Top 5 Apps Similar to Body Surface Area V2

GFR & BSA Calculator 1.0.3
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is thebestoverall index of kidney function. Normal GFR varies accordingtoage, sex, and body size, and declines with age.Software use Cockcroft-Gault (for GFR) and the DuBois formula(forBSA) to show value in mL/min/1.73m2. It be recommend by NKF'sKDOQIclinical practice guidelines to estimate GFR.
eGFR Calculators 2.3
From the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), thisapplicationallowsmedical professionals to estimate kidney functionusingfiveseparate eGFR calculators: -CKD-EPI Creatinine2009Equation(Preferred method) -MDRD Study Equation-Cockcroft-GaultFormula-CKD-EPI Cystatin and Creatinine 2012Equation -RevisedBedsideSchwartz Formula (For ages 1-17) Alsoincludes informationon:-Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) -Chronickidney disease(CKD)-Risks for CKD and kidney failure -How to test,evaluate, andslowprogression The National Kidney Foundation istheleadingorganization in the U.S. dedicated to theawareness,prevention,and treatment of kidney disease for hundredsofthousands ofhealthcare professionals, millions of patientsandtheir families,and tens of millions of Americans at risk.Bysupporting theNational Kidney Foundation, you directlyinfluenceand positivelyimpact the lives of those at risk for kidneydisease,those livingwith chronic kidney disease, and those who carefor andabout them.Learn more at 30 East 33rd StreetNewYork, NY 800-622-9010
Body Surface Area 1.0
BSA with the Mosteller formulasquare root(weight x height /3600)In addition to the calculation over 10kg withtheconventionalformulaWeight x 4 + 7 / 90 + WeightIn addition to the calculation under 10kg withtheconventionalformulaWeight x 4 + 9 / 100***dedicated to Adriana*******pli pli***nut scrape******* poor goat
Medicalcul 1.43
Medical calculator with many scores and formulas.
EchoCalc 3.203
EchoCalc also includes a series of key echocardiographycalculatorscommonly used in clinical practice: - Indexing to BodySurface Area(BSA) or Height - LV/RV size & function, LV mass,aorticdimensions, atrial dimensions - Diastolic function assessmenttool- Comprehensive valve calculators and reference data -Prostheticaortic & mitral valves reference data and calculators-Flow-chart guides to both echo and clinical decision making-Stress echo guides to probability of angina and infusion guide-Z-scores for paediatrics - Mini-guides based on BSE Guidelines-Updated to the latest BSE reference data but also allowsswitchingto ASE/EACVI references The app is provided as a handyreferenceutility for cardiac sonographers and is not meant as aguide toechocardiography for patients. As such it does not providemedicaladvice. The BSE recommends that echo reports are onlyinterpretedby suitably trained healthcare professionals andpatients should bedirected to their referring healthcareprofessional for finalinterpretation of an echo report, beforemaking any medicaldecisions.