Top 1 Apps Similar to MLS PRIVATE LIMITED

As seen on TV 4 times &recommendedbyBBC WatchDog!Is it really free?Yes, the service/installation is absolutely 100% free. ThankstotheGovernment initiated FIT Scheme, which was brought intoincentivizepeople to invest in renewable energy - andthat'sexactly what we'redoing. The App donation covers theDeveloperscost to give you thisApp & connect you to theservice,considering you could savethousands on the cost ofinstallationfor a full Solar System.Imagine only paying 50% of yourheatingbill!It works like this;Under the FIT Scheme, the power companies pay aninflatedrate,called the Generation Tariff, for all of theelectricityproducedby the solar panels, whether it is used by theoccupier, ornot.All they do is borrow money from their bank tocover the costsofthe system, admin work, maintenance, installationandeverythingelse. The Generation Tariff then pays back the bankandeventuallyour profits. Our customers, however, benefitimmediatelyfrom thefree electricity that their UK systemsprovide.There must be a catch, what is it?There is no catch. They have installed over 18,000 systemsforourextremely happy customers generating over 100 million kWhoffreesolar electricity, they have featured on the BBCfourtimes!and keep in touch with the public online via Facebook,Twitter,andyou can find on Google+. If there was a catch you wouldknowaboutit by now. Most importantly we're MCS and REAL approvedasishighly recommended by BBC’s Watchdog.App works on every device tested - let me know if youhaveaproblem. Enjoy your free Solar Installation and pleasetellyourfriends about the app before the Government changetheirminds!