Top 21 Apps Similar to Dead by Data

Guide, Checklist - AC Origins 1.2.2
An unofficial checklist, tracker, and guide for Assassin’sCreedOrigins.
GamerLink LFG: Teams & Friends 5.0.30
Find teammates & meet game friends to play together. LFG -squadup, chat, play!
Guide, Checklist - AC Valhalla 2.9.3
An unofficial guide and checklist for Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
Game Cheats for AC Valhalla 1.0.3_10
Game cheats AC Valhalla, guides you through the game withmaps,cheats, videos
Runeword finder for Diablo II 3.5.1
Gain an advantage over competing ladder players by keeping trackofyour runes!
Epal: Play games, Meet friends 5.10.2
Epal, Inc.
Game, Live, Chat, Make friends, Team up, Gaming community,Match,Find squad!
Betrayal at House Assistant 1.2
Personal assistant for board game Betrayal at House on the Hill
Unofficial SCUM Map 1.7.0
SCUMapp, a complete map for scum game
Nikola Tesla Inventions 1.6
Inventions, Quotes and Biography of Nikola Tesla.
Tome of D2 4.0.4
Diablo 2 Runewords, Drop Calc, Breakpoint Calc, Skill CalcHolyGrail +much more
MapGenie: Tsushima Map 2.1.12
Map Genie
The companion app for Map Genie's unofficial Tsushima map
SIGNL4 – Critical Mobile Alerting 3.0.5
Derdack GmbH
In case of critical incidents in areas like workers safety,24/7IToperations, manufacturing continuity or disasterresponse,SIGNL4is your tool for instant mobile alerting. It isdesignedtoeffectively alert and notify incident responseteamslikefirefighters, emergency teams, IT Ops or Security Opsstaff,fieldservice technicians and maintenance engineers. SIGNL4addscriticalmobile alerting to your services and systems in notime. Itbridgesthe ‘last mile’ from IT and IoT systems, machinesandsensors toengineers, IT staff and workers ‘in the field’andacceleratesresponse up to 10x. SIGNL4 notifies staff ondutythrough targetedand persistent mobile push, text messages andvoicecalls withacknowledgement, tracking and escalation. Itprovidesforconvenient on-call duty and shift scheduling toreliablydeliversthe right information to the right people at theright time–anywhere. SIGNL4 enables mission-critical systems in IT,IoT,onthe shop floor and in hundred other areas toautomaticallynotifythe right people when response time matters.SIGNL4 providessimpleand convenient interfaces like email andwebhooks toquicklyconnect systems like IT monitoring, IT servicemanagement,IoTdevices, SCADA systems, security cameras and more. Wehaveverified150+ 3rd party integrations. SIGNL4 enables to: *Reliablyandpersistently dispatch critical alerts and work itemstofieldstaff, maintenance engineers and mobile workforce*Automatealerting/escalation processes by linking machines, ITorany otherapplication to the right person at the right time*Accelerate andensure response by providingpersistentnotifications, responsetracking and escalations * Managetimelyavailability of operationsteams (on-call duties, shifts) toroutealerts automatically * Linkany system directly to staff incharge.Consolidate events andalerts from multiple sources. Create asinglepane of glass forcritical information SIGNL4 provides: *Design forcriticaloperations with a new visual experience includinganative'darkmode' * Persistent and trackable alert notificationsbymobilepush, voice calls and text * Automated escalations basedontargetresponse times * Scheduled and ad-hoc on-call dutyandshiftmanagement * Shared annotations to alerts and audittrails*Raising of alerts from the mobile app * Integrated mobilechat*Alert notifications to your entire team or team members onduty*Custom sounds for your critical alerts * One-touchconnectwithyour team members * Monitors, tracks and reports yourhoursspendon duty (CSV download) * Complete audit trails ofallnotificationsand response (CSV download) * 150+verifiedintegrations andcomprehensive API for 3rd party tools Howcan youtrigger alertsand notifications? * Send an email or callourwebhook (REST API) *From IT like ConnectWise, Zabbix,CheckMK,ServiceNow, MicrosoftPowerAutomate, Azure Sentinel, NodeRed* FromOT like Wonderware,Siemens, zenon and many other SCADA andMES *From any systemscapable of sending email or calling a webhook*Using Amazon Alexa(voice recognition) * In-app 1-clickalerttrigger with automatedgeo-location * Use your web browser tosendalerts to your teamNote: You need a SIGNL4 account to use thisappand some featuresdepend on your SIGNL4 plan.
MathHammer 40K & Kill Team 1.4.82
Jake Noble
MathHammer - perfect target prioritization in 1 click for yourwholearmy
CyberArk Identity (formerly Idaptive) 21.9 (103)
The CyberArk Identity (formerly Idaptive) mobile appprovidesyouwith secure access to all your organization’sapplicationsandresources from your Android device. By using theCyberArkIdentitymobile app, you get: • Single sign-on (SSO) accessto allyourcloud and on-premise apps while giving IT thesecurityandcompliance they need. • Easy-to-useadaptivemulti-factorauthentication (MFA) to better protectcorporate data.Choose fromsingle-tap one-time passcodes or pushnotifications tomobiledevices and smartwatches. • Secure access tocorporateemail,mobile apps, VPN and Wi-Fi (if enrolled into MDMservice).•Separation of your personal and company apps and dataviaAndroidfor Work (if enrolled into MDM service). Beforeinstallingthisapp, please verify that your company has licensedfornecessaryservices from CyberArk. If your company haslicensednecessaryIdentity services, all you will need istheauthenticationcredentials that you normally use to log intoyourcompany’sCyberArk Identity portal. This app may use theDeviceAdministratorpermissions, if your company has enrolled intoMDMservices.
BDO Boss Timers 1.2.8
Be on time to beat your favorite world bosses in BlackDesertOnline!
MapGenie: Borderlands 3 Map 2.1.12
Map Genie
The companion app for Map Genie's unofficial BL3 maps
Guide, Checklist - AC Odyssey 3.1.0
An unofficial checklist, tracker, and guide for Assassin’sCreedOdyssey.
Eldritch Companion 8.0
Reynier Otero
Companion App for Fantasy Flight Game's Eldritch Horror
MapGenie: AC Valhalla Map 2.1.12
Map Genie
Unofficial AC Valhalla map & progress tracker Destiny 2 Groups 2.2.1
Find friendly clans and groups for Destiny 2 and many more games.
eFuse: Connect With Gamers 1.1.23
Meet, Compete, be Discovered. eFuse is THE place for allthingsgaming. Network with other gamers, grow your audience, andget theopportunities in the esports industry you have been waitingfor allon one esports centered social media platform. As seen in:Forbes,Esports Insider, The Esports Observer, ESPN Esports &more…GROW YOUR AUDIENCE - The Lounge Feed Whether you are anaspiringcontent creator, professional gamer, or someone that has apassionfor gaming, the eFuse lounge feed is where YOU can getdiscovered.Post your gameplay videos, follow your role models, andshare yourthoughts with hundreds of thousands of people. FromcompetitiveCall of Duty players, to casual Fortnite gamers, andeven MarioKart aficionados, there is a community for you on eFuse.FIND ACAREER IN GAMING - The Opportunity Portal Often referred toas theLinkedIn of gaming, the Opportunities Portal is what makeseFuse avaluable platform for anyone seeking a new team to join, ajob,scholarship, tournament, or any number of events in gaming..Searchthrough thousands of job opportunities, scholarships,teamopenings, and more unique esports experiences to set yourselfupfor your dream career in gaming. SHOW OFF YOUR SKILLS -PortfolioOn your personal portfolio, showcase your influence in thegamingcommunity by connecting your Instagram, Twitter, Twitch,YouTube,and Discord, list your accomplishments, and connect yourin-gameaccounts from Fortnite, Rocket League, League of Legends andmoreto flex your in-game experience. CONNECT WITH GAMERS-Organizations The esports industry would not exist withoutcreatorsand competitive organizations. On eFuse, owners can buildout theirorganization pages, invite their fans and members, andextend theirimpact. Those wishing to be a part of a growingorganization canfind hundreds of rapidly expanding groups lookingfor people justlike you to join them! Additional features: -Themost recentesports news and updates sourced from a variety ofplatforms-Comprehensive guides written by industry experts abouthow tosucceed in esports -The Pipeline - A chance for high schoolgamersto put their portfolios in front of the most elitecollegiateesports programs in the nation Contact us with questionsorconcerns at [email protected]