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DecoCharaMail(Avatar,ICON) 1.1.3
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Kids' phone'Cookies Watch Jun' management applicationforparents-Use convenient features such as child locationinquiry,phone/text/juntalk!
Anime Manga Drawing Tutorial 1.0
You have probably seen them on theinternetoron your everyday cartoon shows. Yes, anime cartoons aretakingtheworld by storm and now you can get to learn how todrawyourfavorite anime cartoon character. If you are abuddingcartoonistor animator then you probably want to learn how todrawanime.Learning how to draw anime is not as easy as you might thinkitisand it takes hard work and determination to get the artjustright.You can always come up with your own characters and makeacartoonseries for yourself. There is one such anime cartoon thatIfoundquite entertaining.It is called little Ninjai and can only be watched onthewebsiteonline. The little Ninjai series shows a young ninjaboygoingthrough his own adventure as he meets various dangersthatalmostget him killed. Usually you can write to the creators oftheNinjaionline cartoon series on ideas of different episodeswhichthey willtake and review before putting it on.For you to learn how to draw anime of your own, it wouldbebestif you first start with a pencil and paper. Firsttrycreatingcharacters that you already know before creatingyourowncharacter. Once you have mastered the art of drawinganimecartoonsyou can now create the same using your computer.You will have to think of various ideas of what kindofcharactersyou want your anime cartoon to depict. Such as doyouwant yourcartoon to be about fantasy and fiction or todepicttoday's growingtimes. Your story can be about epic adventureandcan show stories onolden times.Learning how to draw anime, a Japanese style of animationthathasbecome increasingly popular over the past several years,iseasierthan you think. Anime televisions shows and movieshaveinfluencedmany people into wanting to learn how to drawanime.Genres!There are several anime genres includingaction,adventure,children's, comedy, science fiction, horror,romance anderotica.There are a variety of different thematicelements becauseof this.Many anime shows combine a variety ofdifferent genres into one.It is not uncommon to have humor andromance in the samestory. Thecharacters are very important and areoften deep, even ifthestoryline is not as complex.Characters!The character is very important in anime. This is whereyouwantto begin when developing your anime storyline orcharacters.Thereis no plot without a good character in anime.First Things First!You need to determine the personality of your characterfirst.Isthe character a boy or girl? Are they strong willed?Strong?Wild?The most common character in anime is strong willed. Astrongwilledcharacter features raised eyebrows, a closed mouth inanupside downV, and a defined position. Next, you will want to addafew weaponsand armor depending on the character. These arethebasics of manyanime characters that you will need to knowwhenlearning how todraw anime.