Top 4 Games Similar to Zombie Outbreak

Babies Vs Zombies 1.0
Due to the highly adaptive immune systemofthecommon baby, they have prevented the spread ofzombieoutbreakamongst themselves. The adults left on planet earthareplaguedwith the infectious zombie outbreak and will stop atnothingto getto the “Mother Crib”. The babies left on earth worktogethertoprotect their homeland by using their skills they havedevelopedsoearly on in life. Some babies will be using weapons somejustuseshields to hold back the hoard of zombies. Babies havefoundthatby collecting the brains of the fallen zombies (that isiftheyeven had a brain). The babies have found that they canusetheenergy from zombie brains to improve their morale, thusbeingableto send more babies out to the battle field.The game starts by a player selecting which baby theycanaffordat the time of the start of a Stage. The player will wanttoselectthey type of baby depending on what type of zombieisthreateningthe “Mother Crip”. This Baby will then walk downthespecified rowthe user clicks on. During this baby’s journey ifitshouldencounter a zombie they will battle it out until oneisvictorious.The user will try to defend for as long as theStagelasts. A Stagein Babies vs Zombies is just one of 5 stagesthat auser mustcomplete to advance to the next level. The user willbebroughtback to the Level Selection Screen upon completing aLeveland seethat a new Level has been unlocked. The currency in thegamewillbe used to purchase new babies for battle. This currencycanbeincreased by collecting Brains that fall fromoccasionalzombies.This game will get increasingly hard as theLevelsprogress,offering new challenges that the user must figureout. Oneexampleof how a specific baby is needed for a specificzombie is aFirezombie will need to be fought by a crying baby.
Outbreak Zombie 1.01
The little Zombie is revived and isnowtryingto find the exit.Help the zombie, by guiding the zombie the right way.Don't forget to collect the brains!Zombies love brains!Don't think it would be easy! There are waiting plentyofhazardsof the zombie and lots of challenging level.How to play?When the zombie hits an obstacle, he will turn clockwise,ifthezombie can't he will turn anticlockwise.You have to place gravestones to guide the zombie the rightwaytothe exit.Now go and help that little zombie fellow!
No Girls Allowed
Defend your fort from the ruthless onslaught of the littlegirlarmy.
Shooty Road 1.2
Grab you firearms, a zombie outbreakhastakenover, and cars are fleeing the area. Your mission istosurviveagainst the chaos, and make it as far as possible.- Simple Hop Controls!- Epic Zombie Dodging!- Voxel Graphics!- Many Unlockable Characters!- Many Unlockable Weapons!- Randomly Generated Levels Every Play!- Level Never The Same!- Endless, Increasingly Difficult Enemies!Collect coins to unlock new weapons and characters attheprizemachine! Every 100 coins you collect allows you to beawardedaprize from the machine. Sometimes zombies drop a coin ondeath,sotry to take them out as you continue along, to save up!Crossingastraffic speeds by can be challenging by itself, but trydoingitwhile shooting chasing zombies! The undead followers maybemostlybraindead, but when they spot a live person they maketheirmove!When a zombie reaches you, they will attack and yourcharacterwillbe dead, but not all is lost! Your distance isrecorded andthecoins you collect are saved to unlock cool newstuff!It's crossy action like never before, with voxelgraphicsandsimple swipe and tap controls, see if you can setthefurthestdistance record world wide on the google playleaderboards!Itisn't all blue skies though, and you must fight tosurvive asyouhop along the game world. Compete with your friends tofind outwhocan last the longest!Each play the world is generated randomly, changing thepathsyoucan take to avoid chasing zombies and fleeing vehicles.Apassablepath is guaranteed, but sometimes you might get stuck inanareawith zombies, and have to move quickly enough to escapethem. Asyouprogress and use coins to unlock new characters andweapons,youwill be able to collect more and more until you getthem all!Endless replayability and tons of funny characters tochoosefrom,with zombie slaying and competing with your friendsforfurthestdistance! The characters and weapons available willbeexpanded on inupdates - so stay tuned!Try the new crossing road game today, and see if you havewhatittakes to survive in the zombie outbreak!