ★You are a brave warrior, or archer proud, but you are missing inthecollection of the magician, use the avatar system, which willenableyou to use any class at a certain time!           ★Improved equipment ★At each stage, you will be prompted to obtain a new weaponorimprove old, use the materials obtained from the mind!           ★DOTA-like mini-games ★Get your dose of adrenaline during battles against thousandsofmonsters, eager to destroy your crystal. Lords of theunderworldwill open the portal to challenge the masters of theircraft.           ★Cross-server zone and PK battle ★You never know what might happen next in the play area, may betherewill be waiting for the huge monsters, and maybe a ruthlessPvPfighter. Be on the lookout, because the danger is alwaysnear!           ★Communication ★Chat with your friends using chat or voice communicationfunction.Communicate directly with inside guild function of thevoicemessage. Co-ordinate the movement on the battlefield and getanadvantage. Immerse yourself in a world full of fierce battles andexcitingadventures, with new MMORPG «Heroes: With Fire and Sword"!Chooseyour hero, perform feats and become the new king ofnewterritories! Each character has their own unique style and waysofdevelopment: use magic and spells, or armed with sword and bow.Youhave no restrictions! Use your skills and abilities inthelegendary march on the continent and the fight against a hordeofdemons and thousands of other magical creatures. We are waitingforyou in a new, epic, free game in the genre of RPG! Gaming Community:Join our community and take part in numerous competitionswithprizes! And also watch out for innovations and updateson:Website: king-2.ruThe group in VK: [email protected]
Герои Битвы : Монстры и Зомби 1.0.0
Обрати свое внимание на мморпгонлайнигру«Герои Битвы : Монстры и Зомби».МОО РПГ игра предполагает битвы на Арене героев и в Колизее.Еслитыне уверен в своих силах, можно подготовиться квеликимсражениямсовершая набеги на военные и рыцарские отряды.Драконы,Орки, Зомбии Монстры сражаются против твоего героя. Дляполученияматериальныхресурсов герои могут грабить Купцов идругихГероев.Игра Герои Битвы : Монстры и Зомби clash mmorpgпошаговыестратегии,имеет все необходимое для героев. Стоитотметить, чторегулярно впошаговые стратегии добавляют новыезахватывающиесражения. Монстрыи зомби в этой ммо рпг игреуникальные, ониинтересны как опытнымгероям так и новичкам.Что ожидает тебя, мой друг:- Большое количество монстров и зомби, 50 квестовповествованияитысячи заданий- Уникальный персонаж, которого создашь ты сам- Сотни уникальных артефактов, от обычных до легендарных- Навыки, колдовские руны, амулеты, прокачка герояизаточкаоружия- Массовые бои с другими героями, кланы, соревнования,драконыимонстры- Союзники и предатели, лиги и клановыебогатства,качественнаяграфика и спец эффекты, ураганные битвы,слава ждуттебя!Герои Битвы : Монстры и Зомби онлайн игрушка в стиле clashmmorpgэто увлекательный мир, в игре вас ожидаютлегендарныемонстры,огненные драконы, неприступные замки и башни,увлекательныеквесты,эпические сражения, пошаговые стратегии, бои сзомби,злобные орки,pvp бои между игроками, схватка за трон имногоедругое.К основным достоинствам подобной рпг битвыможноотнестиследующее:Возможность играть в режиме онлайн что нетребуетдлительногоскачивания.Герои Битвы : Монстры и Зомби - это возможность попробоватьсебявразных ролях, двигаться вперед проходя все квестыибои.Возможность связаться с другими игроками. Не стоиттерятьвремя:начните играть в онлайн ммо игру «Герои Битвы : МонстрыиЗомби»прямо сейчас!Ты еще тут? Не медли, вперед к приключениям!Turned his attentiontotheMMORPG online game "Heroes of Battle: MonstersandZombies."MOO RPG game involves the characters of the battle in theArenaandColiseum. If you are not confident in their abilities,itispossible to prepare for the great battle raidingmilitaryandknightly troops. Dragons, Orcs, Zombies and Monstersfightagainstyour hero. For material resources, heroes can robmerchantsandother heroes.Game Heroes Battle: Monsters and Zombies clashmmorpgturn-basedstrategy, has everything you need for heroes. It isworthnotingthat in the turn-based strategy regularly addednewexcitingbattle. Monsters and zombies in this game mmo rpgunique,they areof interest to both experienced and beginnersheroes.What awaits you, my friend:- A large number of monsters and zombies, 50 narrativequestsandthousands of jobs- A unique character that will create you own- Hundreds of unique artifacts from ordinary to legendary- Skills magical runes, amulets, pumping heroandsharpeningweapons- Massive fights with other characters, clans,competition,dragonsand monsters- Allies and traitors, leagues and clan wealth, highqualitygraphicsand special effects, the hurricane of battle,glorywaiting foryou!Heroes of Battle: Monsters and Zombies online toy in thestyleclashmmo rpg this fascinating world, in the game you expectthelegendarymonsters, fiery dragons, impregnable castles andtowers,excitingquests, epic battles, turn-based strategy battleswithzombies, evilorcs, pvp battles between players fight forthethrone, and muchmore.The main advantages include a similar RPG battlethefollowing:The ability to play online that does not requirealongdownload.Heroes of Battle: Monsters and Zombies - this is anopportunitytotry yourself in different roles, move forward throughallthequests and battles. The ability to communicate withotherplayers.Do not waste time, start to play online MMO game"Heroes ofBattle:Monsters and Zombies" now!Are you still here? Do not delay, forward to the adventure!
Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes 0.33.1401939
May the Force be With You! Unlock & battle with yourfavoriteStar Wars™ heroes.
Eternium 1.13.2
Making Fun
A tribute to classic RPGs, made with passion by old-school gamers.
Heroes Reborn 1.0.25
* BECOME A LEGENDARY COMMANDER!- Chaos has spread through the Kingdoms, and it’s up to you tounitethe Heroes and bring back peace.- Heroes Reborn is a Tactical RPG with countless strategiesandtactics, where no two battles are the same.* RAISE YOUR OWN ARMY- Collect rare Heroes of varying types, from brute-forcefightersand skilled ranged combatants to masters of magic.- Build the most powerful team and conquer the forces of evil!* A MIX OF TACTICS AND STRATEGIES- Unlock, upgrade, and master your Heroes’ abilities to protectyourallies, interrupt your opponents, or deal massivedamage.- Select different fighting squads for different opponents- Overcome the most powerful foes and legions withstrategicplanning and tactical execution.* PvP BATTLES AND WORLD DOMINATION- Compete in unique PvP modes to earn prestige andpowerfulrewards- Put your team to the ultimate test by battling other playersfromall over the world!* IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE- Gorgeous combat with captivating visual effects and extremelydeepstrategic gameplay- Explore mysterious and magical lands to find and collectnewHeroes in an engrossing campaign
Hyper Heroes: Marble-Like RPG 1bbb10831.2208240940
Unique Action RPG. Fast-paced Pinball Hero Gameplay.
Heroes Blade - Action RPG 1.1.2
Heroes Assemble! Your Strategy. Your Team.YourHeroes. Choose and equip the perfect team for battle. Summonyourheroes’ skills with strategy. Take on Epic Bosses,MassiveCampaigns, and the Global PvP Battle Arena withendlesscombinations of Heroes, Skill, and Strategy.HEROES BLADE is one of the most addictive Action RPGs withitsmade-for-mobile gameplay and endless content. Featuring:HERO SKILLS - SUMMON WITH STRATEGY● Heal with a Shaman, Stun with a Brute, or use Spellfire withaSorcerer; strategy is everything.● 4 Unique Skills for every Hero● Endless Team combinations and strategies50+ HEROES TO COLLECT & UPGRADE● From Badass Elves, Undead Pirates, Kungfu Pandas, to yourAverageHumans● Evolve, Enchant, Craft and Combine your Heroes, Equipment,Skillsand more.● Customize each Hero: 6 equipment slots, Skills, Weapon,EvolutionTree, and more.EPIC BOSS BATTLES & GAME MODES● Take on massive Bosses at every Chapter● Hundreds of Quests, Battles, Missions and more.● Endless gameplay: Campaigns, Dungeons, Hero Trials,Expeditions,& PvP ModesGLOBAL PVP BATTLE ARENA● Duel & Rank with Players from around the World● Join a Guild and meet others in the Global Real-Time Chat.● Compete for Resources and Plunder Rare ItemsPlay HEROES BLADE for Free now and unleash your Heroes!--------------We want to hear from you!Join the Heroes Blade Community.Facebook: www.heroesblade.comSupport: [email protected]
Arcane Quest 3 1.7.6
Epic adventures in this classic tabletop RPG based on theoriginalboard games.
Legendary Heroes MOBA Offline 3.4.11
The best Action RPG, offline MOBA for Android!
Idle Heroes
The unique IDLE RPG on Google Play. Form your heroes and battleforvictory!
Heroes Charge HD 2.1.390
Exciting and fun action RPG multiplayer online battle game.
Day R Survival: Last Survivor
Survive in apocalyptic USSR & escape deadly virus inmultiplayersurvival game
Infernals - Heroes of Hell 1.0.1
Hell breaks loose! Fight the ultimate evilinthis sinister Action MMO RPG! Survive and strive for dominance inapost-apocalyptic wasteland. Are you the one who unitesallInfernals and conquers the darkness?Prepare for battle! Assemble an unstoppable squad of heroesandtest their survival skills in action. Evolve them intobrutalmonsters, demonic soldiers, or gifted healers. Fight intacticalreal-time battles and combine your squad’s skills formaximumeffect. Obliterate rogue forces in stunningly detailed3Dfights.FEATURES:★ COLLECT all Infernals for flawless dominance: Infernals aretheultimate warlords who dominate the battlefield. Convince themtojoin your squad and end the reign of the demon lord withtheirsupport.★ ASSEMBLE an unbeatable team of powerful heroes: Summon hundredsofunique characters, collect an unstoppable squad of heroes, andtesttheir survival skills in action.★ UPGRADE your heroes to perfection: Equip them with Relicslikeamulets and masks to unleash their powers.★ ENGAGE in tactical real-time battle: Find the right strategyandbuild the perfect team.★ EXPLORE the corrupted wasteland of the Infernals: Delve intoagrim fantasy world and discover the story behind thosehellishevents.★ COMPETE against the best players in the Fighting Pit: Strivefordominance against thousands of other players worldwideinchallenging PvP modes in this MMO. Join guilds to uniteyourstrengths. Only the fittest will survive in the arena.★ ENJOY stunning 3D characters and breathtaking effectsHuman civilization has reached its peak. Mankind hasharnessedboth the powers of steam and lightning, creatingtechnologicalmarvels never seen before. To sustain this lifestyle,huge amountsof coal and iron were extracted from the ground. Butone day, thecolossal drills dug too deep and ripped open a gatewayto anotherworld – the realm of the demons and other supernaturalbeings.These creatures swarmed from the depths and spread chaosacross theland.General Terms andConditions: app is completely free to play. Additionally itoffersoptional in-app purchases.
Dungeon Hunter 4
Venture forth into the mostimmersive,accomplished, and addictive chapter of the acclaimedaction RPGsaga!***** REDISCOVER THE THRILL OF DUNGEON CRAWLER GAMES- Hack your way through an EPIC STORYLINE & a darkfantasyadventure- SLASH hundreds of enemies and massive bosses- LOOT countless items***** EXPERIENCE A TRUE RPG- Choose from 4 types of warriors with unique combat styles- UPGRADE your battle skills- CUSTOMIZE, craft and charm your gear- Throughout the game, unveil the mysteries surroundingyourwarriors***** GO FOR MULTIPLAYER ACTION- Fight along your friends in the CO-OP arenas- Show off your battle skills in the action-packed PVP mode- Gather up and fight other warriors in TEAM DEATHMATCH gamesThe Demons, a race thought to have been extinguished eons ago,havereturned. You awaken from what seemed like a nightmare to findyourkingdom, Valenthia, decimated. Unharmed from the battle, youaremysteriously gifted with tremendous new power and skills. Youcouldbe your people’s only remaining hope…Embark on an epic adventure and get ready to fight your waythroughintense solo and multiplayer levels in this new freeinstallment ofthe iconic dungeon crawler game.This free fantasy game is best suited for fans of: hack 'nslash,action RPGs, dark fantasy games, multiplayer and freeadventuregames.If you are one of them, get the game now for free!_____________________________________________Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.comFollow us on Twitter at or likeuson Facebook at to get more infoaboutall our free upcoming games.Check out our videos and game trailerson our blog at fortheinside scoop on everything Gameloft.Privacy Policy : of Use : User License Agreement :
Play an entirely new RPG made in classic FINAL FANTASY style!
Summoners War 8.2.4
A Global RPG chosen by 200M users! Win battles with your1500+monsters now!
Epic Heroes: Hero Wars
an unique game on the store! A RTS, online side-scrollerdefensecombines RPG
Heroes of Atlan 1.8.14
Fun! Intense! Tons of Contents! The Greatest Hero RPG!
Dungeon Hunter 5: Action RPG 7.0.0i
Gameloft SE
PvP adventure game with rising heroes to grab the sword andclaimpower
BW&Heroes:Offline 1.8.8
Dark Fantasy Hack and Slash and the best 3D Action RPG.
Heroes of Camelot 9.4.3
Reclaim Camelot from the Black Knight.Jointhousands of players in this RPG Multiplayer Battle Card Gamethatwill transport you into a world dominated by Dragons andMedievalmythological figures!The Black Knight and his undead warriors have invaded Camelot.KingArthur and Merlin have summoned all of Britain for a Hero torise.Will you be this Hero?Battle for survival and reclaim your land's power byassembling,evolving, and enhancing hundreds of powerful heroes.Each herorepresents a card endowed with distinct abilities andpowers.Progress through ten Arthurian lands discover the rarestcards inCamelot. Form teams of rare cards to unleash strategiccombos anddominate your opponents. Compete with thousands ofplayers aroundthe world in a live PvP Arena, and form Guilds in theworld ofCamelot.UNIQUE TEAM-BASED ASSAULTS- Follow a Quest system through 10 Arthurian Britain cities andover80 stages- Strategically form up to three teams to simultaneouslybattleagainst Demons and Dragons- Each team creates unique combos and skills. Your army must bethemost powerful of all Camelot's Territories!THE STRENGTH IN NUMBERS- Form a guild, create your team’s unique crest and recruitfellowheroes- Test the might of your party within your guild infriendlyScrimmage combat- Band together and enter Boss raids in Camelot's 3D dungeon.Selectfrontal, side, back or sneak attack positions to test theBoss’strengthCULTIVATE YOUR ARMY OF HEROS- Enhance the abilities of each Hero and Evolve them intopowerfuland stunning cards- Discover the rarest cards to uncover the most unique andvisceralabilitiesPvP BATTLES IN CAMELOT'S ARENA- Showcase your deck's power in the Camelot's Arena bycompetingwith thousands of players around the world in live PvPcombatevents. Only the mightiest victors will relish rewards andtheadmiration of your peers.STRATEGIZE IN LIVE CHAT- Join a community of fellow Knights and Druids through live chattofind the Holy Grail!ASCEND TO NEW LEVELS OF COMBAT IN THE CHAMPIONS TOWER- Unlock the Caerleon Champions Tower and take on Camelot’stoughestchallenge yet- Explore a unique dungeon on each level and unearthvaluablerewards or hidden boss threats- Prepare yourself! Only the mightiest heroes will ascend tothehighest floors. Will you make it to the top?The StoryKing Arthur had long been revered as Britain's champion,providingthe fair land full of life, wealth and peace. Knights andDruidsalike found serenity with one another. Jealous ofArthur'sadoration from all, the evil Queen Morgana vied todestroyeverything the King protected. Upon discovering a darkrelic,Morgana and the Black Knight invaded Britain, casting a spellandconsuming all life before them.The great Merlin tells a story of a hero in search of the HolyGrail- Britain's only hope. For Britain to be what it once was, acall toarms is desperately needed. King Arthur has summoned allKnights andDruid allies on a quest for a hero to rise. But who canavengeBritain and find the Holy Grail?Follow @HeroesofCamelot for the latest news!Like us on Facebook:********************************By downloading this game, you agree to the Terms of Service,PrivacyPolicy and the License Agreement.********************************
Celtic Heroes: World Boss Raid 4.1.1
Enter a huge 3D MMORPG world!
Forgotten Tales RPG 4.13.3
DM Studio
Classic RPG gameplay with exciting story, tons oflocations,monsters and quests
Rune Rebirth 1.970
Explore one of the best old-fashioned RPG game with real-timecombatbattle!
Heroes & Warlords of Strakeor 12.0.1
Radium Games
Mobilisez une légion de héros et dewarlordspour vous défendre contre les forces qui menacentd'engouffrerStrakeor dans les ténèbres. Recrutez et armez plus de30 héros,warlords et créatures magiques pour combattre cescréatures.CHOISISSEZ VOS HÉROS ET ÉCRABOUILLEZ VOS ADVERSAIRESHeroes & Warlords: Legions United est un jeu d'Action-RPGoùvous pouvez rejoindre vos amis en-ligne et plonger dansdesbatailles épiques contre d'autres joueurs.CARACTERISTIQUES▸ Recrutez et équipez votre légion de héros avec desobjetsmagiques▸ Rejoignez vos amis pour des duels en PVP dans l'arène▸ Evoluez vos héros pour les rendre encore plus puissants etdominezles hordes d'adversaires▸ Découvrez des héros rares, des mondes cachés et des armesuniquesen jouant tous les jours▸ Formez des alliances et créez des strategies ensemble pourdominervotre serveur▸ Rencontrez les membres de votre alliance ou faites vousdenouveaux amis sur le Live Chat▸ Une connexion internet est requise pour jouer à H&WEN FRANÇAIS ET OPTIMISÉ POUR L'EUROPEHeroes & Warlords a été entièrement adapté pour nos joueursenFrance, Belgique et en Suisse. Cette version sera optimiséeencontinu pour permettre à nos joueurs basés en Europe d’accéderàune expérience MMO immersive.JOIGNEZ LA COMMUNAUTÉ DE HAW▸ Découvrez et partagez des astuces sur le forum>▸ Rejoignez vos amis sur la page Facebook> CONTACTER▸ Envoyez vos questions et requêtes>[email protected]▸ Reportez des bugs > est un jeu Free to Play et il offre la possibilité dedépenserde l'argent réel pour obtenir des objets rares et pouravancer plusrapidement dans le jeu. Vous pouvez contrôler lesachats intégréspour cette application à l'aide d'un mot de passedans lesparamètres de votre appareil.Mobilize a legionofheroes and warlords to defend against the forces that threatentoengulf Strakeor in darkness. Recruit and arm more than 30heroes,warlords and magical creatures to fight these creatures.CHOOSE YOUR HERO YOUR OPPONENTS AND ÉCRABOUILLEZHeroes & Warlords: United Legions is a game of action RPGwhereyou can join your friends on line and plunge into epicbattlesagainst other players.FEATURES▸ Recruit and equip your hero with magic items Legion▸ Join your friends to duels in the arena PVP▸ Evolve your heroes to make them even more powerful anddominatethe hordes of opponents▸ Discover rare heroes, hidden worlds and unique weapons byplayingevery day▸ Form alliances and create strategies to dominate yourentireserver▸ Meet the members of your alliance or make new friends on theLiveChat▸ An internet connection is required to play H & WIN FRENCH AND IMPROVED FOR EUROPEHeroes & Warlords was entirely suitable for our playersinFrance, Belgium and Switzerland. This version will beoptimizedcontinuously to allow our players based in Europe toaccess animmersive MMO experience.JOIN THE COMMUNITY HAW▸ Discover and share tips on theforum>▸ Join your friends on the Facebookpage> US▸ Send your questions andqueries>[email protected]▸ Refer bugs> is a Free to Play game and it offers the opportunity tospendreal money to obtain rare items and advance faster in thegame. Youcan control the purchases for this application integratedwith aword password in the settings of your device.
Heroes & Mortals: Kriegsarena 12.0.1
WÄHLE DEINE HELDEN UND FORDERE ANDERESPIELERIN DER ARENA HERAUSMobilisiere eine Legion aus Helden und Mortals.Bekämpfe die Dunklen Kräfte, die die Welt in die Dunkelheitzuziehen drohen.Rekrutiere und rüste mehr als 30 Helden aus, um diesefiesenKreaturen zu zerschlagen!ONLINE ACTION-ROLLENSPIELHeroes & Mortals: Kriegsarena ist ein Action-Rollenspiel, indemdu deine Freunde online treffen und in epischen Schlachtengegenandere Spieler antreten kannst.FEATURES▸ Rekrutiere Helden und rüste sie mit magischenGegenständenaus▸ Entwickle deine Helden weiter, um sie noch gefährlicher zumachenund deine Feinde zu bezwingen▸ Fordere deine Freunde zu Duellen in der PvP-Arena heraus.▸ Entsperre seltene Helden, verborgenen Welten undeinzigartigeWaffen, wenn du täglich spielst▸ Bilde Allianzen und entwerfe Strategien, um deinen Serverzudominieren▸ Treffe Mitglieder deiner Gilde und schließe neue FreundschaftenimLive Chat▸Um Heroes & Mortals: Kriegsarena spielen zu können isteineInternetverbindung erforderlichAUF DEUTSCH & OPTIMIERT FÜR EUROPAHeroes & Mortals: Kriegsarena, optimiert für unsere SpielerausDeutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.Die Version wird ständig verbessert, um unseren Spielern ausEuropaeine unvergleichliche MMOG-Erfahrung zu ermöglichen.KUNDENSERVICE & COMMUNITY▸ Finde Hilfestellungen & Tipps in unserem Forum und teiledeineeigenen Tricks▸ Melde Bugs und Verbindungsprobleme.▸ Begleite uns auf unserer Facebook Seite und lade deineFreundeeinFREE TO PLAYHeroes & Mortals: Kriegsarena ist eine kostenlose App, in derduechtes Geld ausgeben kannst, um seltene Gegenstände zu erhaltenundim Spiel schneller aufzusteigen.Die In-App-Käufe kannst du mit einem Passwort in denEinstellungendeines Geräts kontrollieren.CHOOSE YOUR HEROESANDChallenge other players in the arena OUTMobilize a legion of heroes and Mortals.Fight the dark forces that threaten to drag the worldintodarkness.Recruit and equip more than 30 heroes to smash thesenastycreatures!ONLINE Action RPGHeroes & Mortals: War Arena is an action role-playing gameinwhich you can meet your friends online and compete in epicbattlesagainst other players.FEATURES▸ Recruit heroes and arm them with magical items from▸ Develop your characters further, to make them even moredangerousand to defeat your enemies▸ Challenge your friends to duels in the PvP arena out.▸ Unlock rare heroes, hidden worlds and unique weapons, if youplayevery day▸ forming alliances and designing strategies to dominateyourserver▸ Meet members of your guild and make new friends in LiveChat▸Um Heroes & Mortals: to be able to play War Arena isanInternet connectionON GERMAN & OPTIMIZED FOR EUROPEHeroes & Mortals: War Arena, optimized for our playersfromGermany, Austria and Switzerland.The version will be continuously improved in order to allowourplayers from Europe an unrivaled MMO experience.CUSTOMER SERVICE & COMMUNITY▸ find assistance and advice in our forum and share yourowntricks▸ reporting bugs and connection issues.▸ Join us on our Facebook page and invite your friendsFREE TO PLAYHeroes & Mortals: War Arena is a free app, you can spend inthereal money in order to obtain rare items and level up faster inthegame.The in-app purchases you can control with a password in thesettingsof your device.
Tales of Illyria:Fallen Knight 186.007
A story driven turn based combat RPG. Go on quest, fight, getXP,and level up.
Darkness Reborn 1.5.1
The sixth character [Fighter]hasarrived!A female warrior who treasures the mystery of the East!Now, become a Fighter and vanquish the great evil!Approved by 35 million users around the world!Darkness Reborn is an action RPG that you can't findanywhereelse!Intense, bone-shattering strikes!- High-end graphics resembling a blockbuster PC game!- Feel the satisfaction! Destroy the Devil's army withimmaculateaction and effects.An exclusive lineup of powerful classes!- Warrior, a rock-hard physique with destructive skills- Kunoichi, the ruthless assassin of darkness- Mage, the mysterious sorceress with a dancing chakram- Daemon Hunter, penetrating obstacles with his powerful andprecisearrow storm- I will destroy anyone standing in my way. Savage, the Double AxofDestruction!Unparalleled scale and impeccable real-time content!Win the 3:3 PvP Arena and reach the top rank- Monumental scale for mobile gaming! Conquer Boss Raids withcleverteam-play.Rifts, dungeons for the party of 2 chosen elites- The endless battle for victory begins! Prove your worth intheFallen Labyrinth.Fight the ultimate battle!- Auto Battle System! Conquer the massive content at the speedoflight.- Customize your characters! Craft, Enhance, and Evolve toyourheart's desire!- 1,296 combinations of skills! Prepare for battle againsttheDevil's army.The legendary action RPG with 25 million downloadsworldwide.Experience a new era of action with DarknessReborn!Facebook:* This game requires the following permissions foroptimalgameplay.- Permission to sync your Address Book and access device statusforFriend Invites[READ_CONTACTS, READ_PHONE_STATE]- Permission to sync your Google account[GET_ACCOUNTS]- Permission to save necessary game data externally[READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE]** This game is available in English.** There may be additional costs when trying to obtaincertainitems.* GAMEVIL Official Website :* GAMEVIL Customer Support: ofService:
Heroes of Discord: Offline RPG 1.0.70
Form a party of heroes to defeat the evil! Tacticalrole-playingturn-based game
Book of Heroes 3.0.3
Play The Hottest Mobile RPG!
Fantasia Heroes 1.08
Explore Fantasy world with stunning3DGraphic in this cosmic action RPG. Gather all theHeroesin Fantasia World and power up their abilities to becometheGreatest Hero and kick all Evil from this Fantasia world.Download for Free the MOST ADDICTING and Latestactionrole-playing game for the Android! Install now andstartplaying today! Exciting in-game events and plenty of rareHeroesawaits for you!Features★Endless AdventureExperience an epic adventure as you travel to fight against theevilto save the world!★Massive Heroes CollectionCollect as many Heroes as you can to build the greatest team inthehistory! Over more than 100 unique and varied Heroes frommeleewarriors, agile archers and powerful mages is availabletocollect!★EvolutionUpgrade your heroes and evolve your heroes into morepowerfulform!★Arena PVPBattle with other players in worldwide and have victory over themtoearn the precious Trophies!★Dynamic Guild RaidForm the ultimate guild with other players, participate inthefierce Guild Raid and become the strongest guild in theFantasiaHeroes!★Multiple BattleDungeon - Level up your Hero in the dungeon. Do the battle inmorethan 20 dungeons with 4 difficulty levels!Boss Raid - Team up with your friend to fight theBosstogether!World Boss - Challenge the most powerful Boss together willallHeroes in the worldInfinity Tower - Battle your way up to this never ending tower★Auto ModeUnleash your Heroes skill with Auto Mode for simple andeasybattles!Fantasia Heroes is completely free to play, however somegameitems can also be purchased. A network connection is alsorequiredto play.SupportAre you having problems? Visit our website or Contact us at [email protected] us on Facebook!
Taichi Panda: Heroes 6.1
Enter a world of fantasy, action, and pandas in the top MMOformobile!
Devils & Demons - Arena Wars 1.2.5
Fantasy meets strategy as you battle the forces of evil in thisepicRPG!